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Thursday, October 11, 2018

Chareidie Backed New York Mayor Puts THIRD gender on Birth Certificates!

Image result for de blasio with Hasidic Rabbis
The City Hall press release was overflowing with superlatives. The action was “historic,” a “landmark” and “groundbreaking.”
Did Mayor Putz find a cure for homelessness? Did he solve the problem of failing schools? Did he fix public housing or the subways?
Nah, the small stuff is beneath him. His “stop the presses” accomplishment was signing legislation putting a third gender on city birth certificates.
As his office described it, “In addition to the ‘male’ and ‘female’ designations, birth certificates will also show an ‘X,’ allowing gender non-binary people who identify neither as men nor women to have a birth certificate that more accurately reflects their identities.”
The law takes effect Jan. 1 and removes the requirement that a medical or mental health professional affirm an individual’s gender to change the certificate.
The effect is that anyone can simply demand a new birth certificate and choose a new gender. It’s not clear if there are age requirements or limits to the number of times an individual can make changes.
To the roster of activist groups hailing the action, the change is something of a Holy Grail. First lady Chirlane McCray suggested it was just a first step, saying, “We will not stop there — we strive to extend that dignity to every aspect of life.”
I don’t doubt that gender identity is a serious, complex issue for some people. But I do wonder about the impact of this dramatic change on society, including gender roles in everything from sports to toilets, and about the priorities of the mayor and City Council.
Do they have the same passion for public safety and good schools? Do they care as much about the unfairness of the tax system?
My fear is that they don’t, and that their intensity about narrow issues is a fig leaf hiding their surrender on broad ones. There are superlatives for that, too.
Disgraceful, cowardice and shameful come to mind.

Satmar Backed Neturei Karta "Rabbis" Meet with Iranian Prime Minister Erev Shabbas Parshas Bereishis

המשלחת עם שר החוץ האיראני
Monsey Rabbi Yisroel Weiss Meet with Muchmad Zarif 

המשלחת בפגישה

The self-hating meshumad. Yisroel Dovid Weiss from Monsey complained to the Iranian Murderers that the State of Israel is conscripting Yeshivah Boys to the army against their will.

What a naive meshiginar fool!

The savage that calls himself Weiss explained to Zarif that the Jews are against Israel's political stance against Iran, even though Iran has sworn to wipe Israel off the map, which would include the over 6 million people that live there including the Neturei Karta.

תיעוד בלעדי: משלחת רבנים מ"נטורי קרתא" בארצות-הברית, נפגשו ביום שישי האחרון, כ"ו בתשרי, עם שר החוץ האיראני, מוחמד זריף, בעת שהלה הגיע לניו יורק להשתתף בעצרת האו"ם.
המשלחת התקבלה בכבוד רב על-ידי האיראינים. הרב ישראל דוד וויס, מראשי ה'נטורי קרתא', ייצ את המשלחת והודה בשמה לזריף על הקשר עם היהודים באיראן, במשך שנים רבות.
וויס ביטא את "הערכת העם היהודי" לממשל באיראן על הדאגה ליהודים האיראנים - "למרות הביקורת נגד השלטון הציוני והכיבוש", אמר וציין כי "זו אחת הדוגמאות שהממשל האיראני מבדיל בין יהדות וציונות, באופן טבעי".
וייס המשיך והסביר לשר החוץ האיראני כי "הציונים אינם מייצגים את העם היהודי", וכן הרחיב להסביר לו על ענין "גיוס בחורי הישיבות בכפיה ע"י הצבא הציוני", כלשונו.
חברי המשלחת גינו בפני זריף "את ההשתלחות הציונית חסרת הרסן נגד ממשלת איראן", וסיפרו לו כי "בעת שראש הכופרים של המדינה הציונית דיבר באו"ם נגד האיראנים, עמדנו מחוץ לבנין האו"ם, והבהרנו בפני מדינות העולם, כי הוא אינו מייצג את העם היהודי, ואין לו כל סמכות לדבר בשמם".
במהלך הפגישה הסביר הרב ווייס את ההבדל בין הדת היהודית לציונות הלאומית, כאשר לדבריו "היהדות האוטנטית התנגדה בתוקף לכל הרעיון הציוני עוד לפני קום המדינה". הוא הציג בפני שר החוץ האיראני את התצהיר ששלח הרב דושינסקי זצ"ל, לאו"ם לפני קום המדינה הציונית, בו נכתב כי היהודים מתנגדים בתוקף להקמת מדינה ציונית.
בסיום הפגישה העניקו חברי המשלחת לשר החוץ האיראני מתנה יקרת ערך מכסף טהור, ובאותיות חרוטות על כלי הכסף, נכתב: "מוגש בהוקרה והערכה לכבוד מר. זריף, שר החוץ האיראני, לאות הוקרה והכרת הטוב על הידידות הנפלאה שלך ושל המימשל באיראן, הן לגבי היהודים אזרחי איראן, והן לגבי כלל היהודים בעולם, מוגש בהוקרה ע"י "נטורי קרתא" הבין-לאומית", על החתום הרב ישראל דוד ווייס.

"Torah Learners" Attack Soldier in Geulah

A Chareidi IDF soldier was attacked on Wednesday evening by Bochrimin the Geulah neighborhood of Jerusalem.
The incident occurred when a number of Yeshivah guys  saw the passing soldier on Tachkemoni Street near the Geulah neighborhood and began screaming at him.
The incident then developed into a crowd of people throwing things, in an attempt to physically injure the soldier and make him flee the area.
A large number of police officers, specializing in dispersing crowds, were called to the scene. They evacuated the soldier to safety, who singled out one man as having begun the attack. The man succeeded in escaping capture by the police when he ran off into the tight alleyways the characterize the neighborhood.
Police did manage to arrest one young man who participated in the attack. According to Kikar Shabbos, the soldier is filing a formal complaint against his attackers.
Police are expected to open up an investigation into the incident.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Hillary Gets Shoe Thrown At Her .... She then moves around like a mouse


Image result for kever rachel
Every Satmar Chasid davens 3x every day that Eretz Yisroel should be returned to the Arab murderers.

Well, I hope they are happy because it seems that it is happening!

Instead of davening that Hashem should bring the Geulah Shelimah, they pray that the land that has the largest Jewish population as residents and has the most Torah learning in the entire world, should  be returned to the Arabs that are killing each other.
Most Arabs die by the hands of their own brothers, and these are the very same people that Satmar wants as the guardians of Eretz Yisroel! 
It is no wonder that their children are becoming Christians!

The PX Commission of the Executive Board of UNESCO on Wednesday morning adopted resolutions 28 and 29, titled "Occupied Palestine," which state that the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem are "an integral part of the Occupied Palestinian territory" and condemning the construction of the security fence and "other measures aimed at altering the character, status and demographic composition of the Occupied Palestinian territory."

Both resolutions were sponsored by Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar and Sudan, and were approved within minutes at the commission’s meeting, which includes the 59 members of UNESCO’s Executive Committee. Israel is not a member of the Executive Committee. 

The resolutions also refer to Israel as "occupier" and condemn "Israeli army violations against Palestinian universities and schools," criticize the construction of the security fence, deplore the destruction of Palestinian schools, including in the village Khan al-Ahmar and regret Israel’s excavation projects in east Jerusalem.

UNESCO's assistant director-general for external relations, Nicolas Kassianides, said at the meeting that the resolutions were adopted following close consultations between the member states, and welcoming "the spirit of constructive dialogue that enabled to reach a consensus." 

Soldiers and trenches of WWI are revealed exactly as they looked 100 years ago in staggering colorised footage

Incredible colorised footage has brought the First World War to life after a painstaking project to memorialize British troops by Lord of the Rings director Peter Jackson.
Grainy video of soldiers in the bloody battle has been carefully remastered and turned into color footage for the first time to mark the centenary of the conflict between 1914 and 1918.
Three-time Oscar-winning Lord Of The Rings film-maker Mr Jackson used 100-year-old footage from Imperial War Museum archives to show it in previously unseen detail.
Over four years the award winner edited hundreds of videos to produce the final piece, which masterfully melts black and white scenes into brightly colored clips.
Jackson said: 'I wanted to reach through the fog of time and pull these men into the modern world, so they can regain their humanity once more - rather than be seen only as Charlie Chaplin-type figures in the vintage archive film.'
The 90-minute film is narrated with interviews from 120 veterans, from 600 clips recorded in 1964. New Zealand director Jackson was adamant the soldiers should tell their own stories.
Old film was meticulously restored. Computers were used, not only to add color to black and white footage, but to remove imperfections, fill splices and reconstruct missing frames from film that was shot with fewer frames per second than today.
Forensic lip readers, who usually work with the police determining what people say on silent security camera footage, were able to decipherthe conversations that took place in the trenches and on the battlegrounds 100 years ago. Actors were hired to give the soldiers on screen a voice.
'There's been lots of documentaries made on the First World War...and I just decided for this one to strictly just use the voices of the guys that fought there,' Jackson, director of the 'Hobbit' and the 'Lord of the Rings' series told Reuters on Tuesday.  
'It's not the story of the war. It's the story of the human experience of fighting in the war.'  

Don’t fall for this Facebook friend request hoax

Facebook's home page

At first glance, it appears like a friend is trying to warn you about your Facebook account potentially being hacked — but it’s actually a hoax. Facebook users who are receiving these friendly reminders are being urged to resist heeding the advice.

Hillary Clinton calls for "Civil War" and the Media Ignores It

Image result for hillary clinton
 Hillary Clinton said on Tuesday that Democrats “cannot be civil” as long as Republicans hold the White House and Congress:
“You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about,” Clinton told CNN. “That’s why I believe, if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate, that’s when civility can start again. But until then, the only thing that the Republicans seem to recognize and respect is strength.”
There you have it — a declaration of war and a license for violence. Where is the media outrage?
Clinton knows we are already in the danger zone when it comes to the political temperature. Her comments, then, are as reckless as bringing a can of gasoline to a bonfire.
She’s stoking trouble to gain a foothold in the 2020 race — and damn the consequences.
Her claim that civility can return when Dems have power is an admission that the ends justify the means.
Then again, she never fails to disappoint. She has spent the last two years casting doubt on the legitimacy of the Trump presidency because the election didn’t go her way. That makes her guilty of the very thing she found “horrifying” when Trump suggested he might not abide by the results if he thought they were rigged.
“He is denigrating — he is talking down our democracy. And I am appalled that someone who is the nominee of one of our two major parties would take that position,” she said in their final debate, in October 2016.
She added, “That is not the way our democracy works.”
But it does work exactly that way when Democrats are denied what they feel entitled to. They should be careful what they wish for.
For if the Kavanaugh experience revealed anything, it is that Trump’s GOP knows how to fight back and win. It is hard to imagine that Kavanaugh would have survived such an onslaught under any other ­recent Republican candidate or president.
There were so many reasons, and so much media pressure, that it would not have been surprising if a bloc of senators called the allegations a “distraction” and waved a white flag. They didn’t because Trump and Kavanaugh didn’t back down.

The best of Nikki Haley

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Shock, surprise, dismay, but it is true, Nikki Haley has resigned as US Ambassador to the UN. For nearly two years she was the voice of America to the world.
No more pushing us around. That voice.

No one put it in stronger terms than Nikki Haley. Most days at the UN, she was the only man in the room.
She alerted her fellow ambassadors that there is a new sheriff in town, and this one wears a skirt and means business.

She may have been only one part of President Trump’s foreign policy team. But her influence was (and is, she is staying till the end of the year) powerful and indelible.
If you want more apologies from America, she warned the bloated/rapacious diplomats, check back with the previous administration. Not this one. This one has had enough of that.

Those days of bowing to the nations are over, finished, and if there was one moment that defined her entire approach to the entire world, it came at her defense of Israel.

Precisely, it came after President Trump named Jerusalem the capital of Israel, a decision that angered the nations. They were so used to having Israel their way.
Israel was their sport.

So they insisted on a do-over, which meant, as we recorded it here, a General Assembly resolution to protest Trump’s declaration.    
That included moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, which infuriated them even further—and which triggered Nikki Haley to rise to the occasion – and did she ever!

As follows: “At the UN we're always asked to do more and give more. So, when we make a decision, at the will of the American people, about where to locate OUR embassy, we don't expect those we've helped to target us. On Thursday there'll be a vote criticizing our choice. The U.S. will be taking names.”

Message sent. Message delivered. Message received.
The poetry was unambiguous and the place still hasn’t quieted down. They never heard words like this before.
Now they knew what they were dealing with and indeed names were taken.

Sure enough foreign aid was cut to nations and agencies, like UNRWA and the PA, that were either wasteful or hateful, and always ungrateful.
Now they tiptoe around her.

Depending on who replaces her, the UN will never be the same again. She will have left her mark…and a triumphant mark it is. Tough shoes to fill.

Will the next one be as strong for Israel, the nation for which she had her most shining moment?

Call it her Haley moment, as here we quote her awakening:  "I knew that there was a bias against Israel, but I hadn't really put a lot of thought into it, until I attended the first session. And when I saw literally how abusive all of those countries were being to Israel, in a way that was pathetic - really I had no choice but to get up and say this is completely wrong."

"I came out and said, 'We are not going to condone this anti-Israel bias'."
One of a kind. Pray that there is another.

New York-based bestselling American novelist Jack Engelhard writes regularly for Arutz Sheva.

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Chassidishe "Oiber Chuchem" Gets Arrested by Hachnoses Sefer Torah in Boro Park (Chutz Le'aaretz)

Isn't this what they call a "mitzvah ha'bah be'aveirah?" This Chassidishe "Choooooochim fin de Ma'Nishtana" made a huge Chillul Hashem openly defying the NYPD .... Some in the crowd confused the NYPD with the Zionist Police and called them "Nazis," thinking they were in Israel.
We live in a Medinah Shel Chessed and all it takes to march in the streets is getting a permit that is issued within 5 minutes! ...... 
But nooooooooooooooooooooooo! "we run this town, even-though we live in chutz le'aaretrz, and we will tell the cops what to do... after all we pay their salaries" 

Der Groiser Macher Kalan Yeger then sticks his huge nose in and tweets (see below) ..... now I know Kalman and I can tell you that he doesn't care two bits about this 'individual" but what  does a politician do not to lose votes, even-though the "individual" was a smart ass and could have avoided the arrest by being polite, Chas Ve'Sholem.

I met earlier with the individual arrested at a Hachnosas Sefer Torah by officers from the 66th Pct. He is now safe at home. I was at the precinct tonight; there are still many unanswered questions about the intensity of the police response to a peaceful community celebration.

Second Temple-era Hebrew inscription noting "Jerusalem" Discovered

The ancient inscription

Archaeologist Danit Levy of the Israel Antiquities Authority told Arutz Sheva about the moments when she discovered the stone inscription from the Second Temple period (1st century BCE) which notes Jerusalem's name in Hebrew letters in full spelling, as it is written today.

"Towards the end of the working day I was making notes, one of the diggers comes to me and says, 'Come now with a camera, I found something ancient. We found graffiti,'" Levy said.

"I thought I would see red spray and a filthy area. I got to the column and my heart began to pound and almost burst, and everyone around me seemed to hear it. I wanted to take pictures, I took out the cell phone and my hands shook.”
"It is rare to find an inscription, it is rare to find an inscription in Hebrew and it is rare to find the word Jerusalem in full spelling," she emphasized.

Trump has accepted Nikki Haley's resignation

Image result for nikki haley
President Trump has accepted Nikki Haley's resignation as UN Ambassador, according to two sources briefed on their conversation. The timing of her departure is still unclear, the president promised a "big announcement" with her at 10:30 a.m.
What we're hearing: Haley discussed her resignation with Trump last week when she visited him at the White House, these sources said. Her news shocked a number of senior foreign policy officials in the Trump administration. 
Background: Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, was easily confirmed four days after President Trump's inauguration in 2017.
She has overseen Trump's shift in dealing with the UN, including the U.S. exit from the UN Human Rights Council, which Haley called the organization's "greatest failure."
Worth noting: Haley wrote a public op-ed in September challenging the N.Y. Times' anonymous op-ed:
  • "I don’t agree with the president on everything. When there is disagreement, there is a right way and a wrong way to address it. I pick up the phone and call him or meet with him in person."
  • "Like my colleagues in the Cabinet and on the National Security Council, I have very open access to the president. He does not shut out his advisers, and he does not demand that everyone agree with him. I can talk to him most any time, and I frequently do."
  • "If I disagree with something and believe it is important enough to raise with the president, I do it. And he listens."

CNN "Weasel" Brian Stelter Told Off by Ted Koppel

79 Year Old Bochur Marries for the very first time .... a Giyoras


מכתב ההמלצה של הישיבה (צילום: TheChesedFund)

Jerusalem Mayoral Candidate Berkowitz Promises To End “Chareidi Extortion” If Elected

The youngest mayoral candidate in the Jerusalem race and founder of the Hisorarus party, Ofer Berkowitz, 35, promises to rid the capital of “chareidi extortion” if he is successful in his bid to become the next mayor of Yerushalayim. Berkowitz, according to all polls, remains a front runner in the race. He is the only secular candidate running with a realistic chance of an election win.