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Thursday, May 12, 2016

The Sanctity of Yom Haatzmaut

Is there more to Israel Independence Day than just fireworks and flagwaving? 

Is Yom Ha'Atzmaut just a secular holiday commemorating our political independence, or does it hold a deeper meaning for us?

The Holiness of Mitzvot
Rav Kook passed away in 1935, thirteen years before the State of Israel was established, but his son Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook interpreted the historic events of 1948 in light of his father’s teachings. In an article entitled “Affirming the Sanctity of the Day of Our Independence,” Rav Tzvi Yehudah analyzed the religious significance of Yom Haatzmaut.

In general, our connection to sanctity and holiness is through the mitzvot of the Torah. Thus before performing a mitzvah we say, “Who sanctified us with His mitzvot.” 

The holiness of Yom Haatzmaut, Rav Tzvi Yehudah explained, is anchored in the holiness of mitzvot. But which particular mitzvah is connected to this historical occasion?

The Ramban defined the mitzvah of yishuv ha’aretz, settling the land of Israel, as “we will not abandon it to another nation, or leave it desolate.” This definition makes it clear that the mitzvah is first and foremost an obligation of the nation; the Jewish people are commanded to take possession of the land of Israel and rule over it. On the basis of that national mitzvah, there is a mitzvah for each individual to live in Eretz Yisrael.1

The Ramban emphasized that this mitzvah is in effect at all times. 

This view is upheld in the Shulchan Aruch (Even Ha'ezer 75:6, Pitchei Teshuvah ad loc).

This then is the significance of Yom Haatzmaut: that we have finally merited, after centuries of exile, to once again fulfill this lofty mitzvah, valued by the Sages as “equal to all the other mitzvot” (Sifre Re'eih), “to return and possess the land that God promised to our fathers” (Ramban). 

We should be full of gratitude to live here, in Eretz Yisrael, “the place that Moses and Aaron did not merit” (Ketubot 112a).
We should be grateful to be alive at this time in history, to witness the hour of redemption that so many great and holy leaders of our people did not merit to see.

Courageous Spirit
And yet one may ask: why should the fifth day of Iyyar be chosen for celebrating this event? Perhaps a different date, such as the date of the ceasefire after the War of Independence, would be a more appropriate choice?

While the military victory of a fledgling state over the armies of five enemy countries was certainly miraculous, that was not the greatest miracle of the establishment of the State of Israel.

The true miracle was the remarkable courage displayed on the fifth of Iyyar in making the fateful decision and announcing the establishment of an independent state. This decision, in the face of heavy pressure from the U.S. State Department not to declare a state, and belligerent threats of the surrounding Arab countries to attack and destroy the Jewish community in Eretz Yisrael, was by no means a trivial matter. The motion to declare a state passed by only a thin majority in Ben-Gurion’s cabinet.

(One of the signers to the Declaration of Independence, Moshe Sharett, later recalled in his diary how he had signed with “a sense of excitement together with a clear premonition of danger, such as one might feel while standing on a cliff, ready to leap into a yawning chasm. We felt as though we stood on a very high crest, where roaring winds were brewing about us, and that we had to stand fast.”)

This courageous decision was the true miracle of Yom Haatzmaut. 

The Talmud in Baba Metzia 106a states that a shepherd’s rescue of his flock from a lion or a bear may be considered a miracle. Where exactly is the miracle in this act? 

The Tosafists explained that the miracle is to be found in the shepherd’s “spirit of courage and willingness to fight.” This spirit of valor is a miracle from above, an inspired inner greatness spurring one to rise to the needs of the hour. This is the significance of Ezekiel’s prophetic description of the redemption:
“I will place My spirit in you and you shall live. I will set you on your land, and you will know that I, the Eternal, have spoken and performed it.” (Ezekiel 37:14)

Atchalta DeGeulah
Nevertheless, many people have difficulty reconciling the current moral and spiritual state of Israel with the vision of the redemption as portrayed by the prophets and the sages. Is this the Messianic Era for which we prayed two thousand years?
The Sages determined that “The only difference between the current reality and the Messianic Era is [independence from] the rule of foreign powers” (Berachot 34b; Mishneh Torah, Laws of Kings 12:2). While we have certainly not yet merited the final phase of redemption, we have achieved this criterion of redemption - independence and self-rule over our geographical area.

Many Torah scholars fought against the Zionist movement because they envisioned redemption as a future era that arrives complete from the very start, and not an ongoing process. But the import of the Talmudic statement (Jer. Berachot 1:1) that the redemption will appear “little by little,” like the spreading light of dawn in the morning sky, is exactly this: that the redemption is a process that advances in stages.

We need to examine history with a perspective of faith in God. We need to recognize that the Master of the universe controls and governs all events. 

The Sages taught:
“What is the meaning of the verse, ‘For who has scorned the day of smallness’ (Zecharia 4:10)? What causes the table of the righteous to be scorned in the future era? Their smallness of faith, that they failed to believe in the Holy One.” (Sotah 48b)

Why is the future portion (the ‘table’) of the tzaddikim marred? 

Because they are tzaddikim who lack faith in God. They view the world with a narrow outlook, and fail to see God’s hand in the events of history. The redemption does not have to come through great miracles; God can also bring the redemption using natural forces and events.

Ezekiel’s Prophecy of Redemption
The various stages of redemption are clearly described in the order of events in Ezekiel’s prophecy. The prophecy first speaks of the initial stage of redemption, the ingathering of the exiles:
“I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the lands and I will bring you to your land” (36:24).
Only after this initial redemption does the prophet describe the spiritual return and teshuvah of the people:
“I will sprinkle over you purifying water and you will be purified from all of your impurities.... I will give you a new heart, and a new spirit I will place in you. I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My spirit within you so that you will walk in My statutes.... And you will be My people, and I will be your God.” (36:25–28)
This narrative of the redemption concurs with the opinion of Rabbi Joshua in Sanhedrin 97b, that the redemption will come regardless of the merits of the Jewish people - “even if they do not repent.”2

(Excerpted from the book Silver from the Land of Israel, pp. 191-195. Adapted from  LeNetivot Yisrael vol I, pp. 181-184, 192-200; Sichot HaRav Tzvi Yehudah 19, sent by Rabbi Chanan Morrison,Ravkooktorah.org)
1 Rabbi Moshe ben Nachman (Nachmanides) of Gerona, Spain (1194-1270). The Ramban wrote this definition of yishuv ha’aretz in his appendix to Maimonides’ Sefer Hamitzvot, positive mitzvah #4.
2 See LeNetivot Yisrael, pp. 195-196, where Rav Tzvi Yehudah Kook demonstrates that the Halachah follows this opinion.)

"If you like your insurance, you can keep it" Obama Speech Writers laugh out loud about that Lie!

Not Shaving on Sefirah has absolutely no basis in Halacha says Kabbalist!

Ramchal z"l 
The Mekubal Rebbi Moshe Dovid bar Shmuel Volli z"l,from Padua Italy, writes that growing a beard during sefirah has absolutely no basis in halacha and is actually a custom instituted by gentiles!

According to the Mekubal, the Shulchan Aruch only discusses haircuts ...but not facial hair!
This Mekubal  was a student of the Ramchal, who wrote numerous sefarim on Kaballah  and was also a physician!

It is  interesting to note and this will probably come to a shock to my readers. The Ramchal himself did not let his beard grow...some say that was because in those days in Italy the priests would grow their beards so the Rabbonim of Italy to look different than the gentile priests, cut their beards! 

 But There was an Italian kabbalistic tradition going back to R. Menachem Azariah of Fano to be beardless outside of Israel (this is a complex discussion; it became a major issue in the 19th and 20th century; in truth it seems that he wore a beard, but it was neatly trimmed).

 Below is Haham Raphael Meldola, who was rabbi of the Sephardic Jews of London. A native of Leghorn, he was ordained by the Chida and was clean shaven...

"האבלות בימי ספירת העומר, שלא להתגלח עד ל"ג בעומר והמחמירים עד לחג השבועות ממש, הוא מנהג שאין לו טעם ואין לו עיקר, והוא מחוקות הגויים" - כך כותב המקובל הרופא מפאדובה, רבי משה דוד בר שמואל וואלי.

בצילום מספרו שהגיע לידי 'בחדרי חרדים' נכתב כי העיקר הוא שלא לגלח את שערות הראש לפי שהם דינים, ואין לחתכם ולבטלם בימי הדין שהוא עת התפשטות הגבורות כידוע.

"אבל המנהג שלא לגלח את הזקן אינו נמשך כי אם מחוקות הגויים שנתערבו ביניהם, שאינם נוהגים לגדל את זקנם ואדרבא חרפה היא להם".

"ומזה נתפשט המנהג שלוקחים גידול הזקן לסימן של צער ושל צרה ושל אבלות, ואנחנו יודעים ששערות הזקן הם צנורות של חסד, לפי שהם מצד הפנים, והשערות של הראש הם צנורות של דין לפי שהם מצד האחור".

"אם כן התספורת שאסרו בגלל האבל בשלושים הם רק בשערות הראש לרמז שהם ימים של צער ודין והוא הדין בימי העומר ולא היתה כוונתם על תספורת הזקן לפי שכבר היו מגדלים אותו כל ימיהם כמו שראוי לעשות".

לסיום כותב המקובל: "ואף על פי כן כיון דדשו ביה רבים שלא לגלח את הזקן בימי העומר ובימי האבל יש להפיס את דעתם ולתת טעם שהוא אדרבא כדי להמתיק הדינים של גידול פרע שער ראשם בגידול שער זקנם שהוא הממתק את הדין".

הרמ"ד וואלי, תלמיד חבר לרמח"ל, שמלבד היותו מקובל עצום אשר חיבר ספרים רבים והותיר אחריו כתבים לאלפים, היה גם רופא.

בחיבוריו מתגלה עולם שלם מופלא, ולעיתים אף שונה תפיסתית מכל המוכר לנו. לרגל יום ההילולא שלו החל השבוע, אנו מביאים בפניכם קטע קטן - אקטואלי ומעניין עבור בחורי ישיבה, מתוך מדברי תורתו. וגם, תפיסתו העקרונית בעניין השמחה, המזכירה במעט את שיטת ברסלב אשר התגלתה דורות אחר כך, על ידי רבי נחמן זיע"א.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Yom Ha'atzmaut 2016

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Vital Statistics: Israel Has Grown from 806,000 to 8,522,000 Citizens in 68 Years

In 1948 Israel’s annual GDP (in 2015 rates) was $6.66 billion. Today we are happy to report things have become much better, with the GDP reaching $294 billion.

Yom Hazikaron

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Son of a fallen IDF soldier hugs his fathers headstone

There is a famous story, told about Rav Shlomoh Zalman Auerbach Z”L. He was asked by some of his students if they could leave the Yeshiva to go pray at the graves of Tzadikim in Teveria. 

Rav Auerbach responded. “If you want to pray at the graves of the righteous, you need not go far. Down the block is the military cemetery on Mount Herzl. There, at any grave, you can pray to a Tzadik.” 

Those at rest are righteous because they are Kedoshim-separated. Separated from us physically. But, more importantly, spiritually. They have merited an Eternal Life of Good because of their sacrifices. The living must work diligently to attain that great spiritual level that will yield them their Rewards in the World To Come. The Kedoshim, however, have earned their rewards by virtue of lives cut short, their ultimate sacrifice. 

We should view the slain as holy souls, whose entire lives were refined and sanctified through their self-sacrifice for the people and Land of Israel. 

About such heroes our Sages, Chazal, say, “No one can dwell in the section of Gan Eden where those who were killed by the kingdom dwell” (Tractate Pesachim 50a). 

A nonbeliever thinks that they are dead in comparison with the living, but a believing Jew knows that they are more alive than all the rest. They died young in this world, but they are very alive in the everlasting world, the World to Come. They are much more alive than we are. They are holy, and our Sages say, “What is holy exists forever” (Tractate Sanhedrin 92a).

By giving their lives in sanctification of G-d’s Name, they rose above the personal existence of an individual Jew to the comprehensive level of the holiness of Klal Yisrael

By sacrificing their lives for Klal Yisrael, they were elevated to the stature of Klal Yisrael, and they are more connected to G-d, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, the source of life. Therefore, they added great light and blessing in both the World of Truth and this world when they died. Moreover, we live here today in their merit, and all of our accomplishments belong to them.

If we  observe Yom Hazikaron, we must underscore the soldiers’ self-sacrifice in sanctifying G-d’s Name. We must emphasize how they demonstrated to us that the prophecy of the ingathering of the exiles and the rebirth of the Jewish nation in its ancient Homeland is so great that it is worthwhile to give up one’s life in this world for its sake. This will strengthen us and inspire us to follow their lead.

The children we bear and raise exist in their merit; the settlements we establish flourish because of them; the Torah we learn is theirs; the ethical Jewish society we want to build here, as the prophets foretold, is theirs as well.

If we remember this, and exert a great deal of effort, we will be able to continue in their path, the path of self-sacrifice for Klal Yisrael. Then we will truly honor them, as holy and pure souls, illuminating and shining like the glow of the heavens.

This is also what we must say to the bereaved families in whose midst these holy warriors sprouted: 

Do not surrender to death; continue to live by their strength. 

Do not bow your heads; rather, stand up straight and tall in their honor. 

Lift your eyes beyond the ordinary horizon and look towards the vision of the redemption and the End of Days.
And even if there are tears in your eyes, let them be tears of grandeur.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Satmar Rebbe slams NYC investigation into Yeshivas secular education standards

Pray for us!
That’s the message a leading Hasidic rabbi gave to his thousands of followers in response to the city Education Department’s investigation into its schools failing to teach secular subjects as required by law.
“These are bad times for us Jews,” said Satmar leader Aaron Teitelbaum during a May 4 speech. “We need to pray to God that (city officials) should not interfere with the upbringing of our children.”
“Worthless ... snitches” in the community are urging the Education Department to take action “which the government doesn’t even want,” the rabbi said at a large synagogue in upstate Kiryas Joel.
“This speech is concerning in many ways,” said Naftuli Moster, who founded Young Advocates for Fair Education, a group advocating for yeshivas to meet secular standards required by state law.
“Most concerning is the apparent collusion between community leaders and the (department) which might explain why the city investigation stalled early on,” he added.
The Teitelbaum address was transcribed and distributed to followers living in different areas.
The Hasidic leader also says the city has long ignored the state law regarding secular education.
“To put it bluntly, they simply turned a blind eye to what was going on by the Jewish children,” Teitelbaum said. “They didn’t want to look.”
City authorities say the review is active.
“We take this matter very seriously,” said Education Department spokeswoman Toya Holness.

Monsey boy 19 dies ......

In the past two weeks, the Jewish Heimishe community has lost two great kids who overdosed....

One in the 5 Towns and one this morning in Monsey ...in the Forshay area... both from great families...

What are we going to do? How many still have to die?
The rabbis are busy only accepting the Elite boys in Yeshivah and fail to tend to these needy kids...

Communities must immediately start campaigns to make aware  to everyone .... that drugs kill!
We cannot keep this quiet any longer, it is hitting all families ..
Hashem Yerachim !

Monday, May 9, 2016

Gedolim in Israel afraid of "Satmar" hooligans so they are forced to back the protests against the arrest of the "Bar hopper"

I guess Satmar has power in Israel too. 
Remember what these barbarians did to Rav Moshe Feinstein z"l? Rav Moshe needed protection against the Satmar savages, when he traveled to Williamsburg. I remember when they poured glue into his locks on the lower East Side!

Remember what Satmar did to the Kloizenberger Rebbe z"l?  He had to escape into exile ..to New Jersey, hiding near the Lincoln Tunnel  to escape their barbarism ... and mind you, the Kloizenberger Rebbe was nephew of R' Yoel.
All this while the "Tzaddik Hador" was alive and well!

It's a shitah that is coupled with brutal violence, and therefore its a false representation of Torah and it's teachings!

Well it seems that there are Roshei Yeshivah in Israel that do not want to back the arrested shaygatz that followed the fanatic, Rabbi Shmuel Auerbach, that ruled that the bochrim shouldn't even register for the draft, but are afraid to speak out because they are frightened of Satmar repercussions! 

Here is a direct quote:

Well known Jerusalem figure Rabbi Yisrael Gillis commented on the incident, telling Kikar Shabbos News “I am afraid to speak out realizing there is Satmar and within an hour my house will be up in flames. They will burn down my home and I prefer to sit and remain silent. Realize there are prominent rabbonim and askanim known in the chareidi camp who are afraid to speak out for they live in the city, and therefore they remain silent”.

Anti-Zionist family that left Yerusalyim schnorring to stay in the US

Ha ha .... this is too funny for words ....
They call it "pidyan shevuim" a term usually associated with people rotting in jail....

So this family says that they  left the "Zionist Medinah" because of "pressure" and they are now looking for a generous benefactor to contribute to prepare their legal papers to remain in the States!

Hey! How about supporting me .... I'm already here!

"All of Israel is Ours" Tzipi Hotovely

On Thursday Tzipi Hotovely, Israel’s new deputy foreign minister, spoke defiantly to the international community saying that Israel does not owe any apologies for its policies citing Tanach and her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.

Hotovely’s speech was an example of the influence of the right wing in Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu’s new government.

Hotovely, 36, is one of the young hawks in Netanyahu’s Likud party who support construction of Jewish settlements in Judea and Samaria and opposes giving up land to the Palestinians. Netanyahu’s slim one-seat majority means that these lawmakers could complicate any attempt to revive peace talks.
Netanyahu also serves as the acting foreign minister, but Hotovely is currently the country’s top full-time diplomat.
Hotovely’s first speech to Israeli diplomats included her saying Israel has tried too hard to appease the world and must stand up for itself.
“We need to return to the basic truth of our rights to this country,” she said. “This land is ours. All of it is ours. We did not come here to apologise for that.”
Hotovely, an Orthodox Jew, spoke in English later and implied that she would try to rally support for Jewish settlement in Judea and Samaria.
“We expect as a matter of principle of the international community to recognise Israel’s right to build homes for Jews in their homeland, everywhere,” she said.
Hotovely will be managing the ministry’s day-to-day functions, but Netanyahu will remain in charge of foreign policy.
Netanyahu angered western allies in the recent election campaign when he said he would not let there be a Palestinian state on his watch. He has since reneged on that statement, telling the visiting EU foreign policy chief that he remains committed to a two-state solution on Wednesday.
Netanyahu’s spokesman, Mark Regev, declined comment on Hotovely’s speech, but said Netanyahu’s statements Wednesday reflected his policy.

John Kerry tells grads to prepare for 'borderless world' Only Israel should have borders to 67'

Ceasefire in Israel Cartoon
That stupid nasty Kerry, remarked today to a bunch graduates that the "world is about to become borderless"
So why are you John Kerry insisting that Israel return to 67' borders? 
Why are you insisiting on a two state solution, if the world is borderless?
Only Israel must have borders?
Read on:
Kerry  seemed to dismiss the importance of national borders, and said technology has reshaped the world into one that the U.S. must engage at the risk of being left behind. He said Trump and others who want to look inward are making a mistake, even in the face of rising tension and violence in the world.
"For some people, that is all they need simply to climb under the sheets, close their eyes and push the world away," Kerry said. "And shockingly, we even see this attitude from some who think they ought to be entrusted with the job of managing international affairs."

"The future demands from us something more than a nostalgia for some rose-tinted version of the past that did not really exist in any case," he said. "You're about to graduate into a complex and borderless world."

Yeshivas in Israel empty ...Boys either in Eilat or busy protesting

The Holy Roshei Yeshivas are encouraging the talmidim that aren't vacationing in Eilat and bar hopping, to go out and protest against the draft!

So why are they protesting the draft, you ask?

Because the Roshei Yeshivah  are afraid that the bochrim will see things in the IDF that a frum boy shouldn't see .....

Ayeeeeee, the boys that are in Eilat, bain hazmanim,  see more over there in an hour, then they would see in the army in a year, means nothing ...
Ayeeeee, the cab driver reported that the boy arrested, said that the Bochur and 4 of his buddies wern't wearing their kippahs or their Tzizis, and were dressed in jeans, means absolute nothing. 
הג המונית אדריאן שהסיע את בחורי הישיבה מ'הפלג' באילת לזיגמן ב'קול ברמה': "הם היו 4 בחורים, לבושים כמו חילונים, בלי כיפה וציצית, חולצות שחורות עם כוכבים. מצאתי אותם מחוץ למועדון לילה".
I might add that there wasn't just the guy that was arrested in Eilat visiting the pubs, but hundreds of boys prowling the streets of Eilat in the very late hours....
That's how they were able to organize a protest with hundreds of bochrim in Eilat within minutes!
This also means that most of the bochrim had smartphones.

So why are the Roshei Yeshiva backing this boy and encouraging protests against the draft?
Because the Roshei Yeshivah know the truth .... and know the problem, .... and are now afraid that the Oilim Goilim, will finally smarten up and tell the Roshei Yeshiva ...to throw those bochrim whose Torah is not Umnoso, the hell out! 
and where would that leave them (the Roshei Yeshivah)?

So they, the Roshei yeshiva  hold "lo plug" and are acting as if this 'playboy' is a tzaddik ... and the protests must go on ....yehereg va'al yaavor"

The truth is that the heimishe oilim is fed up with this "torah haskafah" because it's not working for most bochrim, but the Roshei Yeshivah will not give in, because if they did, the Yeshivas would look like the picture above, with seats half empty!

Hisachadas Haganovim allowed Kitniyois in the milk

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Golden Flow, and other milk companies, place Vitamin D in the milk as a supplement ...
The problem is that the Vitamin D that Golden Flow uses, contains kitneyois, which the Ashkanzi community will not eat on Pesach ..
and there is no "batel be'shishim" when it comes to sofek chametz, especially when it is put in the product on purpose.
The Ganovim knew about it, but remained quiet, because it would have cost them hundreds of thousands to recall the milk...
Image result for hisachdus harabonim

Golden Flow is under the hashgacha of the Hisachdas HaGanovim ... the most extreme chumridik hashgacha in the entire universe....

If you ate OU products on Pesach, G-D forbid, you were  looked down upon and considered a shaygatz, no one will ever be meshadech with your daughter, if they knew about it. And if you snuck some rice, Chas Ve'sholom into your house, you were considered in Williamsburg as part of the Eirav rav,  but if you are an Ashkenazi and slurped Golden Flow with the Hisachdas Hashgacha then you are Tzaddik, even though you consumed kitniyois!

Yudel's blog reported this today ..

Happy Mother's Day!

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Parshat Kedoshim: The printer's dilemma

Image result for rabbi kook
Add captionRav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l (left) Rav Zvi oesach Frank z"l (right)

“Do not take revenge nor bear a grudge against the children of your people” (Lev. 19:18)

From the first Shabbat he spent after arriving in Jaffa, writer Shmuel Yosef Agnon felt himself drawn to the esteemed rabbi of Jaffa - Rav Kook.

Many years later, the Nobel Prize laureate for Hebrew literature related a number of stories about Rav Kook in a collection of essays entitled
 “Between Me and Myself” (1976). 

Included is the following incident, which illustrates the scholar’s rare traits of selflessness and magnanimity.

Chareidim Continue To Protest Arrest Of the "Bar Hopper Yeshiva Bochur" caught in an Eilat Bar

These leidigeiers, just like Arabs, threw rocks on police.....Hashem Yeracheim!

This "talmud chuchem" spent his bein hazmanim, bar hopping in Eilat, and was arrested after refusing to pay a cab that shuttled him from bar to bar ..
The police were called and when they checked the "swinger's" ID, it matched with a draft dodger!

Rav Shmuel Auerbach, the "bar hoppers" Rebbe already said that he doesn't back the bochur .... but the Bein Hazmanerkas don't care what he says and continue to riot ...
"Meee kaamcha Yisrael"

Tartikuv Bais Din filter for Orange Juice-

Question: Why do we need a filter on Orange Juice? Don't they all, except for Tropicana, have  "Heimishe Hashgachos"?
New Square Orange Juice, Lakewood OJ, Golden flow OJ all have Heimishe hashgachos.
What is going on?
Is Tartikov Bais Din a bunch of swindlers or are all the heimishe hashgachos chazir treif?

Kiryas Yoel Tape 2 ... this time with another kid ....

Yosef Waldman actually defends Klein on this interview.... ... Waldman is against R' Aron Teitelbaum, but here he defends the principle Klein and R' Aron 

Friday, May 6, 2016

Obama duped Americans on Iran Deal says his own aide

So what does the Kapo Ezra Friedlander say now?.... this kapo was apologizing for the back stabbing Fatso Nadler who voted for the bogus Iran Deal!
And who was Ezra trying to convince that Nadler did the right thing by voting to throw Israel under the bus???? Holocaust survivors ...because the survivors are Fat Nadler's constituents!
Now see how Obama's foreign policy guru Ben Rhodes created a lying narrative to dupe Americans into supporting the bad Iran deal ....and the White House is not denying one word....
but Netanyahu and DIN knew that it was a bad deal .....