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Thursday, March 9, 2017

CNN guy sparks backlash after he eats HUMAN BRAIN while filming with Hindu cannibal sect

CNN's Reza Aslan (pictured, right) has been heavily criticized for eating human brain in an episode of his new series called Believer
CNN presenter Reza Aslan has been heavily criticized after he ate part of a human brain while filming with a Hindu cannibal sect in India.

The episode, part of a series called Believer with Reza Aslan, was shown on Sunday and provoked horror and dismay from many viewers and an angry backlash by Hindus in America.

Tulsi Gabbard, the only Hindu in Congress, tweeted: 'I am very disturbed that CNN is using its power and influence to increase people’s misunderstanding and fear of Hinduism.' 

The Democrat, from Hawaii, added: 'Aslan apparently sought to find sensationalist and absurd ways to portray Hinduism.
'Aslan and CNN didn't just throw a harsh light on a sect of wandering ascetics to create shocking visuals - as if touring a zoo - but repeated false stereotypes about caste, karma and reincarnation that Hindus have been combating tirelessly.' 
Aslan, an Iranian-born religious scholar, was with a group from the Aghori sect when he was invited to eat cooked brain tissue during a ritual.

Aslan, 44, met the Aghori in the holy Hindu city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, where they smeared the ashes from cremated human bodies on his face.

He then drank an alcoholic drink from a human skull, before eating what he was told was human brain.
At one point he fell out with the Aghori guru who shouted: 'I will cut your head off if you keep talking so much.'
The guru began eating his own faeces and then hurled it at Aslan.

Aslan quipped: 'I feel like this may have been a mistake.' 

Indian-Americans have criticized CNN for highlights the beliefs of a tiny cult - which has less than 100 members - which has little to do with mainstream Hinduism.

The Aghori are devotees of the Hindu god Shiva and believe nothing can taint the human body. But their beliefs and practices are rejected by orthodox Hindus. 

The Hindustan Times reported that the US India Political Action Committee said in a statement: 'With multiple reports of hate-fueled attacks against people of Indian origin from across the US, the show characterizes Hinduism as cannibalistic, which is a bizarre way of looking at the third largest religion in the world.' 
Aslan (pictured, right) has been criticized for 'sensationalist' reporting. The Aghori (pictured, left) number less than 100 and their beliefs and practices are frowned upon by a billion Hindus

Industrialist Shalabh Kumar told the Press Trust of India: 'This is a disgusting attack on Hinduism'.
Kumar tweeted: 'CNN, Clinton News Network has no respect for Hindus. All Hindus worldwide should boycott CNN.'
He also claimed the Republican Hindu Coalition was 'planning to take major action'.
Then, in an extraordinary outburst, Kumar tweeted: 'I condemn CNN for airing Believer with fiction. Disgusting attack on Hindus for supporting @POTUS @stephenkbannon @newtgingrich.'
Kumar had previously claimed that 65 percent of Hindus in America had voted for Trump. 
Aslan refused to apologize for the episode and on Twitter seemed to be positively reveling in the controversy
Aslan refused to apologize for the episode and on Twitter seemed to be positively reveling in the controversy

Sanjay Puri, chairman of the United States India Political Action Committee, said: 'We are very disappointed. This is an issue that is of deep concern to the Indian-American community evidenced by the large number of calls/emails we have received. 

'In a charged environment, a show like this can create a perception about Indian-Americans which could make them more vulnerable to further attacks'.  
But there is no sign of an apology from Aslan, who seems to be revelling in the controversy.
One of the Aghori sect members appears to threaten Aslan during the episode
One of the Aghori sect members appears to threaten Aslan during the episode
He retweeted an article by the American Council on Science and Health which was headlined: 'Why CNN's Reza Aslan Shouldn't Eat Human Brains' and then tweeted: 'You work all your life for a headline like this.'
But on his Facebook page Aslan, writing about the episode, said: 'As I repeatedly state on camera and in voice-over, (they) are not representative of Hinduism but are instead an extreme Hindu sect who reject the fundamental Hindu distinction between purity and pollution.' 
Aslan, who is himself a Muslim, is the author of several books, including No God but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam. 

Friday, March 3, 2017

Anti-Trump Black Muslim Guy Behind Threats Against Jewish Institutions

Anti-Trump Communist Juan Thompson’s Twitter account, which is referenced in the criminal complaint, espouses communist and anti-Trump beliefs. Several tweets from the Twitter account are mentioned in the criminal complaint.

A disgraced former reporter was arrested by the Federal Bureau of Investigation Friday for several bomb threats to Jewish Community Centers, Jewish schools and other Jewish organizations around the country.
Juan Thompson, 31, was arrested in St. Louis by the FBI for making at least eight bomb threats and the cyberstalking of an ex-girlfriend. Thompson was a former reporter for The Intercept, and was fired after it was discovered that he made up sources and stories, including one about Charleston shooter Dylann Roof.
The criminal complaint states that threats made to the Jewish establishments across the country by Thompson were under his name and the name of his ex-girlfriend, and occurred after the relationship ended. The threats were made by both email and phone calls.
Dozens of Jewish Community Center bomb threats have occurred throughout the country since President Donald Trump’s election, and liberal groups and politicians have attacked Trump for them. The president condemned the threats during his address to Congress, but he reportedly said earlier that day, “sometimes it’s the reverse, to make people — or to make others — look bad.”
The criminal complaint references a tweet from Thompson that said, “Know any good lawyers? Need to stop this nasty/racist [white girl] I dated who sent a bomb threat in my name & wants me to be raped in jail.”
“I’m been tormenting by an anti-semite named Francesca Rossi,” the account also tweeted. “She works for [Housing and Services inc]. She sent an anti-Jewish bomb threat in my name. Help.”
Thompson also tweeted about the Jewish Community Center threats as recently as this past week. “Another week, another round of threats against Jewish people. In the middle of the day, you know who’s at a JCC? Kids. KIDS,” the former reporter wrote Monday.
He also tweeted, “[Trump] is not insane. That’s a slur against ppl who actually suffer w/mental health issues. He is simply a racist/sexist/capitalist monster.”

Zaloinim Protest Belzer Rebbi Because He Allowed Natanyahu to be Menachem Avel

Interesting ..... there are no Aroinim Rabbis signing this crap ..... I wonder why?
Do you think that the fact that the Belzer and R'Aaron are married to sisters has something to do with this ? Naaaaah .....

Flashback: Chuck Schumer Meets with Putin in New York City

Where’s the outrage?
Democrat Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer continues to push the Russia conspiracy.
But it was Schumer who met with Putin in New York City – not Trump.
The picture above was taken in 2003 as Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil.
The hysteria over Trump administration officials talking — or not talking — with Russia needs to end.
It’s getting in the way of putting America back on track.
NTK has more on the meet-up:
In 2003, Schumer welcomed Putin to New York City as Russian oil company Lukoil opened a gas station in Manhattan.
The AP photo shows Putin and Schumer smiling, with coffee and Krispy Kreme doughnuts. The caption reads:
Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, enjoys a Krispy Kreme doughnut and coffee with Senator Charles Schumer from New York as Putin visits the first New York gas station of the Russian company Lukoil, Friday.
Schumer also said that day:
“When I showed the president of Russia a Krispy Kreme doughnut and he ate it and said it was good, that was one of the more surreal moments I’ve had in politics.”
The photo above also shows Putin and Schumer appearing friendly that day.

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Senator Claire McCaskill Lies About Meeting Russian Ambassador but Says AG Sessions is A Liar?

Beri Weber Purim Video Causes Massive Chillul Hashem

The following appeared in YWN ..... Some singer, I never heard of, Beri (which adult stills calls himself Beri?) Weber, .... followed the goyishe minhag of making a Singing Video..... but left a bunch of crap for the goyim to pick up ...

Dear YWN.
I am appealed at what I just saw, and feel the need to share it with your readers.
On Tuesday afternoon you published a video of a well-known singer dangerously being dragged down the street on a plank of wood in some type of music video ahead of Purim.
On the YWN Instagram account there were some that questioned calling this a “Chillul Hashem”.
Perhaps they will now change their minds.
After this despicable Chillul Hashem was caused yesterday, the group apparently decided to simply dump all their props that were used in the shooting of this movie on my block – on someones garden!
The attached photos and videos [POSTED BELOW] speak for themselves. I am appalled.
What’s even worse is the people who seem to have no issue with the stunt pulled yesterday.
“Why must YWN always degrade Jews having a good time?”
“Come ON – everyone shoots movies on public street!”
“This was no Chillul Hashem – get real”.
Those are some of the comments I have heard.
Of course people shoot movies on public streets. But they get PERMITS, and have safety precautions in place. Do you know that a Frum child was KILLED at a Hachnosas Sefer Torah in Boro Park 25 years ago after a rope snapped and struck the child in face? Beri Weber nearly got killed yesterday when he fell off the moving piece of wood while decked out in his Chassidih Levush as city buses packed with non-Jews looked on in horror.
What about the street that was damaged? Did you see the marks this prop dug into the pavement?
Where is the responsibility?
Aren’t we in Galus?
And then to top it all off, they go and dump their props onto a street corner – the wooden plank, ropes, empty wine bottles, popcorn etc?! And onto someone lawn, that they pay a gardener to mow every month!
The behavior of these people must be exposed or it will continue getting worse and worse. I gurantee no Rov in Flatbush was asked if this should be done.
We are in an age where “anything goes”.
We must yell and scream and show that good Ehrlich Yidden have nothing to do with this behavior.
I can predict that there will be those that find answers for this illegal dumping and bash my letter. Likely the same people that go on trips on Chol Hamoed and throw their filth everywhere.
I encourage people to read the article you published earlier today by Rabbi Yair Hoffman discussing Chillul Hashem. Some people seriously need to get a grip.
Signed – An outraged Flatbush resident living on Avenue N and East 18 Street.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Trump reads DusIzNies

7,000 Antisemitic Incidents Under Obama Ignored

In the last two months, almost 100 Jewish community centers and day schools have been targeted with antisemitic threats. The map of the threats is shocking. It stretches from Maine to Florida, Texas, Colorado, all the way to California and Washington. 
Despite more than 190 antisemitic incidents, no arrests have been made. These are terrifying times for many, and there is a feeling that antisemitism is reaching a crescendo in the US. The perception is that America has historically been safe and tolerant, but today a rising “wave” of antisemitism may be breaking on its golden door.
The US administration’s response has been tepid at best, and a case of denial at worst. Although Vice President Mike Pence stopped by a desecrated cemetery in St. Louis, it took more than a month for US President Donald Trump to make his denunciations clear, despite numerous chances to do. Trump is personally blamed for “unleashing” antisemitism during the election campaign last year. Rabbi Daniel Bogard, a victim of online antisemitic abuse, told the JTA,“There has been permission that’s been given to say these things we didn’t used to say.”
This feeds a growing narrative about the rise in antisemitism. There are more than nine million results in Google relating to “Trump antisemitism,” including the recent headlines “Report: Trump mulling axing antisemitism envoy as part of budget plan,” and “Trump suggests Jewish community is spreading antisemitic threats.”

SHOCKING: Top Democrats Refuse To Stand and Clap For Navy SEAL Widow Honored By Trump

Debbie "blabbermouth" Wasserman Schultz, a Jew and Keith Ellison, a Jew hating Muslim sit next to each other united only in their hate of President Trump! .... They never and stood up at any point in the speech...even when Trump vowed to eliminate ISIS.....

Meanwhile Senator Schumer .... said that he didn't see anything in the speech to praise ...

What is it with us Jews ...first the dunce Representative Engel refuses to shake the President's hand, then the blabbermouth sits on her fat derriere throughout the speech, making nice to an avowed anti-Semite, the Muslim Ellison then the Stupid Jew Schumer says that there wasn't "anything in the speech" ....hey Schumerpoo ...if you cannot find anything to praise ....SHUT THE HELL UP!

Is it any wonder that there are anti-Semites around?

CNN host stuns former AG with Trump ‘treason’ conspiracy theories

CNN host Erin Burnett has a charge in search of a crime.
During a segment with former Attorney General Michael Mukasey on Monday night, Burnett repeatedly pressed him to say Trump’s rumored campaign talks with the Russians were illegal, going so far as to speculate the accusations amounted to “treason.”
Mukasey, who swatted down Burnett’s conspiracy theories by citing the law, was left in a position where he could only be stunned by her words.
The CNN host seemed to be desperately trying to pin anything on Trump.
Burnett read into a statement by current Attorney General Jeff Sessions after he said the DOJ has to remain independent, but that “not every contact is improper,” and that he has not examine the alleged contacts “in detail.”
“That’s what any person would say in his position,” Mukasey responded with a chuckle.
“Should he recuse himself and get a special prosecutor?” she asked.
“No!” Mukasey said. “Special prosecutor of what? Where’s the crime? We haven’t even named the crime, let alone suggested that charges are going to be brought.”
Mukasey swatted down Burnett’s apparent hope that any proof of conversations would be “a criminal act.”
“No, it wouldn’t,” he said.
“Even if they had regular contact talking about working together?” Burnett asked.
“The only statute I know that that conceivably violates is the Logan Act and that hasn’t been prosecuted since 1793,” he said.
“But I’m talking about collusion or ‘it would be great if you could find things on Hillary Clinton,’ those sorts of conversations,” Burnett said. “That would be treason, right?”
What?” Mukasey said, astonished.
“No?” she said.
“No!” Mukasey said.
Burnett then subtly shifted to ask him if he was “fine with it” — moving from his interpretation of the law to his opinion.
“It’s not a question of being fine with it because I’m not fine with it. There’s a difference between treason and what I’m fine with or not. And saying you ought to get stuff on Hillary Clinton, believe it or not, is not a crime, even if you’re saying it to the Russians.”

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Representative Engel "The Dunce" Will Not Shake Hands With President Trump Tonight

People are still wondering how this stupid fool made it to Washington. Just goes to say that you don't have to be bright to represent the naive sheep of New York...

This out of touch idiot just made a speech in Congress that he will not reach out to the President of the United States to shake his hand, claiming that the President "looked the other way when threats against the Jewish community have increased in recent year"
The fact that Trump is in office barely a year, and has the most pro-Israel stance in our entire history, doesn't faze this clown.

And if he doesn't want to shake the hand of the President, he doesn't have to .......why make a public statement?

Call this nut case and let him know that he is embarrassing the Jewish people by dissing our President!

As Delivered – Click Here for Video -
WASHINGTON D.C.—Representative Eliot L. Engel, Ranking Member of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs and a senior member of the Committee on Energy and Commerce, today delivered the following remarks in the House of Representatives:
“Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I have long prided myself on working across the aisle to get things done for my constituents and all the American people. That’s what most people want: a government that grapples with tough issues in a constructive way. Unfortunately, since January 20th, the new Administration has shown no interest in working with the Congress on both sides to tackle problems, including Russia’s unlawful interference in last year’s election. That’s why I’ve decided not to stand on the aisle of the House chamber to shake the President’s hand during this joint session of Congress, as I have done in the past through Democratic and Republican administrations alike.  This will be the first time during my 29 years in the House that I’ve made this decision.
“I have deep respect for the Presidency, and I will attend the joint session. But that respect between branches must be mutual. The President has attacked the free press by calling it the ‘enemy of the people.’ He’s rejected America’s traditional role welcoming refugees, which have helped to make our country great. He’s cozied up to Vladimir Putin, the strongman who attacks our democracy. He’s moved to gut the Affordable Care Act and looked the other way when threats against the Jewish community have increased in recent year.
“This isn’t part of our normal political discourse.  This goes beyond ideological and political differences. The President needs to work with all people. And therefore, I will listen to what he has to say today, but I will not greet him and shake his hand. Thank you.”

Monday, February 27, 2017

Pedophiles Swamp Monsey!!!!

A registered sex offender accused of assaulting two minors now lives in Spring Valley, according to the New York State Division of Criminal Justice Services.
The man, 25-year-old Menachem Deutsch, was convicted of promoting or possessing a sexual performance by a female under 17 years old, unlawful imprisonment and sexual contact with a stranger in 2013.
The Division of Criminal Justice Services has assigned Deutsch as a level three threat, which means he is a “high-risk repeat offender and possible threat to public safety.”
According to the Division of Criminal Justice Services, Deutsch’s victims included 10- and 12-year-old males. He was sentenced to six months in jail and 10 years probation, which expires in September 2023. Deutsch is designated as a sexually violent offender.
The Dr. Frank Road resident has several conditions in regards to his supervision, including mandatory participation in a sex offender treatment program, no contact with his victims and he cannot possess pornographic materials. The supervising agency is Kings County (Brooklyn) Probation Adult Supervision.

According to the New York State Registry, Betzalel Dym has moved addresses to 188 Summit Park Rd, Spring Valley, New York, 10977
Betzalel, was convicted in August 2006 of first-degree sex abuse. He was convicted of having sex with a then-10-year-old Monsey boy five times between January and May of 2006.
As a result of his conviction, Betzalel Dym is listed as a Level 2 sex offender on the New York State Registry, designating him a moderate risk of repeating his crime.
See his Wall of Shame profile here.


Date of Birth: 1948-04-27


35 Appledale Lane, Monsey, NY, 10977, US

If you, or someone you know, has been abused by this individual, please contact your local police department and JCW. If any of the information on this page has changed or you have additional information to add, please contact us.

Convicted on 2008-06-18


Description: Course Of Sexual Conduct Against Child 2nd: Two Or More Acts/Child <11 Victim Sex/Age: Female, 7 Years Female,8Years

Yisroel Duvid Weiss YM"S from Monsey attends Palestinian Conference in Iran

Today is Rosh Chodosh Adar .... May Hashem obliterate our enemies in Iran and their Neturei Karta supporters ..

A peculiar sight was present in the crowd of an international conference against Israel: an ultra-Orthodox rabbi, listening attentively to anti-Israel rhetoric; what drives these Haredi Neturei Karta Jews into the arms of Israel's enemies.

The two-day Sixth International Conference in Support of the Palestinian Intifada held on Tuesday and Wednesday in the Iranian capital of Tehran was a great opportunity to spout anti-Israel rhetoric for opponents to the Jewish state, including for a select few ultra-Orthodox Jews.

Among the 80 delegations participating in the pro-Palestinian conference held every four years were representatives of Neturei Karta, a radical Haredi group that opposes Zionism and call for a dismantling of the State of Israel, believing that Jews are forbidden to have their own state until the coming of the Jewish messiah, therefore regarding the existence of Israel as provocation and rebellion against God.

Among the suits and the keffiyehs, as an anti-Zionist among equals, was Neturei Karta Spokesman Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, wearing traditional Haredi clothing and a scarf adorned with the Palestinian flag.

A scion of a famous family in anti-Zionist circles, Weiss listened intently to one of the most vitriolic speeches heard lately against Israel by Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who called the Jewish state "a fake country" and a "dirty chapter" in history, claiming it is a "cancerous tumor" that must be dealt with "step by step" until "the full liberation of Palestine."

Sunday, February 26, 2017

Democrats Elect Anti-Semite Muslim Keith Ellison as Deputy Chairman of the Party

Former Labor Secretary Tom Perez on Saturday was elected chairman of the Democratic National Committee, defeating top-rival Minnesota Rep. Keith Ellison, in their respective bids to chart the direction of the national party.
He immediately appointed the Jew-hating Muslim, Keith Ellison as Deputy!
Perez was elected after two rounds of balloting in Atlanta at the party’s annual winter meeting. He received 235 votes, crossing the threshold of 218 ballots. 
“We are at a turning point for our party and for all Americans,” Perez said after his victory. “By getting back to basics, we can turn the Democratic Party around, take the fight to (President) Donald Trump, and win elections from school board to the Senate.” 
Clintons & Obama very excited by the Jew Hater
Congrats to @DNC chair @TomPerez & deputy @keithellison. Excited for strong, unified party standing for best of our country into the future.
Reaction began pouring in shortly after the results were announced. 
Congratulations to new DNC Chair Tom Perez, Keith Ellison, & the great field of candidates who ran. United Democrats are stronger Democrats.
Obama released a statement that in part said:
"Congratulations to my friend Tom Perez on his election to lead the Democratic Party, and on his choice of Keith Ellison. ...What unites our party is a belief in opportunity -- the idea that however you started out, whatever you look like, or whomever you love, America is the place where you can make it if you try."