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Thursday, February 6, 2020

Scientists bewildered after monster galaxy ‘dies’ without warning

Guys... I posted this interesting article since I can't prove them wrong ....
but can anyone prove them right?
Also .... I'm amazed that they keep searching the universe looking for life ... spending billion of dollars hoping that they will find a similar earth environment that contains life ....
Looking for life yet they have no compunction of destroying and aborting life right here on this planet......
Burn bright; die young.
Scientists are left scratching their heads after a hugely productive galaxy went dark without warning, according to a new study.
The monstrous star system, known as XMM-2599, reportedly existed 12 billion years ago when the universe was a ripe young 1.8 billion years old, reports SciTech Daily. But researchers at the University Of California in Riverside are bewildered over how the “ultramassive galaxy” could suddenly die.
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New York City renters no longer have to pay broker fees

Tenants will no longer be forced to pay a broker’s fee when renting an apartment in New York City, a report said Wednesday.
The ruling — which was made on Friday and went into effect Wednesday — came as a welcome reprieve for city residents who have been forced to plunk down broker costs in addition to a security deposit and first month’s rent, according to The Wall Street Journal.
New York is one of a few cities in the US where residents are charged a fee to rent an apartment. The move is the latest push in creating more favorable rules for tenants.
The apartment listing site StreetEasy said about 45 percent of New York City rental listings last year included a broker’s fee.
Renters may still, however, choose to hire a broker to help them rent an apartment and then pay a fee.
Landlord groups said the change would force them to raise rents on their apartments.
“You might have some owners who decide to just try to do it on their own,“ Andrew Barrocas, founder of the brokerage MNS, told the Journal.
“I’m leasing thousands of apartments a year and all of these landlords, if they thought they could do it better themselves, they would.”
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Kirk Douglas (Issur Danielovitch) Jewish Actor dead at 103

Kirk right with the Tallit 

Kirk Douglas, the legendary actor who portrayed legions of tough guys and embraced his Jewish heritage later in life, died at his home in Beverly Hills on Wednesday. He was 103.

"It is with tremendous sadness that my brothers and I announce that Kirk Douglas left us today at the age of 103," Kirk's son, Michael Douglas, wrote in a statement shared to social media.
He continued: "To the world he was a legend, an actor from the golden age of movies who lived well into his golden years, a humanitarian whose commitment to justice and the causes he believed in set a standard for all of us to aspire to.
"But to me and my brothers Joel and Peter he was simply Dad, to Catherine, a wonderful father-in-law, to his grandchildren and great grandchild their loving grandfather, and to his wife Anne, a wonderful husband," he added.
Michael concluded his post by writing: "Kirk's life was well lived, and he leaves a legacy in film that will endure for generations to come, and a history as a renowned philanthropist who worked to aid the public and bring peace to the planet.Let me end with the words I told him on his last birthday and which will always remain true. Dad- I love you so much and I am so proud to be your son."
The statement did not indicate exactly how or where he died.
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Watch Golani Soldiers at the Western Wall after the Attack

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Bingo Coming to Monsey

Construction work is moving forward for the next anchor tenant at Spring Valley Marketplace, as contractors recently assembled the facade on the building that will accommodate the area's first Bingo Wholesale....

When completed, Bingo will join Christmas Tree Shops, Bed Bath & Beyond, Michael's and Target at the 19-acre marketplace, which changed hands last year in a $59.3 million transaction.

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Pelosi Runs to the Ohel

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With the final gavel banging down Wednesday on impeachment, President Donald Trump barreled ahead in his reelection fight with a united Republican Party behind him, and emboldened by reassuring poll numbers and chaos in the Democratic race to replace
Republican senators voted largely in lockstep to acquit Trump, relying on a multitude of rationales for keeping him in office, his conduct wasn’t at all impeachable; his July telephone conversation with Ukraine’s president was a “perfect call”; there’s an election in 10 months and it’s up to voters to determine his fate.
For Trump, there was one overriding message to draw from his acquittal: Even at a time of maximum political peril, it’s his Republican Party.
One day after Trump avoided talk of impeachment in his State of the Union address and argued that he had delivered on his 2016 campaign promises, the president already was moving to use impeachment as a 2020 rallying cry.
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Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Congressmen Sing "Yumim ... Mayim Mayim Melech Toisef" As Trump Enters To Give His State of the Union ....

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Jewish Hebrew U prof calls for armed Palestinian militias against "settlers"

Amiram Goldblum, a self-hating Jew and a senior chemistry professor at Hebrew University, sparked controversy this week when he called on Palestinians to "establish armed militias to protect their villages and towns from the terror-settlers."

Facebook removed the post within hours for violating its guidelines, but Goldblum doubled-down on his statement in an interview with Israel's Channel 12.

"Settlers are terrorists by definition," he said. "The settlements are all terror settlements. 'Terror-settlers' is a term everyone uses today."
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State of the Union Message to Congress 2020 by President Trump .... 37 Million Watched

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Trump predicts AOC will challenge Cry'in Schumer and 'kick his a--'

President Trump said Tuesday ahead of his State of the Union speech that he believes New York progressive Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez will challenge incumbent Sen. Chuck Schumer one day for his Senate seat representing New York.
“I think she will kick his a--,” the president said during a lunch with journalists to preview his speech.
Cortez, 30, a Democratic socialist who has endorsed Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders for president, was elected to the House in 2018. But there has been speculation that she could launch a primary challenge against Schumer, 69, the Senate’s top Democrat when he is up for reelection in 2022.
For her part, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted Tuesday afternoon that she will not attend the speech.
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Watch As the HYPOCRITE Elizabeth Warren Gets Off Private Jet ...Tries to Hide Under Staffer

REPENT!! Says Pastor ..... 360 Billion Locusts – A Plague Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ Is Destroying Crops Across The Middle East And Africa

Controversial city preacher James Ng’ang’a was in Kajiado last week to pray for the country and ask for God’s forgiveness following the locust invasion in parts of the country.
Speaking last Friday after spending five days praying for the country, the Neno Evangelism church leader urged Kenyans to repent.

Melania Trump Awards Rush Limbaugh Presidential Medal Of Freedom At Trump State Of The Union Address

First Lady Melania Trump awarded conservative radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh the President Medal of Freedom on behalf of President Donald Trump at the State of the Union address Tuesday evening.

"Almost every American family knows the pain when a loved one is diagnosed with a serious illness. Here tonight is a special man, someone beloved by millions of Americans who just received a Stage 4 advanced cancer diagnosis. This is not good news, but what is good news is that he is the greatest fighter and winner that you will ever meet," President Trump said to the broadcaster.

"Rush, in recognition of all that you have done for our nation, the millions of people a day that you speak to and you inspire and all of the incredible work that you have done for charity, I am proud to announce tonight that you will be receiving our country's highest civilian honor: 
The Presidential Medal of Freedom," Trump said Tuesday night.
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Watch Pelosi Go Insane And Rip Up Trump's State of the Union Speech! Trump Ignores Her And Doesn't Shake Her Paw

Top Republicans said that they weren't surprised since she already tore the country apart!

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Tuesday, February 4, 2020

GALLOP: Trump Job Approval at Personal Best 49%.... Trumps Obama

President Donald Trump's job approval rating has risen to 49%, his highest in Gallup polling since he took office in 2017.
The new poll finds 50% of Americans disapproving of Trump, leaving just 1% expressing no opinion. The average percentage not having an opinion on Trump has been 5% throughout his presidency.
Trump's approval rating has risen because of higher ratings among both Republicans and independents. His 94% approval rating among Republicans is up six percentage points from early January and is three points higher than his previous best among his fellow partisans. The 42% approval rating among independents is up five points, and ties three other polls as his best among that group. Democratic approval is 7%, down slightly from 10%.
The 87-point gap between Republican and Democratic approval in the current poll is the largest Gallup has measured in any Gallup poll to date, surpassing the prior record, held by Trump and Barack Obama, by one point.
The Jan. 16-29 poll was conducted in the midst of the Senate impeachment trial that will likely result in the president's acquittal. The poll finds 52% of Americans in favor of acquitting Trump and 46% in favor of convicting and removing him from office.
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The US Yisrael Beytenu Cuts Ties With Liberman Over His Anti- Chareidie Stance

The American partner of "Yisrael Beytenu" has decided to disengage from "World Yisrael Beytenu" following the Israeli party's blatant campaign in the last election on issues of religion and state, according to Tzvika Klein of Makor Rishon.

The American Forum for Israel, AFI, is made up mainly of Russian-speaking American Jews who have worked with Yisrael Beytenu in the past.

Among other things, the American representative of the Israeli party was outraged by MK Alex Kushnir's video against granting aid to religious women who keep Jewish family purity laws.

World Yisrael Beytenu confirmed that the two organizations had parted ways until further notice. AFI made no reference to their decision and merely stated in response "We are committed to Torah values. We proudly support Orthodox Jewish synagogues and communities throughout the United States."
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EU are the Countries That Expelled & Murdered Jews ... won't recognize Israeli sovereignty over 'territories occupied since 1967'

The European Union (EU) will not support implementation of US President Donald Trump's "deal of the century" peace plan, EU High Representative and Vice-President Josep Borrell said in a Tuesday statement.

In the statement, Borrell said:
 "The European Union is fully committed to the transatlantic partnership and values all efforts to help find a peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The EU recalls its commitment to a negotiated two-State solution, based on 1967 lines, with equivalent land swaps, as may be agreed between the parties, with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace, security and mutual recognition – as set out in the Council Conclusions of July 2014."

"The US initiative, as presented on 28 January, departs from these internationally agreed parameters."

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Democrats Holding Up Iowa Results Because Sanders is the Winner and Biden Came in 4th! ..........Total Chaos!


The DNC taking the entire American population for a bunch of fools came out with a "cock & bull story!" About an "app" that wasn't working.....
The truth is they are trying to find ways to hide that Sanders came in first and Biden 4th....
They are going bonkers ...
But what is sure is that Donald Trump won 97% of the Republican  Iowa caucus ...
The chaos surrounding the tabulation of Iowa Democratic caucus results was on full display during a hilarious CNN interview on Monday.
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"Trump Will Sell Alaska To Russia If We Don’t Impeach Him" Schiff on the Senate Floor

Lead House Impeachment Manager Congressman Adam Schiff of California claimed during closing arguments in the Senate impeachment trial Monday that President Donald Trump will sell a U.S. state to the Russian government if not removed from office.
If “abuse of power” was not impeachable, Schiff argued, “then a whole range of utterly unacceptable conduct in a president would now be beyond reach.”
“Trump could offer Alaska to the Russians in exchange for support in the next election, or decide to move to Mar-A-Lago permanently and leave Jared Kushner to run the country, delegating to him the decision whether they go to war.”
Schiff’s fearmongering of consequences conceived in pure fantasy come as the impeachment case against Trump officially collapsed on Friday after the Senate declined to hear new witnesses testify at the trial.
A vote on the president’s acquittal is now expected to come on Wednesday, exonerating the president of the three-and-a-half year impeachment effort launched by the Democrats even before Trump took office in 2017.
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