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Showing posts with label satmar rabbi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label satmar rabbi. Show all posts

Monday, March 21, 2016

Zionist State airlifts the remaining Yemenite Jews, While Satmar does nothing!

Where was Satmar? Why weren't they involved in the rescue? Where were the "machers" with the keys and the lights?

Weren't they always screaming that the Yemenite Jews were secularized by the Zionists in 1948? 
Well, now they had a chance to rescue them ...and make them all Satmar Chassidim!

Why did the rescue have to be the  Zionist IDF and the Zionist Mossad?

Why is it always the Zionist army that help Jews all over the 

I did hear thru the grapevine, that the Satmar Vaabelich  prepared chicken soup and puprikash for the remaining Yemenites, but the Yeminites threw it in the nearest dump. 
They explained that they know how to make chicken soup they don't need Hungarian recipes, they need someone to get them the hell out of Yemen.
 "Kraimesh delicacies"  won't help them from getting murdered!

And so, the Zionists came to the rescue, while the two feuding Satmar brothers were preparing  kreplach and bubalech for the upcoming Purim Seudah!

Some of Yemen’s last remaining Jews have arrived in Israel after a clandestine operation retrieved them from the war-torn country, an Israeli nonprofit group said Monday.
Over the last few days, 19 Yemenite Jews landed in Israel — among them a rabbi carrying a 500-year-old Torah scroll —according to the Jewish Agency, which works closely with the Israeli government and acts as a link to Jews around the world.
Hundreds of Jews have arrived in Israel from Yemen in recent years, but the most recent arrivals could mark the end of this immigration. The 50 remaining Jews in Yemen want to stay in the country, the agency said.
“This is a highly significant moment in the history of Israel,” said Natan Sharansky, the chairman of the Jewish Agency. “Yemenite Jewry’s unique, 2,000-year-old contribution to the Jewish people will continue in the State of Israel.”
The Jewish Agency would not disclose details of the secret mission, which it said was a “complex covert operation.” It named the mission “Miktze Teiman,” a Hebrew phrase taken from a biblical verse that roughly translates as “from the ends of Yemen.” Israeli Channel 2 TV said the U.S. State Department was involved, a report the Jewish Agency declined to comment on.
The new arrivals leave behind a civil war raging in Yemen and a spate of anti-Semitic attacks in the country, which the Jewish Agency said was endangering the community.
The Jews that have chosen to stay in Yemen mostly live in the capital, Sanaa, where they dwell in a closed compound next to the U.S. embassy and enjoy the protection of Yemeni authorities, the agency said.
Some 50,000 Jews have arrived to Israel from Yemen since 1949 and have grown to become an integral part of Israeli society.
The final group of Jewish immigrants from Yemen arrives in Israel accompanied by an ancient Torah scroll, March 20, 2016. Photo credit: Arielle Di-Porto for The Jewish Agency for Israel.The final group of Jewish immigrants from Yemen arrives in Israel accompanied by an ancient Torah scroll, March 20, 2016. Photo credit: Arielle Di-Porto for The Jewish Agency for Israel.

The final group of Jewish immigrants from Yemen arrives in Israel. Photo credit: Arielle Di-Porto for The Jewish Agency for Israel.   The final group of Jewish immigrants from Yemen arrives in Israel. Photo credit: Arielle Di-Porto for The Jewish Agency for Israel. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

How Satmar Treated Chabad in the 1970's under the leadership of R' Yoel Teitelbaum

 The Lubavitcher Rebbe in Effigy on Lee Aveune corner Hewes on Purim in the early 70's

Yes, my friends these are the Baalei Chesed! These are the ones that call anybody that disagrees with them....
"Apikorsim and Meenim"

This was during the lifetime of the Tzadik Hador, the Heiliger Rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum z"l, outside on the streets of Williamsburg in full view.

Notice the smiling faces in the crowd!
Notice the children! 
Notice the upside down sign on the tree on the left that reads Lubavitcher Rebbe in Hebrew!

These children are today's leaders of Satmar!

This act was not condemned by the Rebbe or his anti-Jewish Newspaper "Der Goy"!

This is only one of many pictures of the Satmar hooliganism against their fellow Jews!