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Tuesday, August 30, 2016

50 "fake" Orthodox leaders, led by Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg condemn Trump

Hillary Caught Lying
This group never once condemned Hillary for surrounding herself with the anti-Semite, Sid Blumenthal, the self-hating Jew! 

They never condemned Hillary for surrounding herself with Huma whose mother belongs to the Arab Brotherhood! But they are afraid of Trump!

Rabbi Yitz (the 80 year old alter Kacker still calls himself "Yitz") Greenberg leads these group of stooges, don't represent Orthodox Jewry, nor Reform Jewry or Conservative Jewry ... they represent a bunch of morons ...

A group of 50 high-profile Open Orthodox leaders, led by Rabbi Irving “Yitz” Greenberg, released a joint public “rabbinic” condemnation of Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump this past Erev Shabbos. (Readers may recall that Greenberg has previously compared the Christian deity to Avrohom Avinu and written that the Torah is no longer binding after the Holocaust, but he is viewed as an elder sage in Open Orthodoxy.)

In an article written by Greenberg and by Yeshivat Chovevei Torah graduate Daniel Goodman, posted on Cleveland.com and then reported by the Jewish Telegraph Agency and the Forward, among other media sites, the Open Orthodox clergy singled out and attacked Mr. Trump’s perceived attitudes toward Muslims, Mexicans and women, and wrote:
(W)e are troubled by candidates who signal authoritarian tendencies and pursue personal vendettas that come across as a dismissal of constitutional rights and legal processes. Protection of the law, equality before the law, and respecting democratic political processes (though they may fall into gridlock or frustrate us from time to time) are the bedrocks of democracy. Democracy is the system most protective of human dignity. Upholding it and protecting its processes is of the highest religious value. The fact that these dangerous tendencies have been coupled with statements of admiration for authoritarian dictators has aroused our conscience.  
“All these behaviors, taken together, have led us to make this extraordinary statement in the name of our religious principles. Our core religious values and essential theological beliefs require us to condemn Donald Trump’s hateful rhetoric and intolerant policy proposals in the strongest possible terms.”
The open letter was signed by Dov Linzer and Jeffrey Fox, the roshei yeshiva of both Open Orthodox seminaries (YCT and Yeshivat Maharat, the latter of which ordains female clergy), as well as by “Rabba” Sara Hurwitz, dean of Yeshivat Maharat, Dr. Dov Lerea, mashgiach ruchani of YCT, and 36 other Open Orthodox leaders, including YCT rabbeim, several Open Orthodox female rabbis, and a man who advertises that he is an Orthodox rabbi who publicly adheres to a to’eivah lifestyle.

Frum 9-year-old child has just been airlifted to a trauma center after falling off a cliff in the mountains

Catskills Hatzolah received calls at around 3:40PM Monday afternoon for reports of a child that fell off a cliff at the Minnewaska State Park in Kerhonkson, NY.

Paramedics rushed to the scene, and a Medevac was requested. The child suffered head, chest, and arm injuries.

The child was extricated by rescue personnel from the bottom of the cliff, and was flown by the chopper to the Westchester Trauma Center.
Please say tehillim for Yehoushu ben Alter Chaya Devorah.

Located in Ulster County, NY Minnewaska State Park Preserve is situated on the dramatic Shawangunk Mountain ridge, which rises more than 2,000 feet above sea level and is surrounded by rugged, rocky terrain. The park features numerous waterfalls, three crystalline sky lakes, dense hardwood forests, incising sheer cliffs and ledges opening to beautiful views, clear streams cut into valleys, 35 miles of carriage roads and 50 miles of footpaths on which to bike, walk, hike and simply enjoy.

Visitors to the Park also enjoy hiking, biking, swimming, picnicking, scuba-diving, rock-climbing, bouldering, boating and other activities.
Sam’s Point Preserve is located on the highest section of the Shawangunk Mountains, is the most southerly section of Minnewaska State Park Preserve.

Monday, August 29, 2016

Shooting on New Utrecht Avenue kills 1

A man was injured in a shooting in

(Heshy Rubinstein/Dee Vouch)
A person was shot in Boro Park on Monday afternoon.
The shooting happened at the intersection of New Utrecht Avenue and 46 Street just before 12:30PM. The victim an Hispanic, was the driver of a van. He was shot possibly while driving.

The NYPD requested a Level 1 Mobilization response, and a crime scene was being secured.

FDNY EMS were on the scene treating the victim who was in critical condition.
An NYPD source said that the “victim was likely to die”.
The NYPD was looking for two black males that fled heading towards 8th Avenue. One was wearing a purple tee-shirt, and one was wearing a black tee-shirt.

Police were looking for a 2015 red Nissan Rogue Plate GYU9536
Boro Park Hatzolah was called to this scene to transport an eye-witness who may have been a passenger in the van.

It was a targeted shooting 

Hotel in Greece Distinguishes Israelis From Other Tourists With Blue Wrist Bands

Israeli visitors are tagged differently from other guests at a five-star resort in Rhodes, Greece Israel’s Channel 10 reported on Sunday.

According to the report, the plastic wrist bands given to guests at the Imperial Hotel – to enable them unlimited entrance to the spa and other facilities – are color-coded (in blue) only for customers from the Jewish state.
When asked about this procedure, a representative of the hotel told the network’s Orly Vilnai and Guy Meroz that the colors simply identify the country of the guest’s origin. However, an investigation into the matter by the TV duo revealed that this was not the case – and that only Israelis were given a specific color to wear, while tourists from various European countries were given bracelets of all colors.
An Israeli airline adviser said he was unaware of this practice.
“When it happens and everyone keeps quiet, nothing changes,” said Yehuda Zafrani. “This story has to be told.”
According to Channel 10, hotels in the southern Israeli resort town of Eilat also distribute different-colored wrist bands to guests, but only according to the date of their arrival at the hotel.
At Israel’s International Tourism Fair in February this year, Rhodes Tourism Deputy Mayor Marisa Chatzilazarou called her country “the favorite destination of Israelis,” claiming that in 2015 alone, 102,705 Israelis visited the island. Israel, according to data revealed at the tourism fair, is Rhodes’ 5th largest tourism market, surpassed only by England, Germany, Sweden and Russia.
It takes approximately an hour and a half to fly from Tel Aviv to Rhodes.

Sunday, August 28, 2016

How a Holocaust survivor and a 39-year-old fell in love

Jack Garfein, 86, and Natalia Repolovsky, 39, in their Upper West Side apartment.

Holocaust survivor Jack Garfein celebrated his 86th birthday on July 2 in his Upper West Side apartment surrounded by friends, eating chocolate cake, sipping champagne — and getting engaged to his 39–year-old girlfriend.
“I just told her ‘I can’t live without you. Will you marry me?’ ” Garfein told The Post. “She said, ‘Of course I will. What took you so long to ask?’ ”
When Natalia Repolovsky first met the charismatic acting coach at a Manhattan social gathering on April 28, 2012 — shortly after she arrived in the United States from Russia — she was instantly smitten.
“He gave me one of those overly firm handshakes,” Repolovsky ­recalled. “I thought ‘This guy has some nerve.’ ”
But she also felt oddly possessive of him.
“There was a lot of actors and actresses there who knew each other — a very flirtatious crowd,” Repolovsky recalled. 
Garfein, an Auschwitz survivor and part-time Paris resident, was equally taken with her.
“My first impression of Natalia was what a beautiful girl,” said Garfein. “I am a man.”
The pair exchanged phone numbers and agreed to go to dinner the following week.
“When I got home that night I said, ‘God, I can’t believe you sent me an 82-year-old man to fall in love with. I’m only 36,’ ” said Repolovsky, a technical writer for a software firm.
She feared “people [were] going to look at me so differently when I’m with him . . . I called my friend in Moscow who said, ‘The way you feel now, you should take all of it and enjoy every minute. If it lasts a day, enjoy it. If it lasts a month, enjoy it. Who cares what people think?’ ”
Five days later the pair met at Frankie & Johnnie’s Steakhouse in Midtown for a dinner of filet mignon and calf’s liver.
“In the taxi ride home after our first date, I talked about very personal, intimate things,” remembered Garfein. “I immediately thought ‘This is a person who gets me.’ I just felt a closeness that I’ve never felt in my life. I felt a connection. I felt at home.”
And it didn’t stop there.
“We kissed,” Garfein added. “I would call it an explosion.”
“I thought, ‘How dare she?’ ”
Garfein, an Auschwitz survivor and part-time Paris resident, was equally taken with her.
“My first impression of Natalia was what a beautiful girl,” said Garfein. “I am a man.”
The pair exchanged phone numbers and agreed to go to dinner the following week.
“When I got home that night I said, ‘God, I can’t believe you sent me an 82-year-old man to fall in love with. I’m only 36,’ ” said Repolovsky, a technical writer for a software firm.
She feared “people [were] going to look at me so differently when I’m with him . . . I called my friend in Moscow who said, ‘The way you feel now, you should take all of it and enjoy every minute. If it lasts a day, enjoy it. If it lasts a month, enjoy it. Who cares what people think?’ ”
Five days later the pair met at Frankie & Johnnie’s Steakhouse in Midtown for a dinner of filet mignon and calf’s liver.
“In the taxi ride home after our first date, I talked about very personal, intimate things,” remembered Garfein. “I immediately thought ‘This is a person who gets me.’ I just felt a closeness that I’ve never felt in my life. I felt a connection. I felt at home.”
And it didn’t stop there.
“We kissed,” Garfein added. “I would call it an explosion.”
Having seen so much suffering in his life, he certainly knows to appreciate sheer joy.
Garfein was born in then-Czechoslovakia to a well-off Jewish family who owned a lumber yard. His mother, sister and father perished in Nazi gas chambers, but he managed to survive 11 concentration camps, including Auschwitz.
When the English army liberated Bergen-Belsen death camp in northern Germany on April 15, 1945, Garfein weighed 48 pounds.
He arrived in the United States a year later and eventually became a central figure in the Actors Studio.
Garfein collaborated with Marlon Brando, Marilyn Monroe, Paul Newman, Elia Kazan and James Dean, and is credited with discovering actors Ben Gazzara, Steve McQueen and George Peppard. He also directed two movies: 1957’s “The Strange One,” starring Gazzara and the 1961 Carroll Baker drama “Something Wild.”
These days, when Garfein, twice divorced and the father of four, isn’t teaching acting in London or Paris, he and Repolovsky spend weekends taking long walks through Central Park and enjoying leisurely breakfasts in bed.
The couple plan to wed next month. Repolovsky has no problem getting married in City Hall but Garfein wants no part of a quickie wedding.
“I want a real wedding. I belong to the Fifth Avenue Synagogue,” said Garfein. “It’s going to be a big party!”

Rav Edelstein and Rav Shternbuch: Was Ben Gurion Worse Than Hitler?

Image result for rav edelstein
Guys ...Listen to this .... You want to know what children are learning in Cheder?

The rebbes are teaching toddlers that Ben Gurion was worse than Hitler .....

Hitler YM"S killed more than 6 million Jews .... put millions in concentration camps, where they were tortured ... and yet Ben Gurion, who founded a State where over 100,000 Jewish Boys are learning Torah ...is "worse than Hitler????"

And there are "gedoilim" out there agreeing with that outrageous sick preposterous statement!

Who is the "gadol?" that agreed with this brainwashing technique?  .... He is a Rabbi that lives in safety  in  Israel, the state that Ben Gurion founded!
Rav Moshe Sterbuch ga'avad of the fanatical corrupt Eida Hachreidis!

Rav Yaakov Edelstein, rov of Ramat Hasharon, wrote a letter stating that he was shocked to hear that a cheder rebbi told his pupils that former Prime Minister David Ben Gurion was worse than Hitler because Ben Gurion destroyed Jews’ souls, while Hitler only destroyed their bodies.
Rav Edelstein noted that it is indeed said in the name of the Chazon Ish that “There was a Holocaust in Europe and there was also a Holocaust in Eretz Yisroel where hundreds of thousands of innocent Jews from Asian and African countries drank the cup of bitterness because of the government in the first years of the state, and left the religion of Moshe and Yisroel in a spiritual Holocaust.”
Nonetheless, Rav Edelstein maintained, the Chazon Ish was writing of those who were harmed. But regarding the Jews who harmed them, it is obvious that Hashem loves even Jewish transgressors. Rav Edelstein cited three sources to prove this concept including Rabi Yehuda’s statement (Kiddushin 36a) that Jews are called sons of Hashem even when they do not behave like sons.
Rav Moshe Sternbuch, ga’avad of the Eidah Hachareidis, disagreed with Rav Edelstein’s opinion. He supported his view with Dovid Hamelech’s statement (Tehillim 139:21-22), “I hate those who hate you, Hashem, and I fight those who fight You. I hate them with extreme hate, they were enemies to me.”

CNN Cancels Show Because Host Questioned Hillary’s Health

Dr. Drew Pinsky’s six-year-old HLN show, called “Dr. Drew On Call” has been canceled by CNN, effective Sept. 22.
In a statement, CNN executive vice president Ken Jautz said he and Pinsky “have mutually agreed to air the final episode of his show on September 22″ but gave no specific reason for the cancellation.
Image result for hillary clinton sick
But the decision came eight days after Pinsky’s comments on a radio show on Aug. 17 questioning the health and medical care of former secretary of state Hillary Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president. After looking at bits and pieces of Clinton’s health-care records she made public in 2015, he said he was “gravely concerned not just about her health, but her health care.”
His comments came as the campaign of Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, along with its surrogates and supporters, including former New York mayor Rudy Giuliani and Fox News host Sean Hannity, have attempted to portray Clinton as lacking “the mental and physical stamina” demanded by the job, as Trump has put it.
Pinsky’s views, which he said were shared by another physician with whom he had consulted, aired on KABC’s “McIntyre in the Morning.”

Friday, August 26, 2016

Two Yeshiva Bochrim Missing in Bear Mountain UPDATED! FOUND!!!!

A search is underway at Bear Mountain State Park in Upstate NY for two missing Yeshiva Bochurim. 

The two boys from Stoliner Mesivta Camp, both 16-years-old, were on a hike on Thursday, but somehow got separated from their group.

The search which is being coordinated by Chaveirim of Rockland County and the Misaskim Organization, has gathered dozens of volunteers at Bear Mountain. The search was launched around midnight – early Friday morning.
The NY State Parks Police is on the scene as well


Baruch Hashem, the boys have been located. After a long and tedious search the boys are now safe. It is unclear how the boys got separated from their group during the hike. One of the boys had a cell phone even while they were lost however they could not make outgoing phone calls due to poor reception. Once they became in range, the boy called his father. The Bochurim were instructed to stay put and emergency responders are on their way to bring them back 

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Shaindy Mashinsky Route 59 Accident Victim Dies

Route 59 accident victim, Shaindy Mashinsky, 18, a daughter of one of the pillars of chessed in the Monsey community, Rabbi Yosef Mashimsky Shlita, Menahel of Yeshiva Bais Dovid in Monsey.

The nifteres was critically injured by a vehicle on Wednesday night and Hatzolah paramedics transported her to Westchester Trauma Center where she has been fighting for her life. 

Shaindy’s mother, Mrs. Breindel Leah Mashinsky a”h, passed away a number of years ago.

Shaindy was a granddaughter of Rav Hershel z”l and Rebbetzin Malka Mashinsky a”h. Rav Hershel was the co-founder of Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County and a longtime rebbi at Yeshiva of Spring Valley who was renowned for his expertise in the field of chinuch and his unceasing involvement in tzorchei tzibbur. Their son, Rav Yosef, has carried on that tradition with his work in the world of chinuch and his efforts in the realm of chesed.
Tragically, he has now suffered the loss of his daughter some years after first losing his rebbetzin.
Shaindy succumbed to wounds sustained in an accident that took place at about 9 p.m. last night on Route 59 in Monsey. She was critically injured and was taken by Hatzolah to Westchester Trauma Center, where doctors fought to save her life. With the guidance of the Skulener Rebbe, the name Alte was added and Yidden davened for Alte Shaindel bas Breindel Leah.
The funeral for Miss Mashinsky is scheduled to take place today at 11 AM at Kehal Avriechim - Rav Schnnebalg, 31 Dover Terrace Monsey.

US Destroyer Harassed by Iranian Patrol Boats Video

Obama ...are you home???? Helloooooooooow? Anybody home???

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Does the Nirbarter Secretly give his hechsher on Empire Chicken?

Image result for Nirbater Rav
Nirbarter Tzaddik on the left
The Nirbarter "Tzaddik"  has the largest Hashgacha racket in the entire Frum world. He is the Baal Hamacsher on all Meal Mart meats which is basically the  Alle Processing Corp. 

The Nirbarter also gives hashgacha to individual caterers. The Nirbarter will not allow the caterer to use any products in the kitchen that he does not give an hashgacha on ...in other words all Lieber Products are "chazir treif" ....OU according to him is as if you were eating Hallal, and  he does not allow any product that is under the hashgacha of Rabbi Steimetz or R' Weissmandel, amongst others.. There are 2 Tartikoff Hashgachois and he prohibits one of them, I don't remember which one!

I remember making a simcha once and asking the caterer if he uses Empire Chickens .....
He looked at me as if I just walked out of the Episcopal Church in New City ....
"Empire Chickens?" "they next thing you will probably want is Hebrew National!"

Now the reason I requested Empire Chickens is because it was after the notorious Monsey Chicken scandal .... and I knew that all the kosher food scandals happen only with the "heimishe hashgachois"
and I personally knew at least 15 Shoichtem that worked at Empire .... big erlicaha yidden!

So guess what ...... the Baal Hamachsher of Empire Chickens is none other than The "Holy" millionare ... R' Aron Teitelbaum, the Nirbarter Rav! 
So my friends, those of you who have large families and are living on a budget, go shop at Costco and Shop rite and buy Empire Chickens .... no problem!
And if you have guests at your shabbos table and they should Chas Ve'Sholom, ask "nu! what chickens do you use?"
 You can shock them and tell them ...."Shop-Rite Chickens" 
arn't they tasty?
Image result for Nirbater Rav

Mayim Bialik shares advice about " Being A Divorced Parent"

Image result for mayim bialik

Mayim Bialik, the beloved Jewish actress, neuroscientist and mother of two recently opened up to her fans about the difficulties of being a divorced mom.
Bialik has been co-parenting her two sons with her ex-husband, Michael Stone, for three years. She has faced many challenges during that time, but, until now, she has never spoken publicly about her divorce in order to protect her family’s privacy. 
“I’d like to talk about it in a way that might help some of you who are going through something similar, or might educate people on what divorce can look like in some families,” Bialik said in a four minute video clip that she posted on her website, Grok Nation, and YouTube.
The actress, who is best known for her role as neurobiologist, Amy Fowler, in CBS’s “The Big Bang Theory,”as well as her lead role as Blossom Russo in NBC’s television sitcom “Blossom,” shared her opinion on how to create the healthiest possible environment for children in the context of a divorce. 
The first piece of advice that Bialik had was for divorced parents to do things together with their children. Bialik shares holiday meals with her children, and she makes sure that they all go to synagogue together for major holidays.
“Is it always perfect and exactly what I want? Of course not. Do my kids sometimes complain that they’d rather have Passover at their dad’s house instead of mine? Of course they do,” Bialik said. “But we all end up being together, and that’s literally what’s most important.”
In addition to divorced parents doing things together with their children, Bialik also advises divorced parents to continue being part of each other’s families. She still keeps in touch with her ex-husband’s family, and she makes it her business to send pictures of her children to them and to attend important family events because it strengthens kids’ lives when all of their loved ones are present.
“Divorce isn’t the end of a family,” Bialik said. “It’s the end of a nuclear family, it’s the end of a family living in one house, but we still have responsibilities to each other’s families and to our kids as a family.”
Finally, Bialik said that divorced parents should always model good behavior in front of their children. While it may seem tempting to trash talk an ex-spouse, Bialik advises against it, as mentioned in a kveller.com article about Bialik’s video.
“Life’s not a dress rehearsal,” Bialik said. “My kids get one chance to be kids, and this is their situation. I have to put them first.”
Watch the video in full here

Israeli BDS supporter seeks asylum in Canada

Gilad Paz
The meshigener,Gilad Paz, a lawyer and human rights activist who supports the BDS movement against Israel, applied for asylum in Canada on the grounds of 'political persecution'; 'I realized that people like me have no place in the country.

"I am politically persecuted in Israel. I realized that people

 like me have no place in the country, so I decided to leave

 before it's too late," Paz said in an interview with Ynet.

Upon landing at the airport in Montreal on August 11 Paz, a

 lawyer dealing with human rights and labor law, immediately

 submitted a formal request for political asylum. In addition,

 he was active in the human rights organization Amnesty

 Israel as well as left-wing political party Meretz.

An independent lawyer, Paz has represented Arab-Israeli

 clients and Palestinians from the territories.

(and just like Satmar, he said) "I haven't believed in the State

 of Israel for a long time," said

 Paz. "I believe that the Zionist idea was a fundamental

 mistake and we are paying a heavy price for it today. The

 original sin was the Nakba, and later the despicable

 occupation of 1967 and the deterioration of the situation. I

 support BDS because I don't think Israel understands any 

other language."

exactly Satmar Ideology!

According to Paz, he decided to leave Israel and apply for

 asylum in Canada due to pressure from Public Security

 Minister Gilad Erdan and Interior Minister Aryeh Deri against

 BDS activists.

 "I submitted the application as a result of the

 declaration by Erdan and Deri to deport and refuse entry to

 BDS activists with foreign citizenship. I decided to turn to

 Canada because they are the most open to requests for

 political asylum," explained Paz.

"Erdan and Deri don't like people like me as much as they

 don't like foreigners, but when it comes to a person like me

, who is a citizen of Israel by birth, they have a legal problem

 which makes it difficult for them to deport me by force,” he


100 Chareidim Sign Up for the IDF, B"H!

כ-140 חובשי כיפות התגייסו היום לשירות בצה"ל, מהם כ-100 חרדים - 57 לגבעתי ו-35 לשח"ר. ל"בחדרי חרדים" נודע כי בין המגוייסים החדשים ישנם גם בנים למשפחות המשתייכות ל"פלג הירושלמי". כיום משרתים בצה"ל כ-5,000 חיילים חרדים

140 kipah wearing guys signed up for the IDF, 100 are Chareidim some from the Yerushalimi faction!
There are presently 5,000 Chareidim serving in the IDF!
Mee Ke'Amchah Yisroel!!

Steven Hill the Actor vs Steven Hill the Grandfather

Steven Hill as a young actor in a 1962 Film called "A Child is Waiting"

Here see a clip of Steven Hill dancing at a grandson's Bar-Mitzvah


Historic Video of the Chanukas Habyis of Ponevezh Yeshiva in Bnei Brak 1953