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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Obama’s Israel Surprise?

Fears grow of a final days presidential ambush at the U.N.

Image result for obama muslim

Wall Street Journal

The Middle East has few bright spots these days, but one is the budding rapprochement between Israel and its Sunni Arab neighbors, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, thanks to shared threats from Iran and Islamic State. Now the Obama Administration may have plans to wreck even that.
Israeli diplomats gird for the possibility that President Obama may try to force a diplomatic resolution for Israel and the Palestinians at the United Nations. The White House has been unusually tight-lipped about what, if anything, it might have in mind. But our sources say the White House has asked the State Department to develop an options menu for the President’s final weeks.
One possibility would be to sponsor, or at least allow, a U.N. Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction, perhaps alongside new IRS regulations revoking the tax-exempt status of people or entities involved in settlement building. The Administration vetoed such a resolution in 2011 on grounds that it “risks hardening the position of both sides,” which remains true.
But condemning the settlements has always been a popular way of scoring points against the Jewish state, not least at the State Department, and an antisettlement resolution might burnish Mr. Obama’s progressive brand for his postpresidency.
Mr. Obama may also seek formal recognition of a Palestinian state at the Security Council. This would run afoul of Congress’s longstanding view that “Palestine” does not have the internationally recognized attributes of statehood, including a defined territory and effective government, though Mr. Obama could overcome the objection through his usual expedient of an executive action, thereby daring the next President to reverse him.
Both actions would be a boon to the bullies in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement, while also subjecting Israeli citizens and supporters abroad to new and more aggressive forms of legal harassment. It could even criminalize the Israeli army—and every reservist who serves in it—on the theory that it is illegally occupying a foreign state. Does Mr. Obama want to be remembered as the President who criminalized Israeli citizenship?
The worst option would be an effort to introduce a resolution at the U.N. Security Council setting “parameters” for a final settlement between Israel and the Palestinians. The French have been eager to do this for some time, and one option for the Administration would be to let the resolution pass simply by refusing to veto it. Or the U.S. could introduce the resolution itself, all the better to take credit for it.
As the old line has it, this would be worse than a crime—it would be a blunder. U.S. policy has long and wisely been that only Israelis and Palestinians can work out a peace agreement between themselves, and that efforts to impose one would be counterproductive. Whatever parameters the U.N. established would be unacceptable to any Israeli government, left or right, thereby destroying whatever is left of a peace camp in Israel.
The Palestinians would seize on those parameters as their birthright, making it impossible for any future Palestinian leader to bargain part of them away in a serious negotiation. Arab states would find their diplomatic hands tied, making it impossible to serve as useful intermediaries between Jerusalem and Ramallah. It could refreeze relations with Israel even as they finally seem to have thawed.
President Obama may be the last man on earth to get the memo, but after decades of fruitless efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict it might be wiser for the U.S. to step back until the Palestinians recognize that peace cannot be imposed from the outside. 
If Mr. Obama is still seeking a Middle East legacy at this late stage in his presidency, his best move is do nothing to make it worse.

Hikind wants you to vote for Paul Ryan, eventhough he is not even on the ballot

This raving lunatic, the meshiginar Hikind is voting for Paul Ryan! 
Paul Ryan the speaker of the House is not even running, and Paul Ryan himself is voting for Trump!
Hikind, wants you to go waste your time waiting in line like a meshiginar and then waste your vote, on a guy who isn't running!
Standing next to him is Genack who went out of his way to plant a juicy kiss on Hillary's ugly face just a few months ago!
These are our Jewish "leaders," a bunch of clueless idiots!
I'm embarrassed to have this fool represent us in any forum!

Tonight at an election forum in Flatbush, NYS Assemblyman Dov Hikind made his choice for president known.

“I have decided to write in Speaker Paul Ryan for President of the United States”, Hikind told the crowd at Talmud Torah Of Flatbush.
“He (Ryan) is a superstar with great integrity and morality”.

Tonight’s event gave community members the opportunity to ask questions to Hikind regarding Donald Trump as well as Rabbi Menachem Genack responding to questions regarding Hillary Clinton.

Friday, October 28, 2016

FBI Re-Opening Criminal Investigation of Hillary

The FBI is probing new emails related to Hillary Clinton, FBI Director James Comey said in a Friday letter.
"In previous congressional testimony, I referred to the fact that the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) had completed its investigation of former Secretary Clinton's personal email server. Due to recent developments, I am writing to supplement my previous testimony," Comey wrote.
"In connection with an unrelated case, the FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation. I am writing to inform you that the investigative team briefed me on this yesterday, and I agreed that the FBI should take appropriate investigative steps designed to allow investigators to review these emails to determine whether they contain classified information, as well as to assess their importance to our investigation," he added.
"Although the FBI cannot yet assess whether or not this material may be signifcant, and I cannot predict how long it will take us to complete this additional work, I believe it is important to update your Committees about our efforts in light of my previous testimony," Comey concluded.
Stocks turned negative after the report of the new probe. Many analysts have said that markets were pricing in a Clinton victory in November.
The letter was addressed to several lawmakers who chaired committees relevant to the FBI investigation into Clinton's use of a private email server.

FBI Dir just informed me, "The FBI has learned of the existence of emails that appear to be pertinent to the investigation." Case reopened

NBC News reported that Judiciary Committee Republicans were not expecting this news from the FBI, and it is not in response to any question from the Senate Judiciary Republicans.
"We're interested to know what else they're going to be looking at," a spokesman for the Judiciary Committee Republicans said.
This story is developing. Please check back for further updates.

The Land of Israel and the Torah are intertwined

The mitzvot are intrinsic to Israel. The Torah and Land of Israel are inseparable - the one can only flourish with the other.

Zionism is declared alive and well in the very first words of the Torah in Parshat Bereishit. "In the beginning Elokim created the heavens and the earth".

Rashi immediately jumps on the Posuk and brings down R. Yitzchok who says," the Torah should have begun with "this month shall be your first month", it being the first Mitzvah Bnei Yisrael were commanded". The fact that the Torah began with the words, "In the beginning Elokim created" is to declare the power of G-d's works to his People in order to give to them the inheritance of the Nations. Thus should the nations of of the world say to Israel, "You are robbers, for you have taken by force the land of the seven nations", Israel can answer "all the earth belongs to G-d".

He created it and gave it to us as an inheritance. Rashi knew fully well that 1000 years after he had lived that the Land of Israel would once again come back to the Jewish People. He anticipated this happening 1,000 years before it did. Clearly prophetic. He chose the very first words of the Torah to declare the land of Israel as the eternal inheritance of the Jewish People. Yes, the word "Bereishit" begs to be expounded upon. Rashi says that the world was created for the sake of Torah which is called "Reishit of his Way".

The fact that Rashi makes these two points at the very beginning of the Torah highlights the importance of the Land of Israel as the Jewish People's eternal Homeland and the Torah its eternal Treasure. The remaining portion of the Five Books of Moses can now move forward. Rashi felt it essential to point out the two most critical issues right off the bat-Israel and Torah.

Two inseparable aspects of the Jewish People. The Maharal in his Gur Aryeh asks the question of why Rashi brings down R. Yitzchok connecting Mitzvot to the Land of Israel. What is the connection of Mitzvot to the Land? The Maharal answers that most Mitzvot in the Torah are dependent upon the Land of Israel. Therefore Rashi felt obligated to connect Torah and the Land of Israel at the outset.

A famous Sifrei is brought down by the Ramban on Bereishit 26:5 ("Because Abraham obeyed my voice, and observed My Safeguards, My Commandments, My decrees and My Teachings") and quoted again by the Ramban in Leviticus 18:25 and Deuteronomy 11:18 which intimates that the Mitzvot are intrinsic to the Land of Israel. Although most would say that the performance of all Mitzvot have much more value performed in the Land of Israel compared to the Exile, this Sifrei seems to imply that the the only real place where Mitzvot can be performed properly is in Israel.

This Sifrei makes it more understandable why Rashi felt compelled to connect the Mitzvot/Torah with the Land of Israel in the very first Posuk of the Torah. They are intertwined and inseparable. May the Torah and Mitzvot flourish in the Land of Israel and the World over today like never before in our History. Shabbat Shalom

Drain the Swamp

Massive Chillul Hashem in Monsey again! Ramapo Shuts Down Viola Condominium Development because of "fraud"

Image result for Viola Condominium Development
During a dramatic two days of hearings last week before Judge William A. Kelly in New York Supreme Court, the developer of the beleaguered Viola Estates Condominium was issued an immediate stop work order by its codefendant, the Town of Ramapo Building Department,Matzav.com has learned exclusively. 

The sale of any existing units is also on hold at least until the developer has a modified site plan approved by the planning board, whose next meeting is not scheduled until December.

The turnabout – until last week’s hearings, the town staunchly supported the developer’s actions – came after a blistering presentation by plaintiffs’ counsel, Steven N. Mogel, of the results of a court-ordered site inspection of the property.
“Until this inspection,” Mr. Mogel said, “we only believed that illegal additional apartments were being built in this development.  Now we know – they are already there.”
He then opened an easel and presented picture after picture, blown up from the inspection report, showing separate boilers and heating units, separate plumbing and separate electric panels – all clearly marked for separate apartments in the townhouse units.  Accessory apartments are illegal in the zone in which the development is built.
The developer’s counsel, Joseph Haspel, attempted to defend.  “In my own house,” he said, “I have three electric panels, not counting my barn.”  Judge Kelly appeared unconvinced.  “In your house,” he shot back to Mr. Haspel, “are they also marked for separate apartments?”
But Mr. Mogel did not stop there.  He produced a series of pictures showing an additional kitchen installed where the plans showed a walk-in closet.  Mr. Mogel explained that this new Pesach kitchen is needed since the Pesach kitchen called for on the plans was now the primary kitchen for the additional apartment.  The builder apparently made no attempt to hide the switch from walk-in closet to kitchen:  studs are marked “Pesach kit,” “stove” and “sink,” and what was supposed to be a closet has gas, hot and cold water lines and a plumbing drain.
“Although I’m reluctant to use the term in a civil action,” Mr. Mogel said, citing what he deemed were material misstatements made by the developer in his building permit application and condominium offering plan, “ but this is a fraud committed on the town, the neighbors and the Attorney General.”

Thursday, October 27, 2016

New Kiryas Yoel Minhag

Prozac before davening!

Hillary Clinton Tops Think Tank’s ‘Islamist Money in Politics’ List

Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton has received more campaign contributions than any other US politician from “individuals who subscribe to the same Islamic supremacism as Khomeini, Bin Laden and ISIS,” according to a list compiled by a Philadelphia-based think tank.
Clinton ranked first on the Middle East Forum’s 2015-2016 “Islamist Money in Politics” list of politicians who have taken money from prominent Islamists with ties to terrorism.
Republican nominee Donald Trump and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson have not received any, MEF reported.

Klausenberger Rebbe Boro-Park throws Apples at his chassidim... Is this what they did in the Bais Hamikdash?

Not to be outdone, his brother in Netanya also thows apples at his chassidim

The Bobover Rebbe On Hoshana Rabbah 5777 Is this what they did in Bais Hamikdash??

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Trump promises Israel he'd stand up to Iran

Republican candidate Donald Trump would fire State Department officials if they refused to move America's embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, his adviser on Israel David Friedman told a crowd of supporters at the David's Harp restaurant in Jerusalem's Old City Wednesday.
In a minute-long taped address, Trump praised Jewish values, said he loved Israel, and spoke with pride about his Jewish daughter, Ivanka and her husband, Jarerd Kushner. 
"My administration will stand side by side with Israel and Jewish leaders," Trump said. "Together we will stand up to enemies like Iran bent on destroying Israel and your people. Together, we will make America and Israel safe again."

Trump's running mate, Mike Pence, said in a taped speech that Israel was America's most cherished ally in the world and that Israel's values are America's values. He said that like the US, Israel fights its battles with restraint. 

ADL lost "all credibility." No longer pro-Jewish

David Friedman
David Friedman
Attorney David Friedman, Donald Trump's senior adviser on US-Israel relations and a longtime Arutz Sheva contributor, told Israel'sChannel 2 television Tuesday that the danger to Jews and Israel in the United States comes from the left, not the right.

Channel 2 anchor Yonit Levy asked Friedman about an Anti-Defamation League (ADL) report regarding a reported surge in anti-Semitic abuse against Jewish reporters, and wanted to know if there was anti-Semitic sentiment among Trump supporters.

"No, there is anti-Semitic sentiment among Clinton supporters," he replied. "The danger in the United States is on the left. It's not on the right. I'm not saying there aren't some neo-Nazis floating around in the United States, because I'm sure there are. But the movement that we ought to be concerned about in the United States is the movement on the left.
"I can't speak about a particular group of victims – about journalists in particular," he went on. "I think that the danger as I said is on the left, and I think the ADL – given that who now is in charge of the ADL is a former J Street advocate – has lost frankly all credibility."

Big "Tzaddik" "mit langeh pius" Steals 4 Sifrei Torah from Sfardi Shul on Ave O on Yom Tov

The Tzaddik eating "tikkin"


Cops are searching for a thief who snuck into a Brooklyn synagogue and swiped four silver Torah scrolls, officials said Wednesday.
The crook entered the Ave. O Synagogue near E. Eighth St. in Midwood at about 12:15 a.m. Tuesday and removed the scrolls — valued at $24,000 — from a safe.
It was not immediately disclosed how the suspect got into the house of worship.
The theft was discovered just before 10 a.m., cops said.
Anyone with information regarding the theft is urged to call NYPD Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.
City Councilman David Greenfield (D-Brooklyn) is offering a $1,000 reward for information about the thief.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Bikers for Hillary are on the way to Philly

Dem Operative Who Oversaw Trump Rally Agitators Visited White House 342 Times and Obama 47 times

A key operative in a Democratic scheme to send agitators to cause unrest at Donald Trump’s rallies has visited the White House 342 times since 2009, White House records show.
Robert Creamer, who acted as a middle man between the Clinton campaign, the Democratic National Committee and “protesters” who tried — and succeeded — to provoke violence at Trump rallies met with President Obama during 47 of those 342 visits, according to White House records. Creamer’s last visit was in June 2016.
Creamer, whose White House visits were first pointed out by conservative blog Weasel Zippers, is stepping back from his role within the Clinton campaign
Hidden camera video from activist James O’Keefe showed Creamer bragging that his role within the Clinton campaign was to oversee the work of Americans United for Change, a non-profit organization that sent activists to Trump rallies.

Scott Foval, the national field director for Americans United for Change, explained how the scheme works.

“The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the shit,” Foval told an undercover journalist.
One example of the “shit” Foval executes was an instance in which a 69-year-old woman garnered headlines after claiming to be assaulted at a Trump rally.
“She was one of our activists,” Foval said.
Creamer’s job was to “manage” the work carried out by Foval.
“And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that,” Creamer told an undercover journalist.
“Wherever Trump and Pence are gonna be we have events,” he said.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Soros-Connected Company Provides Voting Machines In 16 States

Smartmatic, a U.K.-based voting technology company with deep ties to George Soros, has control over voting machines in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Other jurisdictions affected are California, District of Columbia, Illinois, Louisiana, Missouri, New Jersey, Oregon, Washington and Wisconsin.
Its website includes a flow-chart that describes how the company has contributed to elections in the U.S. from 2006-2015 with “57,000 voting and counting machines deployed” and “35 million voters assisted.”
In 2005, Smartmatic bought-out California-based Sequoia Voting Systems and entered the world of U.S. elections.
According to Smarmatic’s website, “In less than one year Smartmatic tripled Sequoia’s market share” and “has offered technology and support services to the Electoral Commissions of 307 counties in 16 States.”

Tonight's Debate!

Hillary Aims High


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Chag Samaiach!

‘Hillary’s America’ Hits No. 1, Sells Out On Amazon

After sparking a nationwide debate with a limited release in U.S theaters, conservative filmmaker Dinesh D’Souza’s latest documentary has seen a second spike in popularity with its release on DVD and other digital formats.
Released Tuesday, Hillary’s America quickly ascended to the top of the best-sellers list on Amazon despite being up against several films that took in far more revenue while in theaters.
The documentary, which focuses on Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton and the history of her party, earned at the box office about one-tenth of two other movies — Ghostbusters and Legend of Tarzan — released on DVD Tuesday.
With just weeks left until Election Day, though, D’Souza’s film outsold every other movie on Amazon and, as of this writing, remains No. 1.
The entertainment company further pointed out that more copies of Hillary’s America were sold in two days than D’Souza’s previous film, America: Imagine the World Without Her, sold in the first four weeks of its DVD release.
While shoppers were reportedly advised earlier this week that the DVD might not be available until after next month’s election, the supply had apparently been replenished as of Saturday morning. Copies are also available for order through the film’s official website.
Lionsgate explained Amazon bases its initial offering on the level of pre-orders, which was reportedly moderate for the latest D’Souza film. Higher-than-expected sales on the first two days of its digital release, however, quickly depleted the inventory.
The documentary’s theatrical release was tinged with allegations of efforts to suppress its reach, including some iPhone users who claimed searches for showtimes either provided no results or incorrect information.
 Social-media chatter nonetheless continued to drive interest in the documentary even after it had left theaters
D’Souza explained what he believes the recent wave of interest in his documentary reveals about American voters.
“This shows there is a huge appetite for the truth about Hillary and the Democratic Party that you won’t get from the media,” he said in a statement provided to Western Journalism.
A D’Souza representative noted the disparity between box-office revenue and online sales, suggesting the film likely would have seen more success if it had been shown on more screens and remained longer in the theaters that did carry it.