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Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Six Black Savages Now Attack Chasidishe Boy

As reported by DIN, the NYPD is searching for a gang of six black teens who threw a metal pipe through the window of a Shul in Williamsburg on Shabbos afternoon.
New footage shows the same group of teens attacking a Hasidic boy moments before the attack on Franklin Ave, knocking his hat off his head as he innocently walked down the street.
Shockingly, the NYPD had not deemed the vandalism attack on the Volkan Shul a “hate crime”. This footage clearly shows the gang’s intention.
The NYPD has announced a $2500 award for information regarding the suspects.

Black Guy Attacks Jew on Avenue J in Broad Daylight

Police and Shomrim are looking for a man who assaulted a Jewish pedestrian on Tuesday afternoon.
 Around 3:30PM, a man walking down Avenue J between East 13 and East 14 was randomly punched in the face by an unidentified black man. He then kicked the victim as well, before calmly walking away
The victim has never seen the attacker before, nor were any words exchanged prior to the assault. Nothing anti-Jewish was said before this attack.
The NYPD and Flatbush Shomrim canvassed the area for close to two hours. He was last seen on Ocean Avenue and Avenue J.
The suspect is approximately 5 foot 8, 250 pounds, was wearing a black tee shirt with the words “STAGE CREW” in white lettering on the back, and had grey pants.
Police ay that they are taking this isolated incident very seriously, but stress that there has not been an assault of this kind in quite some time. Police advise the community to remain calm, but to be aware of their surroundings at all time, and to report anything suspicious immediately.
If you see this man, or have any information that can help police, please call 911 and then Flatbush Shomrim’s 24 hour emergency hotline at 718-338-9797.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler In Memorian

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler, frequent Torah Contributor to this blog and others.

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler, president of shul, lover of Zion and Jewish people, passes away at 68 On Shabbat morning 27th of Tishrei 5779 (October 6, 2018) Shmuel Zev Knopfler suddenly passed away in the manner of a Tzadik, while asleep in his bed. 

Shmuel was fondly known to many as “Sam Kay.” He was a proud Jew, with a unique love for Eretz Yisrael. He was born to Holocaust survivors in Nové Zámky, Czechoslovakia in 1950, in a time of darkness and despair. His father served as the town rabbi and shochet. For a short while, they resided in Prague. Living in the Soviet Bloc was especially challenging for people that were shomer Shabbat. Children had no choice but to attend school on Shabbat. However, his parents were moser nefesh and made arrangements with teachers so that their children would not have to write on Shabbat. 

Shmuel recalled a story of a young communist teacher that ridiculed him and his sister for refraining from writing on those days. His teacher told them that Yuri Gagarin had recently returned from space and did not see God, and that keeping Shabbat was therefore ridiculous. Young Shmuel did not relent and remained steadfast in his belief and tradition. 

Moment of truth for the USA

The U.S. political system is at a ‎dramatic crossroads, with American ‎voters in the midterm elections about to decide the fate of 35 out of 100 Senate seats ‎and all 435 seats in the House of Representatives.‎

Since the last midterm elections, in 2014, Congress has had a Republican majority, with the ‎party controlling both houses.

Almost all the predictions are that this is about to change, and predict that  ‎the Democrats will win the majority of the House and say that ‎the chances of Democrats winning a majority in the Senate ‎cannot be completely discounted. ‎

If this happens, the political upset would be in ‎line with the familiar pattern of American politics, ‎which reflects the voters' desire to create balance between the various branches of government and ‎prevent one party from having too much power for too long.‎

However, in the current political and social ‎climate, which is fraught with tension and ‎ideological hostility, any shift in the balance of ‎power on Capitol Hill will have far more significant ‎implications than ever before. ‎

Day Yoimie Snippets ... Menachois Pages 79,80, 81,82, 83, 84 & 85

You can copy and print this without my consent, since Torah belongs to all of us..... 

See my previous Daf Yoimie Snippets 

דף ע''ט ..הנסכים והדם 
Page 79 Mesectas Menachois  
"The Nesachim & The Blood" 

There was a requirement to bring Nesachim ( wine, Oil, Flour), with each sacrifice offered onto the Alter.

The Talmud on this daf discusses a dispute amongst the rabbis to when is the time when the Nisachem become sanctified?
There are those who say that the Nesachim become sanctified when the sacrifice is slaughtered. 
There are others whose opinion is  that the Nesachim become sanctified only after the blood of the sacrifice is sprinkled on the Alter.
Press "read more" below to continue to the rest of the dafim!

Farrakhan Visits Iran, Calls America “Great Satan”; Leads ‘Death to Israel, Death to America’ Chants

‘Nation of Islam’ leader Louis Farrakhan, a notorious anti-Semite who recently compared Jewish people to termites, led a “Death to America” chant Sunday during a solidarity trip to Iran.
Farrakhan’s trip came ahead of the Trump administration’s re-implementation of U.S. sanctions against the Islamic Republic on Monday.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Herzliya Police arrest man who posed as doctor to give breast exams

Police on Monday arrested a 53-year-old man from central Israel who is suspected of posing as a doctor in order to perform breast exams on women.
The alleged decade-long sexual assault scheme was uncovered by the Yedioth Ahronoth daily, which also reported on the arrest Monday.
An investigative report by Yedioth revealed that the writer and publishing executive from Herzliya had sexually assaulted dozens of women over the last 10 years under the guise of medical consultations, pretending to be a visiting doctor from Canada.

Satmar Chasid Crosses Street In Williamsburg During Marathon !

Black Anti-Semite Teens Throw Iron Pole Thru Williamsburg Shteeble Window On Shabbos While Jews Were Davening!

A group of Black teens launched a metal pole through a glass window of a Brooklyn synagogue as members of the congregation observed the Sabbath on Saturday evening, authorities said.
“People were praying inside at the time,” a man who was at the temple on Franklin Avenue near Myrtle Avenue in Williamsburg said on Sunday. “Everyone is upset already. So, this we don’t need this now.”
The man, who did not give his name, lives in the largely Hasidic apartment complex above the first-floor synagogue, where one of the lower-floor windows was shattered by the pole.
Police are looking for four black boys around the age of 16 after a witness reported the attack at about 5:45 p.m. Saturday.
The Black youths ran south on Franklin Avenue after smashing the window, police said. Officials estimated that the property damage exceeded $250.
Congregants on Sunday covered up the gaping hole in the synagogue window with a piece of black plastic.

It’s the latest in a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in New York City. Police on Saturday also released footage of a vandal who scrawled swastikas on a Brooklyn Heights wall.
James Polite, 26, was also busted Friday for allegedly writing “Kill All Jews” in the stairwell of historic Union Temple in Prospect Heights.
No one was injured in any of the attacks.

Rabbi Weinberger of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, describes Rabbi Aderet's "Pittsburgh" Speech “obscene” and “vile.”

Rabbi Weinberger

Rabbi Aderet’s speech
drew a strong response from Rabbi Moshe Weinberger of Congregation Aish Kodesh in Woodmere, who described the speech as “obscene” and “vile.”

IDF Soldiers Finish Shas

Watch our beautiful soldiers celebrate the completion of Shas

I'm asking .... what kind of lo-life can you possibly be to abuse or harm one of these tzadikim who are there to protect our brothers and sisters in Israel .... ?

How much chutzpeh does it take for a Chareidie parasite who probably cannot learn one pasuk Chumash with Rashi by himself, to humiliate a frum IDF Soldier in uniform ...?

Why are the "gedoilim" quiet about this? 
They were all running around like poisoned mice to tell us how to vote .... but say not a word when our children are being harmed.

I am certain that there isn't a hell hot enough for someone who dares lay a finger on one these IDF true Gedoilim! 

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Disney Airs First Gay Kiss in Cartoon Series For Little Children


by Allen Dershowitz 

An elderly, sick US citizen has been held hostage for three years by a rabbinical court in Israel. He is being threatened with imprisonment if he tries to leave Israel and return to his home in the US, where he needs medical treatment from his long-term doctors. Not only is this elderly man a US citizen, he has absolutely no connection to Israel: He is neither a citizen nor a resident of Israel. His crime? Having a son, from whom he is estranged and who lives in the US, who has refused to give a religious divorce (get) to his ex-wife who lives in Israel.  

BEN & JERRY'S ISRAEL It's Independent It's Not Selling "Resist"

Ben & Jerry’s Israel released a statement Wednesday distancing itself from a new flavor of ice cream in the United States that has stirred up controversy. 

On Tuesday, the global company announced it was launching a new flavor titled “Pecan Resist.” The limited edition ice cream – chocolate with fudge, pecans, walnuts and almonds – “supports groups creating a more just and equitable nation for us all, and who are fighting President Trump’s regressive agenda,” the company said. 

The message, of course, was not received well by many ice cream-loving Trump supporters. But others were also not pleased that the ice cream is donating the proceeds to four groups, including the controversial Women’s March. Women’s March leader Linda Sarsour has been associated with Palestinian terrorist Rasmea Odeh while fellow leader Tamika Mallory has voiced support for outspoken antisemite Louis Farrakhan. 

On Wednesday, Ben & Jerry’s Israel branch made it clear it has no links to the flavor. 

“Ben & Jerry’s Israel is an independent and Israeli company,” it wrote on Facebook. “All of the products sold in Israel are made in a factory located in Beer Tuviya.... We buy our milk and cream only from Israeli producers. We have no connection to the decisions made by the global brand, and we don’t get involved in local or world politics.”  

The company added that it had no intention to sell the new controversial flavor in Israel and will “continue to work and act for the community and for Israeli society.” The Israeli factory does often produce some of the global brand’s limited edition flavors, it chooses which products to offer in Israel. 

Anyone Have A Shidduch For These Yeshivah Boys????

Jews attacked in Monsey

A Jewish man was assaulted in an unprovoked attack in Spring Valley on Shabbos, in what Police are investigating as a hate crime.
An Hispanic man driving a taxi stopped his car on South Madison Avenue near Singer Street, got out and approached the Jewish man and his brother walking together.
He started screaming “this is not Jewland and you have no royalties here!”.
The Jewish men ignored the man and continued walking.
The man then exited the American Latina taxi, and walked towards the victim and his brother. He shaped his fingers like a gun and poked it into one of their faces. He then punched him in his stomach and fled after they began screaming.
The Spring Valley Police Department is looking for the suspect and being assisted by Rockland County Sheriff Department.
Chaveirim of Rockland ate adding additional patrols in the area.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

40,000 Jews flood Chevron For Shabbos Parshas Chaya Sarah

Over 40,000 Israelis, lawmakers, and public figures flooded Chevron for the annual weekend dedicated to highlighting the Jewish people's ties to the ancient city.

The event occurs annually on the week where the Torah portion of 'Chayei Sarah' is read, in which the Biblical patriarch Abraham buys the Cave of the Patriarchs in Chevron.

Revelers ate in large communal meals and stayed in large tents specially set up for the occasion, as well as at the homes of residents.

This year's event celebrated two recent developments: The official opening of the archeological site at Tel Heron as an official site of Nature and Parks Authority and the government's recent decision to approve a new apartment building to be built in Chevron.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Shocking video shows driver and passenger fight on a Chinese bus before it spins out of control and plunges off a bridge into the Yangtze River, killing at least 13

Police say a brawl between a passenger and a bus driver was the cause of the bus plunging off a bridge in south-west China. 

An eight-second surveillance video posted by Chongqing police on its social media account today shows a woman fighting with the driver before the bus veered into the wrong lane and fell into the Yangtze River on Sunday. 

The female passenger started quarreling with the driver after she missed her stop, according to Wanzhou district police.

Snake wriggles out of Kotel sparking claims Messiah prophecy is coming true

A snake seen crawling between the stones of Israel's Western Wall has sparked claims that a prophecy about the Messiah's coming is about to be fulfilled.
The claims were made after video of the snake scaring away a pigeon was posted on YouTube before being picked up by Hebrew bloggers.
The bloggers claim the symbol of a pigeon fleeing a snake shows we are living in 'dangerous times' directly pre-dating the coming of the Messiah.
'The evil inclination, personified by the snake in Eden, will make a resurgence in the days before Messiah,' the bloggers were quoted as saying by Breaking Israel News

Truth behind Netflix drama of Adolf Eichmann's capture and the fate of his four sons - as one is pictured living in Buenos Aries, just a few streets from where his Nazi father was snatched

The fates of Nazi monster Adolf Eichmann's four sons can be revealed for the first time today by MailOnline.
Eichmann was the mastermind behind the Holocaust and gatekeeper of the Third Reich who sent six million Jews to their deaths.
The incredible story of how he was found living in a modest house in Argentina and snatched off the street by Mossad before being executed in Israel has been turned into a gripping film 'Operation Finale' by Netflix
Eichmann had four sons - the three eldest Klaus, Horst and Dieter, who remained loyal to him even after his death and the youngest,  Ricardo, who rejected him.
Now MailOnline can reveal that Klaus and Horst are dead, while Ricardo, who was five when his father was taken, is living in Germany.