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Thursday, June 16, 2016

Behaalotcha (Israel): What brought on the rebellions?

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Rabbi Wein
by Rabbi Berel Wein
Somehow, things start to go very wrong for Moshe and the Jewish people regarding their sojourn in the desert of Sinai, on their way to the Promised Land of Israel. The defection of Yitro, though for honorable and seemingly noble reasons, weakens the resolution of the rest of Israel to somehow enter and conquer their God-given homeland.

The rabbis warned us that wise people and leaders should be very careful as to what they say publicly and privately. This certainly applies to what they do and how people will view their behavior and decisions in life.

We always feel that leaders are somehow entitled to a private life as well, distinct from their public persona. However, we also all know that that is not really true and that private decisions taken by public figures have a great, if even only subliminal, influence on the general public that they serve.

There were elements within the Jewish people that reasoned that if Yitro, the father-in-law of Moshe and one of the outstanding and prominent converts to Judaism, felt that dwelling in the Land of Israel is not really for him, then there will be many others among the masses of Israel that will justify their refusal to enter the Land of Israel as just being a case of following his example.

And so, because the great vision of the Jewish homeland promised to their forefathers was no longer paramount in their lives, some of the people began to gripe and complain about all sorts of personal absurdities. This eventually led to open rebellion against God and against Moshe that doomed that generation to destruction and death in the desert of Sinai.

Without going into specifics or mentioning names, I am always astounded by how former political leaders here in Israel, even those who attained high office and are now freelancing and lecturing their way around the world, take it upon themselves to be openly critical – and many times unfairly so – of the government, state and people of Israel.

Can it be that they do not realize the direct and subliminal harm that they inflict upon our cause and our future? This must be the case, since I cannot imagine that they have truly evil intentions with pursuing this type of behavior. They mean well and have legitimate reasons for their opinions and statements.
But they have forgotten the adage of the rabbis that I quoted above – wise men should be careful with their words and actions. Other people are listening and are influenced - and one may even inadvertently grant aid and succor to those who wish to destroy us and our nation. It does not take much in our world to have people begin murmuring in dissatisfaction about Jews, Judaism, Israel, Torah and even God, so to speak.

One must always see the big picture and not be overwhelmed by the imperfections and difficult issues that are part of our existence, and in fact, of life itself. Retaining our faith in our cause and our beliefs and using good judgment in what we say and do will certainly stand all of us in good stead.

Rosenberg challenges "Fat" Nadler on Iran

Challenger Oliver Rosenberg asks how Rep. Nadler can be pro-LGBT, yet support Iran’s regime.
Oliver Rosenberg
Oliver Rosenberg

In the wake of the Orlando Massacre in which 49 people were murdered by a Muslim terrorist, Oliver Rosenberg, a Jewish Democratic challenger to Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D), has stated that the incumbent, Congressman Jerry Nadler, “ needs to explain how he can be pro-LGBT” when he voted for and  supported the Iran nuclear deal.

That deal, he noted, gave “$150 billion to an Iranian regime that preaches anti-gay hatred and terror.  How can Jerry Nadler claim to be pro-gay and fund an Iranian anti-gay terror regime at the same time?”

Rosenberg’s press release stated that the “Islamist theocratic dictators of Iran hang gay men.” Regarding the Orlando massacre, he asserted, “An imam from Iran who says gay people should be killed spoke at an Orlando mosque just weeks before the attack.”

Rosenberg is running for US Congress in the June 28th Democratic primary.
He is the first primary challenger Jerry Nadler has faced in twenty years. New York’s 10th District includes the Upper West Side of Manhattan, Hell’s Kitchen, Chelsea, Greenwich Village and portions of Lower Manhattan and portions of Brooklyn including Borough Park, Dyker Heights, Bensonhurst and Sunset Park.

Lubavitcher Rebbe saved Yeshiva Torah Vodaas from Foreclosure

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The Rayatz saved Yeshiva Torah Vodaas from Foreclosure

by Rabbi Shmuel Knopfler

The famed Yeshiva Torah Vodaas in New York, originally located in Williamsburg, now in Kensington. Over the years, the yeshiva expanded from what was once only an elementary school, graduating hundreds of rabbanim and mechanchim, roshei yeshivos, and directors of yeshivos
and mosdos chesed.

R’ Shraga Feivel was a most unusual and multi-faceted individual. He was an eclectic scholar who loved Chassidus. He even gave classes in Tanya, despite the fact that his yeshiva was Litvish.

At the same time, he was no Chassid of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, the Rebbe Rayatz, and was quite upset when students of his yeshiva transferred to Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. This was in contrast to his unprecedented and unique policy of sending his best talmidim to other yeshivos simply to support the other yeshivos and
promote their growth.

Shortly before his passing on 3 Elul 5748, R’ Shraga Feivel was quite ill. After being informed by his doctors that he had only a short time remaining, a select group of his friends, rabbanim, and roshei yeshivos organized a sort of farewell at his bedside. At the gathering, much to everyone’s surprise, R’ Shraga Feivel asked to speak. What he was about to reveal had never been told before; now he wanted others to hear his amazing tale as he did not wish to take the secret with him to the grave…

During World War II, the economy was in a depression. The Torah world, which had just begun to blossom in America, and which was based primarily on the donations of wealthy businessmen, was in grave danger.

“For many months I somehow managed by borrowing money from anyone I possibly could to make sure the yeshiva would continue to exist. The teachers had not been paid and the food the boys were served was not the best, but the learning went on, which was the main thing.

“One day I received an urgent letter from the bank. When I read it, I realized how much trouble I was in, for the director of the bank informed me that the yeshiva’s debts had ballooned to $3,000! Today that would be the equivalent of $300,000, and the ability to obtain cash during wartime was far more difficult.

The bank’s intention was to repossess the yeshiva building. All the talmidim would have to be sent away. “I only had three weeks to obtain this huge sum of money, and I knew that that was plainly impossible.

Since I didn’t see any way of saving the situation, I didn’t tell anyone what was going on, so as not to create undue panic. I had simply resigned myself to the fact that in another three weeks the yeshiva would close down.

“As I sat there in my office, crying over the fate of the yeshiva, the phone rang. The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s
secretary was on the line saying, ‘The Rebbe asked me to call you in order to ascertain the yeshiva’s general condition.’ I couldn’t understand why the Lubavitcher Rebbe was suddenly interested in my situation, and since I didn’t want to share the yeshiva’s precarious state with anyone, I dismissed him by saying that everything was in
order. “A few hours went by and the phone rang again. ‘I told the Rebbe what you said, that everything is as usual,’ said the secretary, ‘but the Rebbe said that that is not so. Please tell me what the state of the yeshiva really is.’ “Hearing this, I wanted to hang up on him. I didn’t appreciate this prying into the yeshiva’s affairs. I had no
reason to think the Lubavitcher Rebbe’s financial state was better than mine, so I certainly didn’t think he could help me. But finally, after the secretary’s repeated requests, I told him of the yeshiva’s plight and about the contents of the letter I received from the bank that day.

“A short while later, the secretary called once again. This
time he informed me, ‘The Rebbe asked me to tell you the following: In my day, no yeshiva will be closed; not in Russia and not in America!’
That was it!

“This last call really infuriated me. He forced me to give him a full report about the yeshiva’s predicament, and now he was mocking me with illogical statements that had nothing to do with the harsh reality.
There was simply no way to obtain such a tremendous amount of money, I thought to myself in growing frustration. “The next three weeks were the most difficult of my life. “From time to time, the Lubavitcher
Rebbe’s secretary called my office and asked whether the situation had changed for the better, or whether there was still a threat of the yeshiva’s closing. As the day when the money had to be paid got closer, the Rebbe asked, through his secretary, for more details about the debt.

“The deadline was on Monday. The Friday before, the Rebbe’s secretariat called again, asking where the money had to be paid and how. I was utterly appalled by this meddling, but out of respect I gave them all the information they requested. When they mentioned the Rebbe’s promise that ‘In my day, no yeshiva will be closed; not in Russia and not in America,’ I just couldn’t understand what sin I had committed to deserve this mockery.

Monday arrived. I sat hopelessly in my office, resigned to the fact that in another few hours the bank officials would arrive and close the yeshiva. There was a knock at the
door. My heart pounded as I approached the door. “As great as my fear was, my surprise was even greater when I opened the door to see – not a bank official and not a policeman, but a messenger boy with an envelope.

‘The Lubavitcher Rebbe asked me to give you this envelope,’ he said, and then left. “With trembling hands I opened the envelope and drew out dozens of hundred and twenty dollar bills. It all added up to exactly $3,000. Yes, the Lubavitcher Rebbe prevented Torah Vodaas from closing!” said R’ Shraga Feivel, to the amazement of those
gathered at his bedside.

This was a menahel who opposed the Rebbe, who even stopped his boys from going to learn at Yeshivas Tomchei Tmimim. And the financial situation of the Rebbe Rayatz at that time was extremely difficult. Nevertheless, the Rebbe made the effort to obtain the enormous sum of
money to save the yeshiva.

Similar story is told when Olomeinu a Torah Umesorah publication for children was ready to stop its publication due to lack of funds The Rebbe, Reb Menachem Mendel gave a large sum of money to continue the publication for the propagation of Torah & Judaism.

When you enter the Yeshiva Torah Vodaas there is no plaque to commemorate this event. In the hallways of the Yeshiva you have a photo gallery of all Chassidic Rebbes except that of Chabad.

When the 8th Graders graduate in Torah Vodaas graduate they go on a special trip to visit the grave of The Satmar Rebbe in Kiryas Yoel.
Visiting Rav Pam's Kever which is logistically closer is not on the agenda.

Certainly visting the Kever of Rayatz in Queens as a sign of gratitude is not part of the itinerary.

It is regrettable that there is no acknowledgment or minimum Hakoras Tov.

בברכת התורה והארץ

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Obama and Radical Islam

קול דודי דופק

הרב מרדכי ליבוביץ

הקליפה בראותה שמא
יתפעלו ישראל מעוצם גילוי אלוקות בהראות חסדיו לעמו ישראל הרבה הלביש
עצמו בקליפת הקנאות.
ועל אלו אמר הכתוב ״וכסילים מתי תשכילו״

אילו זכינו היינו מתאספין בבתי כנסיות ובבתי מדרשות להודות לה׳ על חסדיו.
שהציל עם ישראל מכליה, ועוד ועיקר שהחזיר ירושלים ומקום המקדש לעמו

 ומאז כמה מיליוני תפילות וכמה נודאות של דמעות של אהבה נשתפכו אצל
כותל המערבי!
 כמה תפילות התפללו בקבר אמנו רחל!
 כמה מיליונים ביקרו אצל
אבותינו בחברון!

האם אין זה גילוי אלקות!!
היינו צריכים להקהל ולהודות על חסדיו של אבינו שבשמים.

ועוד ועיקר הקידוש שם שמים היותר גדולה מאז אלפיים שנה!!
הבטחת התורה נתקיימה!

ואחרי כל התוכחה שנתקיימה במילואה באה הבטחה האחרונה של ״ והארץ אזכור״.

הניסים של ששת הימים הוא המשך של קיום הבטחתו של התורה שישובו ישראל על אדמתם.
והמציאות הוא שיש כיום ששה מיליון יהודים בארץ הקודש!!
זהו מציאות של קיבוץ גליות!
ועל מציאות לא שייך לחלוק.

ותחת שיפרסמו בינינו הניסים והנפלאות ויחזקו האמונה בישראל, באה קליפת
הקנאות והסתירה זאת!!!
ועל דא קא בכינא.

כיום גם הקנאים המזוייפים בונים בתים וקריות בארץ הקודש.
רובן שולחים בניהם ללמוד בישיבות בארץ הקודש.
הרבה מהצעירים מבית קנאים הולכים היום לכותל מערבי. זהו מציאות ידוע לכל.

ובכן מה שצריכים עוד לתקן הוא שני דברים!
א. סליחה מהגאון והקדוש הכהן הגדול מאחיו רבי אברהם יצחק הכהן קוק זצ״ל.
שראה כל זה בבחינת חכם עדיף מנביא.
ב. צריכים לומר הלל והודיה להשם יתברך שהחיינו והגיעני לזמן הזה.

Russia Might Use Veto Power to Protect Israel at UN

Russian President Vladimir Putin, right, and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during a September 2015 meeting in Moscow. Photo: GPO.
Russia is not ruling out using its veto power at the United Nations Security Council to thwart anti-Israel resolutions, an unnamed Israeli diplomatic official involved in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s trip to Moscow last week told the Israeli news site nrg.
The official noted that the high level of respect Russian President Vladmir Putin demonstrated toward Netanyahu and his traveling entourage last week was unprecedented and indicated Russia’s deep desire to bolster its relationship with Israel.
Netanyahu’s trip to Moscow came against the backdrop of the concern among Israeli officials that US President Barack Obama, before he leaves the White House in January, will seek to promote, or at least refrain from vetoing, a UN Security Council resolution that outlines the parameters of a future peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. According to the nrg report, this concern was validated by conversations leading Israeli politician Yair Lapid had with Obama advisers during a recent trip to Washington. On the other hand, just last week, US National Security Adviser Susan Rice said in speech at the American Jewish Committee conference in Washington, “Peace will not come through resolutions at the United Nations.”
The Israeli diplomatic official declined to tell nrg what Netanyahu and Putin discussed during their two meetings in Moscow last week. But the official did say that Putin went out of his way to give the Israeli prime minister a warm welcome. Both meetings lasted twice as long as planned, over four hours in total.
According to the report, Israeli officials believe Putin is seeking closer ties with Israel because Israel is the only Western country that has not taken part in the international sanctions imposed on Russia over its military intervention in Ukraine. The Jewish state has studiously avoided taking a position on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Investigators are still looking for motive Yet the shooter himself claimed allegiance to ISIS

orlando 11 Omar mateen
Omar Mateen
 Omar Mateen’s father, is saying. Mir Seddique a/k/a Seddique Mateen,that he asked allah to give cancer to his enemies. He also said allah will punish gays. 
But what do the crazy politicians say?
"It's the guns....."
Guess what? 
The USA will take your guns away, and the Muslims will continue to find a way to get them!

If just one person had been armed that night in Orlando, how many innocent Americans would have been saved?

 There is a troubling story out there and if just a fraction of this story is true, we are in deep trouble! Orlando Muslim terrorist was working for a US security firm transporting illegals into the US

America has gone crazy and the President of the USA, Hussein Obama, is behind all this!
And the press is backing Hillary, Obama's puppet ...and the stupid naive Jews are voting for Hillary!
We are sliding into the abyss 
Clinton Propped  NRD 600

Jailed get-refusers to be banned from studying Torah

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The Ministerial Legislative Committee – that which determines whether the government will support or reject new legislation – has approved a bill designed to help "chained" women: 

If the recalcitrant husband is jailed for not giving a get (religious divorce), he will be prohibited from being served kosher l'mehadrin food, he will not be incarcerated in a haredi-style wing of the prison, and he will not be permitted to take part in Torah classes in jail – or even to use the jail's religious books.

The proposed legislation takes into account the fact that Rabbinical Courts sometimes order the incarceration of men who refuse to give their wives a get – thus keeping them "chained" and forbidden from remarrying. 

Some husbands, as in a recent case reported by Arutz Sheva, will immediately agree to give the get rather than remain in jail – but some are willing to forego their freedom rather than give the get.

According to a former top-ranking employee of the Religious Affairs Ministry, there are currently an estimated ten men imprisoned for not giving their wives a religious divorce. 

As such, the bill's effectiveness has been questioned.
The Religious Court System has recommended that such prisoners be denied certain benefits generally given to religious men in jail. The new bill, proposed by MK Shuli Mualem (Jewish Home) with the support of Emunah Women, is based on these recommendations.

Women who refuse to accept a religious divorce are not imprisoned, although there are estimated to be an equal number of women and men who refuse to allow their spouses to remarry – about 200 of each. These numbers reflect the number of divorce files that have remained unresolved in the religious courts for two years or more.

Mualem explained, "One who keeps his wife chained and refuses to adhere to the religious court judges who order him to give the get, thus shows that Jewish Law is not truly important to him. He rather tramples the Jewish principle of 'loving your neighbor as yourself' simply so that he can embitter his wife. He is therefore not worthy of the privileges granted by the Prison Service to religious prisoners."

Frozen Blueberries with Hisachdas Hashgacha ... infested!

As I keep writing, that  the Heimishe Hashgachos are all a bunch frauds and fakes .... stick to the OU! 
Lipa Klein the Chief Honcho of the Hisachdus Ha'Ganavim says that it is "not the policy of Hisachdus to recall products ".... so there you have it.

From the Yudel Blog:

Golden Flow brand frozen Blueberries were found now to be highly infested.

Certified by Hisachdus of Brooklyn.
Do not use any product with blueberries, including;
Cheese cake
Gevina yougurts and Lebens

Obama Solution to Orlando Massacre .... More Gun Control!

No body questioned the fact that if only ONE patron of that club where the shooting took place would have had a gun, the results would have been very different!

Terrorism Policy

How come those who want to take our guns away, all have security guards around them all the time! 
Why don't they just take away the guns from Muslims? 
But they want to take your guns away and they know that the Muslims will get them anyway!

Crazed Meshiginar Rabbi at Muhammad Ali's Funeral Blames Israel & Trump! Video

It's not only Satmar that are off the wall and blame Israel for everything, apparently Reform Rabbonim are on the same page! He must be fluent in the "V'Yoel Moshe" propaganda.
Here watch a Rabbi praise a violent guy that was in a sport that beat the crap out of his opponent. ... and hear this meshiginar preach anti-violence at a funeral of a Muslim and say "Peace be on the prophet Mohammad"!!!!!

Rabbi Michael Lerner is editor of the very progressive Tikkun magazine. He gave this “eulogy” at Muhammad Ali’s Funeral today. But for some reason, instead of talking about Muhammad Ali, he he decided to get on his political soapbox and spout his views, such as;“I call upon the USA to stand up to the Israeli government that is oppressing Palestinians.”

“We need to tell judges to let prisoners out of jail, all those put in prison by racist police”
“We need to tell the 1% that its time to share that wealth”
” We need to tell the politicians who use violence worldwide, that it’s time to close all the army base around the world”
“We need to give all those in jails created jail, a guaranteed income”
We need to tell Netanyahu to stop the occupation of the West Bank”
“At the end he wished all the Muslims a happy Ramadan and peace be unto Prophet Muhammad”

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Tel Aviv cop accidentally invited terrorist into his home after attack

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An off-duty Tel Aviv cop unknowingly let one of the terrorists from the Sarona attack into his apartment in the city, and then left him in the house with his wife and in-laws before realizing his error.

Tel Aviv police confirmed the bizarre story on Thursday, following queries from reporters.

A spokesman said that the officer and his wife were at the Cinematheque in Tel Aviv when they heard the gunshots from Sarona. The cop ran towards the gunshots, police said, and then shortly thereafter he and his wife made their way to their apartment building nearby.
Outside the building, among other bystanders, was a man who seemed very confused and scared, who kept asking for water. The cop let the man upstairs, gave him water, and left him with his wife and in-laws while he went back downstairs to help search for the other attacker. 

Only minutes later when he saw police arrested the second attacker, did he notice that he was dressed just like the mystery man who he let into his apartment. The cop then put two and two together, realized his mistake, and rushed back to his apartment, police said. 

He then managed to overpower the man.
To make matters worse for the officer, as other police entered the apartment with guns drawn, he told one of them that the situation was under control, and as one of the officers holstered his pistol, an errant round went off, which injured the police officer who had let the terrorist into his apartment. 

Police would give no details about the officer's rank or how long he has worked for the police. They said they are not pursuing an internal investigation against him. 

Sarona Market Terror Victims

Sarona Market Terror Victim - Dr. Michael Feige HYD
Dr. Michael Feige HYD

Dr. Michael Feige, 58, was head of the Israel Studies Track in the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences and a member of the Ben-Gurion Research Institute for the Study of Israel and Zionism at Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. A sociologist and anthropologist, he specialized in Israeli society, collective memory and political myth. - 

Sarona Market Terror Victim - Ilana Naveh HYD
Ilana Naveh, 39, from Tel Aviv. She apparently suffered a fatal heart attack during the terrorists shooting spree.
The levaya began on Thursday, 3 Sivan at 2:00PM in the Yarkon Cemetery near Petach Tikvah. She is survived by four daughters. Friends explain she was extremely dedicated to her children, always maintaining an open door to those in need.

Sarona Market Terror Victim - Ido Ben-Ari HYD
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Ido Ben-Ari HY”D, 42, from Ramat Gan. He was one of the four people killed in the attack. His wife is among the injured and she remains in Ichilov Hospital in moderate condition
Reut, Ido’s sister, told Ynet they were seated in ‘Benedict’ despite the complaints of their son who did not wish to sit there. The son was however convinced to give in to his parent’s wishes.
Friends of Ido told the press he served in the elite Sayeret Matkal unit and reported regularly for reserve duty. They add he was an outstanding father and was a senior executive in Coca Cola Israel. He was the third of four siblings. Levaya details to be announced.

Mila Mishayev
Mila Mishayev, 33, was supposed to get married soon. Her family in Ashkelon said she was at Max Brenner with a friend, waiting for her soon-to-be-husband to arrive. Mila, who was wounded in her leg, still had time to call her boyfriend and tell him what happened before she died because of a significant loss of blood.

Frozen Strawberries from Hisachdas totally Infested!

You are better off sticking to the OU! 
Anything with the CRC Hashgacha is a scam! 
The Hisachdas Ha'Ganovim have no idea how to check ...... 
But they have convinced the stupid sheep ... to eat only from "Heimishe Hashgachas!

Even the lettuce that are grown in green houses have insects ...
but they have convinced the naive ladies that only Bodek and Positive Lettuce ...is Kosher..
because it's grown in a greenhouse!
Ladies....... helooooooow.... lettuce still grows in dirt...and dirt has insects ...period!

"If a Restaurant checks it's own lettuce, then it's chazer treif ...."
This is a lie perpetrated by the Companies that sell the produce and  the Heimishe Rabbonim are in cahoots !

Green House Grown do have insects-albeit-controllable.

"Triple -Wash" does notremove all insects.

"Triple-Wash" removes the pesticides only not the insects.