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Sunday, September 18, 2016

Police do not rule out Terrorisim in explosion in New York City ...25 injured

At least 25 people were injured after an explosion in Manhattan Saturday night, emergency workers confirmed to Fox News as police evacuated the area.
The blast was heard on West 23rd Street between 6th and 7th Avenues in the city's Chelsea neighborhood. Police counterterrorism officers, a bomb squad and firefighters rushed to the scene. Sources tell Fox News investigators have not ruled out terrorism as a possible factor but that it was too early to determine the exact cause. 
The explosion shattered windows at a nearby home for the blind, The New York Post added.
All of the injured were expected to survive, the FDNY reported. The blast may have originated in a garbage can which was found mangled, investigators said.
A witness described the explosion as "very forceful," telling Fox News it sent a "big cloud of black smoke" into the air as people ran from the scene. Another said a fireball shot into the air as a nearby building shook. Witnesses said they did not smell gas beforehand.
"Louder than any thunder I've ever heard in my life. Like the sky exploded. Shook the building" NYC explosion
A National Guard member near the scene told Fox News the explosion was so loud that he put on his uniform and raced to the area.
Witnesses say FBI and Homeland Security officials are also at the scene. Crews were evacuating at least two buildings, the Post added.
Earlier Saturday, a planned charity run for Marines and sailors was canceled after a pipe bomb exploded in Seaside Park, New Jersey, a 90-minute drive south of New York City.
Police blocked off nearby streets as the investigation continued.

Satmar Zalonim furious with their Rebbe, R' Zalman Leib for locking out poor toddlers from Satmar Cheder while collecting millions for Chinuch Atzmai

Loose translation of a comment on a chassidishe blog!
"my wife tells me that she went to bring my little toddler to her first day in school in UTA (United Talmudical Academy ..Satmar) .....and out side at the entrance of the school stood two black gentiles accepting "admittance cards" 

Those children that didn't possess those cards were sent to the left outside and not allowed to enter the building. 

She noticed that there were many little children from the first to the fifth class, standing on the left looking frightened and crying.
There wasn't any Jewish staff of the Yeshiva outside to either take charge of the situation or to calm down the children who were initially excited to to come to school on the first day..and were now shocked  that they were denied entry by gentiles.... 

My wife noticed that one little girl was hysterically crying and my wife felt so bad for her so she asked her, her phone number. The little searched in her briefcase for her phone number...my wife called the number, and the mother told my wife, that she just had a baby and the little girl slept by an aunt, her husband is at work and asked begged my wife to help her child!

Yes,  the Rebbe (R' Zalman Leib) flies on private airplanes with Ruby Shron to collect millions of dollars for French children to place them in Chinuch Atzmaie schools , but his own blood brothers are brutally blocked from entering the school by black gentiles, and for one reason only, because the children come from poor homes ....
The holy spirit says, "On these I cry" 

Ben Ish Chai ... Lost Photo

Ben Ish Chai on the left, R' aaron Gabbai in the middle, Harav Ezra Yoisef Gabbai, the Mechutin of the Ben Ish Chai on the right

Friday, September 16, 2016

‘The Boys in Tehran Know Israel Has 200 Nukes Pointed at Them,’ Says Former Secretary of State Colin Powell in Leaked Email

Image result for powell
Former US Secretary of State Colin Powell told a colleague last year that Israel has a slew of nuclear weapons pointed at Iran, according to emails released by hacking group DCLeaks and reported on by US foreign policy blog LobeLog on Wednesday.
In a March 2015 exchange between America’s former top diplomat and his current business partner, Jeffrey Leeds — about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s controversial speech to Congress to warn against the Iran nuclear deal that was being negotiated — Powell wrote:
Negotiators can’t get what he wants. Anyway, Iranians can’t use one [a nuclear weapon] if they finally make one. The boys in Tehran know Israel has 200, all targeted on Tehran, and we have thousands. As Akmdinijad (sic) [said], “What would we do with one, polish it?” I have spoken publicly about both nK and Iran. We’ll blow up the only thing they care about—regime survival. Where, how would they even test one?
This assertion about the existence of Israeli nukes, as LobeLog‘s Eli Clifton pointed out, is significant, because Jerusalem continues to maintain a policy of “nuclear ambiguity.”
Powell, who publicly endorsed the Iran deal a few months later, during an interview onNBC‘s “Meet the Press,” wrote a subsequent email to Leeds saying,
They [the Iranians] say, correctly, that they have every right to enrich [uranium] for energy. Russians helped build a power reactor at Busher. Can’t get enough sanctions to break them Lots of bs around about their progress. Bibi likes to say “a year away,” as do our intel guys.They say it every year. [It] ain’t that easy to do.
In another email exchange, this one in August 2015 with President Ronald Reagan’s former chief of staff Ken Duberstein, who – as Clifton explained, “suggested that Powell might refrain from endorsing the deal in a television interview where he would face questions about Hillary Clinton’s emails.” But Powell was undeterred, and harshly criticized Council on Foreign Relations President Richard Haass and Ret. General David Petraeus for remaining on the fence about the nuclear agreement:
The Iran deal is a good one for the country and our alliances. Retired generals and admirals popping off. I have studied it pretty thoroughly…I have done emails before on tv. Have to deal with ISIS. Richard] Haass, Petraeus et all claiming to be undecided. BS, they are just protecting their future options. I don’t have or want any. [James] Baker, [George] Shultz know what’s right, as does Henry [Kissinger]. Brent [Scowcroft] showed some guts.
Duberstein later forwarded Powell a fundraising email sent out by former US Ambassador to the UN John Bolton, which called the nuclear deal “the single largest global security crisis.”
“Haha! What is he smoking?” Duberstein wrote.
According to a report in the Washington Post, the shady site that posted Powell’s two years’ worth of emails — in which he mocked and hurled epithets at Donald Trump, Hillary Clinton, Dick Cheney and others — is being linked to the Russian government. The FBI, the report said, is investigating the veracity of this suspicion.
Powell is a retired four-star general in the US Army, who served as as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-1993) during the Gulf War. He served as secretary of state under President George W. Bush from 2001 to 2005.

Lost onyx stone believed to be an ancient gem from the Choshen of the Kohein Gadol of Jerusalem is 'found' after being 'missing for 1,000 years'

Biblical text describes a breastplate worn by the High Priest that was fitted with 12 stones and used to communicate with God. There were also two sardonyx set on the shoulders and now, it is believed that one of the stones (pictured) is being held in South Africa
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next. Because this stone was one-of-a-kind, he appraised its value at $175 million to $225 million

A small onyx stone believed to have been worn in the sacred breastplate of the High Priest of Jerusalem may have been found after being missing for more than 1,000 years. 

A sardonyx gem, thought to have been one of two that were set in gold on each shoulder of the breastplate and deemed to be 'forms of divine communication', was discovered in South Africa.

The owner claims the stone was given to a distant ancestor as a reward from the High Priest in 1189 and has been passed from generation to generation of the family since. 

Biblical text describes a sacred breastplate worn by the High Priest of Jerusalem that was fitted with 12 stones and used to determine God's will. The sardonyx could be one of two additional stones worn on the shoulders.

What makes this sardonyx so unique is it has a tiny Hebrew inscription, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC, burned or engraved in the heart of the stone. The letters in the stone appear to be similar to those found on archaeological finds dating from 1300 to 300 BC.

The Jewish text Talmud reveals that questions would be brought to the breastplate worn by the High Priest and the stones would light up to spell the answers.
The stones of the High Priest's breastplate, were referred   as Urim and the Thummim, a phrase that has yet to be defined
The Jewish text, Talmund, reveals that questions would be brought to the breastplate worn by the High Priest and the stones would light up to spell the answers. Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate 
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next.
The stone was first discovered in 2000 and was investigated in person by Professor Moshe Sharon, an ancient Hebrew expert at the University of Witwatersrand who described the script as the equivalent to our 'B' and 'K'.

On examining the stone Professor Sharon was baffled to find there are no markings on the stone's surface to suggest it has been cut open to add the letters. 
'Due to the clarity of the letters and their fine definition it would be incredible if they are a coincidental natural formation in the stone,' Professor Sharon stated in a notarized report at the time.
'The lack of any apparent sign of interference with the surface makes the existence of the letters inside the stone a real enigma.' 

Now an expert who laid eyes on the mysterious gem 16 years ago is calling for a new appraisal in the hope of revealing its true history. 

Dr. James Strange, a professor in religious studies and archaeology at Samford University in Alabama, traveled to South Africa in 2000 to appraise what was described as an interesting gemstone at the request of a friend. What he found left him puzzled. 


Experts believe the stone dates back to 1000 BC, as there is ancient Hebrew inscribed at its center.
The script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'.
The letters in the stone appear to be similar to those found on archaeological finds dating from 1300 to 300 BC. 
What makes this case so unique is that there are not marks on the stone's surface, which means the stone was not cut open to add the  two letters. 
Experts suggest the sardonyx had either been set in a large plate or breast plate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC.

Now he has told Adam Eliyahu Berkowitz with Breaking Israel News: 'I think this object needs a new appraisal and as many scientific tests as possible to determine whether it is genuine.
'If it turns out to be an artifact important to the history of the Jewish people, then that is truly wonderful.
'If it turns out to be a masterful fraud, then I will be pained that I was duped.'

Speaking of his trip in 2000, he said: 'I was unaware that anyone in the late Middle Ages had the technology to cut a hemisphere in such a medium, so I tried to exhaust all other explanations. 
'There is no modern or ancient technology known to me by which an artisan could produce the inscription, as it is not cut into the surface of the stone.' 

With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. Strange ruled out the idea that the stone was cut open.
After his examination, Dr. Strange concluded that the sardonyx had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC. 
What makes the sardonyx so unique is a tiny inscription (pictured is a drawing of the text) in the heart of the stone, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC. M.  Experts says the script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'
What makes the sardonyx so unique is a tiny inscription (pictured is a drawing of the text) in the heart of the stone, which is believed to be an ancient script that dates back to 1000 BC. M.  Experts says the script is the equivalent of our 'B' and 'K'
Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate, which was studded with gems and would light up to spell out answers when questions were put to it
Pictured is a concept drawing of the breastplate, which was studded with gems and would light up to spell out answers when questions were put to it
Because this stone was one-of-a-kind, he appraised its value between $175 million to $225 million.

Ian Campbell who was the director of the Independent Coloured Stones Laboratory in Johannesburg and a leading South African gemologist, also confirmed that the stone had not been sliced open to add the inscription. 
'How does one logically go about putting a value to something like a proven religious artifact that is a 'one of' article?'

He estimated that $200 million was a 'fair starting point'.
Now, the claims from 2000 have been confirmed by Breaking Israel News who spoke with Campbell's apprentice, Jeremy Rothon.
However, Dr. Strange still remembers the stone as if it was still sitting in his hand.
He noted that if it was a fake, another stone that was similar would have surfaced by now, and he is requesting a new appraisal.
The present owner is in contract with a South African businessman who is now searching for investors who are willing to purchase the stone and take it back to Israel – both parties wish to stay anonymous.
When the businessman laid eyes on this small stone, he immediately recognized that the sardonyx was an important piece of Jewish history and is determined to bring it home.   


The stones of the choshen mishpat, the High Priest's breastplate, were referred to in the Bible as the urim v'tummim, or Urim and the Thummim, a phrase that has yet to be defined.
Legend says it was given to a Knight Templar 1,000 years ago and handed down through that family from one generation to the next.
With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. James Strange ruled out the idea that the stone (pictured) was initially cut open. After his examination, he said it had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC
With no visible markings on the surface, Dr. James Strange ruled out the idea that the stone (pictured) was initially cut open. After his examination, he said it had either been set in a large plate or breastplate and he also dated its creation to the 5th century BC
‘And thou shalt put in the breastplate of judgment the Urim and the Thummim; and they shall be upon Aharon’s heart’. Exodus 28:30
The Jewish text, Talmund, reveals questions would be brought to the breastplate and the stones would light up to spell the questions – each stone had different letters at the center.
This text states the stones were lost in Jerusalem was invaded by the Babylonians.
In the book of Samuel, you read the urim v’tummim is one of the three forms of divine communication: dreams, prophets and the urim v’tummim.
And when Shaul inquired of Hashem, Hashem answered him not, neither by dreams, nor by Urim, nor by prophets. I Samuel 28:6

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Shan and Toad responds to why they offer refunds worldwide — except Brooklyn, Monsey, and Monroe in NY; and Lakewood and Passaic in NJ

Hey guys..... remember when we posted an article about Shan & Toad, a children's clothing Website that  refused to give cash refunds to people residing in frum communities? 

Well ... sit down for this ....
Turns out that the owner of the website is a frum lady from Los Angeles, a mother of 5 children!
She had no choice but to institute this drastic policy because the frummies were taking advantage of her and almost put her out of business....

You see, Frummies average 8-12 children per family, so the Frum Chachumim balabustes, thinking they were dealing with some hicks from Montana, would order 10 articles of clothing, and then ship it back in crappy condition for a full cash refund, sometimes  weeks and months later. 

Meanwhile the Website couldn't sell those outfits to others ...
Is this Yoisher? .... hey Passaic & Lakewood Tzaddikim, yeh the guys with the long beards ...is this what they taught in in Ohr Samaich and in BMG?
Read the following from the JTA!
A high-end children’s clothing shop is facing a bit of a scandal — and not for its steep prices or frivolous sartorial designs.
Shan and Toad, an online store that carries brands like Kenzo, Little Mark Jacobs and Gaultier Junior, is facing criticism for its very specific return policy.

The company — which “aims to please!” according to its website — issues refunds for non-sale items ordered from customers anywhere in the world.
Well, anywhere in the world except five US locations: Brooklyn, NY; Monsey, NY; Monroe, NY; Lakewood, NJ and Passaic, NJ.
Are you scratching your head as to what these five places have in common? Well, to some, it was alarmingly obvious: All five cities have an overwhelming presence of Orthodox Jews.
So is Shan and Toad’s return policy discriminatory?
Refund policy for Shan and Toad
Refund policy for Shan and Toad
Maybe yes — but maybe not.
Yes, it’s possible that this policy discriminates against a certain demographic. According to a 2000 US census, 40 percent of Monsey’s population speaks Yiddish at home and over half of population of Lakewood, home to one of the largest Haredi yeshivas in the world, is Jewish.
But it’s also possible that it discriminates against shopping habits of residents of those areas — and that there is an excessive amount of returns from these zip codes. As one reporter, Judi Franco of New Jersey Radio 101.5, put it, the return policy is discriminatory, but “not against Jews — against people who return too much!”
As of press time, we don’t know for sure. Shan and Toad did not respond to multiple phone and e-mail requests for comments on Wednesday.
Even if the shop’s prices may be criminally expensive — take for example this $1,085 cape dress — its two-tiered return policy is not illegal in either NJ or NY, which stipulate that businesses must post a clear return policy on their websites, but does not put any limitations on these policies.
Perhaps surprisingly, the owner of Shan and Toad, Shana Laub, is herself an Orthodox Jew and a mother of five girls.
The contact number on the company’s web site has a California area code, though some outlets erroneously reported the store is based in Israel — where, by the way, almost all clothing stores do not offer refunds, only store credit.

12-Year-Old Child Critical After Being Struck By Vehicle In Boro Park

The helmet the boy was wearing at the time of the accident.
The Helmet the Child Wore

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
Detectives canvassing the scene
NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpi
Driver not being charged 

An 11-year-old child is in critical condition after being struck by a vehicle on Wednesday morning. 

Hatzolah was called to the intersection of Dahill Road and Cortelyou Road in Boro at around 6:45AM. Upon arrival, Hatzolah found the child with severe injuries. He was rushed by Paramedics to Maimonides Hospital, where he was listed in critical condition.

Sources say that the child was on his way to Yeshiva at the time of the incident. His bike helmet was reportedly shattered in pieces.

The NYPD was on the scene conducting an investigation, and the streets were going to be closed for an extended period of time.

Please be Mispallel for Moshe Yehuda ben Rochel Miriam who needs Rachmei Shomayim.

Kiryas Joel Kicks "Hisgarus Be'Umois" to the Curb and Files Petitions To Form Town Of North Monroe

The prohibition of "Hisgarus Be'Umois" (antagonizing the gentiles), the battle cry of the Satmar leadership against the Zionists, apparently is a one way street only! 
Only the Zionists must adhere to that prohibition; the Satmar hypocrites are exempt!
The Satmars are in golus, and believe that they will be here forever, forgetting that they are sitting on a powder keg, with the gentiles fuming and waiting to throw them out of their communities ...Hashem Yeraicheim! 

A petition with over 2,400 signatures of Monroe residents was filed minutes before 5 p.m. closing time on Monday with the Orange County Clerk’s Office, calling for the county legislature to approve the just under 1,100 acres of land in the Town of Monroe to secede and form a new town of North Monroe. The Town of Monroe would be left with over 12,500 acres. 

Only 650 petition signatures are needed to request legislative action. A two-thirds vote of county lawmakers would be required for approval before the proposal would go back to a vote of all Monroe town residents in the fall 2017.

“We believe that this is the most practical and reasonable solution to resolving a longstanding issue in our region, recognizing the different needs of both communities, and allowing each community to coexist in peace and harmony,” said Kiryas Joel Village Administrator Gedalye Szegedin.

Kiryas Joel officials note that a separate town would eliminate the Kiryas Joel block-vote effect on all Monroe elections, which they say would reduce community tensions. “Monroe residents are entitled to chart their own course by electing town leadership without any influence from the Kiryas Joel residents, but this can only be made possible by splitting off the Town of North Monroe,” a statement from the KJ leadership said.

They said the split would also allow each town to decide which public and community services and facilities it finds desirable – including possible consolidation of local fire districts and alteration of school district boundaries.

When Shimon Dzigan met the Bobover Rebbe

Those growing up in the 50's and 60's will remember the two Yiddish comedians, Dzigan and Shumacher. 

The performances of Dzigan and Shumacher typically opened with skits based on items from daily newspapers. Their humor was aimed at anti-Semites and government functionaries, but also at themselves and their public. Routines based on domestic life would follow.

Holocaust survivors would get some comical relief and laugh hysterically listening to the recordings  of these two comedians who blended humor with sarcasm.

Who can ever forget, the skit "Vefill Ir Farshteit" or the hilarious "Einshtein Veinshtein" ...some will remember with fondness the skit ... "Yankel Friedman" where Dzigan tried to jog the memory of Shumacher ....  to convince him that Shumacher knew who Yankel Friedman was ... this goes on for a full half hour ...

Well above is an old photo of Shimon Dzigan meeting the Bobover Rebbe.... I guess it was in Israel .... The Bobover Rebbe doesn't look too impressed!

Ellen Jaffee Running for assembly to squash Chareidie influence in Rockland County!

A majority of the 9 Board members of the East Ramapo Central School District in Rockland County, NY, are Orthodox Jewish. They recently won re-election in a landslide, but sitting NY Assembly Member Ellen C. Jaffee used her time on the floor of the New York State Assembly to  question the legitimacy of the voters who elected the board. 

Democratic candidate Thomas Gulla is running against five-term incumbent Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee in the 97th Assembly District.

Many have accused Assemblywoman Ellen Jaffee of stirring up anti-Jewish sentiment in the county, with unwarranted attacks against Yeshivas as well as questioning the validity of Orthodox Jewish Voters (See above video)

‎‎In the past, Jaffee enjoyed the support of the Orthodox community, but this year the incumbent seems to have lost its support with every Kehilla backing her opponent.

One influential observer said, “at a certain point elected officials need to understand that their words and actions have electoral consequences. Jafffe’s agenda and rhetoric have unfortunately gone well past the line of fairness.

Rav Kanievsky tells a Kalleh to break her shidduch because the Chasan has a smartphone

הדיווח באידיש

Kikar Shabbos News carries a Yiddish newspaper article from abroad which reports that Rav Kanievsky instructs a family to break a shidduch after learning the chosson, a talmid yeshiva attending a Litvish yeshiva, had a non-kosher phone in addition to a kosher one.

While the chosson was selected as being one of the top talmidim in the yeshiva, the father of the kallah learned the chosson uses a non-kosher phone during bein hazmanim and between sedarim. The father sent a family member to Rav Kanievsky asking what to do. Rav Kanievsky is quoted saying “Leave the shidduch”, adding “לא ייצאו דורות כשרים” from such a young man.

Kikar adds it probed the incident and learned it is unusual, for Rav Kanievsky will generally instruct using ‘Darchei Noam’ to have the chosson abandon the unauthorized phone rather than breaking a shidduch and if this does not work, then one may break a shidduch. 

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Guatemalan Authorities Raid Helbrans ‘Lev Tahor Cult’ Compound And Take All Children Away From Parents


According to reports from Guatemalan news agencies, the building housing members of the “Lev Tahor” cult have been raided by the Public Ministry (MP) which investigates allegations of child abuse. 

Authorities were reportedly notified of parents exposing their children to severe punishments that have resulted in injuries.
Personnel involved in the raid include the Attorney General’s Office.

Recently, a court in Guatemala indicted the ex-mayor of a small town for “participating in the expulsion of a religious community.”

In 2014, some 230 members of the Lev Tahor cult were forced out of the village following religiously tainted disputes with its Mayan residents, who are Roman Catholic. The local elders’ council voted against the group.

Antonio Adolfo Perez y Perez of San Juan La Laguna was charged with abuse of authority and discrimination and sentenced to house arrest, the local newspaper Prensa Libre reported. He had lost his political immunity on Jan. 14 after he was not re-elected.

Lev Tahor had maintained a small presence in San Juan La Laguna, a village about 90 miles west of Guatemala City, for about six years, but it expanded considerably after a contingent arrived complaining of persecution by Canadian authorities. Tensions appear to have flared after the newcomers sought to impose its practices on the indigenous people.

 An article titled “Cults and the War of the Jewish Magazines” in response to Mishpacha and Ami magazines running articles on Lev Tahor.

 Mishpacha Magzaine had run a fifteen page “expose” on the group, essentially describing Lev Tahor as a cult that has some serious issues involving medicating children, and behaviors that resemble child abuse. 

Ami Magazing claimed the exact opposite – and ran the following sentence below their headline “The unjust persecution of a group of pious Jews, and the unsettling silence of the Jewish community.”

Originally a citizen of Israel, cult leader Shlomo Helbrans went to the United States where he was convicted for kidnapping in 1994 and served a two-year prison term before being deported to Israel in 2000. He then settled in Canada.

In 1994 he was convicted in Brooklyn for the 1992 kidnapping of 13-year-old Shai Fhima Reuven, a Bar Mitzvah boy he was tutoring, and served a two-year prison term in the U.S. He was originally sentenced to four to 12 years in prison, but in June 1996 an appeals court reduced the sentence to two to six years. Three days later, he was placed in the work release program for prisoners less than two years away from the possibility of parole, where inmates are freed from prison if they have a job. After protests, he was moved back to prison.

The high-profile case drew much attention in the U.S., and gained further attention when Helbrans successfully convinced New York prison authorities to waive their requirement that all prisoners be shaved for a photograph upon entering prison, and to accept a computer-generated image of what he would have looked like clean-shaven instead. After the State Parole Board decided in November 1996 to release Helbrans after two years in prison, the case rose to near scandal with suspicions that the Pataki administration was providing him special treatment.

After his release from prison, Helbrans ran a yeshiva in Monsey, N.Y., and was deported to Israel in 2000. He then settled in Canada, where in 2003 he was granted refugee status, claiming his life was being threatened in Israel.

Hillary Campaign Critical? Tim Kaine Waiting on Deck!

Ongoing concerns over the Democratic presidential candidate's health and credibility were underscored in a seeming throwaway remark by former Ohio Gov. Ted Strickland, who said Kaine is "a wonderfully prepared person to be vice president, and to be the president if that ever became necessary.” The comment went viral after it was tweeted by The Dispatch and even becoming the lead story on the Drudge Report.
And the campaign of Republican Donald Trump, after making nice for 24 hours following Clinton's early departure Sunday from a 9/11 commemoration in New York, sent an email Monday night titled "Clinton Campaign in Chaos." It listed a series of stories mentioning her health issues, including a piece saying “Some In Media Saying Democratic Operatives Are Seriously Worried About Clinton's Ability To Continue Campaigning.”

Monday, September 12, 2016

Why did Hillary embrace a child while having the contagious disease "Pneumonia "

Would you allow your child to be hugged with a lady that has a dangerous contagious disease?
I think not! 
I think Hillary is a very sick lady but she doesn't have pneumonia! 
Hey Ezra (friedlander) what did you feed her?

'Crazy Eddie' Eddie Antar owner of electronics chain, dead at 68

Image result for eddie antar
The man who turned the “Crazy Eddie" electronics stores into a retail giant before it collapsed amid federal fraud charges has died.
Eddie Antar was 68. The Bloomfield-Cooper funeral home in Ocean Township confirmed Sunday that Antar died on Saturday. But a cause of death wasn’t disclosed.
The “Crazy Eddie” chain was known for its ads featuring a maniacal pitchman who touted that “Our prices are insane!”
Antar started with a store in Brooklyn, and the chain eventually grew into 43 stores in four states. But he fled to Israel after being indicted on securities fraud and insider trading charges.
Antar was extradited back to the United States in 1993 and was convicted on racketeering and stock fraud charges. But that was overturned on appeal in 1995.
Antar eventually pleaded guilty to federal fraud charges and served a prison term.