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Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Chief Rabbi Nixes Virtual Seder on Zoom

On Wednesday, the head of the Tzomet Institute, Rabbi Menachem Pearl attacked a halakhic ruling made by a group of rabbis permitting the use of “Zoom” software to allow seniors in home quarantine to participate in a virtual Passover Seder with their extended family.

The Tzomet Institute was founded in 1977 and specializes in customizing technological and electronic appliances to comply with halakhah (Jewish law).

“The letter [stating the ruling] is very dangerous, and what people understand from it is even more dangerous, “ he told Arutz Sheva.

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Satmar Throws Dr. Zelenko Under The Bus .....But Rabbi Yehuda Levin Says "Shame on Satmar"

Before you watch Rabbi Yehuda Levin ... read my post!
As you all know that I posted a Video where a Dr Zelenko  who treats patients in Kiryas Yoel, came up with an idea, that the US should start treating Corona patients with the malaria drug protocol as soon as they are diagnosed..and not wait until they are already very sick...
So good so far ...... right?? What could be so bad??
Well not so fast folks..... he forgot that he was talking about Satmar ..... big mistake..
He had  added that because the nature of KJ residents is to be closely confined, davening close together, making huge simchas,  etc etc. he estimated that over 20,000 residents had already contracted the virus ...
Big Mistake!!!!
Never mind that he was absolutely correct ... 
and that most of the heimishe oilim don't care about spreading the virus...and his numbers may even be on the conservative side.
Witness the streets in Willamsburg and Boro Park ...
TODAY!!!..... YES TODAY!!!
And So back to my story ...Satmar hierarchy started running around like poisoned mice, to try to shut this guy up;  terrified that the word is out ....... and to make matters worse, their own Rebbe got sick with the virus, 
so "kdarkom bakoidesh" and following their  heiliger "mesorah" from der alter heim,  took this Tzaddik, Dr Zelenko and threw him under the bus ...
 Saying that his statements are not only false but spreading anti-Semitism .... ...
What Satmar wasn't prepared ... was ..that a fearless rabbi by the name of Rabbi Yehuda Levin would put out a video (above) where he is spot on answering the Satmar Askanim!
Watch Dr. Zelenco's megananomous response below 

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Are the DemocRATS Trying To ‘Draft the Snake Cuomo’ ?

Democrats are publicly talking about “contingency options” for their July convention in Milwaukee in case the coronavirus persists in being a public-health threat. 
But privately, some are also talking about needing a Plan B if Joe Biden, their nominee apparent, continues to flounder.
Some Democrats are openly talking up New York governor Andrew Cuomo, whose profile has soared during the crisis, as a Biden stand-in. Yesterday, a Draft Cuomo 2020 account on Twitter announced that “Times have changed & we need Gov. Cuomo to be the nominee. Our next POTUS must be one w/an ability to lead thru this crisis.
Charles Pierce, the politics blogger for Esquire magazine, wrote a piece headlined “With Two Words, Andrew Cuomo Established Himself as the Leader This Country Needs Now.” He enthused that Cuomo’s news conference last Friday “essentially (shutting) down the economy of his state . . . was a master class in leveling with the public.”Democrats are increasingly worried that Joe Biden will have trouble being relevant and compelling in the long four months between now and when he is nominated in July. Lloyd Constantine, who was a senior policy adviser to New York governor Eliot Spitzer from 2007 to 2008, puts it bluntly: “Biden is a melting ice cube. Those of us who have closely watched as time ravaged the once sharp or even brilliant minds of loved ones and colleagues, recognize what is happening to the good soldier Joe.”COVID-19 and . . . 2024?
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Nearly half of New York City's coronavirus cases found in adults under 45

A plurality of COVID-19 cases in New York City are among those aged 18 to 44, but severity rates tend to follow global trends when it comes to age and underlying conditions, data from the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene reveals.
Of the 15,597 confirmed as of Tuesday afternoon, 7,094, or 46 percent, were in patients below the 45. In that age group, 9 percent of people with the novel coronavirus have been hospitalized, and there have been five deaths.
All told, the data suggests the city is in line with other countries like Italy, which has reported that the majority of patients experiencing severe cases of COVID-19 are in older age groups, though that certainly doesn't mean younger people aren't at risk. In New York, more than one-fifth of fatalities have occurred in the 45 to 64 range.
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UH OH! Divorce rates jumping in corona-quarantined couples

Divorce filings are skyrocketing from quarantine-weary and financially stressed couples, according to top matrimonial attorneys, who are experiencing a 50 percent rise in inquiries from potential clients.
According to leading Manhattan family-law experts, some couples forced to spend time together while quarantined in cramped apartments or even in palatial pads haven’t fared well during the coronavirus outbreak.
Making matters worse, dramatic sways in the financial markets will further spur a wave of wealthy divorces, because richer spouses may decide they want out while their net worth dips — potentially helping them avoid larger settlements, legal experts say.
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Minority government off the table...Ganz

Blue and White chairman Benny Gantz met on Tuesday with MKs from his Israel Resilience Party as well as with several MKs from Yair Lapid’s Yesh Atid party and Moshe Ya’alon’s Telem party, and concluded that there is no chance to form a minority government supported by the predominantly Arab Joint List party.

Channel 13 News reported that the other three leaders of the party - Lapid, Ya'alon and Gabi Ashkenazi - share this understanding as well and support the establishment of a unity government in an emergency format to begin with.

A vote on the identity of the Speaker of the 23rd Knesset is expected to take place on Wednesday after the Supreme Court instructed Knesset Speaker Yuli Edelstein to hold the vote.

According to the report, Ashkenazi said in closed talks that Blue and White should stop its fight to appoint its own representative as Knesset Speaker so as not to anger the Likud. 

Gantz’s people then sent messages to the Likud stating that even if MK Meir Cohen is elected to the role, as expected, they could allow a situation in which he is removed from the role.

On Tuesday, Gantz stated in a Facebook post that he has not yet given up on the possibility of a government headed by him being established.

"First of all, we will bring Israeli democracy back to functionality – and then we will form a government to address coronavirus and the additional challenges at stake," he wrote.
"Yesterday we set up the Finance Committee and the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, and today we also set up a committee to address the issue of the coronavirus and other committees that are critical at this time. By tomorrow, in accordance with the Supreme Court's ruling, we will appoint a Knesset Speaker as is required in a democratic state. The spins, the unrestrained attacks on the court, will not affect me and my partners. First of all, I will restore Israeli democracy to full functioning - without fear. Then I intend to discuss all possible ways to form a unity government that will fight the coronavirus and address the additional challenges we face," he added.

Gantz responded to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's call for the establishment of a unity government immediately and wrote, 

"Netanyahu, the gaps between us are substantial. I am fighting for the activation of Israeli democracy, and I hope you will join me in these efforts. And more importantly - you must clearly tell the people of Israel that the rulings of the court are to be obeyed and that there will be no anarchy in Israel. Israeli democracy must not be trampled in the name of the coronavirus crisis that requires thorough treatment - medically, socially and economically. Not on my watch."
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New restrictions in Israel: No walking more than 100 meters from house

 Ministers last night discussed the dire situation, the scenarios, the policies and steps to follow. 

The ministers approved emergency regulations that include new traffic restrictions imposed on citizens.

It is clear that the new restrictions does not include a complete closure of the population as requested by the Health Ministry, but will expand on existing guidelines.

Under the new restrictions, public transportation will be completely eliminated and workers in essential positions will be transported by special shuttle. Taxi travel will be allowed with only one passenger.

The permitted range of exits from the houses will be one hundred meters, and citizens will not be allowed to move farther.

It was also determined that workplaces would be required to measure the temperatures of workers at the entrance.
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Halakhic ruling: 'Zoom' software can be used during Seder

A group of rabbis, including Rabbi Eliyahu Abergel, head of Jerusalem's rabbinical court, the Chief of Rabbi of Kiryat Gat Rabbi Shlomo Ben Hamo, and Rabbi Aharon Cohen of Yakir, have signed a halakhic ruling permitting the Passover Seder to be held in the presence of the “Zoom” program.

The ruling refers to the possibility of holding the Seder with the software being opened before the start of the holiday, so that elderly people who cannot be physically close to their family members due to the coronavirus epidemic can hold the Seder while seeing their family through the program.
The rabbis state in the ruling that there is no need to worry about the issue of operating the program, since it is launched before the start of the holiday.

Regarding the concern that they will be lenient on this issue on other holidays as well, the rabbis state that there is no place for such concerns since it is clear that these days are a time of emergency and the permit is only valid for an emergency.

"Therefore we are permitting, stressing that this is only for emergencies, and only for the purpose of this year’s Seder for those who need it. 

And just as they permit a non-dangerous patient to receive treatment on Shabbat so as to cure him of his illness, so is the case here," the rabbis wrote.
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Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Fought Against the Nazis But What Killed Romi Cohen was Corona

 Reb Avrohom Hakohen “Romi” Cohen died from Corona , he was 92. 
R’ Romi was a famous Mohel who performed thousands of Bris Milah’s as well as famous for having been a partisan in WWII. He was also the founder of “Keren Avrohom Hakohen” 
He was hospitalized a few days ago with COVID-19 symptoms, and was Niftar on Tuesday morning.
Just last month, On the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, International Holocaust Remembrance Day, R’ Romi delivered the opening prayer before the House of Representatives.
Born in 1929 in the city of Pressburg, Czechoslovakia, Avraham Romi Cohn grew up as a precocious child in a warm and caring family. His parents were successful in business and well known for their Tzedakah and Chesed. They often invited guests into their home and hosted local Yeshiva students who had no place else to go.
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DIN .... Why Hashem Sent the Virus

What .... ??

DIN are you crazy???? 
Did your staying 24/7 cooped up make you go insane????

You know why Hashem sent the virus? You arrogant am-ha'aretz!

Calm down folks..... it's true I'm nothing, and I don't know anything..

But since everybody with a hat and a beard has an opinion ... 
I also have a hat and a beard and so why am I not qualified??

So we heard that it is because of Tznees....
We heard it's because of the Chinese shaitlich...
We heard it's because of "vachnachts" "vorts" extravagant Bar-Mitzvas ...Bat-Mitzvas,  extravagant Brissim, "Loshon Hara"...
someone even mentioned that it's because of going to Uman and Lizensk, and other countries populated by the murderers of our relatives ....
Others mentioned Chillul Shabbos and gay parades in Israel!

So I don't know if that's true ... could be it is...

But I want to add some other things to the list ....
these same "prophets" throw Jewish children out of their yeshivos.......
Maybe Hashem closed the Yeshivos now to everyone??
"You don't want my children as bad as they are....well, I'm their Father in Heaven and I don't want your "good" children either."

These same "prophets" that know why Hashem is doing things...
order their talmidim to disrupt the lives of other erlicher yiddin by protesting and blocking traffic to innocent people trying to go to work, to children coming home from school, from pregnant ladies rushing home to feed their Kollel husbands ...
Well, maybe Hashem is saying ... 
"I'll make sure no one goes out ..so now ...let's see you protest ..
if if its really  Le'shem Shomayim...
Why aren't you out now?"

These same "prophets" that stood by silently ... when a frum soldier in uniform went to chap a Mincha in shul ...and was threatened with his life ...spat on and rocks thrown at him ....
no .... not by Arabs... but by the silver and gold bekeshes..
Maybe just maybe Hashem says:
" I'll close the shuls to you too!
If you won't let my child in to talk to me , then I don't want to hear what you and your children have to say... 
and you know what?
I'll close your "tourist traps" stores in Meah Shearim for good measure"

And finally .... Why did Hashem send it to the entire world including the USA?
If it's because of what some of the "prophets" are saying that it is because of "Chillul Shabbos and Gay Parades in the Holy land"
then why didn't Hashem send it to Israel only ....
I'll take the liberty to speculate .... 
wait a second.... let me find my hat...

maybe ....just maybe Hashem is saying ....

"The Talmud says that there is a non-kosher bird that is called "Reah" ....meaning "seeing"...
This bird can see a carcass ...a "neveilah" in Eretz Yisrael all the  way from Bavel....he such great vision...

Asks the Baal Shem Tov ...if this bird has such a great characteristic that it can see such great distances, so why did Hashem make it an unkosher bird?
So the Baal Shem Tov answers .... anything living in Chutz Le'aaretz that sees bad things in Israel .....can never be kosher"

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Rabbi Ephraim Wachsman Blasts “Ridiculous Vorts, Meaningless Vachtnachts, Lavish Kiddushim and Trips to Europe to visit holy sites,

In his over an hour long address, Rabbi Wachsman spoke emotionally about the highly contagious virus that has brought the world to its knees, noting tearfully that in addition to taking lives it has shuttered shuls and yeshivos across the globe.
Drawing on the words of Chazal, Rabbi Wachsman observed that that unfathomable and frightening reality is prophetic, warning us that we need to search our souls and find the divine message that is being sent our way as we spend our days in solitude.
Turning to the Chumash, Rabbi Wachsman noted that there were three instances of plagues that swept through the Jewish nation. The first took place when the golden calf was constructed in the desert, the masses dancing frivolously around the metallic idol. The second plague occurred during the time of Korach, brought on by malicious attacks on Jewish leadership, unwarranted hatred and divisiveness, with the final incidence was a direct result of promiscuity.
The parallels to today’s world are unmistakable, said Rabbi Wachsman, taking aim squarely at the conspicuous consumption that is everywhere in our communities that has spread through our lives, much like a contagious virus.
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Man Drinks Fish Tank Cleaner and Dies ...Wife Blames it on Trump

Image result for fish tank gifs
A woman has spoken out after she and her husband both drank a fish tank cleaner called chloroquine - thinking it was the potential coronavirus treatment called hydroxychloroquine that Donald Trump has promoted at his press conferences - and her husband died.  
The unidentified woman and her husband, both in their 60s, ingested chloroquine phosphate, confusing it with hydroxychloroquine, an antimalaria drug that's shown promising results in treating COVID-19 patients.
Her husband died and she was left in critical condition after drinking the chemical. 
The woman told NBC: 'We were afraid we were getting sick. We were getting really worried.' She said they had been self isolating before each taking a teaspoon of the toxic chemical with soda. 
She added: 'We saw his [Trump's] press conference. It was on a lot, actually. Trump kept saying it was pretty much a cure. 
Referring to hydroxychloroquine she said: 'They kept saying that it was approved for other things.'

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Mother Who Has No More Children ...Begging People To Stay Home and Not Contaminate

I am a mother but have no more children.

My son died 15 March 2020. My 18 year old boy with the funniest sense of humour, best smile and so much love to share. He died.

During his life he faced so many health challenges with such bravery and grace. But He was doing so well. He had a full life to live.
He should never have died!

He got measles!!!  

In 2020 he got a disease that should not exist any more. And he died.

He died a hard fast death. He was ripped away from me in the cruelest of ways. He died!

 My son died because other people think it is ok to not vaccinate your children and then YOU walk around in public and the vulnerable are at risk. 

If YOU don't vaccinate then YOU stay at home. YOU put on gloves and masks and gowns and protect the public from your stupidity. Why should it have to be the other way round? 

All Dylan did was try live his life. But some selfish person ended it for him. And that person will be ok but Dylan is not. He is dead.

Open your ears and LISTEN.

Stupidity and selfishness are deadly.
Just like measles, the corona virus kills. If you get the virus chances are you will probably be ok. But maybe not. Maybe you will die. And before you die maybe you will infect others who will also die because of you. Who knows. Russian roulette with a virus not a bullet. 

Why spread it further. 

Why risk people like my son who never had a chance. Within days he was dead. His body was destroyed. He is not hear any more to tell me jokes or give me hugs. I don't get to hold him or talk to him ever again. He is gone. He is dead.
Do it for Dylan.
Staying home saves lives.
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Listen Williamsburg Vaibelich.......... "G-D Doesn't Help Stupid"

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Monday, March 23, 2020

What Will We Do Without the Goyteh Cleaning Woman

Koil Isha Warning!

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A Secret Minyan in Miami .... But Bring Your Own Toilet Paper..

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Javits Center to be converted to 1,000-bed emergency hospital for coronavirus patients

The feds will set up 1,000 beds for coronavirus patients in New York, President Trump announced Sunday.
Gov. Cuomo’s office confirmed the beds would be established inside the Javits Center in Manhattan.
The Federal Emergency Management Agency will set up four medical facilities with 250 beds each inside the sprawling facility. Trump did not give a date for when the site will be ready to take in patients.

FEMA is able to provide both supplies and staff, Cuomo said earlier Sunday.
“From my point of view, construction can start tomorrow,” the governor said just prior to Trump’s announcement. “There is no red tape on the side of New York.”

In addition to the Javits Center, Cuomo said feds should set up makeshift hospitals at the Westchester Convention Center, to accommodate the New Rochelle cluster of virus cases; and at the state universities in Stony Brook and Old Westbury, Long Island. There was no word from the president on working on those three locations.

Trump uncharacteristically praised both Cuomo and Mayor de Blasio, saying he had an “amazing” relationship with the governor and praising Hizzoner for “working very hard.”

New York State accounts for roughly half of the country’s confirmed coronavirus cases, which stood at nearly 30,000 as of Sunday afternoon. There were there 9,654 positive cases and 63 deaths in New York City as of Sunday morning, according to the mayor’s office.
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The Passing Of R. SHLOMO BIEGELEISEN Quintessential Seforim Seller

All אוהבי ספר join in mourning the passing of R. Shlomo Biegeleisen, זכרונו לברכה. 
One of the most knowledgeable Jewish bookdealers in recent Jewish history, he did not merely sell books. He proffered sound advice, introduced customers to each other, and – in general – provided a congenial setting for תלמידי חכמים, scholars, collectors, bibliophiles, and “ordinary” Jews to meet and exchange ideas. 
Many a חידוש and scholarly article resulted from a conversation that took place (or: was overheard) at Biegeleisen’s Jewish bookstore. Aside from his private customers and their collections, he helped build many of the leading public libraries, including those of prominent Yeshivos and prominent academic institutions. יהא זכרו ברוך!
Special כוס תנחומין to his wife Mrs. Gina Biegeleisen; to his brother and partner R.Moshe Biegeleisen; and to his son Mr. Yossie Biegeleisen. 
A third generation of Biegeleisens has now joined the family business, and there could not be better testimony to this family’s ability to transmit from one generation to the next their אהבת התורה ,אהבת ישראל, and אהבת הספר.
Shnayer Leiman
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Eli Beer United Hatzalah chief in serious condition after contracting coronavirus

United Hatzalah Founder and President Eli Beer, who was diagnosed with coronavirus while on a fundraising trip to the US, is still in serious condition.

Beer is currently unconscious and on a respirator in a Miami, Florida, hospital. His condition, though serious, is currently stable.

In a message to the organization's employees and volunteers, United Hatzalah CEO Eli Pollack wrote:

 "We are praying for his health and believe he will soon return to lead the organization, the way only he knows how."
"I ask that in these days, you work together in the unity which is so important to Eli, and continue to increase prayers and supplications that Eliezer Yehuda the son of Chaya should make a full and quick recovery."

Avigail Beer, Eli's daughter, wrote an emotional Facebook post on Sunday night: 
"This is my father, and he's a coronavirus patient with no number. He is hospitalized in the ICU, 15 hours away from home. For his entire life. my father has fought for the lives of civilians from all over the country."
"From the moment he was hospitalized, the only thing that mattered to him was that United Hatzalah continue to operate, providing efficient and professional medical aid, free of charge, to Israel's citizens. Specifically today, when we are isolated in our homes, and suddenly the fear of death and the value of life have gone up, come be partners in this amazing thing, come be partners in continuing the operations of United Hatzalah.

Doctors, paramedics, EMTs, and midwives, and you can have a hand in all of this. And obviously, it should be for the recovery of Eliezer Yehuda, the son of Chaya. Wow, I'm already imagining his happy face when he comes back to us healthy and whole and hears about all this kindness."

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