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Sunday, November 11, 2018

Will Chareidim in Yerushalyim Vote For the Secular Ofer Berkovitch for Mayor??

There is a run off for  Mayor of Yerusalyim on Tuesday all because the Chareidim did not vote for their own Rabbinical endorsed Chareidie candidate, Yossi Deitch!

In a stunning upset, Deitch only got 17% of the vote ..... which confirms the theory that Chareidim are no longer listening to the Rabbinical leaders .... and have figured out that when their Leaders scream that the "Torah Requires You Vote for the Charedie Deitch," that they are lying....

they did a search from entire Written and Oral Torah and couldn't find one verse commanding them to vote for a Chareidie!
And so when the election came last week, Chareidim dumped the Chareidie candidate in the proverbial garbage dump, stuck their middle fingers at their leaders and instead either stayed home like the Arabs or  split their vote between the "want to be frum guy Moshe Leon" and the secular Offer Berkovich! 

It is regular practice in Israeli politics for rabbis to meet politicians and secure concessions in return for an endorsement. The rabbis then order their followers to the polls in mass numbers, making them a serious political force.  
But the dynamics is changing as more and more ultra-Orthodox men are working, rather than devoting themselves to full-time studying the Talmud. Small numbers are also serving in the army alongside fellow their Israelis. Both developments may ease secular resentment of the ultra-Orthodox, who are widely seen as not contributing to the country’s future. 
Mr Berkovitch is hopeful that this scenario will play out in the city he hopes to lead. 
“There are major changes in the ultra-Orthodox community which allow for co-existence,” he said. “It’s not the old ultra-Orthodox we knew before. Many more of them are open-minded and want to live together.”
So now there will be a runoff and may the best guy win!

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Menachois Pages 86,87, 88,89,90, 91 & 92

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

"דף פ''ו .."הפקת שמן למנורת המקדש  
Page 86 Mesectas Menachois  
"Producing the Oil Used In The Menorah of the Temple" 

There was a requirement that the Menorah in the Temple were supposed to be lit with the finest olive oil.

The mishna on this daf relates that there were 3 periods throughout the year when they picked olives off the trees, and the mishna determines the degree of purity used in the menorah.

The olives that are found on top of the trees ripens first since they are exposed to the sun all day....
They would gather those olives first, crush them and place them in a basket; the oil that dripped out of those crushed olives were fit  for the menorah, since this oil is the finest quality olive oil.

After the oil dripped out of the olives, the olives were then placed in a heavy olive press and crushed under this heavy weight......
the oil produced from this production was no longer fit for the menorah, because it wasn't the finest oil, it was, however, fit for the menachois.

The crushed olives were then ground to produce more oil. 

After a while the olives found in the middle of the tree ripened and went thru the above mentioned process. The first oil produced from this middle batch was fit to be used in the menorah as well.

The olives found on the bottom of the tree, were then gathered, but these olives never properly ripened on the tree and had to be taken and spread out on a roof to be exposed to the sun so that they ripen fully.

Press "read more" immediately below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Friday, November 9, 2018

Frum Guy Gets On The "Light Train" Without Paying ... and puts Up a Fight When Caught!

5 Injured In Ramat Beit Shemesh Bus Crash

Five people were injured on Thursday evening after a bus drove up onto a sidewalk and ran into a lampost on Hayarkon Street in Ramat Beit Shemesh Aleph.
Emergency medical service volunteers from United Hatzalah in Beit Shemesh rushed to the scene and treated those injured in the crash. Among the injured was a young woman who was light-to-moderately injured as well as four other people who sustained light injuries.
Residents of the neighborhood told Israeli media that the accident occurred on a major intersection and has numerous Talmudei Torah and Michlalot nearby and that hundreds of young students walk by that traffic junction every day. “If today had not been Rosh Chodesh when schools get out early, the accident could have had much worse consequences,” the residents said in a Kikar Shabbos Interview.
Chapter head of United Hatzalah in the city David Leff said: “When I arrived at the scene of the accident, I recognized that this was simply a miracle that no one suffered any worse injuries.”

Thursday, November 8, 2018

LA Wig Snatcher Arrested

Los Angeles police have arrested a man who they say has been snatching wigs off the heads of Orthodox Jewish women in North Hollywood, California.
The suspect was arrested at a home in Encino based on a tip investigators received after releasing video and images of the perpetrator earlier in the day Wednesday, Los Angeles police officials said.
Police believe the man, whose name was not immediately released, targeted the women because of their faith and are investigating it as a hate crime. He was seen being taken into the Police department’s North Hollywood station in handcuffs Wednesday night.

R’ Naftali Rhodes Killed by Car in Far Rockaway

Tragedy struck the Far Rockaway / Lawrence Community on Thursday, as word spread of a young Jewish man who was struck and killed by a vehicle.

Rockaway-Lawrence Hatzolah were called to Central Avenue and the 878 at around 2:30PM, after receiving multiple calls reporting a pedestrian struck. They found the victim in traumatic arrest. 

Hatzolah Paramedics worked on him, and he was rushed to St John’s Hospital Hospital. Doctors did everything they could to save his life, but he was unfortunately Niftar a short while later.
He has been identified as R’ Naftali Rhodes Z”L, 33, a resident of Far Rockaway, NY, and a father of 2 children. He is a son of Rav Dovid Rhodes, the Rosh Yeshiva of Torah Metzion in Great Neck, Long Island.
Nassau County Police say the vehicle remained on the scene, and an investigation is underway.The Achiezer Organization is working closely with Police and the family.
The Levaya will be held on Friday morning 
Rhodes’ funeral will be held Friday morning at 9:30 AM at Agudath Israel of Long Island in Far Rockaway.

AMERICAN JEWS Join Vicious Anti-Semites To Fight Trump

The Facts Don't Lie!!!

79% of Jewish voters chose Democrats, only 17% supported Republicans. Down nearly 10% in two short, if eventful years.

This may very well  cause a backlash amongst Americans, who may blame Jews for all their failings! Hashem Yishmor!!
The only solution is for Frum Organizations like Agudah, the OU etc... to come out publicly, with official statements  to refute these "fake" Jews and Leaders!

They plan to conduct hearings on his foreign policy, lead oversight into his administration, subpoena his closest aides, investigate his family and run against him in 2020.

In large numbers, American Jews are becoming the face of a Democratic resistance against US President Donald Trump by assuming critical chairmanships in the House of Representatives and preparing campaigns for the White House.

They are voting against him in record numbers. In midterm elections on Tuesday, 79% of Jewish voters chose Democrats, according to exit polls conducted by Pew Research Center and CNN. Only 17% supported Republicans– down nearly 10% in two short, if eventful years.

And they are getting elected. Across the country, 28 Jewish Americans were elected or reelected to the House– only two of which are Republicans– and nine to the Senate, just shy of marking record-high Jewish representation on Capitol Hill. Democrats' sole pickup seat from Republicans in the Senate, in Nevada, was Jacky Rosen, formerly president of her synagogue congregation.

What, if anything, does their Judaism have to do with their politics? 
Statistics would suggest quite a bit. A majority of American Jews have voted for progressive candidates and causes in elections since at least 1984, when record-keeping began on Jewish voter patterns, and when roughly 7 in 10 community members began reliably voting Democratic– a direct response to a Republican alignment with evangelical Christians that appeared at the time hostile to Jews and their pluralistic values.

French PM Macron Praises Nazi

Thye Nazi Petain & His Fan Macron

French Jews have reacted in horror at reports President Emmanuel Macron will honor Marshal Philippe Pétain, the disgraced Nazi collaborator who authorized the deportation of tens of thousands of Jews to death camps.

Marshal Petain’s name appears alongside seven other military chiefs to be honored Saturday in a ceremony at the Invalids monument, site of Napoleon’s tomb, to mark the centenary of the end of World War 1.

Petain led the French army to victory in Verdun in 1916, but gained lasting infamy and a conviction for treason for his leadership of Nazi-sanctioned Vichy France during World War II.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, breaks ribs in fall

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, 85, fell in her office at the court and fractured three ribs, according to a release from the court Thursday.
"She went home, but after experiencing discomfort overnight, went to George Washington University Hospital early this morning," the statement said. "Tests showed that she fractured three ribs on her left side and she was admitted for observation and treatment."
Ginsburg's health has been a matter of intense speculation in recent years. Ginsburg, the court's oldest member, is one of the court's four liberal justices. She has survived multiple bouts with cancer, and in 2014 underwent a procedure to have a stent placed in her right coronary artery.
The court said that more information would be provided as it became available.
It is not the first time that Ginsburg has fractured her ribs while on the court. In June 2012, Ginsburg fractured two ribs in a fall and did not disclose the incident to the public until months later.

Fat Nadler Ready To Impeach Trump & Kavanaugh

Ezra "the kapo" Friedlander's best friend Rep. Jerry (fatso) Nadler (D-NY), the ranking member on the House Judiciary Committee who is favored to be the next House Judiciary Committee chairman, revealed in a phone conversation that Democrats plan to “

impeach Kavanaugh” and investigate President Donald Trump

for alleged Russian collusion.

The Federalist reported that Fat Nadler was riding an Amtrak Acela train to Washington, DC, Wednesday to meet with his congressional staff and House Judiciary Committee staff when he revealed in a phone call with a friend the details of House Democrats’ plans for the next two years.

“We’ve got to figure out what we’re doing,” he explained on the call before he began discussing House Democrats’ plans to investigate and later impeach Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh for alleged perjury.

Man Wanted For Pulling Wigs Off Orthodox Jewish Women In LA

 Los Angeles police are searching for a man suspected of pulling wigs off Orthodox Jewish women in incidents that investigators say are possible hate crimes.
Orthodox Jewish women often wear wigs, scarfs or hats to cover their hair as a symbol of modesty.
Officials Wednesday say an 80-year-old woman had her wig snatched from her head on a North Hollywood street on Sept. 19, which was the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. Police say the man then smiled and handed back the wig.
Police say the same day, the man tried to pull the wig from a 36-year-old woman in the same neighborhood and this week, he ripped the wig from a 58-year-old woman and tossed it on the ground.
Police say the man could face charges of battery.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Trump has shouting match with CNN's Jim Acosta as White House intern tries to grab microphone from reporter

Democrats ... face the fact that Trump had a good night

To hear the spin this morning, you’d think Democrats swept the map on Election Day.
But the reality is —  President Trump had a very good night. 
This midterm hardly provides a clear roadmap. Their superstar all-ins were roundly brushed back. Andrew Gillum in Florida, Beto O’Rourke in Texas, and more than likely Stacey Abrams in Georgia had the emotional adoration of their party, but not enough actual votes.
Losses in Ohio, where Republican Mike DeWine beat Richard Cordray for governor, in Missouri where Josh Hawley defeated Democrat incumbent Claire McCaskill in the Senate, and in Indiana where Mike Braun defeated Democrat incumbent Joe Donnelly in the Senate are just a few of the reasons for more agony than ecstasy for Democrats today.

Trump FIRES Jeff Sessions and replaces him as attorney general with ultra-loyalist who could now oversee Mueller probe

Attorney General Jeff Sessions has resigned as the country’s chief law enforcement officer.
President Donald Trump canned his attorney general less than two hours after he said he was happy with most of his Cabinet but refused to provide a vote of confidence to his Justice Department head.
Sessions was expected to quit or be fired soon after the election. However, Trump at his news conference declined to say whether he'd be getting the boot now or later.
Then came a tweet, announcing the appointment to acting attorney general Matthew Whitaker.
A letter from Sessions to the president makes clear that he did not vacate the position as the nation's top cop willingly.
Trump said a permanent replacement would be nominated later.  

First Shtreimel Guy In The New York Assembly

Simcha Eichenstein, 34,  a Chassidishe guy from Boro-Park, and who wears a Shtrimel on Shabbos will replace Dov Hikind as the Democrat Chareidie representative at the New York Assembly!

Eichenstein, is  married,and  the father of four, was born in 1984, to a prominent  Bobover  family and is proud of his yeshiva education.

He worked in various different capacities for the Mayor of New York Mayor DeBlasio. 

He announced his candidacy more than six months ago, a few days after Hikind had announced his resignation after serving 30 years in the assembly. 

Anti-Israel Democrats, Pro-Israel Republicans Win Key Races

The era of bipartisan support for Israel largely over. Support for Israel is now a Republican issue — and opposition to Israel a Democratic one.

That trend began when the far-left wrongly blamed Jews in the George W. Bush administration — the “Israel lobby” — for the Iraq War. It accelerated when President Barack Obama, who had long associated with anti-Israel figures, chose to create “distance” between the U.S. and Israel, including the Iran nuclear deal.

Iranian Jews Visit 1000-Year-Old Shul Every Year At Yurzeit of “Ohr Shraga”

A group of Iranian Jews made the difficult trip to the city of Yazd, located some 600km from Tehran and today, a recognized World Heritage Site by UNESCO. They make the trip annually, on the Yahrzeit of the Ohr Shraga ZT”L, visiting the 1000-year-old shul for the event.
The Ohr Shraga, who lived in Yadz some 200 years ago, was a noted Torah scholar and Kabbalist who occupies a unique place in Persian Jewish tradition.
One woman who comes explains it is difficult and expensive, as there are not enough bus and train tickets to be had. In addition, no one sponsors the cost and each person who participates has to cover costs out of pocket.
The Jewish population of Iran today has dwindled from 120,000 to 20,000 today, and some continue this annual event in the ancient shul, arriving from all over the country.
It is explained the Yazdim Shul in the Bucharim area of Yerushalayim has its roots from here too. This is the shul HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L used for many years, to deliver his motzei Shabbos drasha which was carried on radio in Israel as well a broadcast around the world.
Head of the kehilla, Humyoun Sami, tells them it is all from gifts received from Hassan Ruchani, the Iranian President, who he feels treats them well.

The blue wave falls short

Overall, the blue wave fell short well short of expectations on Tuesday.
Democrats took the House, but only gained about the 34 seats to be expected from the party opposing a president in his first midterm election. They gained governorships, but a fell short in swing states Ohio, New Hampshire and Florida.
And they lost ground in the Senate, as Dem incumbents who voted against confirming Brett Kavanaugh lost in North Dakota, Florida, Indiana and Missouri.
In the Empire State, Democrats did take down Reps. Dan DonovanJohn Faso and Claudia Tenney. These are good people, as are various Democrats who fell short across the nation. Partisan politics are tough — as the apparent victories of scandal-tarred Sen. Bob Menendez in New Jersey and Rep. Chris Collins in New York attest.
The big picture? American politics are still in transition, with both parties and the voters still digesting the issues exposed by the shocking Trump win in 2016, and grappling with challenges that don’t fit the old ideological boxes.
A Democratic House is sure to keep biting the president’s feet, with endless investigations. A more-Republican Senate will confirm his appointees, especially his judicial ones.
Tuesday brought no clear message because the nation is still figuring out what it thinks. In these challenging times, that’s probably about the right call.

Rashida Tlaib Muslim Wins Michigan Congressional Seat ..... 'Will Cut Off All US Funding For Israel"

Palestinian-American Rashida Tlaib has become the first Muslim woman elected to US Congress.
Tlaib took Michigan's 13th congressional district in a race in which she was the sole major party candidate.

Tlaib, 42, was born in Detroit to Palestinian immigrant parents.
She made history in 2008 by winning a seat on the Michigan Legislature, becoming the first Muslim woman to do so.
Her campaign platform included pledges to secure a $15 minimum wage, cutting off all funds to Israel.