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Monday, August 15, 2016

Chris Matthews blasts Trump; once said Cheney 'created ISIS'

Image result for chris matthews cartoon
Chris Matthews was outraged when Donald Trump said Hillary Clinton and President Obama were the “founder(s) of ISIS,” but two years ago, the NBC newsman offered up his own theory as to who created the terrorist group -- Dick Cheney.
Late last week, the “Hardball” host cited an Associated Press “fact check” article that disputed Trump’s claim, at least on a literal basis.
"You know, I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like this," Matthews said.
It is possible Matthews forgot the words he spoke on Sept. 10, 2014, when he followed an address by President Obama detailing plans to bomb ISIS with some advice for the commander-in-chief. The Media Research Center’s Newsbusterswebsite was there to remind him.
"Please do not listen to (former Vice President) Dick Cheney," Matthews said. "He's the one that created Al Qaeda by taking over the holy land in Saudi Arabia. He's the one that de-Baathicized [sic] the Iraqi government. He created ISIS, and he's coming back again with more advice."

Aron Teitelbaum nabbed by Police!

Aaron Teitelbaum
It's not R" Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe from Monroe ..... but close...

Aron Teitelbaum 25, together with Berish Gottleib, were arrested by the Zionist police for sexual crimes against youngsters!

Aron is the son of Amrom Teitelbaum,the close adviser of the Anti-Zionist fanatic R' Tuvia Weiss.

Hillary Made $238 Million After she left White House

Hillary Caught Lying

Despite being supposedly “dead broke” at the conclusion of their two terms, which happened to coincide with the dot-com bust and an economic downturn, the Clintons made a tremendous amount of money from books and speaking fees.
In recent years, the Clintons were averaging in the twenties. They made $27 million in 2013 and $28 million in 2014. But their haul went down in 2015 to $10.7 million, perhaps to fashion for themselves a more populist image.

Friday, August 12, 2016

Rabbanim outraged at the Yated Ne'eman because it Published a Picture of A Woman! Hillary Clinton

Gedoilim are debating banning the Yated because it published a picture of Hillary Clinton's hand!
It isn't tzneesdik, and readers may get aroused glancing at the hand!

One Gadol said that he advised the Yated to print her face and he believes that would put a damper on the mens' taaveh for women, for life!

Tune in for further news on this dilemma! 

Image result for hillary bad picture

State Dept Covering for Hillary Refuse to Answer Reporter's Questions ..Top Clinton State Department aide helped Clinton Foundation

A newly released State Department email features Clinton Foundation-related requests, raising potential ethical issues about the Clinton Foundation during Hillary Clinton‘s four years as Secretary of State. So that’s what a bunch of reporters confronted State spokeswoman Elizabeth Trudeau about yesterday.
Three separate reporters––starting with NBC’s Abigail Williams––asked Trudeau about whether there was any improper relationship between State and the Clinton Foundation. Trudeau repeatedly downplayed the emails and said the department is “regularly in touch” with a wide range of people.
One reporter pointed out that Clinton had “made a pledge” not to involve herself with the foundation while she was Secretary of State. Trudeau shot back that the agreement did not preclude others from talking to foundation staff.
At one point, as another reporter––the AP’s Matt Lee––was getting frustrated with the lack of answers, he said this:
“I’m sorry, are you – am I not speaking English? Is this – I mean, is it coming across as a foreign – I’m not asking you if – no one is saying it’s not okay or it’s bad for the department to get a broad variety of input from different people. Asking – the question is whether or not you have determined that there was nothing improper here.”

Warning: Suspicious Person visiting Shuls!

SCN (Secure Community Network - The Official Homeland Security Initiative for the American Jewish Community) is warning Jewish synagogues and schools to be on the lookout for a very suspicious man who is visiting synagogues across the nation. 
He was spotted at several synagogues in Philadelphia including one in Elkins Park, PA, a suburb of Philadelphia. Over the past two days he has been seen in Northern NJ, most recently this morning in Englewood.

If you encounter this individual or observe his vehicle, please notify the local Teaneck police immediately, then notify Adam Hirsch at 917-337-4230 or ajhirsch@gmail.com

Thursday, August 11, 2016

See How Satmar deals with the Neturei Karta UPDATED!

Satmar guys had enough with the Neturei Karta Savages that use the Palestinian flag to protest Israel!
Watch video to see justice done!

Because of the many e-mails that I received, with people saying they were confused.... I will clarify what really happened!

These two Neturei Karta Savages were really protesting the Satmar Rebbe of Williamsburg, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum.

R' Zalman Leib in one of his many antics of defaming the Israeli government, came up with a genius idea, that would defame Israel and the same time bring millions to Satmar coffers!

It was all about French Children!

French children!!!!!?????
What do French Children have anything to do with this????
Aren't those savages holding up posters against Israel?????
What are you talking about? DIN! Are you insane????
And if they are holding up posters against Israel, why would a Satmar guy rip off that sign?????? Confused?????

Relax, get a hot cocoa  ......you always have DIN to give you clarity!

The French Jews are leaving France by the thousands, and those that are staying in France, send their children to Israel to study..

So R' Zalman Leib took the "Shmad" Satmar Campaign out of mothballs and re-incarnated the false bizarre claim that the Zionists are taking French children,kidnapping them and integrating them into the secular Israel society ala "Yaldei Teiman"..

The truth is, and you heard here first, the French children that are being sent to Israel are secular to begin with ....
there are no Frum French Jews sending their children to France unsupervised ....There isn't ONE frum French family that is sending any of their children to Israel to a secular Zionist School...... not ONE!!!

Good....I hear ...so how are "we" (Satmar) going to pull off this false narrative....

R' Zalman Leib back from vacation , and  has nothing to do all day, came up with the following idea!
How about recruiting the naive R' Malkiel Kotler and the other naive Litvishe Roshei Yeshiva and make an Asifa ...... call it "achdus"   ring the alarm to the unread, illiterate sheep, and warn them that the Zionists are about to Shmad all French Children.... and start a fundraising campaign, to save them    "mamesh hatzalas ne'fashois"....

Great Idea... but some one forgot to tell R" Zalman Leib that there is no French Child in Israel going to any Satmar Mosad...
there is no way that French Children are going to shave their heads, grow pieus, put on long chassididhe gotchkis and wear chassidishe clothing .... no way!
When was the last time you heard a Satmar Chusid speak fluent French???? Except maybe in Montreal!

Yoi ...oih... what are we to do now????...
The quiet "chezchelle metchella" Malkiel Kotler in awe of R' Zalman Leib, because R' Zalman Leib honored and invited him to be on the Rabbinic Panel ....quietly suggested, naively  ... that they integrate the French children in the existing Chinuch Atzmaei Yeshivois... because this is the only way that they could convince secular French Jews that they would be better off  sending their children to Chinuch Atzmaie than to Zionist Dati Schools..

R' Zalman Leib already dreaming and counting the $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ that this fundraising was going to bring in....jumped on this idea and totally forgot that Chinuch Atmaei is Chazir Treif by the Satmars!
Maybe, he didn't forget ....and thought to himself, "Chinuch Atzmaei....Shminuch Atzmaei" "For money, I will bury the entire Satmar dogma""

While the French Jews were living in France, and their children were assimilating with the gentiles...marrying out of the faith ... Satmar didn't say one word ....it's only now that they are in Israel and  have 100% chance of marrying Jews, and will now become B"H,  Zionists ....that .... is now a bone in their throats ... 

Also while the French Jews were slowly assimilating at a rate of 80% and becoming gentiles, Satmar could care less that the French were becoming goyim because Satmar had no chance of making money off them ....they are not into the Baal Shem Tov dogma that requires kiruv ...the holy rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum, founder of the Satmar Chissidus said that the Baal Shem's idea of including all Jews was "nishtakach" forgotten ...??,,
but as soon as they heard that the French, against Satmar insane advice, were making Aliyah .......they got excited .... threw the "nishtakach" idea in the garbage ,for the opportunity of making a financial killing and badmouthing Zionists at the same time ...Wow!

And so, these Neturei Karta bastards were really protesting with posters stating that "Chinuch Atzmaei is Chazir Treif"
the video above was minutes after the other posters were ripped from them that were against R' Zalman Leib ...

The Satmar guy like all Satmars is also against Israel, and could care less about the Palestinian Posters ....
what he was mad about, was that  they were there to protest his holy Rebbe .... R' Zalman Leib..
They get upset when their ox is being gored (minyona de'yoime of the daf haYoime)

See the sign below stating that "Chinuch Atzmai is Heresy"

Terror hits Rockland County

Two explosive devices went off within seconds of each other outside the homes of two Chabad rabbis in Rockland County Tuesday night, and the chairman of the county’s legislature is blaming a “climate of hate” fostered by the county executive.
The first incident occurred at about 10:15 p.m. at the home of Rabbi Simcha Morganstern, an associate rabbi at the Chabad of Rockland in New City. There were about 15 adults and children gathered for a birthday farbrengen when an incendiary device exploded under the gas tank of a car parked outside.
Rabbi Avremel Kotlarsky, who heads the Chabad center, told Hamodia that they were just about to daven Maariv when the explosion was heard. A few seconds later, a similar attack took place a block away at his own home.
“I got a phone call from my house, ‘do you know what’s happening here? A tree is on fire,’” Rabbi Kotlarsky said. “My 16-year-old daughter had been looking out the window when she saw three or four teenagers running. She saw one of them throw something.”
A bush near the house had been set ablaze.
The New City Fire Department responded and put out the fires. Clarkstown’s police department is investigating.
“It’s obviously premeditated,” said Rabbi Kotlarsky, who founded the Chabad center 33 years ago. “It was not just one rabbi, it was two. It was clear that we were targeted.”
The Anti-Defamation League condemned the attack as part of a growing phenomenon of anti-Semitism in the county.
“We are outraged by this shocking incident in what appears to be the alleged targeting of two prominent rabbis, and we join with local leadership, including the Jewish Federation of Rockland County, in strongly condemning this brazen act of violence,” said Evan R. Bernstein, ADL New York Regional Director. “We are maintaining close contact with local law enforcement and are urging them to vigorously investigate and prosecute those responsible for this alleged anti-Semitic attack.”
Rockland County has seen an uptick in anti-Semitic rhetoric since the election three years ago of County Executive Ed Day. While Rabbi Kotlarksy says that he has known Day personally for many years, a chilling atmosphere has enveloped the neighborhood recently. Day has accused the Orthodox community of a litany of offenses, including unsafe schools. The state inspected the yeshivos a few months ago and found his accusations to have no merit.
“A day doesn’t go by without the Journal News or some other site out with a negative story on the Jewish community,” Rabbi Kotlarsky says. “It’s not uncommon for people in our shul to get catcalls, people honk their horns — not only at us, at anyone wearing a yarmulke.”
Rockland County Legislature Chairman Alden Wolfe condemned the acts of violence, blaming heated rhetoric on the presidential trail and locally by Day.
“The climate of hate that has been created on both the national stage and here in Rockland is unacceptable,” Wolfe said. “Words have consequences. A climate of hate has consequences.”
Wolfe, a Democrat from Montebello, warned Wednesday that, “legitimate policy issues are continually being mixed in with anti-Semitic rhetoric. I’ve been saying for months that such words eventually turn into hateful, violent actions.”“Elected officials should examine their own behaviors and take the appropriate steps to squash the use of hateful language and to quell any hateful and potentially deadly behavior,” Wolfe said.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Chareidim now visit Har Habyis on a regular basis

The truth is that there were Rishonim like the Meerie that held that one can certainly go up on the Har Habayis... no problem...
But nowadays most poiskim prohibit it ......
However if people do get a heter from their Rabbonim to go up ... Kol Ha"koved ...
Better than giving sovereignty of Har Habayis to  Arab savages!

Legal Group Issues Private Emails Clinton Did Not Turn Over Show her favoring lobbyists while Secretary of State

The State Department has turned over 44 previously-unreleased Hillary Clinton email exchanges that the Democratic presidential nominee failed to include among the 30,000 private messages she turned over to the government last year. They show her interacting with lobbyists, political and Clinton Foundation donors and business interests as secretary of state.

The conservative legal group Judicial Watch obtained the emails as part of its lawsuit against the State Department. They cover Clinton’s first three months as secretary of state in early 2009, a period for which Clinton did not turn over any emails to the State Department last year. The government found the newly disclosed messages during a search of agency computer files from longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.
In one instance, Clinton exchanged messages with a senior Morgan Stanley investment executive whom she met with later that year at her office in Washington. They were among 246 pages of Abedin messages turned over to Judicial Watch.
Clinton campaign officials did not immediately answer questions about the issue.


Iran Executes American Spy


 Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Seth Rich Bloomingdale2
On July 8, 2016, 27 year-old Democratic staffer Seth Conrad Rich was murdered in Washington DC. The killer or killers took nothing from their victim, leaving behind his wallet, watch and phone.
Shortly after the killing, Redditors and social media users were pursuing a “lead” saying that Rich was en route to the FBI the morning of his murder, apparently intending to speak to special agents about an “ongoing court case” possibly involving the Clinton family.
Seth Rich’s father Joel told reporters, “If it was a robbery — it failed because he still has his watch, he still has his money — he still has his credit cards, still had his phone so it was a wasted effort except we lost a life.”
On Tuesday Wikileaks offered a $20,000 reward for information on the murder of DNC staffer Seth rich.
Now this…
Julian Assange suggested on Tuesday that Seth Rich was a Wikileaks informant.

Via Mike Cernovich:
Julian Assange seems to suggests on Dutch television program Nieuwsuur that Seth Rich was the source for the Wikileaks-exposed DNC emails and was murdered.
From the video:
Julian Assange: Whistleblowers go to significant efforts to get us material and often very significant risks. As a 27 year-old, works for the DNC, was shot in the back, murdered just a few weeks ago for unknown reasons as he was walking down the street in Washington.
Reporter: That was just a robbery, I believe. Wasn’t it?
Julian Assange: No. There’s no finding. So… I’m suggesting that our sources take risks.

Rabbi Eric Solomon of Raleigh North Carolina will visit Arafat's grave

The "rasha" Solomon
As I said many times, Jews are their own worst enemies. The "Rabbi" of Congregation Beth Meyer Synagogue in Raleigh, North Carolina, is going to the Middle East to visit the grave of the murderer of his brothers and sisters in Israel! He will visit the grave of someone that ordered the murder of Jewish children while they were eating pizza in Yerushalayim!
His tour operator, Mejdi has ties to Hamas! 
This "shul" touts a "chesed" program that states that "Darfur,as well as Israel and Palestine are significant topics" 
This piece of garbage that calls himself a rabbi, will spit in the faces of parents, brothers and sisters that lost family to Arafat, a blood thirsty Arab savage!

How low have we sunk? 
What purpose is he serving davening at the grave of a serial killer?
I know ...I know that he is a Rabbi like I am a orange, but the gentile world and even our own Jews look up to this devil disguised as a human ...

Now read a letter of one of his congregants!

Letter to a rabbi in North Carolina - from an unusually brave member of the local Jewish community. Steven Rosenberg of Raleigh, North Carolina, speaks up for Israel and  takes a stand against barbarism and moral decay. All this seems to be with no support (so far) from  Jewish officialdom who hold positions of power in Raleigh. A profile in courage:

Dear Rabbi Solomon:
My recent emails concerning your activities, including planning a trip to Yasser Arafat’s tomb, have started a conversation that I hope will produce good results for the community.
As a Rabbi in Raleigh, you are in a position of great influence to both the local Jewish community and our non-Jewish neighbors. After the responses I have received, I know that I am one of many people in the community that have concerns about your activities that unfairly criticize the state of Israel.
You ask the Jewish National Fund to adhere to the “Moses Standard” of transparency. You write, “If Moses could ensure that all his financial records were fully transparent, then we should expect nothing less from a Jewish organization like the JNF which has held our people’s sacred trust for over 100 years. Why should the JNF be afraid to share where our money goes after it leaves the little blue box?” (Documents, page 59)
Can we hold you to the same standard and ask for your response to the following questions?
  • What purpose does your visit of Arafat’s tomb serve? What is Arafat’s legacy? Why can’t you find time in a 10 day trip to visit Yad Vashem or Har Herzl in Jerusalem when you plan on going to the Mahmoud Darwish Museum? (Documents, page 16) A bonus question, who is Mahmoud Darwish and why does he have a museum that you want to visit?

  • In a related question on your itinerary, you write “Ascend the Temple Mount for a tour of the precinct and have a question and answer session with a local Muslim imam.” I see no mention of the Western Wall (Kotel), the holiest site in the world for Jews. Do you plan to let your trip participants pray at the Western Wall and possibly meet a local rabbi? If not, why not? 

  • How do you answer your own question to the JNF, “Will my money strengthen Israel’s democracy and civil society? Will it move us closer to peace?” 

  • Are you aware of the relationship between your tour operator, Mejdi, and its links to pro-Hamas support groups such as Holy Land Trust? Reverend Dr. Mae Elise Cannon, currently with Mejdi Tours, was a senior member of the World Vision NGO. World Vision was just accused of funneling millions of dollars to Hamas in the Gaza Strip. Coincidence?  (page 57)

  • My good friend Ronit Bart lives next to the border of Gaza.(see video) Over the last 12 years their community has had to live with daily rocket attacks and terror tunnels from terrorists that are trying to hurt her and her family. What can the State of Israel do to these terrorists so there will be peace? How have your actions helped with this effort?

As someone who has lived in the Raleigh community for 32 years, I would like nothing more than a cohesive Jewish community that works together to guarantee a safe Israel and a good future for our children and grandchildren in Israel, in the United States and ideally, everywhere in the world.
I ask the community to review the information I have assembled and come to their own conclusions. I also ask that the community forward this email to friends and family who share my concern. I updated the file with an article from The Washington Post (page 57) and your request to the Jewish National Fund (page 59).   In addition, the previous two emails are included at the end.
Rabbi Solomon, I look forward to hearing from you directly and sharing your responses. I can be reached a traleighjew@gmail.com.
Steven Rosenberg

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Hillary ignores American woman winning gold but Congratulates the looser American Muslim fencer, Ibtihaj Muhammad because she is the first Muslim-American to wear a hijab but ignores

In Rio, Olympic fencer Ibtihaj Muhammad became the first American Muslim athlete to compete while wearing a hijab.pic.twitter.com/OrRSHnH2Ra

The above tweet from the old Yente Hillary, congratulates a Muslim American fencer that competed but lost in the Rio Olympics.....
She ignored the first American gold medal winner  Ginny Thrasher, a women who won, for marksmanship!
Today you have to belong to a religion that cuts peoples heads off to get recognition from a US presidential candidate!

Three With Ties to DNC Mysteriously Die

Since the Democratic National Committee emails were leaked a few weeks ago, three people associated with the DNC have all been found dead under what could be questionable circumstances. 

Some — including Bernie Sanders supporters  — suspect the Clintons were behind the deaths, just more episodes in the alleged “Clinton body count” dating back to the 1990s. Others dismiss the speculation as left-wing conspiracy nuts. But until the police have completed their investigations and the medical examiners have released autopsy reports, it is premature to make any determinations.