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Showing posts with label shaindy mashinsky. Show all posts
Showing posts with label shaindy mashinsky. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Shaindy Mashinsky Route 59 Accident Victim Dies

Route 59 accident victim, Shaindy Mashinsky, 18, a daughter of one of the pillars of chessed in the Monsey community, Rabbi Yosef Mashimsky Shlita, Menahel of Yeshiva Bais Dovid in Monsey.

The nifteres was critically injured by a vehicle on Wednesday night and Hatzolah paramedics transported her to Westchester Trauma Center where she has been fighting for her life. 

Shaindy’s mother, Mrs. Breindel Leah Mashinsky a”h, passed away a number of years ago.

Shaindy was a granddaughter of Rav Hershel z”l and Rebbetzin Malka Mashinsky a”h. Rav Hershel was the co-founder of Kupath Ezrah of Rockland County and a longtime rebbi at Yeshiva of Spring Valley who was renowned for his expertise in the field of chinuch and his unceasing involvement in tzorchei tzibbur. Their son, Rav Yosef, has carried on that tradition with his work in the world of chinuch and his efforts in the realm of chesed.
Tragically, he has now suffered the loss of his daughter some years after first losing his rebbetzin.
Shaindy succumbed to wounds sustained in an accident that took place at about 9 p.m. last night on Route 59 in Monsey. She was critically injured and was taken by Hatzolah to Westchester Trauma Center, where doctors fought to save her life. With the guidance of the Skulener Rebbe, the name Alte was added and Yidden davened for Alte Shaindel bas Breindel Leah.
The funeral for Miss Mashinsky is scheduled to take place today at 11 AM at Kehal Avriechim - Rav Schnnebalg, 31 Dover Terrace Monsey.