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Showing posts with label Shmuel knofler. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shmuel knofler. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler In Memorian

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler, frequent Torah Contributor to this blog and others.

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler, president of shul, lover of Zion and Jewish people, passes away at 68 On Shabbat morning 27th of Tishrei 5779 (October 6, 2018) Shmuel Zev Knopfler suddenly passed away in the manner of a Tzadik, while asleep in his bed. 

Shmuel was fondly known to many as “Sam Kay.” He was a proud Jew, with a unique love for Eretz Yisrael. He was born to Holocaust survivors in Nové Zámky, Czechoslovakia in 1950, in a time of darkness and despair. His father served as the town rabbi and shochet. For a short while, they resided in Prague. Living in the Soviet Bloc was especially challenging for people that were shomer Shabbat. Children had no choice but to attend school on Shabbat. However, his parents were moser nefesh and made arrangements with teachers so that their children would not have to write on Shabbat. 

Shmuel recalled a story of a young communist teacher that ridiculed him and his sister for refraining from writing on those days. His teacher told them that Yuri Gagarin had recently returned from space and did not see God, and that keeping Shabbat was therefore ridiculous. Young Shmuel did not relent and remained steadfast in his belief and tradition. 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler Passes Away Suddenly

It is with great sadness that we inform our readers of the sudden passing of Rabbi Shmuel Knofler זל may his soul rest in peace. R' Shmuel was niftar on Shabbos Koidesh in his sleep in his home in Flatbush.  

Rabbi Knofler contributed regularly to this blog with his Dvar Torahs. 

R' Shmuel z"l was a true Talmud Chachem and his love of Eretz Yisroel was so deep that every single Dvar Torah that he uttered reflected his yearning for all Jews to return to the  land that HKB"H gave us and for the Geulah Shleimah.

R' Shmuel was buried minutes ago in Bet Shemesh Israel...

May he be a Meilitz Yoisher for his entire family and for Klall Yisroel that he loved so much.

He will be missed ..... 
Rivi Schwebel chanting the Keil Moleh Rachaman at his Levayeh in Brooklyn, yesterday.