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Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Skeverer Rents Home to Illegals in New Hempstead without even owning it!!

 We reported on Dec 2, how Skver is dumping hundreds of illegal latinos in New Hempstead, a town bordering New Square, to prevent young Jewish families from moving close to New Square. 
They buy homes and then rent them out to illegals, many of them violent criminals to discourage frum Jews from buying reasonable homes in the neighborhood. 
The motive behind these bizarre Skverer actions is that they don't want the Skverer children to know that there are other Jews in the world that are not Skver who are Shomrei Torah Umitzvois ....
Now they are renting homes to illegal criminals with homes they don't even own!!!
Rockland County Executive Ed Day announced the county is suing two men who they allege illegally occupied and rented property that had been foreclosed.
The county is suing Joseph Greenbaum and Elazer Dancziger for renting foreclosed apartments in New Hempstead that the county owned.
"Their actions were not only illegal, they were outrageous," said Day. "It's a scam – like renting the Brooklyn Bridge. They represented that they owned a property that they did not own."
In a complaint filed in Rockland County Supreme Court, the county is seeking to recover damages for the unlawful occupation of the property.
Greenbaum, the property owner, had failed to pay taxes on the property since 2012, the county said.
After the county took possession of the property, all tenants were told they had to move though the two men continued to rent the property. Tenants told investigators that they had paid $2,000 in rent per unit, the county said.
The case has been referred to the Rockland County Sheriff's Department for criminal investigation.

Matzeivah of Rav Shteinmen vs Matzeivah of Satmar Rebbe

Yeshivah Bochur stone-thrower arrested for attack on IDF soldier

Police arrested an anti-draft extremist in Beit Shemesh Monday evening, hours after an IDF soldier was injured in a stone-throwing attack that caused him to lose control of his vehicle and crash.

The attack occurred Monday morning, when a 21-year-old soldier driving in a predominantly-Charedi neighborhood of Ramat Beit Shemesh.

Anti-draft radicals spotted the driver’s IDF uniform, the soldier later said, and began hurling rocks at the vehicle.
During the attack, the soldier lost control of his vehicle and crashed into an electric pole.

MDA emergency first responders were called to the scene, and treated the soldier before evacuating him to Hadassah Ein Kerem Hospital in Jerusalem. MDA officials say the soldier suffered light injuries in the crash.

“When we arrived at the scene, we saw the driver walking around a car that had crashed into an electric pole,” an MDA medic who treated the soldier reported.
“He told us that he hit the pole after a rock was thrown at him. He was lightly injured. We gave him medical treatment and evacuated him to the hospital in light condition.
Police units were also dispatched to the scene of the attack, and opened an investigation into the incident.

On Monday night, police arrested one suspect in connection with the savage attack, Behadrei Haredim reported.

Beit Shemesh Mayor Moshe Abutbol condemned the attack.
“It is sad that we have these kinds of extremists living here. I once again call on the extremists, as I called on them at [last year’s] Memorial Day honoring fallen IDF soldiers: 
get out of our city.”

Monday, January 8, 2018

Chareidim Go to Har Habayis Every Day Now!

Chareidim now go up to the Har Habayit every day relying on Rishonim such as the Me'erie, that allowed it ...

I don't have enough knowledge on this topic to have an opinion, but if those Chareidim have their "Dass Torah" that allow it ... then Kol Ha'kovod! 

It's important to have a Jewish presence there so the world sees that we haven't abandoned it and that we hope to return in mass to the Har Habyis very soon!

Yeshivah Boys Throw Rocks At IDF Soldier’s Vehicle Leading To Accident

An IDF soldier was driving his vehicle in Ramat Beit Shemesh today,  during the morning hours. He was attacked with rocks and trash thrown by Yeshivishe thugs . As a result, he lost control of the vehicle and struck a pole.
United Hatzalah volunteer EMT Yitchak Levinger, who runs a store that was two streets away from the incident, was the first responder at the scene.
“When I arrived I found a young man, 18 or 19 years old who was highly agitated and pale after the car he was driving in had been attacked, according to his statement, by a group of charedim. 
The assailants had thrown rocks and bags of trash at his car and screamed at him. He lost control of his vehicle and his car slammed into a lamppost resulting in serious damage to his vehicle. Luckily, he sustained only light injuries in the form of lacerations to his face. 
After the accident, his car was surrounded by a bunch of Yeshivah Bochrim acting crazy. 
I approached the car and calmed the driver down, I treated his wound and stayed with him until the police and ambulance team arrived."

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Satmar's Open Endorsement For Neturei Karta

See on the left side after the fold, a bulletin of Neturei Karta fund raising!
The article in Der Goy that advocates the Satmar position supporting the Neturei Karta !

So much for Satmar's official denial that "Neturei Karta has nothing to do with Satmar," and that Satmar SHIT'ah is against the Neturi Karta  Hashkafah!

Right there on the very front page of Der Goy, the official mouthpiece of the Zalonie faction of Satmar, you can clearly see the bulletin that directs the reader to turn to page 32.
See above photo of the actual article that openly supports the Neturei Karta!

The hateful article against other Jews starts with the words which millions of Jews utter on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, the holiest days of the year 
     'ובכן יתקדש שמך ה
What utter chutzpah .....!!!

The Neturei Karta have met with Yasser Arafat and the Iranian murderers to support these Jewish Murderers with their plan to eradicate the Jewish people, G-D forbid!

The article quotes a guy by the name of "AH'mad" that supports the NK agenda.
How crazy and demented can Jewish people be?

I'm not going to translate the garbage in the article, suffice it to say that they cite Satmar philosophy in the article.

Neturei Karta officials have by in large been educated in Satmar Mosdois  and they quote almost exclusively from  their Quran the  Va'Yoel Moshe!
Enough said!

Geula In Jerusalem – Between Wealth And Poverty .. Video

Friday, January 5, 2018

Norman Rosenbaum Tears Into Ezra "the shoiteh" Friedlander For His Defence of "cryin" Schumer!

Der Shoteh, Der Naar Friedlander with a skunk on his head!

 Remember, when I Posted that the Shoiteh and tuches lekker, Friedlander, published an Op-Ed in various frum publications backing "cryin'" Schumer?

Well, Norman Rosenbaum, whose brother Yaakov was brutally murdered on the streets of Crown Heights, wrote a response in a column in the Five Towns Times 

Don’t Justify The Unjustifiable Senator Schumer

By Norman Rosenbaum and Isaac Abraham
The recent public condemnation of Senator Schumer for refusing to write a letter in support of efforts to have Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin released from jail has certainly drawn some weird responses from those blindly loyal to the senator.
Quick to quote the expression of “Those who know, don’t speak, and those who speak don’t know,” Mr. Friedlander unashamedly follows up with an open admission that he is not privy to inside information on this issue and that he is just surmising what must have occurred (between Senator Schumer and Congresswoman Pelosi) based on his understanding of the political process.
Mr. Friedlander accuses those critical of Senator Schumer of shooting themselves in the foot, political immaturity if not political suicide, and failing to recognize the real power and influence of the senator. Mr. Friedlander’s support of the senator borders on hysteria, with Schumer critics targeted for wanting to convince the senator that he is not a friend of the Jewish community.
Not true! 
Schumer’s conduct was truly and fundamentally inconsistent with that of many of his Senate and Congressional colleagues (Democrats and Republicans alike), former senior law-enforcement officials, former judges, and eminent practicing attorneys. Senator Schumer was wrong and he must be made aware—unambiguously and unequivocally, but respectfully—of how his conduct is viewed. 
Nobody is looking to turn him into an enemy, but a repeat performance is also unacceptable. To suggest, as Mr. Friedlander does, that Senator Schumer would have had prior notice and would have tacitly approved of Ms. Pelosi’s written support for Rubashkin’s release only exacerbates the enormity of Schumer’s failure to do likewise. What did the senator not appreciate—the injustice, the inhumanity, or the corruption that beset the justice system throughout?
The strength of any friendship (political included) is truly measured by the ability of friends to be open and honest with one another, particularly when they do not agree. Intellectual honesty must reign supreme; otherwise, the polluted swamp will only ever continue to deteriorate. Silence, appeasement, and condoning of the unacceptable conduct of politicians are antiquated and obsolete options when advancing the best interests of a community.
The most eerie aspect of the position of Senator Schumer in regard to Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin is that we have seen it all before. When the family of Yankel Rosenbaum, murdered in the 1991 Crown Heights pogrom, was pursuing U.S. Justice Department intervention, then-congressman Schumer was also conspicuously silent. At the forefront of the pursuit for justice were Senator Alphonse D’Amato and Mayor Rudy Giuliani, wholeheartedly supported in their initiatives by then Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, Senate Minority leader Bob Dole, and New York Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan. The support they garnered included all of the Senate (Democrats and Republicans) and many Congressmen.
One can only wonder why Senator Schumer has managed to amass a record of failing to support the pursuit of justice over a period of 25 years; could it possibly be because he does not consider such a principle politically expedient?
Mr. Friedlander will remind you of Senator Schumer’s opposition to President Obama’s Iran nuclear deal. You remember that is the deal another friend of Friedlander’s, Congressman Jerry Nadler, supported. 
It would be most interesting to hear Friedlander’s justification of the opposing positions of his two good friends in that instance.

Viznitz Prohibits the Dead From Using Smartphones!!

It's crazier and crazier ....... out there!
There is a cemetery in Monsey that is called the "Viznitz Bais Ha'Chayim"

Buried there are the holy Ribnitzer Rebbe z"l, Skulener Rebbe z"l and others ...

They must have noticed somehow, that the dead sneak smartphones out at night when no one sees  ......

So the brilliant Askanim decided to put an  end to these shenanigans, and put up a sign with a "WARNING!" stating that no one can use a smartphone in the cemetery ...

It's interesting to note that they use the German word "Achtung" for "warning," the word the Nazis used against the Jews!!

It cannot possibly be that they are warning the live visitors, because after the huge Asifas in Manhattan and Monsey ... no living Chusid owns one ...

Monday, January 1, 2018

Where did all the $$$$$$$ go that Satmar Collected for French Schools to Save them from the Zionists ???????

On August 2016, I posted , a story that R' Zalman Leib, Williamsburg Satmar Rabbi, recruited the naive Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva, R' Malkiel Kotler and convinced the fool that the "Cursed Zionists" are kidnapping French children, cutting their peyes off making them irreligious Zionists!

Based on these lies, R' Zalman Leib raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from ignorant Litvishe Jews and told them that he was going to fund these Chinuch Atzmaie Yeshivois, to house these innocent French children, to save their souls!

The whole thing was based on a total lie, anyone who knows Satmar would tell you that Chinuch Atzmaie schools in Israel that were basically set up for this purpose, are by in large funded by the Zionist Medinah and  that the word Chinuch Atzmaei is "chazir treif" by the Satmars, whose founder R' Yoilish Teitelbaum, would have nothing to do with Chinuch Atzmaie because it was funded by Agudah and the Zionists!

I explained in that 2016 post that the French children that are being sent to Israel are secular to begin with ....
there are no Frum French Jews sending their children to France unsupervised ....and that there isn't ONE frum French family that is sending any of their children to Israel to a secular Zionist School...... not ONE!!!

There is also no way that the secular French Children are going to shave their heads, grow pieus, put on long chassididhe gotchkis and wear chassidishe clothing .... no way!

To date that there are only 3 Chinach Atzmaie Schools in Israel that received $10,000.00 that were "supposedly" enrolling French Children ......,

Where are the rest of the funds.....??????????

One of those naive rich people who funded this enterprise, now feels that he was suckered into this massive fraud, and is contacting the Attorney General's office. 

Good luck!

Dayan of Eida Hachreidis Calls Rav Shteinman z"l "Zerah Amaleik"

The Eida Hacreidis, a Satmar Organization in Israel is in the Kashrut business and gives the Hashgacha on thousands of products. 

A Dayan who goes by the name of Yehoshua Rosenberger ym"s called R' Shteinman z"l "Ameilik" in a statement that he gave and was posted in all shuls in the year 2011.
He wrote this when R' Shteinman was still alive!

Entire Steinberg Family from Scarsdale and 3 Weiss' Die in Plane Crash in Costa Rica UPDATED!

Bruce Steinberg, Irene Steinberg, Matthew Steinberg, William Steinberg and Zachary Steinberg (all pictured)

Mitchell, 52, and Leslie Levin Weiss, 50, their 19-year-old daughter Hannah Mae, were killed in the plane crash in Costa Rica. Ari Moses Weiss, 16, has also been reported as dead after the tragedy


Two Jewish American families were killed when a plane crashed in Costa Rica on New Year's Eve.

Mitchell, 52, and Leslie Levin Weiss, 50, both of St. Petersburg, Florida, died alongside their 19-year-old daughter Hannah Mae, when the Cessna 208B Grand Caravan went down, officials report.

The Philadelphia Inquirer also reports that their 16-year-old son Ari Moses Weiss, was killed in the crash.

There are conflicting reports about the death toll of the crash. Several outlets report ten Americans died along with the two Costa Rican pilots, although a total of 13 have been reported dead by various news sources.

Strong winds were seen as a factor in the crash of a small plane in Costa Rica that killed all passengers on board and two local crew members, according to officials and witnesses.

'It's a tragic loss,' said Rabbi Jacob Luski, of the Congregation B'Nai Israel, where the Weiss family attended. 
'I just saw the mom and the daughter last week after Friday evening services,' Luski said. 'They will be sorely missed. It's a real tragedy for their families and the community at large.'

Mitchell Weiss was a radiology specialist in Clearwater, Florida, after studying at medical school in Philadelphia while his wife was a pediatrician who practiced in Tampa. Their daughter Hannah was a student at Columbia University.

The family had relocated from Philadelphia to St. Petersburg, Florida, about 12 years ago.

It is not clear but it is presumed Ari Weiss was with them when the plane went down on New Year's Eve. 

Family and friends of the Steinbergs were still in shock about the loss of the family of five. 
'They were wonderful people. We need a whole world of people like them,' relative Dianne Steinberg, 76, told New York Daily News.

Bruce, who had just turned 50, and his wife Irene Steinberg, and their three sons; Matthew, William and Zachary were all killed, Diario Las Americos reported.

Tamara Jacobson, Bruce's sister, wrote on Facebook: 'We are in utter shock and disbelief right now.' 
The family were very active in their local Jewish community.

Scott Richman, Director of American Jewish Committee Westchester said: 'The entire AJC family mourns the loss of Irene Steinberg and her beautiful family.'
Irene, 51, served on the committee for more than a decade and was joined by her oldest son William who interned at the office last year. She was also involved with the United Jewish Appeal - Federation of Jewish Philanthropies of New York. 

'She was a devoted leader to Jewish causes,' Richman added. 'She was particularly concerned about passing on this love of the Jewish people to the next generation.  'We are deeply saddened by this immense tragedy.'

Irene and Bruce are also said to have donated thousands of dollars to Seeds of Peace, a U.S.-based organisation which focuses on peace-building between young Israelis and Palestinians.

William, a freshman at the University of Pennsylvania, was also involved in Seeds of Peace, and his aunt revealed on Facebook he had been planning a career in politics.

The University of Pennsylvania's Class Board 2021 shared its condolences on Facebook. 

'We are very shocked and saddened to hear about the death of William Steinberg and his family,' the message read. 'We still cannot believe that they died so unexpectedly. Many of us knew Will very closely, he was such a wonderful person who blessed Penn with his amazing smile everyday. Together we mourn the death of a friend, a peer, and a promising scholar who would have went on to change the world.

At a news conference, Enio Cubillo, director of Costa Rica Civil Aviation, said the Nature Air charter flight took off just after noon Sunday from Punta Islita and was headed for the capital of San Jose when it crashed.

Strong winds were seen as a factor. The plane burst into flames on impact, according to rescue officials and locals.

Costa Rica's Civil Aviation agency said the pilots had tried to land at Punta Islita earlier Sunday to get the passengers but aborted because of 'the gusts of wind.'
The aircraft was up-to-date with its certifications and had been inspected a month earlier, the agency said.
'There had been a lot wind, really strong,' one resident in the area told AFP on Monday.

She said when she and other locals arrived at the crash site, up a steep hillside, 'we couldn't see, absolutely everything was black.'

She added: 'The front part of the plane was all on fire, and the tail part was the only bit intact.'

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Satmar Call Moetzes Gedoilei Hador a "bunch of apikorsim" because they back Trump's Declaration of Yerusalyim as Israel's capital!

Dre Goy condemns Agudath Israel's Support of President Trump

In this weeks, Der Goy, a Satmar weekly yiddish newspaper, a mamzer with the fictitious name ..B. Toib, calls out the Agudas Yisroel's support of President Trump on his bold move to recognize Yerushalyim as Israel's capital...

The Agudas Yisrael, is headed by the Moetzes Gedoilie HaToirah, and they in a letter to President Trump, supported and praised his declaration of Yerusahlayim as Israel's Capital!

In the above Op-ED, "Toib the mamzer" says that this letter from the Agudah is "Chutzpeh" and is "Kefirah" ...
It goes on with a rant against the Israeli Hamodia that wrote that Trump's move gives "hope of the coming Geulah"!

The Mamzer writes that the Moetzes is violating the prohibition of
התגרות באומות .  "antagonizing the gentile nations" and Toib is elated by the UN's vote last week against Trump.
Isn't this the biggest התגרות באומות????? 

Just last week the Satmar Rebbe barked against Trump's declaration! 

Satmar ..... should stick to bringing chicken soup and knaidlich to the Bikkur Choilim rooms and stay out of politics. You guys  are clueless and look foolish ...

The State of Israel is here to stay and has the largest Jewish population in the entire world, and has more people learning Torah than any other place on earth....
and even though this should be a celebration .... they continue to deny this fact in face of reality ....

The Satmar Rebbe , Reb Yoilish Teitelbaum naively declared in 1956 and reiterated this in 1967 that in "in 20 years there won't be any Moisdes Ha'Torah in Israel" .....
He was obviously wrong just as he was wrong about his disastrous advise to pre-WW2 Jews that they shouldn't emigrate to the then Palestine and the US ....; while at the same time, he managed to negotiate with the Zionists to get a seat on the Kastner train to save himself, leaving his Chassidim to be murdered...
He also said that Americans never went to the moon! 

Satmar Savages Force Rabbi Shteinman memorial to change location in England

Satmar gangsters protesting R' Shteinman Hazkarah in London
A scheduled memorial for Rabbi Aharon Leib Shteinman was forced to change its scheduled location in London following pressure from the radical anti-Zionist Satmar faction, the Charedi Kikar Hashabbat website reported.

According to the report, members of London's Charedi community had scheduled a memorial for Rabbi Shteinman, a leading Charedi authority who passed away earlier this month. However, the event was moved to a smaller location after Satmar protested the event.

The disagreement caused a storm in London between the mainstream Charedi community, which reveres the rabbi, and the fringe anti-Zionist Satmar movement. "We won't surrender to these extremists and deny the rabbi the honor that he deserves," a senior London rabbi told Kikar Hashabbat.

Both the Satmar community and the Yerushalmi Faction have been at loggerheads with Rabbi Shteinman due to his alleged role in founding the Netzah Yehuda-Nahal Haredi Battalion, which enables haredim to enlist in the IDF.
 Brigadier General (res.) Yehuda Duvdevani, who founded the battalion, recently said that Rabbi Shteinman was responsible for 15,000 more Charedi soldiers drafting into the IDF due to the quiet behind-the-scenes support he gave Netzach Yehuda-Nahal Haredi when it was founded in 1999.

As a result, while hundreds of thousands of people gathered in Bnei Brak to mourn the passing of Rabbi Aharon Leib Steinman after his passing, some radical Charedi anti-draft activists celebrated his death, with posters hailing the death of one of the most widely respected authorities of Jewish law in the Charedi world as a "great event".

Followers of the radical Yerushalmi Faction hung posters celebrating Rabbi Shteinman's passing, which they called "a great event for the Jewish people".

"We announce with a joyful voice that the rumor is indeed true," read the poster, which went on to list his alleged 'sins', such as "founding the Nahal Haredi and sending thousands to the army of destruction".

In addition, some followers of the radical anti-Zionist Satmar sect in Meah Shearim broke out dancing upon hearing the news of his passing.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Will the Real Uncle Moishy Stand Up?

Who is the real Uncle Moishy?
I understand that the New Uncle Moishy's name isn't even "Moishy" .....🤔
and I think that the New Uncle Moishy should stop visiting the Pizza Shop ... would do him a lot of good!
Just sayin' 

by Col Live
That's the question that was recently thrown at the doorstep of the Machon Le'Hora'ah, a private beis din in Monsey, NY, led by Rabbi Avraham Boruch Rosenberg.

A business dispute between creators of the favorite children's entertainment character has led the rabbis to rule on who owns the iconic brand and trade name "Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men."

Through music albums (tapes), videos and concerts, "Uncle Moishy" has entertained children since 1978. He was especially popular in the 80s and early 90s when a limited supply of kosher entertainment was available.

Without TV and before the internet, both children and parents welcomed the "kosher" takeoffs on popular '60s songs, such as "Hey Dum Diddley Dum" and "Shake It Up, Zaidy."

But who exactly "he" is, is what the argument is currently about.

Presenting "Uncle Moishy" to the public were the Toronto-born musician and singer Moshe Tanenbaum and Suki & Ding Productions of Brooklyn, owned by musicians Suki Berry and David Golding ("Ding").

Together, they produced 22 audio albums and 14 videos which taught children about the joy of doing Mitzvos and living like a proud Jew. These themes had the Uncle Moishy and the Mitzvah Men act regularly invited to perform at children's rallies at 770 Eastern Parkway and Chabad centers around the world.

In fact, Tanenbaum attributes the beginning of his career and his own Torah observance to Chabad. As a child of Holocaust survivors, educator Rabbi Yankel Glucowsky and Rabbi Yehoshua Lauferhad a deep impact on him. Mrs. Francis Glucowsky had him sing to her preschool class.

Chavie Weisberger Gets Her Kids Back After Coming Out as Gay!

In 2012, a judge ordered that Chavie Weisberger’s children be removed from her care because the formerly Hasidic mom came out as a lesbian.
Chavie Weisberger will never forget the day in October 2012 when her friend came over and told her that her ex-husband, Naftali Weisberger, was suing the formerly Hasidic mom for sole custody of their three young children. The following month, a judge ordered that the kids be immediately removed from her care.
“I was shocked. He was so absent,” Chavie, now 35, says of her ex. “I [had] tried to get him more engaged in the children’s lives with so much resistance.”
After divorcing her husband in 2009, Chavie had eventually come out as a lesbian, shocking her friends, family and ex-husband, who had since remarried and started a new family.
“To him, you can’t raise Hasidic kids with a queer mother,” Chavie tells The Post. Naftali, who declined to be interviewed for this article, argued that she had violated the religious-upbringing clause in their divorce agreement, which required that she bring up their children in a strict Orthodox environment. According to court papers, he maintained that she had “radically changed her lifestyle” — including coming out to her eldest daughter and living with a transgender man.
The courts agreed with him. In 2015, Brooklyn Judge Eric Prus awarded Naftali sole legal and residential custody of their two daughters and one son — and even forbade her from discussing her sexuality with her youngest children.
“I felt terror,” she says of the 2015 ruling. “The whole world came crashing down on me.”

Wednesday, December 27, 2017

O! Jerusalem

by Rabbi Berel Wein
The Jewish people and the world generally were witness this past week to yet another fulfillment of a biblical prophecy. 

The prophet said that a day will come when all of the nations – or at least a sizable portion of them – will attack Jerusalem and attempt to dislodge the Jewish people from their capital city and its holy environs. 128 nations voted for a UN General Assembly resolution denying the right of Israel and the Jewish people to claim Jerusalem as its capital.

Among the nations that voted for this resolution were the usual culprits – dictators, slaveholders, warmongers and many others of this ilk. And naturally the hypocritical democracies of Europe never have been able to overcome their anti-Jewish bias, developed over centuries of persecution and discrimination against Jews  also supported this nefarious resolution.

There were countries, led by the United States of America, who voted against the resolution and spoke up about its bias and impracticality. In the long view of history those nations who defended Jewish rights eventually were blessed for their wisdom and kindness. The United States of America is the world's leading democracy and with all of its warts and faults remains a shining beacon of fairness and opportunity for individuals all over the world. 

Supporting Israel's claim to Jerusalem is just simply choosing right over wrong and realistic history over illusory plans and policies. 

The United States committed its error in supporting an anti-Israel resolution last year under the Obama administration. And it made good on its policy of long-standing to protect Israel from these continued efforts by the United Nations to undermine its sovereignty and territorial integrity.
There is no use arguing this matter logically or even realistically. It matters little to the world that Jerusalem, for the first time in many centuries, is free for worship to all faiths and peoples. It also matters little that Israel has all of its government offices located in Jerusalem and that Israel as a sovereign nation has long chosen Jerusalem to be its capital. None of this matters because it is not so much that the world wants Jerusalem – after all it was a wasteland and backwater location for many centuries whether under Christian or Moslem rule – it is simply that the world does not want the Jews to have Jerusalem. 

There is absolutely no logical explanation for this position but there it is anyway. 

The terrible virus of anti-Semitism affects all attitudes and positions regarding the state of Israel and certainly regarding Jerusalem. 

I certainly agree that there are religious difficulties for both the Christian and Moslem worlds regarding the status of Jerusalem as being a Jewish city and the capital of the state of Israel. 

However just as portions of the Christian clergy and Moslem nations have learned to live with the reality of the existence of the state of Israel – itself a religious difficulty to the theology of these faiths – so too I am confident that they will be able to adjust to the fact that Jerusalem is the capital of the Jewish state. Reality eventually affects beliefs and previously held opinions, even those that were once represented as being sacred and immutable. 

The city of Jerusalem itself is thriving as perhaps never before in its long and turbulent history. The population is at an all-time high and every neighborhood in the city is experiencing new construction and refurbishment. The light rail system has proven to be a success and the good old green Egged buses are still plying their routes more or less in an orderly fashion and on a scheduled timeline. 

The city has enjoyed an economic upturn and its government has improved many of the services, quietly and without boastful fanfare. The Arab citizens of Jerusalem – they are a little more than 30% of the population here - enjoy a standard of living and opportunity unmatched anywhere else in the Middle East.
Yet, this means nothing regarding the attitude of much of the world as far as Israel and Jerusalem is concerned. 

The United Nations resolution, shameful as it is, is nevertheless nonbinding and non-enforceable.

It is another one of the paper propaganda victories that the Palestinian Authority revels in, which brings them no closer to a state of their own, which by now most of us suspect they really don't want anyway.

Jerusalem was supposed to be a bargaining chip to extract greater concessions from Israel on any final agreement. Somehow that chip may now be lost and no longer in play.

Councilman David Greenfield The Liar ......Covers for Crying Chucky Schumer!


The Gifteringotham blog  reports that the tuchis lekker,  Councilman David Greenfield lied and tweeted that "Crying" Schumer was involved in getting Rubashkin released!!

Councilman Greenfield tweeted and credited Senator Schumer for his “involvement” and that is what set this off. The community was shocked when they saw a blatant lie by another frum NYC Councilman.  We do not have to worry about Jew haters when we got our own people who hate their own.
Read the  Gifteringotham blog response to Ezra Friedlander's Op-Ed ....
he dissects the kapo's lies paragraph by paragraph!