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Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Candidly Speaking: Haredim and the State, A possible turning point

by Isis Leibler

Although election fever currently dominates the national agenda, we should also recognize that today the state is at a turning point in its evolving relationship with the haredim (ultra-Orthodox) – undoubtedly the most significant long term challenge to Israeli society.

In 2012, the Charedim accounted for one-sixth of the Jewish population. Currently they comprise 25 percent of school first-graders. They constitute the fastest-growing sector by far.

While frequently characterized as aliens, there is much in the Charedi lifestyle to emulate. They shun hedonism and live modestly, focus on family values and have an exemplary commitment to charity within their own ranks and maintain their high spiritual levels despite the materialism surrounding them.

Lamentably, Ashkenazi Charedi rabbis determinedly created a cordon sanitaire to protect their followers from contamination by the outside world.

Whereas successful waves of aliya have been integrated, Charedim move in the opposite direction by withdrawing further from the nation and educating their youngsters to spurn the state, displaying open contempt for Independence Day and Holocaust commemorations and even refusing to include prayers for the state or the well-being of the IDF in their synagogues.

Unfortunately Sephardi rabbis – despite bitterly resenting the condescending manner in which the Ashkenazim patronized them – nonetheless replicated them. They increasingly substituted their traditional tolerant Sephardi lifestyle with the stringent Ashkenazi Charedi approach, even emulating their black hats and Polish attire. They formed the Shas party in 1984, which at its peak in 1999 had 17 Knesset seats and today 11.

Charedi rabbis sought to compete in their display of greater zealotry. In their state-subsidized school system, even minimal secular education was banned. Ironically, today, Maimonides with his worldly knowledge would not qualify to teach in their schools.

This approach ultimately led to the disastrous Charedi rabbinical injunction urging their followers to devote themselves to full-time Torah learning, eschewing worldly pursuits such as earning a livelihood – a concept utterly unprecedented in Jewish religious life. This resulted in the impoverishment of the entire community with the majority unemployed and dependent on welfare throughout their lives. With the massive demographic expansion of this sector, if the tide is not soon reversed, the nation will suffer catastrophic economic repercussions.

The exemption from military service which David Ben-Gurion originally granted to 400 yeshiva students has mushroomed to 50,000, and the Charedi refusal to share the burden of defending the state enrages all sections of society. For a lengthy period, the one-dimensional Charedi political parties held the balance of power, enabling them to extort disproportionate funding for their coffers, massively expanding their educational networks which exclude any secular curriculum In recent years they have begun to impose their standards on the wider community. Despite their long-standing contempt for the Chief Rabbinate, they hijacked the institution, facilitating the appointment of puppets, some of whom were mediocre, incomparable in stature, piety or learning to former Zionist chief rabbis such as Rabbi Yitzhak Halevi Herzog and Rabbi Shlomo Goren.

The primitive depths to which haredi chief rabbis descended was exemplified by such comments by former chief rabbi Yona Metzger: “When yeshiva attendance is low, as on holiday evenings or prior to Shabbat, more IDF soldiers are injured and killed.”

The current chief rabbi, David Lau, was only elected after undertaking not to endorse any amendments to conversions or marriage procedures without the prior approval of the extremist haredi hierarchy, headed by Rabbi Avraham Sherman.

Despite the presence of some 300,000 immigrants from the former Soviet Union who are not considered halachic Jews and the urgent need for innovation and flexibility within the halachic framework to facilitate conversions, the haredi rabbinate has behaved inexcusably by placing every conceivable obstacle to deter potential converts. The total absence of compassion and the blind bureaucratic demands to prove Jewish ancestry back several generations create havoc especially among children of Holocaust survivors and Russian Jews who frequently lack access to such documents.

The haredi rabbinate also introduced an unprecedented and draconian approach whereby conversions may be retroactively annulled. Rabbi Sherman even sought (unsuccessfully due to High Court intervention) to annul the conversions of thousands who had already been converted by state-endorsed rabbis.

That such issues can be dealt with compassionately within the framework of halachah was demonstrated by Rabbi Ovadia Yosef’s courageous, innovative approach to the Ethiopian aliya. Had leading Ashkenazi haredi rabbis at that time had their way, none of the Ethiopians would have been considered Jews.

Resentment against haredim intensified as evidence of corruption and malfeasance within the rabbinate mushroomed, climaxing with the indictment of former chief rabbi Metzger on charges of bribery, money laundering and obstruction of justice.

Yet amazingly, despite widespread loathing for corrupt and extremist rabbis, the past two decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in religious tradition and observance, especially among Israeli youth.

Polls indicate that 80 percent of Israeli Jews believe in God, 61% favor conducting public life in accordance with Jewish tradition, 85% believe it is important to celebrate Jewish festivals in a traditional manner, 90% celebrate the Passover Seder, 68% fast on Yom Kippur, 67% have family dinners, light candles and make kiddush on Shabbat. These polls reflect a dramatic swing of the pendulum against the militantly secular Israeli society of half a century ago. The trend had been buffered by a burgeoning number of non-observant Israelis adopting a religious lifestyle.

No longer holding the balance of power after the last elections, the haredi parties were excluded from government. This has led to a review of some of the disproportionate funds siphoned to them and the introduction of policies designed to induce more of them into the workforce.

The outgoing government initiated important legislation designed to ensure that Charedim be obliged to share the burden of military or national service. However, at the insistence of Yesh Atid, the legislation included provisions criminalizing draft evasion – a populist measure only to be implemented in the future which merely provided ammunition for the Charedi zealots to gain support and threaten to fill the jails with their followers.

To proceed constructively in this area, this legislation should be refined and the government should rather concentrate on restricting the flow of funds to haredim refusing to serve or seek employment.

There are dramatic societal changes among the haredim. The implosion of Shas is not merely based on personality conflicts between Arye Deri and Eli Yishai but was inevitable after the death of Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, whose charisma and standing were the foundation for the party’s unity and electoral success. Ethnic grievances aside, most Shas supporters are more traditional than haredi, passionately love the Jewish state and are not anti-Zionist.

Those who have not been brainwashed by their rabbis would serve in the IDF.

Among the more moderate Ashkenazi ultra-Orthodox, who should be described as non-Zionist rather than anti-Zionist, the recent wars have made an impact and the shocking terrorist massacre at the Har Nof synagogue has jolted many into a realization that we are one people.

There is also the extraordinary impact of Bayit Yehudi. Naftali Bennett has brilliantly projected religious Zionism to the forefront and transformed his party to include traditional and nationalist secular elements into its ranks. He has succeeded in breaking down the iron barrier that separated the observant from the non-observant Jews and if this process continues, it could dramatically enhance the Jewish identity of the people.

We are today at a crossroads in which polarization between the Charedim and other Israelis could be reversed. This would nationally enhance traditional Jewish values and create a greater level of tolerance toward streams outside the strictly Orthodox framework. After all, what is preferable: a Conservative or Reform Jew who does not observe halachah but believes in God and seeks to include certain Jewish traditions and values, or an atheist, Hebrew-speaking Canaanite who has no knowledge or exposure to Jewish tradition or history? The new government will determine the outcome.

The haredim are likely to lose seats but will remain an important bloc, presumably still offering to sell themselves to the highest bidder. Both Benjamin Netanyahu and Labor leader Isaac Herzog will seek to accommodate them. If they join the next government without holding the balance of power, this would not be problematic. But efforts must be maintained toward altering the socio-economic structure of the Charedi community and directing it toward becoming a productive sector of the economy.

The same applies to Charedi control of the religious establishment. Haredim are free to adopt whatever standards they wish for themselves, but the Chief Rabbinate must cease imposing on the entire nation their stringent halachic approaches toward personal-status issues of conversion, marriage, divorce and burial. The recent legislation which decentralizes control of the rabbinate and authorizes the establishment of municipal conversion courts under the authority of local rabbis must be extended to provide additional scope for more moderate religious Zionist rabbis to service the people.

Whoever ultimately forms the next government would be doing a great disservice to the nation and sowing the seeds of future disaster were they to once again allow themselves to be extorted by the haredi zealots. They should agree to enable haredim to live their lifestyle while constructively creating conditions that will encourage them to share the burdens as well as benefits of Israeli citizenship.

The author’s website can be viewed at www.wordfromjerusalem.com. He may be contacted at ileibler@ leibler.com.

How Satmar Treated Chabad in the 1970's under the leadership of R' Yoel Teitelbaum

 The Lubavitcher Rebbe in Effigy on Lee Aveune corner Hewes on Purim in the early 70's

Yes, my friends these are the Baalei Chesed! These are the ones that call anybody that disagrees with them....
"Apikorsim and Meenim"

This was during the lifetime of the Tzadik Hador, the Heiliger Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l, outside on the streets of Williamsburg in full view.

Notice the smiling faces in the crowd!
Notice the children! 
Notice the upside down sign on the tree on the left that reads Lubavitcher Rebbe in Hebrew!

These children are today's leaders of Satmar!

This act was not condemned by the Rebbe or his anti-Jewish Newspaper "Der Goy"!

This is only one of many pictures of the Satmar hooliganism against their fellow Jews!

"HE-SHE" denied entrance to Kotel!

I am not going to comment on this story from YNET, it's too funny for words...

After being denied entry to the women's section of the Western Wall, Kay Long approached the men's section only to be yelled at and told to enter the section that had already rejected her.

When Kay Long came to visit the Western Wall in Jerusalem on Tuesday she naturally approached the women's section - as her life as a man seemed like a far-off piece of history. However, at the entrance to the holy site she was approached by one of the organizers at the women's section and was denied entrance
Entering the men's section was out of the question for Long, who does not identify with the male gender any longer. Therefore Long was forced to give up on her visit to the Western Wall and her wish to place a note between the ancient Jerusalem stones. "God will also hear me from another place," said Long.


Kay Long takes a photo with the Western Wall in the background. (Photo: Facebook)
Kay Long takes a photo with the Western Wall in the background. (Photo: Facebook)

Denied Access

"This was my first visit to the Kotel in many years," Long said in an interview with Ynet. "I arrived with a friend who had come from Madrid, and when I came close to the women's section, a woman who stood at the entrance, who prevents non-virtuous women from entering the place, noticed my height and came up to me and said, 'You cannot enter.' When I asked 'Why not?' she responded that it was a section for women only.

"Out of embarrassment, and because I did not want to start a commotion at a place such as the Kotel, I told her that she cannot decide who's a woman and who isn't and I started walking towards the men's section – truthfully, not with the aim of entering, because I do not feel comfortable on the men's side and wouldn't wear a kippah (yarmulke). When I arrived at the (men's) side, a couple of Orthodox men yelled at me that 'the women's side is over there.' Once again embarrassed and not wanting to start a commotion, because I respect the Orthodox and believe that for them it is more important to be there, I decided to leave," said Long, describing the traumatic experience.

This isn't the first time women encounter issues while wishing to visit the Western Wall – especially for groups such as Women of the Wall who have led the struggle for equal prayer for men and women at the Jerusalem holy site. However, Long's experience at the Western Wall suggests that the issue of transgender visitors to the holy site has yet to be properly addressed.

"It is unfortunate that the Orthodox prevented me from entering. I decided to respect them and not fight. It's unfortunate that the Orthodox woman did not choose to respect me as I chose to respect her," said Long.

News of Long's disappointing visit to the Western Wall went viral after she posted a picture of herself with the Western Wall in the background and wrote: "From a young age we learn that if we place a note at the Kotel our prayers might be answered… All that's left now is to take a picture and say a prayer from afar with the hope that it will be answered. Because God is everywhere and loves us all."

One of Long's Facebook friends commented on the photo and said the incident was proof of "disgusting discrimination" and "LGBT-phobia." Her friend also said: "Your prayers will be answered because you are a pure person and smarter than all of those who prevent you from coming close to the Kotel."

Another Facebook friend added, "In my opinion, people like Kay who live with their truth on the outside are much more holy than any wall or land."

"God is definitely not at the Wall, and your prayer will be answered because of who you are. God does not check gender, sexuality or other qualifications. God sees the soul of the person everywhere," said another person who saw Long's FacebAnother respondent wrote: "It is very unfortunate that the most important heritage site in Israel is not accessible to all Israelis. If there is a God, be sure that in this situation he is on your side."
 ook post.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Israeli Company's Vaccine Blocks 90% of Cancer Types! Will EU and Arabs Boycott this Company?

An Israeli biotech company is developing a vaccine for cancer that it says can help prevent the return of the lethal disease for 90% of the different types of cancer.

Just wondering how many Europisher & Arab Countries plan to boycott this Israeli Company? HMMM?

What about Satmar, the Romanian Arab supporters ... will they report this in Der Goy? 

Vaxil BioTherapeutics based in Nes Ziona has been developing ImMucin for more than five years, and already has seen strong success in testing indicating it can be a vital tool in combating cancer. The disease kills eight million people worldwide per year, and sees 14 million new cases diagnosed annually according to the World Health Organization.

"Vaxil is developing a drug to keep the cancer from coming back," Vaxil's CFO Julian Levy told NoCamels. "We are trying to harness the natural power of the immune system to fight against cancer by seeking out cancer cells and destroying them.

ImMucin is not intended to replace chemotherapy or other traditional cancer treatments, but rather is meant to halt the development of the disease at less intense periods of the process, during early stages of detection and remission.

Remarking on the concept of a cancer vaccine, Levy said "many preventative cancer vaccines today are not actual vaccines against cancer. Young women can take a vaccine for the HPV virus, which doesn’t combat cancer; it’s a vaccine against a virus that has been proven to lead to a more serious cervical cancer."

So how does ImMucin work?

The vaccine stimulates a certain part of the immune system, developing it to attack specific cells with markers indicating cancer. When used in early stages of cancer, the vaccine is expected to train the immune system to destroy the right cells as cancer develops and fight the disease.
Until last January the company focused its experiments on Multiple Myeloma patients, but then shifted to breast cancer patients. It may be some time before the vaccine sees its way onto the market though, with Levy expecting a release by 2020 at the latest.

Straightforward Arab Message, Convoluted Jewish Answers

The main Arab message is clear and simple and everyone can quickly understand it:

     We Palestinians are the indigenous people of Palestine who have enjoyed a peaceful life in our country for millennia. We worked hard and promoted freedom and equality for all. Our country was invaded by the evil Jewish colonizers who were supported by the British imperialists. They killed many of our people and stole our beloved land of Palestine.  Now they exploit us and occupy our land.  We are fighting for freedom from the evil Zionists Jews.  The Jews kill our mothers and our brothers and practice apartheid and holocaust upon us.  The world must help us since Jews are so strong!

Yes, this is a powerful message.  It is very moving and

 cries out for a response from all decent people. 

It is also a complete LIE!

What is the response of the Israeli Jews to above slanders?
“This is complicated,” the Jews say.  “We respect Arab concerns, but we also have the right to be here.  We believe in their right to have a state, but we have security needs.  If we abandon the settlements and move back to the 1967 lines, our coastal plain will be endangered, etc.”  The convoluted message goes on and on.  Our message amounts to many volumes of tightly typewritten text.  One must read it all to understand what we Jews mean.

Any sane person will have a similar response;
“I don’t have time to read the many thick volumes of Jewish explanations.  Arabs clearly are the victims here.  Jews are trying to hide and obfuscate something and talk us to death.  My dear Jews, stop this nonsense and give back to the Arabs their freedom and their land.  Quit with the lame excuses.  Enough is enough.”

Even a significant number of Jews buy into the Arab narrative despite it being a total fabrication.  I have met many Jews who repeat the Arab disinformation in good faith.

Israel has to develop its message to be as clear and simple to comprehend as the Arab have done. 

We have to learn from our enemies when their tactics are effective.  I do not propose that we lie like they do.  

Just tell the truth in clear cut, simple terms:
Jews are from Judea; 
Arabs are from Arabia.  
The Jews are the indigenous people of this land
Arabs are the colonizers.  

We are the people of Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem, Galilee and Golan.  We have been invaded by the Greeks, the Romans, the Arabs and the Crusaders, but our link to the land has never been broken. We have resided without interruption in this land for over three thousand years.  We have built the cities and every square meter holds archaeological remains from our ancient kingdoms. During the two thousand years when most Jews lived in exile, we never forgot where we came from.  This was, is, and will be our nation’s sacred land forever. 

Meanwhile, there never existed an Arab Palestinian nation or a country.  It is a complete hoax.  There never was a Palestinian Arab king of this land; there were no famous Palestinian poets, philosophers, generals; no distinct language, no architecture, no inventions, no battles, indeed, no mention of the “Palestinian” Arab people in any history book written before 1960.  

Arabs from neighboring countries started immigrating into Palestine in late 19th century to take advantage of the infrastructure and jobs created by the newly invigorated Jewish people.  They came for the same reasons that Mexicans cross the border into the U.S. and that Muslims have flocked to Europe. They came in great numbers seeking a better life than in their Arab lands.

During these years the Arabs dwelling in Israel were simply “Arabs” and, when the term “Palestinian” was used, it always referred to the Jews!  

The “Palestinian people” were invented in the 1960s for Cold War purposes by the Soviet communists.  The Arabs residing in Israel began to pass themselves off as the ancient native peoples of this land.  

They invented the name, “The West Bank,” for our provinces of Judea and Samaria.  

Today they even claim that Jesus was a Palestinian prophet and that the Jews never lived in this land.  

They have developed this pseudo-history to dupe the world into believing that their racist terror campaign against the Jews is a national liberation struggle!

The Arabs’ genocidal military assaults on the Jewish state failed repeatedly, so today they are using propaganda and diplomatic shenanigans in their efforts to destroy us.  The Arabs have the power of huge territory and oil money, but we have truth on our side.  

We live in our homeland, and only we have a legitimate claim to this land—legally, morally, and historically.  We will never let Arab squatters and impostors steal our birthright.  As people of good will around the world learn the truth, they will stand with the people of Israel.

This should be our Jewish message. 

I hope that when our PM visits Europe and explains the situation, he will go beyond raising just the security issues.  This is a message that even our European friends should be able to understand, since they are witnessing a replay of the same scenarios in their countries.  

Arriving as poor immigrants looking for jobs, just like in Palestine, once their numbers grow, radical Muslims take control and seek to impose their worldview and values wherever they live. 

 From Berlin to Barcelona, from Marseilles to Malmo, from Amsterdam to Athens they sow intolerance and hatred toward their host nations. They impose their sharia laws, homophobia and ill-treatment of women.  

Will Europeans be surprised when Arab Muslims start claiming that they alone are the native inhabitants of these lands?  After all, they have gained experience and expertise in creating alternate realities during their aggression against the indigenous peoples of Israel.

David Grynglas
The writer is a pro-Israeli activist and engineer living in San Jose, California, whose family emigrated to the US from Warsaw over forty years ago.. My family of Polish Jews came to America from Warsaw, Poland over forty years ago.

Sfardi Rabbonim will ban all videos that show Maran Yosef z"l calling Deri a Liar and a thief!

That's it! You guys saw enough.... 
No more looking at the tumedike videos, where you can see Maran Ovadia Yosef z"l calling Deri a liar and a thief......
Nope! they need to bring him back to lead the party and we cannot have videos appearing all over, that clearly shows what his Rav and mentor really thought of him!  

The rabbis will continue to ban anyone joining the IDF, will continue to ban the Iphone, but there will be no problem bringing back the criminal! 
That's it.!

A special beis din has been established to prevent the leak of additional videos pertaining to Maran HaGaon HaRav Ovadia Yosef ZT”L against Shas leader Aryeh Deri. 

It appears the “Shasgate” video will not be permitted to die down [yet]. According to an exclusive Kikar Shabbos report, the beis din has been formed to preserve Sephardi achdus and to prevent a repeat episode of a damaging private video finding its way to the public screen.

The report cites that leading Sephardi poskim fear additional damaging videos exist and are planned for release towards attacking Shas and its leaders as well as the Sephardi community.

As such, a special beis din was established at the behest of Shas Moetzas Gedolei Yisrael member HaGaon HaRav Shimon Ba’adani Shlita, and it convened on Monday 14 Teves including Rav Ba’adani along with Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Yitzchak Yosef Shlita and Rishon L’Tzion HaGaon HaRav Eliyahu Bakshi-Doron Shlita. 

The meeting took place in the home of Rav Bakshi-Doron in the Ramat Shlomo neighborhood of Yerushalayim.

The beis din was to meet to issue a decree to the tzibur at large that persons are prohibited to deal with these videos, those from the past as well as the present and they may not distribute photos and videos taken secretly. It is yet to be announced just how the beis din will deal with those who violate the ruling.

An official psak is expected to be published by the beis din in the coming days that will include the signatures of all of the rabbonim.

One can assume the ruling will be apolitical since Rabbi Yosef may not involve himself in political matters as a senior civil servant currently serving as the nation’s Chief Sephardi Rabbi.

What really happened last week when "Settlers targeted Americans"

Most Newspapers, including all the Satmar anti-Jewish Newspapers, reported an incident that happened last week  in Shomron, an area that Jew Haters call "The West Bank." 

According to the Wall Street Journal the "crime" was that some Jewish settler guys near a Jewish settlement, pelted with stones a US Consulate Security Vehicle.

What was the US Consulate convoy doing there?

Hold on to your seats .... guys
They were there to "investigate" and "protect" Olive Tree Saplings planted by Palestinians on or near the Jewish settlement, from being uprooted!


There were no US convoys "investigating" and "protecting" over 600 girls in Nigeria that were raped, kidnapped and sold by the vicious Islamist Boko Haram!

There were no US convoys "investigating" and "protecting" Christian copts that were murdered and beheaded in cold blood by the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt!

Why isn't the US Embassy in Rwanda driving a convoy to help protect the Tutsis' plants from the Hutus?

And where was this convoy when our Ambassador and his Security guards were brutally murdered in Benghazi?

By the way, these olive trees have been used to shield Palestinian Muslim terrorists who use these olive orchards to hide and then emerge to engage in mass murder of Israeli families on Jewish settlements.

Another interesting issue is that the two American diplomats in the convoy were headed to the Palestinian village of Turmosaya to speak with villagers, many of whom , the Wall Steeet Journal reports are "American citizens."
So now "oppressed Palestinians" are now "American citizens?"
Are they getting benefits?

Do you know the US Embassy in Israel reported back in 2000, that 40,000 of Ramallah's residents had US citizenship? 
Guess who they voted for?

And why wasn't the Israeli government notified of this US "mission?"

Why did this US convoy get a "Palestinian escort?"

Read the Article:

A group of Israeli settlers pelted a U.S. consulate security vehicle with rocks near a West Bank settlement during a visit Friday to investigate allegations that olive trees belonging to Palestinians had been uprooted, according to U.S. and Israeli officials. The confrontation between U.S. guards and armed settlers—the first of its kind in recent memory—didn’t result in any injuries.
A consulate spokesman said the U.S. is “deeply concerned” by the incident, and that the U.S. is offering video footage to aid in the Israeli investigation.Photographs provided by a Palestinian escort showed the black U.S. consulate vehicle, a Chevrolet Suburban, with a dent on the hood and scarred on the side from the melee. . . .
Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said that authorities are investigating the confrontation, but noted that the U.S. delegation had not coordinated the visit with the Israeli army before venturing out to the site. The U.S. delegation had come to the olive grove to investigate a report that Jewish settlers had uprooted thousands of olive tree saplings a day before. A Palestinian resident of the nearby village of Turmusaya, who witnessed the confrontation while guiding the U.S. security detail, said settlers placed barriers in the road and a group of them started throwing dozens of rocks at the vehicle.
“There were about 10 to 12 guys, they started to throw rocks on the car,’’ said Said Raibe, the guide. “ . . . Guys from the consulate security got out of the car, and tried to talk to them.”
They "got out of the car , and tried to talk to them?"
Why don't they try to "get out of their car to talk to" Hamas"? 
The question shouldn't really be: 
"Why are Israelis or Jews attacking American Embassy officials"?
The question is: Why the heck are the US Embassy and its Consulate using American dollars  to aid the Islamic war against the Jews?!" 

Monday, January 5, 2015

Mashgichim going crazy because Rav Kanievsky said Bugs in Orange Juice are OK

Mashgichim are always on the lookout for more and more kashrus issues!
Because as long as there are issues, there will be Parnassah for them..

Years ago, I had a close friend that worked in the catering business and related to me horror stories. 

He explained, for example, that most appetizers at weddings are salads....
So when Gush Katif closed down, he had to start watching out for bugs in the lettuce! 

He couldn't buy bodek, since his average wedding had 400 people.... that would amount to a fortune!..
So he bought Romaine on the market and washed them and some erlicher guy would go over most of the batch as proscribed by the Shulchan Aruch.

The Heimishe Hashgacha Company that he employed smelled $$$$$$$$$, so they ruled that the Shulchan Aruch means nothing and the Catering company needs a mashgiach to look over each and every lettuce...
So you can just imagine the scene on the day of the wedding, having 10 to 15 kollel guys now looking over the lettuce.. and now had to charge extra for this Chumrah that the client didn't want!

Then this particular Hashgacha decided that the Vodka "Grey Goose" was no good, even though its on the Star K and O U Lists... 
So this friend now had to fight with the customer, because the customer couldn't understand , " why he was disallowing the vodka, when its on the kosher list and the Caterer wasn't even  supplying the product. So even though he had nothing to do with Liquor, the customer couldn't put "Grey Goose" on the tables and couldn't give him a proper explanation. 

The came the grape situation... did you know that grapes have insects? Well, nobody knows that... and even the grapes don't know that...but the Baal hamachsher who needed to feed his 10 fledglings he must have known that, and now required that a Mashgiach wash each and every grape and inspect them!

The blueberry situation came next, with the Mashgiach telling him that only a mashgiach could wash and inspect each and every blueberry,
since the Kollel guys were experts in "blueberry insects"
Now my friend couldn't use strawberries, blueberries, grapes and couldn't have the customer bring his own kosher Grey Goose...because it wasn't worth hiring all these guys to inspect each and every single fruit and it wasn't worth fighting with the Baal Hamachsher over the Vodka!

The Truth is that Grapes and Blueberries have a Chazaka that it doesn't have insects ...and therefore does not require inspection and especially doesn't require 'expert' inspection.... 

So what happened?
I'll tell you what happened...... it's a secret so don't spread it around...
According to the Shulchan Aruch, you do not have to inspect each and every Romaine leaf...
anyone that tells you that is a LIAR!

The Shulchan Aruch requires that you check "roiv"
For example if you buy a box of Romaine at Costco which contains 5 bags, those 5 bags become one batch. 
You open the first bag at random and inspect  100 leaves and if there are no insects in those 100 leaves the entire bag is Kosher with no further inspection needed from that bag. 
The other 4 bags just require you to take a little bunch from each bag and inspect..

Now if you inspected the first 100 leaves and found an insect, you are required to begin to count again 100 insect free leaves. Also if you found an insect in the other 4 bags from the bunch that you took out, you have to begin counting from that bag 100 insect free leaves!

Now Bodek and Positive do the same thing, but they won't tell you that....
 These companies have tremendous $$$$$$ at stake, so they pressure the Hashgacha Companies to discourage the "oilim goilim" from buying  Romaine and Iceberg lettuce , to promote their own interests!
Bodek and Positive also are under Hashgacha, and its in the interest of the Bodek and Positive Mashgichim to push Bodek and Positive products!
So, Yes, its all a money thing..

Lately there were rumors that there are insects in Tropicana Orange Juice! What I don't understand is that New Square Orange Juice is Tropicana, why wasn't there a problem with New Square Orange Juice?

So now a guy from the 5 Towns Jewish Times went to Israel to meet Rav Kanievsky with a recorder to establish and clarify once and for all the story with the OJ!

Mr. Larry Gordon, owner of the Five Towns Jewish Times, visited Rav Chaim Kanievsky Shlita on Sunday afternoon at a little bit before 4:00 PM and presented him with a number of Halachic shailos from the United States. These shailos were written in Hebrew and Rav Chaim read them himself and then responded. His responses were videotaped.

In a previous article regarding Tropicana orange juice, I (rabbi Yair Hoffman) had presented 4 factors in which Poskim might either forbid or permit the orange juice, even though scale bugs are being consistently found in each cup of the juice.
The fourth factor dealt with whether there is an obligation to remove an item that cannot be identified as a bug to the naked eye of a trained expert within the mixture—even though he may be able to identify it as a bug were it not in a mixture.

Below, we reproduce the first question that was posed and Rav Chaim’s response. 

Rav Chaim said that the Tropicana juice would be permitted.
1. יש חוקרים בחו”ל שמצאו במין אחד של מיץ תפוזים תולעים (בשם סקייל באגז). ורק מוציאים את התולעים עם מגדלת לאחר שסיננו את המיץ עם בד דק דק. ואי אפשר לראות את התולעים בתוך ה”בד הסינון” בלא המגדלת. ולוקחים את התולעת על ידי מחט ומניחים אותו על נייר. ועכשיו שאין התולעת בתוך המיץ – אפשר למומחה לראותו בעינים אף בלי מגדלת מה שלא היה אפשר לפני-כן. ובכל כוס וכוס התולעים האלו נמצאים. האם זה נחשב למוחזק בתולעים? האם יש חיוב לסננן את המיץ לפני ששותים אותו?
There are investigators in USA that found scale bugs in orange juice. They only find the bugs with a jeweler’s loupe magnifying glass after they strain it with a very thin cloth. It is not possible to see the bugs in the cloth without the magnifier. They take the bug with a needle and place it on a piece of paper. Now that the bug is no longer in the juice an expert can see it – even with his eyes – something not possible beforehand. In each and every cup these bugs are found. Is this considered muchzak b’tolayim? Is there an obligation to filter the juice before one drinks it?
לא צריך לחשוש.
A Talmid Chochom that was present when the question was posed explained that it was on account of the fourth factor that Rav Chaim ruled in this manner.

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Al Sharpton Can Teach Kollel Guys How To Make a living!

Al Sharpton goes to a Corporation and tells them, if you don't pay me I'll call your company "racist"!
I think that Kollel guys could basically use the same tactic,..... Go to the nearest grocery and tell them if you don't give us money, we will tell the Heimishe Oilem that you guys don't support Kollilim and will start  a boycott!

I think Sharpton is smarter than all of us..
read the following!

Want to influence a casino bid? Polish your corporate image? Not be labeled a racist?
Then you need to pay Al Sharpton.
For more than a decade, corporations have shelled out thousands of dollars in donations and consulting fees to Sharpton’s National Action Network. What they get in return is the reverend’s supposed sway in the black community or, more often, his silence.
Sony Pictures co-chair Amy Pascal met with the activist preacher after leaked e-mails showed her making racially charged comments about President Obama. Pascal was under siege after a suspected North Korean cyber attack pressured the studio to cancel its release of “The Interview,” which depicts the assassination of dictator Kim Jong-un.
Pascal and her team were said to be “shaking in their boots” and “afraid of the Rev,” The Post reported.
No payments to NAN have been announced, but Sharptoon and Pascal agreed to form a “working group” to focus on racial bias in Hollywood.

Sony exec Amy Pascal scrambles away like a mouse after a meeting with Sharpton.
Sharpton notably did not publicly assert his support for Pascal after the meeting — what observers say seems like a typical Sharpton “shakedown” in the making. Pay him in cash or power, critics say, and you buy his support or silence.
“Al Sharpton has enriched himself and NAN for years by threatening companies with bad publicity if they didn’t come to terms with him. Put simply, Sharpton specializes in shakedowns,” said Ken Boehm, chairman of the National Legal & Policy Center, a Virginia-based watchdog group that has produced a book on Sharpton.
And Sharpton, who now boasts a close relationship with Obama and Mayor de Blasio, is in a stronger negotiating position than ever.
“Once Sharpton’s on board, he plays the race card all the way through,” said a source who has worked with the Harlem preacher. “He just keeps asking for more and more money.”

Horse in the race

One example of Sharpton’s playbook has emerged in tax filings and a state inspector general’s report.
In 2008, Plainfield Asset Management, a Greenwich, Conn.-based hedge fund, made a $500,000 contribution to New York nonprofit Education Reform Now. That money was immediately funneled to the National Action Network.
The donation raised eyebrows. Although the money was ostensibly to support NAN’s efforts to bring “educational equality,” it also came at a time that Plainfield was trying to get a lucrative gambling deal in New York.
Plainfield had a $250 million stake in Capital Play, a group trying to secure a license to run the coming racino at Aqueduct Racetrack in Queens. Capital Play employed a lobbyist named Charlie King, who also was the acting executive director of NAN.
Sharpton has said that most of the Plainfield contribution went to pay King’s salary.
King’s company, the Movement Group, was paid $243,586 by NAN in 2008, tax records show.
Harold Levy, a former New York City schools chancellor who was a managing director at Plainfield at the time, has denied the contribution was made to curry favor with Sharpton or anyone else. But a year later, as the battle for the racino license heated up, NAN raked in another $100,000 from representatives of the AEG consortium, which was the successor company to Capital Play.
One AEG member e-mailed another in 2009 saying, “Sharpton lobbied [then-Gov. David Paterson] hard over the weekend on our behalf,” according to the state inspector general’s 2010 report on the corrupt racino licensing process.
In order to discredit SL Green, one of the rival bidders whose plan included a Hard Rock Hotel, an AEG executive sent another e-mail outlining tactics to conscript local leaders to its cause.
“We are going to need it, and we are going to need . . . Sharpton to piss on hard rock,” according to the undated e-mail cited in the IG’s report.
Sharpton denied he lobbied on behalf of AEG.
The donations, meanwhile, came at an opportune time for Sharpton, as NAN was deep in debt to the IRS in 2008. It owed $1.3 million in unpaid federal, state and city payroll taxes including interest and penalties.
AEG viewed its payments to Sharpton as more of an insurance policy so he wouldn’t scuttle its chances by criticizing the group, said a source familiar with the racino controversy.

Cost of doing business

Sharpton raised $1 million for NAN at his 60th birthday bash in October, with donations rolling in from unions and a corporate roster of contributors including AT&T, McDonald’s, Verizon and Walmart.
Companies have long gotten in line to pay Sharpton. Macy’s and Pfizer have forked over thousands to NAN, as have General Motors, American Honda and Chrysler.
NAN had repeatedly and without success asked GM for donations for six years beginning in August 2000, a GM spokesman told The Post. Then, in 2006, Sharpton threatened a boycott of GM over the planned closing of an African-American-owned dealership in The Bronx. He picketed outside GM’s Fifth Avenue headquarters. GM wrote checks to NAN for $5,000 in 2007 and another $5,000 in 2008.
Sharpton targeted American Honda in 2003 for not hiring enough African-Americans in management positions.
“We support those that support us,” Sharpton wrote to the company. “We cannot be silent while African-Americans spend hard-earned dollars with a company that does not hire, promote or do business with us in a statistically significant manner.”
Two months later, car-company leaders met with Sharpton, and Honda began to sponsor NAN’s events. The protests stopped.
Sharpton landed a gig as a $25,000-a-year adviser to Pepsi after he threatened a consumer boycott of the soda company in 1998, saying its ads did not portray African-Americans. He held the position until 2007
As for Sony, Sharpton denied that his meeting with Pascal resulted in a donation to NAN.

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