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Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Frum Rebecca Wasserstrum Dies from fall


Rebecca Wasserstrum 
Image result for rebecca wasserstrum

Body recovered by medics 
 A 28 year-old woman from Flatbush jumped to her death from the George Washington Bridge on Sunday, officials reported.
It was around 4:15 p.m., when a man driving over the bridge said he saw the unidentified woman jump from the bridge, near the New York Tower, said Joe Pentangelo, a Port Authority Police spokesman.
The man got out of his vehicle and looked over the railing of the bridge down to the Hudson River, some 200 feet below, where he saw the woman's body in the river, Pentangelo said.
Offiers contacted the New York Police Department, whose harbor patrol unit pulled the body from the water, Pentangelo said, adding that the woman was pronounced dead a short time later at Mt. Sinai St. Luke's Hospital in Manhattan
No further info at this time!

Monsey Trails and Monroe Bus Co Ban Use of Smartphones on the Buses

I'm not sure if this is legit, if it is, then we are going quickly into the abyss!

The poster in Yiddish reads:

Honored Travelers
If you possess a smartphone or any similar device, kindly refrain from using them on the bus!
Parents trust us with their children on our buses and we must take responsibly.
With thank you for your cooperation!

Rabid Fanatic R' Shmuel Auerbach's Crazies Compare IDF to Auschwitz!


The ingrates living in Israel, have no hakoras hotoiv to the host country. They spread outright lies about the IDF comparing the IDF induction center to Auschwitz! It is obvious that the author of this pamphlet knows nothing about Auschwitz and I'll bet his grandfather was sipping a margarita, while my grandparents were being made into lampshades!
I know many children with Payos and tzizis that served with distinction ion the IDF and came out as very erlicah yiddin! 

A pamphlet distributed in recent days by extremists takes the opposition to chareidim entering the IDF to a new level. It instructs talmidim to refrain from reporting to IDF induction centers. It is being distributed freely and emailed, encouraging recipients to print and pass around.

The pamphlet contains many caricatures, all portraying the military in a most negative light, as the enemy, stating the IDF wants nothing good for chareidim. As such, prospective inductees are urged not to cooperate in any way whatsoever with authorities.

It reads “in the next hour, explore every smile and every sentence to give yourself a fatal diagnosis which can be compared to the screening at the gates of Auschwitz, which examined the condition of each boy and the slightest change could determine his fate to be sent to death”.

The pamphlet is not signed by any organization and unlike other publications in the past that were against the IDF and the State of Israel, it cannot be attributed to the anti-Zionist faction for this is clearly intended for bnei yeshivos and not as an internal Neturei Karta publication but possibly more aligned with the Yerushalmi faction of the litvish community headed by HaGaon HaRav Shmuel Auerbach Shlita. Rav Auerbach has encouraged his followers not to cooperate with authorities in any way unlike Gedolim Shlita from Bnei Brak, who instruct talmidim to report for an initial registration and giving over personal information.

The pamphlet instructs talmidim not to become “snitches mercenaries” by joining and that it is easier to spend three years in prison than in the military for the former has a family to return to as opposed to the latter, which will not. 

It speaks about how the military destroys the neshama of fathers and sons alike, all for making the error of agreeing to serve. The IDF is described as a “dark, cruel and cold place that leads soldiers to depression and total despair…”
Needless to say the pamphlet has already found its way to the mainstream media in Israel, depicting the chareidi tzibur in a most unfavorable light in the eyes of others as the IDF screening process is compared to Auschwitz.

Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Jacob Reichberg Managed to close down a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel

Cops shut down a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel so a visiting businessman could be escorted through it at the behest of a major de Blasio fundraiser, federal prosecutors charged Monday.
The outrageous move was revealed as part of damning criminal indictments unveiled Monday against four NYPD officers and the shady “fixer’’who allegedly arranged it.
The stunning arrests marked the first time cops have been charged in the sweeping 3½-year corruption investigation rocking the department and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s office, which is being probed for its fundraising.
Federal prosecutors allege that the civilian behind the closure, Borough Park businessman Jeremy Reichberg, and his pal, real estate investor Jona Rechnitz, spent more than $100,000 on police bribes between 2012 and 2015.
“They got, in effect, a private police force for themselves and their friends — effectively they got cops on call,” Manhattan US Attorney Preet Bharara said.
The criminal indictments alleged that in one instance, “Reichberg, using his connections in local law enforcement agencies, was able to arrange for the closure of a lane in the Lincoln Tunnel and a police escort down that lane for a businessman visiting the United States.”
It was unclear when the shutdown occurred, but law enforcement sources said the request did not go through official channels and there was no documentation of it, suggesting it could have been orchestrated in the middle of the night.

Obama listens to DIN and Orders FBI & DOJ to release new, full transcript of Orlando shooter's 911 call

Orlando Shooting Politics
Under pressure from DIN & Republican leaders, the Justice Department on Monday afternoon reversed itself and released a full, uncensored transcript of the Orlando terrorist's 911 call on the night of the massacre, calling the morning’s furor over omissions in the document “an unnecessary distraction.”
An earlier version of the transcript had deleted the word “Islamic State” and the name of ISIS leader “Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.” Omar Mateen made the 50-second 911 call in which he claimed responsibility for the terror attack and pledged allegiance to Islamic State's leader at 2:35 a.m. The call came just over a half hour into the June 12 slaughter at gay nightclub Pulse.
“I pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of the Islamic State,” Mateen says on the new transcript.
The old version had several words scrubbed and read: "I pledge allegiance to [omitted] may God protect him [in Arabic], on behalf of [omitted]."
House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., called the earlier decision by DOJ and the FBI to release only a partial transcript "preposterous."
"We know the shooter was a radical Islamist extremist inspired by ISIS," Ryan said in a statement. "We also know he intentionally targeted the LGBT community. The administration should release the full, unredacted transcript so the public is clear-eyed about who did this, and why."
Republican Florida Gov. Rick Scott also took aim at the edited accounting of Mateen's statements the night he killed 49 and wounded 53 more.

Monday, June 20, 2016

Yitzchok Meir Weissberger killed in Lakewood Car Accident

R' Yitzchok Meir Weissberger was 65 year-old, and was killed in a car accident in Lakewood ....no further info at this time!

Reb Yiztchok Meir Z”L, from Park Avenue, was 

a beloved Mispallel at Rav Paskesz’s Bais Eimelech Shul on 

East Harvard. The Levaya will be taking place at 11:00 am 

Monday at Bais Elimelech, 105 East Harvard. Kevurah will 

be in the Tzeilim Chelka in Long Island.


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Obama protecting Islam while attacking Christianity
The Justice Department replaced references to ‘Allah’ with ‘God’ in an edited transcript of the 911 call Orlando jihadi Omar Mateen made during the Pulse night club attack.
During the call, Omar Mateen made an Islamic prayer in which he said:
Praise be to Allah, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of Allah [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.
In comparison, the edited DOJ transcript says:
Praise be to God, and prayers as well as peace be upon the prophet of God [in Arabic]. I let you know, I’m in Orlando and I did the shootings.
It’s obvious the Obama administration is doing everything it can to downplay the Islamic connection to the attack, all while demonizing Christians and gun owners.
“His very first words are the Bismillah (Arabic: بسم الله‎‎, ‘In the name of Allah’), the Islamic prayer,” commentator Pamela Geller revealed. “It’s what terror-tied CAIR chants in every press conference and press release.”
“[The Obama administration] knew right away and they have been deceiving the American people ever since, protecting and defending the ideology they calls for our destruction.”
Attorney General Loretta Lynch said the DOJ would remove references to Islamic terrorism from the transcript.
“What we’re not going to do is further proclaim this man’s pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda,” she said. “We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State].”

Hillary Clinton called Jews "Stupid Ki__S and Disabled Children F___ing Retards!

  • Bill Clinton's former lover Dolly Kyle claims the Clinton couple regularly used racial epithets in her new book, Hillary: The Other Woman

  • She writes that Hillary was caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e' and 'f***ing Jew b*****d'

  • She says Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'Goddamned n****r' 

  • Hillary was heard calling mentally challenged children 'f*****g ree-tards' and caught on record blurting out the terms 'stupid k**e and 'f***ing Jew b*****d', while Bill called the Reverend Jesse Jackson a 'G**damned n****r'.
    Bill was also sued several times by blacks and Hispanics for violations of the 1965 Voting Rights Act.

  • Lynch will remove all of the Killer's References to Islamic Terrorism of Orlando 911 Calls

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    In an interview with NBC's Chuck Todd, Attorney General Loretta Lynch says that on Monday, the FBI will release edited transcripts of the 911 calls made by the Orlando nightclub shooter to the police during his rampage. 

    "What we're not going to do is further proclaim this man's pledges of allegiance to terrorist groups, and further his propaganda," Lynch said. "We are not going to hear him make his assertions of allegiance [to the Islamic State]."

    The Washington Post reported last week that the gunman made multiple phone calls while holding hostages: "The gunman who opened fire inside a nightclub here said he carried out the attack because he wanted 'Americans to stop bombing his country,' according to a witness who survived the rampage."

    Salon reported that: “Everybody who was in the bathroom who survived could hear him talking to 911, saying the reason why he’s doing this is because he wanted America to stop bombing his country."

    The Washington Post also noted that during his 911 call from the club, the gunman referenced the Boston Marathon bombers and claimed "that he carried out the shooting to prevent bombings, [echoing] a message the younger Boston attacker had scrawled in a note before he was taken into custody by police."

    FBI Director James Comey said at a press conference that the shooter’s past comments about Islamist groups were "inflammatory and contradictory."

    Graves of European Rabbonim are dens of drugs and sexual activity!

    I have been writing for years, that visiting the graves of Rabbonim  in Europe should stop; it's a lucrative business for travel agents and tour guides ...... and the murderers of our grandparents are becoming rich from the groups that come and spend Jewish money in Jewish blood-soaked Europe!

    It's a well known secret that prostitution,sexual activities and drug parties  go on non-stop in Uman...and now this has spread to Mezebich , the city where the Holy Baal Shem is buried!

    Most men visiting the graves of these Tzaddikim leave their wives behind and cannot control themselves in Europe. 
    Single bochrim become totally immersed in the drug atmosphere that prevails there!

    True ... that there are people who go there to get a spiritual uplift and to pray at the Kevorim of these great giants, but in the long run, this is not a healthy solution for Sholom Bayis!

    My solution is that we exhume their holy bones and inter them in Eretz Yisroel!
    I understand that the Ukrainian Government will not be happy about this, losing millions of tourist dollars but it will save holy Jewish souls.... 

    ‏קראתי את מה שכתבת על מזיבוז' ופלא גדול שנטפלת למקום הזה ושכחת מכל המקומות האחרים, האם רק מזיבוז' נהפך לבית בושתלצערי הרב כל הנסיעות לקברי צדיקים נהפך לזנות ומסחר בסמים 
    קבוצה של חסידות שנוסעת כל שנה לפולין כבר שנים שבשבת חלק מהקהל הולכים למועדונים וקונים בירה ביום השבת ישנים אצל תושבי המקום הגויים ושמעתי שאומרים הגויה הזאת יש לה בת יפה ושווה לישון שם 
    מי מדבר על קבוצות של בחורים שנוסעים ועושים מה שבא להם והכל בשם הצדיק.
    לא רק אומן זה בית זונות גם מז'יבוז 

    חבל חבל שכך נראה המצב 
    יש לאסור על צעירים בכלל לנסוע לקברי צדיקים, ומבוגרים נשואים רק עם נשותיהם שיהיו שמירה, ובשום אופן להתיר לעשירים שבאים לבד ויושנים עם נשים אחרות בחדריהם כפי שקורה במז'יבוז ומקומות אחרים, ומעשנים סמים בגלוי ללא שמץ של בושה
    כל מי שנוסע לקברי צדיקים הוא בגדר של חשוד על המעשים הללו ומי ששומר נפשו יברח משם 

    Sunday, June 19, 2016

    The Traitorous Rat Herzog signed secret agreement to divide Jerusalem

    "Zionist" Union leader also accepted 'right of return' for Palestinian Arabs into Israel, surrender of Judea and Samaria.
    Isaac Herzog meets with Mahmoud Abbas

    Herzog, who prior to the election was seen as a viable candidate for Prime Minister, signed a secret letter of understanding with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, agreeing to a number of long-standing Arab demands.

    Among the subjects covered in the letter are the division of Jerusalem, the future disposition of Judea and Samaria, and the so-called “right of return” for Arabs who left the country in 1948.

    According to the agreement, Herzog conceded all of Judea and Samaria and accepted the partition of Jerusalem, surrendering portions of the capital to a new Palestinian state.
    In addition, Herzog agreed to accept Palestinian “refugees” into Israel under the framework of a “right of return”.

    Some technical details were included in the document, including a unique arrangement for Jerusalem, which would be the shared capital of both states and under split sovereignty, yet would be managed by a single municipality.

    Even the Old City itself would be divided under the framework agreed upon in the Herzog-Abbas letter, with the Western Wall kept under Israeli control, while the Temple Mount would be placed under international control.

    In exchange for Herzog’s concessions, Abbas accepted a “symbolic” Israeli presence in the strategically critical Jordan Valley region along Israel’s eastern border.

    The agreement also dealt with anti-terror operations following the establishment of a Palestinian state. According to the document, a joint security ‘mechanism’ bringing together Israeli, Palestinian, and Jordanian forces would be charged with fighting terror.

    Herzog responded to the revelation on Sunday, saying “In my contacts with the Palestinian Authority chief during 2014 I made efforts with the goal of reaching an understanding that would have prevented the wave of terror which I saw coming; [efforts] just like the work I am doing now to prevent this radical right-wing government’s abandonment of the regional conference plan from bringing upon us a new war.

    Obama, Hillary and Media, Blame Law abiding Gun Owners for Violence!

    Deflecting Massacre Blame

    Zionist Government approves increased yeshiva funding

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    The yeshiva budget will return to its pre-2013 level, set before Lapid became Finance Minister in previous government.

    So the Zionists are continuing to be the biggest Torah supporters ever recorded in the entire history of the Jewish people.
    Just in the year 2015 ...the Zionists funded Yeshivas to the tune of 1 billion  Shekels ..thats is approx $250 million US dollars!

    Just a couple of weeks ago, R' Zalman Leib Teitelbaum of Satmar brought a measly pittance 5 million dollars to fund Mosdos that refuse to take money from the Zionists.... equivalent to a drop of water in the Atlantic Ocean!

    Bur nevertheless,  followers of R' Zalman Leib are still furious of this gesture, because in order to get this kind of money he had to raise tuition of the Satmar students in his Williamsburg mosdos! Robin Hood in a Shtrimel!
    The truth is that the mosdods in Israel that supposedly refuse to take money from the government, benefit from the Zionists in many ways .... i.e.   using the infrastructures that the Zionists built, using the Police, firefighters, garbage disposal etc ... etc ...

    Meir Pogrow Seduces Women With "Torah" ... Exposed by Tamara Schoor !

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    Meir Pogrow a brilliant, popular and influential Torah scholar, has given over 2,000 Shiurim on the "Master Torah" Website, a website he founded.
    Apparently, he used his knowledge to seduce women and enjoyed snaring them into his sexual trap!
    He lives in Ramat Beit Shemesh but lectures throughout the world! '
    the Bais Din has issued a warning to women to stay away from him! 

    Gary Turkel found dead

     The lifeless body of 41-year-old Gary Turkel who went missing Sunday off the Long Island Shore washed up Friday morning around 30 miles of the shore.
    The body was found by a tugboat around 7:00 o’clock, the U.S. coast guard responded and transferred the body back to jones beach, Sources say the body has been positively identified as Gary Turkel. B”DE

    Yoel Oberlander molests lady on El Al flight

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    A Monsey, New York, man appeared in federal court today to face charges that he sexually abused a woman on a flight from Israel to Newark Liberty International
    Airport, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.
    Yoel Oberlander, 35, was charged by criminal complaint with one count of abusive sexual contact on an airplane. Oberlander had his initial appearance this afternoon before U.S. Magistrate Judge Joseph A. Dickson in Newark federal court and was detained According to the complaint:
    While on a May 29, 2016 El Al flight from Tel Aviv to Newark, Oberlander was seated next to a female passenger and her mother. During the flight, Oberlander repeatedly placed his hand on the female passenger’s thigh and breast without her consent.
    Oberlander is a registered sex offender. He was previously convicted in 2002 in New York for sexual abuse in the second degree, arising from his sexual assault of an eleven-year-old girl.
    The abusive sexual contact charge carries a statutory maximum of up to two years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

    Friday, June 17, 2016

    Jewish philanthropist Dr. Irving Moskowitz passes away

    Leading American-Jewish philanthropist, passionate supporter of Israel, passes away aged 88.
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    Dr. Irving Moskowitz, one of American Jewry's leading philanthropists, has passed away aged 88.

    A passionate and lifelong support of Israel, Moskowitz, together with his wife Cherna, founded and led the Moskowitz Foundation in 1968, which supported countless initiatives in Israel and across the Jewish world. 

    The couple also founded the Moskowitz Prize for Zionism, which awards leading Jewish figures for their activism on the part of the Jewish state and its people.

    Dr. Moskowitz was a particularly ardent supporter of Jewish communities in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem, aiding countless projects to reclaim Jewish land stolen by Arabs during the early twentieth century.

    He is survived by his wife, Cherna, eight children and more than 40 grandchildren.

    Born to Jewish immigrants from Poland, more than 100 of his relatives perished during the Holocaust.
    Irving, the ninth of thirteen siblings, grew up in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he qualified as a doctor, and then moved to California to open a medical practice. After that, he moved to Miami Beach, Florida.

    Apart from his immense support for the Jewish community and State of Israel, Irving Moskowitz founded several hospitals and donated generously to many humanitarian causes in the United States and elsewhere.

    Liberals Demand We Accept Men Who Identify as Women, But They Refuse to Accept Terrorists Who Identify as Muslim

    Normally I try not to post unZnisdikeh Pictures, but the photo on the left is a MAN!
    Okay, stop and think of this. 
    To Obama, to Hillary, to Democrats and the American left, whenever a guy says that he's a woman, she's a woman.  
    When a woman says, "No, no, no, I present as a guy," the left says, "There's a guy! There's a guy!" 
    So if you're a woman and you want to be a man and you tell a Democrat you're a man, you're a man. 
     If you're a man that wants to be a woman -- and you tell the Democrats you're a woman and you want to use the woman's bathroom and you're a man -- they say, "Fine, have  it!"
    Tell 'em you're a Muslim; they say, "No.  No.  No.  it's not because of your "peaceful" religion... You must be  inspired by Republicans."  
    Men and women who want to present as opposite can tell Democrats that that's who they are, and there's no doubt whatsoever.  
    Somebody comes along and says, "I'm a Muslim!  I don't like you! I don't like the fact you're an infidel. I'm gonna blow up every institution of yours I can," 
     The Democrats say.  "I'm not sure that we're dealing with Muslims,. 
     Isn't it amazing?