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Showing posts with label Kastner. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Kastner. Show all posts

Sunday, June 23, 2019

The "perfidy" of Debbie Maimon Who Re-Wrote The Rescue of the Satmar Rebbe by the Zionists In the Yated!

Rudolph Kastner
There is absolutely no question that R' Yoel Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe, was rescued by the representative of the Zionist Jewish Agency, Rudolph Kastner....

No Question!

Comes along Debbie Maimon, who wants to "tuches lekk" the naive Yesivishe anti-Zionists, and erases that fact in her latest column in the Yated, headlined:
"The Astounding Escape of the Rebbes of Ger, Belz, and Satmar During the Holocaust"

Every Jewish child is taught while its still nursing that "hakaras ha'toiv" is the single most important virtue in Yiddishkeit!

Moshe Rabbeinu had many names ... his  father named him "Chever" and his mother named him "Yekuseil" according to the Midrash ....
But he is never called any of these names in the entire Torah....
he is called "Moshe" 
"כי מן-המים משיתהו"
The name Moshe was given to him by Pharo's daughter, his rescuer,
and she named him that because she "drew him out of the water!"
So to remind us how Moshe was rescued and by whom.... Hashem saw fit to use only the name that a shiksah gave him!