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Thursday, June 27, 2019

"GO TO HELL" ...... Really? What does "Hell" even mean?" Here See A Kabbalistic Answer and Approach

In this essay, we will explore the different words for gehinnom (commonly translated as “hell” or “purgatory”).
 The Talmud (Eruvin 19a) cites Rabbi Yehoshua ben Levi’s statement that there are seven Biblical terms which refer to gehinnomsheolavadonbe’er shachat, bor shaon, tit hayaven, tzal-mavet, and eretz hatachtit
In the following paragraphs, we will explore the literal and esoteric meanings of these seven terms, as well as several more.

Worker For Jewish Diamond Dealer Sues Him For $7 Million Caims Boss Harassed,Tormented Her,

Raimonda Jarusauskaite 

A woman working for an international diamond dealer is suing the company and one of its bosses for what she claims is an executive’s “demented fixation” on her and his long-running campaign to get her fired.
Raimonda Jarusauskaite alleges in her lawsuit that Diamonds International Chief Operating Officer Morris Gad “terrorized” her through his efforts to push her out, causing her to fear for her life and the lives of her children.

The lawsuit, filed Monday in Manhattan Supreme Court, claims Gad falsely accused her of orchestrating an armed robbery at a company outpost in Playa de Carmen, Mexico, where she worked and then waged a campaign to discredit and harass her in the local media.

First Democratic debate was a good night — for .......Trump!

Section 1325! ....................Section 1325! 
For a few crucial minutes in the middle of the first Democratic presidential debate, Julián Castro (polling average: 0.8 percent) took over the proceedings by challenging his fellow candidates to endorse the repeal of Section 1325 of the Immigration and Naturalization Act.
What’s it about? Don’t ask.
He yelled at Beto O’Rourke about it and expressed his deep disappointment that O’Rourke wasn’t joining him in supporting the repeal of Section 1325.
O’Rourke is at 3.3 percent in the Real Clear Politics polling average, so you can see why Castro thought it was so important to nail him. If he really cuts into Beto’s support, Castro might rise to a whole 1.5 percent.
Meanwhile, Elizabeth Warren — poll average 12.8 percent — could barely get a word in edgewise.


Israeli defense electronics company Elbit Systems announced on Wednesday that its US subsidiary has been awarded a $26 million contract by the US Customs and Border Protection to install a multi-sensor system to monitor the U.S.-Mexico border.

According to a report in the Israeli financial daily Globes, Elbit will install an Integrated Fixed Towers (IFT) system in Arizona.

Elbit has been involved in a number of projects with US Customs regarding border security.

The IFT system is a command and control center with sensors that monitors the US-Mexico border and provides intelligence to agents patrolling on the ground.
“Elbit Systems of America is honored to have been selected by the CBP and the Tohono O’odham Nation to provide a solution to suit the needs of those living and working along the border in the Casa Grande Area of Responsibility. This project clearly demonstrates our company’s mission to provide innovative solutions that protect and save lives,” said Elbit Systems of America president and CEO Ranaan Horowitz, according to Globes.

The "Meraglim" Are Alive In the USA!

Allow me to explain:

Rashi tells us that the Spies in the wilderness were the leaders, the "gedoilim" of the tribes. 

Instead of conquering the Land of Israel and building the Nation of Israel in the Holy Land, they wanted to remain in the wilderness (America, France, England, Australia, South Africa…) and enjoy the Manna, the Well of Miriam, and the protection afforded by the Clouds of Glory.

They wanted to learn Torah and not get their hands dirty with the commandment of conquering and dwelling in the Promised Land. 

They wanted a private Judaism, and not the Torah of a Jewish Nation. They wanted to make do with the mitzvot incumbent on the individual and forget about the many mitzvot incumbent on the Klal – the Nation in its entirety.

They wanted to reduce the Torah to a religion, instead of the Constitution of the Israelite Nation. 

In other words, they wanted to be “Children of Wilderness” and not Children of Israel. Just like the Jews in the Diaspora want to be Children of America, and Children of France, and Children of England, and not the Children if Israel, with all of its added national obligations.

1 In 5 Americans Say Small Businesses Should Be Able To Refuse Service To Jews.....

Interesting that the same people surveyed would be upset if a bakery would refuse to bake a wedding cake for "feigalach"
How about serving self-hating Jews like the NK's?

Nineteen percent of Americans think small business owners should be allowed to refuse service to Jews if doing so would violate their religious beliefs, a new poll shows.
That is an increase from 2014, when 12 percent of respondents agreed with the statement, according to survey results published Tuesday by the Public Religion Research Institute .

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Orthodox Lesbian Comedian Leah Forster Is Having the Last Laugh?

Leah Forster had last prayed at Jerusalem’s Western Wall 18 years ago. She had just graduated from high school and was still living the life of a Hasidic girl.
It was her first trip to Israel, and she had come to visit friends studying in a seminary for religious girls.

Looking back, she recalls a sense of disappointment that her first visit to the Jewish holy site had left her feeling cold. In fact, what she remembers most now is her sense of angst about what the future held. “I was like, ‘Crap, I’m coming home and I’ll probably have to get married to someone I don’t love.’”

“There were tears streaming down my face when I walked in,” Forster, 36, tells Haaretz. 

“I was so grateful and so overwhelmed. I looked to the right of me, and there was this ultra-Hasidic lady. To the left there was an Ethiopian Jew, and behind me a woman in jeans. And it was just like we’re all one. I felt so connected and grateful.”

Another big difference — perhaps the most significant — was that this time she was accompanied by her wife (also called Leah).

Bais Din Rules That any Talk About Berland the Admitted "Sexual Predater and Bully" is Lashan Hara :)

Is it a wonder that no one takes a Bais Din seriously anymore?
A guy admitted in open court that he raped women repeatedly and there are videos that went viral of him punching his followers in the face....and we can't say "boo" ???

A Beis Din comprised of three of the top Dayanim in Eretz Yisroel issued a Kol Koreh regarding both sides of the dispute between the Shuvu Bonim movement and those that dispute the leader of that movement R. Eliezer Berland.
 The Kol Koreh was issued by the three members of the Beis Din, and a letter of support was appended to the ruling of the Beis Din – expressing confidence in them. An addition was added by Rav Moshe Shternbuch that indicated the necessity to minimize Chillul Hashem.
Monday, 21 Sivan 5779
By virtue of the fact that we, who are signed below, have been appointed by the leading Batei Dinim in the land of Israel to be and act as Beis Din to investigate the arguments against Rabbi Eliezer Berland, the leader of the Shuvu Bonim Kehillah and to rule upon the manner in which everyone should conduct themselves.  And in light of the fact that Rabbi Berland and his Kehillah have accepted upon themselves to adjudicate the issues before the Beis Din, therefore, the Beis Din is obligating all sides from this day onward to immediately cease all the hate, all the persecution, all the arguments, and all the slander.  They are not to speak nor publicize any negative matter one of the other, nor express any negative nickname, in any manner or form – neither in print or orally or through any medium printed or broadcasted.
Whomsoever has any complaint or response, or legal tort in this matter must bring and present all complaints to be examined and resolved solely in front of this Beis Din.
The Beis Din will appoint  a special secretary (the details of which will be announced), and only through his agency will it be possible to bring complaints for investigation and resolution.
On this we have signed upon,
Rav Sriel Rosenberg, Rav Shmuel Eliezer Stern, Rav Yehudah Fisher
We who have signed below, rely upon the aforementioned Gaonim to clarify and rule upon the manner upon which everyone must conduct themselves
Rav Yitzchok Tuvya Weiss, Rav Moshe Shternbuch, Rav Chaim Meir HaLevi Vosner, Rav Yehudah Silman, Rav Menachem Mendel Lubin, Rav Shevach Tzvi Rosenblatt, Rav Yoseph Binyomin Tzvi Rosenblatt, Rav Menachem Mendel HaKohen Shafran, and Rav Naftoli Nusbaum.

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Harav Kook z"l With Harav Issar Zalman Meltzer z"l PHOTOS

Photos From the Circus Tent Blog

Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l ...See Harav Issar Zalman Meltzer on the right

Harav Issar Zalman Meltzer on the Left Standing Wearing Glasses ...Harav Kook In the Center

ה ב ה ר ה :
 הרב אלישיב בצעירותו היה קוק'ניק שרוף, הרב קוק היה המסדר קידושין שלו, ואף פדה את בנו בכורו, חמיו היה מנהיגם ורבם של הרוויזיוניסטים, האצ"ל, חרות, ודומיהם,
 וכאשר רבה של בריסק והחזון איש קראו למלחמה על 'הרבנות הראשית' וקבעו כי מדובר בשמד ממש, במקום שאפילו על המדרכה שלצד 'היכל שלמה' אסור לדרוך מפני שהמקום מטמא ממרחק,
 הרב אלישיב צפצף עליהם וישב בבית דין הגדול וקבל משכורת שמנה כדיין

Alter Kocker Comes To Protest In Bet Shemesh And Loses His Fake Leg

Palestinian accused of raping 7 year-old Chareidie Israeli girl Walks Free!

Mahmoud Qadusa Accused Rapist 
The Israel Defense Forces’ military advocate general announced Tuesday morning that he was dropping the charges against a Palestinian man accused of brutally raping a seven-year-old Israeli girl.
The indictment against Mahmoud Qadusa had come under fire for its apparent lack of evidence, a fact that the military prosecutor, Sharon Afek, acknowledged in a statement to the press announcing the annulment of the charges.
The statement said that “the evidentiary infrastructure that underlies the indictment does not at this time amount to a ‘reasonable chance of conviction.’ Therefore, by law, the criminal process cannot continue, the indictment must be withdrawn and Qadusa released from custody.”

Monday, June 24, 2019

Yeshivah Protesters Start Up With Wrong Bus Driver ....He Mowed Them Down

Protesters blocked roads in Jerusalem as they protested the arrest of a Charedi girl. 

During the protests, a bus driver, whose bus had been surrounded by the protesters who were violently pushing and shoving, simply kept driving.
By doing so he caused the protesters to move out of his way and was able to leave the area.
It's about time that a bus driver did that.

You have a right to peacefully protest, We have a right to live in peace with out being inconvenienced every time some one decides that he wants to protest.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The "perfidy" of Debbie Maimon Who Re-Wrote The Rescue of the Satmar Rebbe by the Zionists In the Yated!

Rudolph Kastner
There is absolutely no question that R' Yoel Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, was rescued by the representative of the Zionist Jewish Agency, Rudolph Kastner....

No Question!

Comes along Debbie Maimon, who wants to "tuches lekk" the naive Yesivishe anti-Zionists, and erases that fact in her latest column in the Yated, headlined:
"The Astounding Escape of the Rebbes of Ger, Belz, and Satmar During the Holocaust"

Every Jewish child is taught while its still nursing that "hakaras ha'toiv" is the single most important virtue in Yiddishkeit!

Moshe Rabbeinu had many names ... his  father named him "Chever" and his mother named him "Yekuseil" according to the Midrash ....
But he is never called any of these names in the entire Torah....
he is called "Moshe" 
"כי מן-המים משיתהו"
The name Moshe was given to him by Pharo's daughter, his rescuer,
and she named him that because she "drew him out of the water!"
So to remind us how Moshe was rescued and by whom.... Hashem saw fit to use only the name that a shiksah gave him!

Saturday, June 22, 2019

Who Filmed The Gerer Tish On Shabbos

Chareidim scream "Shabbos Shabbos" .... They will do everything to take down the Government because they are Mechallel Shabbos...
Yet they see nothing wrong with someone taking a photo on Shabbos of the "Heiligeh Tish!"

Cellphone Use Makes HORNS Grow In Young People: study

Are smartphones turning us into monsters?
In a BBC report about the changing human skeleton published last week, biomechanics researcher Dr. David Shahur of the University of The Sunshine Coast in Queensland, Australia, says he’s noticed an increasingly common horn-like growth at the base of the neck — sometimes so large they can be seen and felt through the skin.
“I have been a clinician for 20 years,” Shahur says, “and only in the last decade, increasingly I have been discovering that my patients have this growth on the skull.”
These horns or “spikes,” which clinicians call an “external occipital protuberance,” were first noted in 1885, but thought to be so rare that French scientist Paul Broca — credited for his research on the area of the frontal lobe dubbed Broca’s area — argued the anomaly was undeserving of a medical diagnosis.

Follower of Sex Pervert Berland Beats The Hell Out Of Rav Zalman Grossman At Kever Shimon Hatzadik

Police arrested a man who they say savagely assaulted Rav Zalman Grossman at Kever Shimon Hatzadik in Yerushalayim on Wednesday.
Police say the man is a 30-year-old resident of Bnei Brak.
The suspect told the judge that they have the wrong person, but the judge said video surveillance as well as other evidence shows that police nabbed the correct person.
The judge ordered his remand in police custody until Monday.
 Rav Grossman told a young child who was making alot of noise and being disrespectful at the kever to please be quiet and act appropriately. Seconds later, a young man, reportedly a member of the Shuvu Banim Cult, led by Rabbi Eliezer Berland, ran into the Kever, and began punching Rav Grossman repeatedly in the face, kicking him, and even throwing chairs and Shtenders at him.
People who were at the Kever were unable to stop the man, as he overpowered them all and continued his savage attack.
Rav Grossman was taken to the hospital, where he was treated for multiple traumatic injuries as well as serious facial trauma.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Bechoros Dafim 46 ,47,48,49,50 , 51 & 52

A great opportunity for the entire family, to share some thoughts on the daf ...  the  family feels united by discussing what the head of the house is studying.
I try to break it down so that everyone can understand it .... 
You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See  previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

This week's "Daf Yoimie Snippets Sponsored For the Refuah Shliemah of 
צארטל בת אסתר מלכה 

''דף מ''ו ''פדיון הבן     
Page 46  Mesectas Bechoros  
''Redemption of the Firstborn"

This Perek in Bechorot, is the eight chapter of this tractate and  deals with the laws of Pidyon Ha'Ben, and the chapter is called "Yesh Bechor", "There Is A Firstborn."

According to one approach, it was forbidden to make use of any Firstborn Jewish child that came out of Egypt after the Exodus.

When the Jewish people came out of Egypt, Hashem instructed Moshe:
"קדש לי כל בכור" ......."Sanctify every Firstborn to Me"

Following the commentary of the Seforno, had Hashem not commanded to immediately redeem all of the bechorim, it would have been prohibited to utilize any of those people for mundane purposes because of their holy status.

Bechorim or Firstborn still possess a special status today. Although they are not sacred, it is a mitzvah to redeem the firstborn son, by giving five silver coins to the kohein.

Press "read more" right below to see rest of the dafim

Oh Oh! Veiberlach Meeting Yingalite in the Basement of Chase?

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Dr Herschkopf a Psychiatrist Convinced Businessman Martin Markowitz to alienate his family and endow his fortune to him

Marty Markowitz showing off his apiary in the backyard of his Southampton home. (Debra Nussbaum Cohen via JTA)
Marty Markowitz

This is one of the strangest stories you’ll ever read, about one of the strangest stories ever told in a podcast.
“The Shrink Next Door,” rated No. 1 for three weeks straight on Apple’s Podcast charts, is about a Manhattan psychiatrist, Dr. Isaac “Ike” Herschkopf, known for treating — and name-dropping — an array of celebrity patients while becoming well known in US Jewish and literary philanthropic circles.
The podcast, written and hosted by Bloomberg columnist Joe Nocera, is mostly about Martin Markowitz, a longtime patient of Herschkopf, who says he spent most of his life – more than 30 years – under Herschkopf’s sway. 

In six episodes — a seventh comes out this week — Nocera describes how the psychiatrist isolated Markowitz from his friends and family and encouraged him not to pursue potential marriage partners. 

There’s more:
 “Shrink” describes how Herschkopf became president of Markowitz’s theatrical fabrics business, created a charitable foundation almost entirely with Markowitz’s money, and got the foundation and his wife named in Markowitz’s will after his patient removed his sister and her children at the psychiatrist’s suggestion.

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

'Like Moses parting the Red Sea': Hong Kong protesters move aside to let an ambulance pass in seconds during a two-million strong demonstration

Watch how goyim behave when they protest, the frum protesters have a lot to learn …. yes from the goyim... absolutely 
Hong Kong protesters have earned praise after a video showing a sea of demonstrators making way for an ambulance on Sunday has gone viral.
Organisers said nearly two million people marched through the city in protest against a controversial extradition bill which would increase Beijing's control over the autonomous territory. Demonstrators are stepping up their demands for Chief Executive Carrie Lam to resign after a man died in a fall while trying to unveil a banner on the roof of a shopping mall on Saturday.
Moses would have been happy with a parting like that,' one person on Twitter praised.
'A noble act by the entire mob ... admirable,' another said.
One user called it 'the most beautiful scene in Hong Kong' on Sunday night.
Cathy, 28, who works in marketing, said she was in the crowd at about 6pm when she heard people yelling to let an ambulance pass through.
'I heard that someone had fallen ill ahead of us. The ambulance arrived and there was a protester separating the crowd and asking people to move to the side of the road,' she told MailOnline. 
There was no chaos at all. Everyone was so polite and organised,' she added. 'I was so touched. We are definitely not rioters!'
Actor Anthony Wong, who shared the video on his Facebook page, wrote: 'Moses separating the Red Sea. The Lord is my strength. The whole world now knows Hong Kong.' 
Another protester, who only gave her name as Sum, said she was part of a crowd that gave way to several public buses in Admiralty. 
'I'm impressed to see two million people protesting in such an organised and peaceful manner. People who didn't know each other were helping one another. I am proud to be a Hong Konger,' the 28-year-old translator told MailOnline.  
Lyndon Rees, founder of Citybus, one of the three major bus operators in Hong Kong, praised the peaceful protesters in a Facebook post on Sunday. 
'Let's be proud of Hong Kong's young patriots for their responsible behaviour tonight. In many cities in such circumstances, these buses would already have been targets for incineration,' he wrote.
Hong Kong's young protesters have also won praise last week after they returned to the site of the protest to clean up rubbish. 
Sunday's protest was largely peaceful, in contrast to the rally last Wednesday which ended in violence. Clashes between police and protesters erupted, with riot police firing rubber bullets and beanbag rounds at unarmed protesters in the worst unrest the city has witnessed in decades. 
The violence left 81 people injured, the hospital authority said. Police say 11 people were arrested as leader Carrie Lam called the protest an 'organised riot'. 

The clip, filmed along the jam-packed Harcourt Road near the Central Government Complex on Sunday evening, shows protesters parting in an orderly manner to create a path for the emergency vehicle. Social media users compared the scene with the parting of the Red Sea.