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Monday, December 15, 2014

Satmar Rebbe: Hands Stained With Blood Of Terror Victims Of Those Voting For Haredi Parties

When leaders of thousands are fools, then what can you expect of their Chassidim...
This raving lunatic, Aaron Teitelbaum has crossed the line on decency and is totally out of control.
This "Shoteh" has now decided to take on giants such as Reb Chaim Kanievsky, Rav Shteinman, Rav Auerbach and telling them that the "Hands stained with blood of terror victims are on their hands."
He also attacked those who are on the front of Mesiras Nefesh, the IDF and the settlers!
It's ok  for him to start up constantly with the goyim in Kiryas Yoel.
Known by his own Chassidim for shooting his foolish mouth off, those close to him are frightened of what he may say next.
Read the following:
by Jacob Kornblu
The blood of the terror victims, in the past and the future, are stained on the hands of those who participate in the March 17 Knesset elections and vote for the Haredi parties, the Satmar Rebbe, Rabbi Ahron Teitelbaum Shlit”a, suggested Saturday.
During a speech to his followers at an annual gathering to celebrate 70 years of the late Satmar Rebbe ZATZAL’s rescue from the Nazis at the Armory in Williamsburg, the Rebbe attacked the Haredi parties for not ruling out joining the next government, thus supporting the continuation of the settlement activity and implementation of the Haredi IDF draft law.
“Since early elections were announced, the Haredi parties have already started preparing with great joy to join the next government, with sweet dreams about what they will achieve by being part of the government,” the Rebbe said with angst. “This will turn them into partners for the implementation of the core studies by the secular education system, and this will turn them into partners of drafting Torah students into the ‘impure’ military.”
The Rebbe went on the lambast the ‘Misnachlim’ (settlers), who enter the Temple Mount and continue building activity in settlements on Arab land and between the Arabs, thus igniting a fire and inspiring the “cruel murderers to kill and murder Jews, like the ones we recently saw in Jerusalem.”
“Jewish blood is flowing like water,” the Rebbe roared, “and Frum Misnachlim are unfortunately responsible for that.”
“We must speak out and declare: your hands are stained with Jewish blood,” the Rebbe continued. “It hurts to say, but whoever intends to participate in the elections and votes – even for an Ultra-Orthodox party – who will ultimately join a government that will instate the settlements – has a hand in anything that could possibly happen in the future, Hashem Yerachiem… And we have to cry out loud: today’s leaders, the Misnachlim and those who support them, are liable for all the tzures and murders.”
“We ask the leaders of the religious parties, how can you be partners with those who are abandoning Jewish lives, not only in ‘Eretz Yisroel’ but also worldwide?” the Rebbe asked.
“They will be responsible for this ‘Shefichas Dumim’ (spilled blood) to the full extent,” he declared.

ISIS? have Hostages in Sydney Australia Cafe, force them to hold up ISIS sign

Cafe Worker and  Cafe customer have  hands pressed against the Window holding up sign
Hostages were being held inside a central Sydney cafe where a black flag with white Arabic writing could be seen in the window, local television showed on Monday, raising fears of an attack linked to Islamic militants.
Australia, which is backing the United States and its escalating action against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, is on high alert for attacks by radicalized Muslims or by home-grown fighters returning from fighting in the Middle East.
Part of Martin Place, home to the Reserve Bank of Australia, commercial banks and close to the New South Wales (NSW) state parliament, was closed off by armed police.
Live television footage showed patrons inside a cafe standing with their hands pressed against the windows. A black and white flag similar to those used by Islamic State militants in Iraq and Syria was also visible.
NSW Police tweeted: “A police operation is underway in Martin Place, Sydney’s CBD. People are advised to avoid the area.”
Dozens of police including a SWAT team were setting up and a couple of hundred people were being held back by cordons.
Trains and buses were stopped and roads were blocked in the area, with train operators saying there had been a bomb threat at Martin Place.

Update 7:03 PM EST: 
There are 13  hostages in the cafe.  The count includes employees and customers. At approximately 9:44 AM, a man carried  a blue bag into the busy Sydney cafe and told the people behind the counter that he had a gun. The doors to the cafe were then locked by a second Islamic terrorist. The flag which the hostages are holding  up appears similar to the ISIS flag however it is a Shahadah flag which states that Allah is the only ruler. This has been ruled as an act of terror. 

Ami apologizes for running an ad that advocates teaching Yeshivah Students a skill!

Can I ask a question? What's wrong with Bnei Torah learning a skill? Doesn't the Misnah  in Mesactes Shabbos say, that a Father has an  obligation to teach his child a skill and also how to swim?

I work with a lot of Chassidim, and I can tell you, that they are mad as hell, that they cannot read or speak the language of the country they were born in. I am not talking about "Chassidishe bums" or "tuna beigels" I am talking about serious erliche yidden.

So here comes the "educated" Frankfurter who wants to deny his grandchildren what he himself was taught.
I learned as a child in a Chassidishe Yeshivah, and they had a decent English Department, some went on to college and to medical schools to become doctors...
Some became successful lawyers.... Yes, Chassidishe guys that became doctors and lawyers...
What's wrong with that?
Now "The Frank " that took the ad got hell from the "big beards" and did an about face, because he is worried that they will ban his magazine now ..

Ami Magazine, an English language frum weekly ran an advertisement for Young Advocates for Fair Education (YAFFED), an organization that lobbies for increased secular education among New York’s Chasidim.

Bearing the Talmudic quote “a man is obligated to teach his son a trade” and showing an illustration of a Chasidic boy reading a math textbook, the advertisement asserted that learning secular subjects is a religious mandate as well as the law.

In 2013 the organization used the same advertisement on a billboard overlooking New York’s Prospect Expressway.

“Last night it came to my attention that in this week's edition of Ami Magazine there is a banner ad for Yaffed, an organization with a mission to change the state of Orthodox Jewish chinuch [education],” wrote Ami editor and clown, Yitzchok Frankfurter in an email to subscribers.

“Ami Magazine has repeatedly advocated against such efforts and has condemned organizations like Yaffed. We have asked the community to unite against all those who seek to reform the Orthodox way of life, and we remain steadfast in our resolve to defeat such misguided initiatives.”

The inclusion of the advertisement, Frankfurter stated, was the result of an error in the advertising sales process, for which he apologized.

Asked for comment, Frankfurter told the Post that he could not "state more than I stated in the email." 

Yaffed founder Naftuli Moster is currently suing the state of New York for failing to implement the same standards in ultra-orthodox schools as in their secular counterparts and, according to the New York Times, the parents of several students within that system have agreed to join him, although they are doing so anonymously for fears of communal backlash.

Yochanan Lowen, a former Satmar hasid, is currently suing authorities in Quebec, Canada, including the Department of Youth Protection, for failing to force local hasidic schools to meet similar educational standards, arguing that he lacks the basic life skills to function outside of his community as a result.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Satmar "letter to editor" chastises those Chassidim who throw the ends of their scarves over the shoulder"

I must say that Satmar to this blog is a gift that keeps on giving!
In a "letter to the editor" to the Blatt, the yiddish newspaper published by the Aronie faction of Satmar, a reader writes because he is upset that the newly married Satmar Chassidim that wear scarves, wrap the scarves around the neck and then "throw the ends over the shoulder" just like women. The writer questions whether this does not constitute a violation of the prohibition of "Lo Silbosh." 
Now! I'm not certain if this is  some sort of a Chunakah joke, but the editor did print it among the other "important" letters!

Loosely translated:
I guess there was a previous letter referring to this new "minhag"

"In Honor of Der Blatt'
It didn't take long after the short letter (I guess it was in last week's edition) that a discussion is finally taking place among the Heimeshe Olom, that someone, finally, condemned this foolish fashion, of Bochrim, and married guys, who wear scarves, then throw the ends over their shoulder, which now borders on the "shaaleh" of not violating the prohibition of Lo Silbosh.
But for me this is not a chiddush; I remember that 10 years ago, The Rav of Burstein condemned this lewd practice on the 21st of Kislav Seuda,  to the students of  his Yeshivah.
And that was after some Bochrim and Married guys from the streets of Boro Park started this practice in his Bais Midrash when coming to daven, where the students of the Yeshiva also davened.
The Bursteiner Rebbe had mentioned this thru his "sweet lips" and strongly condemned this "lewedness" and the similar fashions that come together with other 'nisyoinis'in the darkness of this generation.
Kindly submit this letter in this week's edition since it is relevant to the 21 of Kislev (the anniversary of the Rebbe's rescue)"

Satmar Celebrates 70 Years of Rav Yoel Teitelbaum's Escape from Nazis! No Mention of Zionist Savior!

All the Satmar Yiddish weekly newspapers gave huge coverage of the 70th anniversary of Rabbi Yoel Teitelbaum's rescue to Switzerland via the famous Zionist Kastner train.
But reading these newspapers, you wouldn't have an inkling  that the Zionists had anything to do with it....
Kastner Train arriving in Switzerland with Rav Yoel Teitelbaum on the train!

In fact, Der Blatt, the Satmar Newspaper published by the Aronie faction of Satmar, writes that not only didn't the Zionists rescue R" Yoel, but he saved them!
Article on the right denies Zionist involvement in the Rebbe's rescue and claims that he saved the Zionists!
Loosely translated
I will not go into the whole article that rewrites history. I will just translate the pertinent 4 lines:
" This (that R' Yoel was saved by the Zionists) can only be told to those who are not familiar with the history, or to those who just want to deny the facts. 
The facts are, that not only didn't they (the Zionists) rescue the Satmar Rebbe, but he was the one who saved them" 

Satmar Rebbe "saved the Zionists?" This is news to everyone, including the Satmar Chassidim. 
They'r smart though, writing conspiracy theories after every one is dead!

Now see the shul that the Satmar Rebbe was Rav in, in Satmar, Rumania....

Notice the pews, and the Magen David, far cry from Bedford Avenue!
Notice Magen Dovid on top of the Aron Kodesh!

Rosie O'Donnell Selling Anti-Israeli Art

Rosie O’Donnell, an outspoken critic of Israeli military action against Hamas, was reportedly selling custom art of her perspective on the Israel-Palestinian Conflict.

This picture that the Bitch Rosie is selling wasn't even in Gaza

The longtime co-host of The View created 30 pieces of “limited edition” art, in a collection she titled "Israel Begins Bombing Gaza."
In the “art” category of rosie.com, O’Donnell pitched her work with a description of her creations. However, they were removed Friday.
The original post featured an image of a man carrying a child, captioned, “This man carries a baby about the same age as the one I sit next to, watching Frozen.”
According to a report from Israellycool, the photo O’Donnell was using for her art didn’t take place in Gaza, but is a Getty Images picture, taken in Northern Syria of an emergency response volunteer carrying a child wounded during a Syrian government attack.
O’Donnell used the same photo in a second piece of artwork, titled “Stop and Think.”
The second design depicted an airplane set behind the man carrying the child.
Friday, the art on Rosie’s site was taken down after the comedienne faced a backlash on Twitter, reports Newsmax.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shmuel Langelban and Nosson Druk, Breslover Chassidim killed in Car Accident in Amsterdam

The two Breslov chassidim who were R”L killed in a motor vehicle accident in Amsterdam have been identified as Shmuel Langelban, 19, a citizen of the United States who was living in Yerushalayim and 16-year-old Nosson Druk, a resident of Yerushalayim.

The vehicle they were traveling in was heading from London to Amsterdam as they were members of the Shuvu Banim kehilla and were going to visit with their rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Berland.

Two other chassidim, Israeli residents, survived the crash and are in serious condition. Their families have been notified.
Please  be mispallel for:
נתן בן שרה מלכה יגלניק
יהודה בן חווה בדיחי
 בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

The families desperately need to raise 10000 euro to bring the bodies to Israel for burial. 

Please open your hearts and call !052-441-7747 026455695 from Israel
011972524417747 or 01197226545695 from outside of Israel.
It through the Knishta Chada PayPal account.
Also the second name for tfilla is
יהודה בן אודליה

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Dr Michael Rosenberg and David Hartman killed in Plane Crash in Maryland

The wreckage of a small private jet smolders in a driveway after crashing into a neighboring house in Gaithersburg, Md., Monday, Dec. 8, 2014. A woman and her two young sons inside the home and three people aboard the aircraft were killed, authorities said. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

Police in Maryland on Tuesday tentatively identified two more people who were killed when the plane they were flying in crashed into a house in the Washington, D.C., suburbs.

Officers said they were 52-year-old David Hartman and 31-year-old Chijioke Ogbuka. A third occupant of the private jet, 66-year-old Dr. Michael Rosenberg, was also killed in the crash Monday in Gaithersburg.
Montgomery County Police said their identities will be confirmed once autopsies have been completed by the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in Baltimore.
Police said the three were from Raleigh, North Carolina.
A mother and her two young sons, one of them just a month old, were also killed when the jet crashed into their two-story wood-frame home, which was engulfed in a fireball, authorities and witnesses said.
Marie Gemmell, 36, tried to protect 3-year-old Cole and 1-month-old Devin from the smoke and fire, but there was nothing she could do, Montgomery County police spokesman Capt. Paul Starks said. Her body was found in a second-floor bathroom, lying on top of her sons.
The jet’s fuselage crashed into the front lawn of an adjacent home, which was heavily damaged by fire, and investigators believe one of its wings, which had fuel inside, sheared off and tore through the front of the Gemmell home, said Robert Sumwalt, a National Transportation Safety Board member.
The plane took off from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and was approaching a runway at the Montgomery County Airpark, about a mile from the crash site, when it went down, Sumwalt said. Witnesses reported that the plane was flying too low and careening wildly before the crash.
“This guy, when I saw him, for a fast jet with the wheels down, I said, ‘I think he’s coming in too low,’” Fred Pedreira, 67, who lives near the crash site, told The Associated Press. “Then he was 90 degrees — sideways — and then he went belly-up into the house and it was a ball of fire. It was terrible.
“I tell you, I got goosebumps when I saw it,” Pedreira said. “I said, ‘My God, those are people in that plane.’”
In 911 calls released by authorities overnight, shock and alarm is evident in the callers’ voices.
“I just saw a jet hit a house! The house is on fire,” one man said. “When he came in on final (approach), it flamed out and he went straight down into that house.”
The home was gutted by the crash and ensuing blaze. No one was injured in the two adjacent homes that also had major damage.
Health Decisions of North Carolina identified Rosenberg as its founder and CEO. Nuventra Pharma Sciences of Durham, North Carolina, said Hartman was vice president of clinical pharmacology.
Rosenberg was a pilot who crashed a different plane in Gaithersburg on March 1, 2010, according a government official who wasn’t authorized to speak publicly and asked not to be named. Investigators were still trying to determine if Rosenberg was at the controls at the time of Monday’s crash.
Montgomery County Executive Isiah Leggett said Tuesday that the county would review policies and procedures at the airport, including the paths of approach to the runways.
“When you have an incident like this, it calls into question the safety,” Leggett said during an appearance on NewsChannel 8, a local cable channel. “We certainly owe it to the community to go back and check and evaluate, and we will do that.”
Including Monday’s crash, there have been 30 accidents at the Montgomery County Airpark in the past 31 years, according to NTSB records. Before Monday, the most recent fatal crash was in 1990, and most of the recent crashes involved minor or no injuries.
Steve Hedges, a spokesman for the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association and a pilot who knows the Gaithersburg airport well, said many of the recent incidents would be better characterized as hard landings, and some occurred during flight instruction.
“That’s not unusual in an instructional environment. Things happen when people are learning how to fly,” Hedges said Tuesday. “I think it’s a very safe airport, actually.”
NTSB investigators recovered the cockpit voice and flight data recorders from the plane, and they were in good condition, Sumwalt said. Investigators planned to remain on the scene for up to seven days collecting evidence.
The agency planned to look into everything that could have led to the crash, including crew experience and proficiency, training and procedures, equipment performance, weather and other environmental factors such as birds, Sumwalt said.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Agudah Chastises Jordan for anti-Semitic remarks

I must give credit where credit is do.... I have been screaming about this for years, that the Agudah is sitting at the sidelines in matters of Israel's security. Now, finally, the bear woke up from her slumber!

In response to recent manifestations of explicit anti-Semitism in the Jordanian parliament, Rabbi David Zwiebel, Executive Vice President of Agudath Israel of America, sent a letter today to the Jordanian Ambassador in Washington D.C.

In his letter Rabbi Zwiebel expresses surprise and disappointment that in “the immediate aftermath of the recent barbaric slaughter of Jewish men engrossed in prayer in Jerusalem, by two men who shouted a declaration of Islamic faith, there was no public reaction from the royal palace”. Rabbi Zwiebel also points to the fact that following the synagogue massacre, the Jordanian Parliament observed a moment of silence, in memory “not for the victims but for their murderers”.

“Has King Abdullah II or some other Jordanian authority addressed the above naked statements of extremism and anti-Semitism, emanating as they do, from members of the Jordanian government?” Rabbi Zwiebel asks. “If, not, why?”

“I respectfully request an expeditious response” the letter concludes.

Satmar Rebbes say 770 Stabbing was because America Stole NY from the Indians!

Well .... they never actually said it ....
but this is Satmar "farkrumtah" logic...
Didn't the "Chuchim" from Monroe say that the three kidnapped boys that were murdered by the Arabs, was because they were settlers?
So why is this stabbing different? Didn't the Americans steal this land from the Indians?

Bochur Stabbed At 770 Chabad Headquarters, Stabber Shot Dead by Police, Attacker Was Seen Previously Inside 770 And Was Chased Away, Video

Levi Rosenblat

 A Jewish man was stabbed inside Chabad headquarters at 770 Eastern Parkway in the Crown Heights section of Brooklyn, New York on Tuesday morning.
The suspect reportedly stabbed and injured 22-year-old Israeli yeshiva student Levi Rosenblat in the neck, he was transported by Hatzolah to the hospital in stable condition.
Police shot and detained the suspect, said to be a black male, at the scene. He later succumbed to his wounds sustained from the gunfire used during his arrest.
Motives behind the attack were not yet know, and the NYPD opened an investigation.
According to initial reports from the scene, at around 2 a.m. the knife-wielding suspect entered the room where the Israeli student was sitting in a lecture, prompting shouts to drop the weapon. The suspect then approached the victim and stabbed him in the neck.

The attack occurred in the study hall, where security cameras transmitted the attack being monitored by nearby police, who immediately arrived to the scene and called for the suspect to relinquish the knife, shooting him after he refused to do so.

The man who stabbed a bochur at 770 Eastern Parkway Monday night was chased out of the Chabad Headquarters earlier that afternoon, a witness said.
The man who entered the main shul at 770 Eastern Parkway and attacked 22 year old Levi Rosenblatt on Monday night was seen at 770 at approximately 5:00 pm on Monday afternoon, by a witness who told COLlive that he “chased him away.”
“I asked him what is he doing here, he was walking around downstairs,” the witness said. “He replied, ‘I’m not allowed to be here?’ He kept asking all kinds of questions about what time the learning takes place in the Shul and other information.”
After being chased out, he quickly ran out of the building and drove away in a gray Nissan sedan, the witness said.
The same car is now parked directly in front of the entrance to 770.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Hagoen Hazatdik Mordechai Blau Shlita is now busy with the ladies!

"כל אשה שתתקרב למפלגה שלא בהנהגת גדולי ישראל - תצא בלא 

כתובה ואסור ללמוד במוסדות החינוך שלה

The "Chamer Izel" Rabbi,  Mordecahi Blau
Yesterday we ran a story about Frum ladies in Israel that had enough of the do nothing "long beards" in the Knesset, and decided that they will run for office themselves or vote for parties that they see fit will do the job...

Well..... not soo fast!!!!
The "long beards" have gone Ape-S___ over this.
Rabbi Mordechai Blau a member of UTJ, United Torah Judaism party, the Ashkenazi party that represents the "Gedolim",  warned and threatened  that "any lady that joins this "lady party" can be divorced without a Ketubah, and all her children are to be thrown out of the schools."

This "Chamer Izel" ( this is a yiddish saying referring to people who only have women in mind) who is supposedly a "well known mechaneich" has gone on the offensive against the "Ladies," because he feels threatened. He would rather everything remain "status quo" so that the  Frum parties will be able to continue to do nothing but scream at Lapid and throw stones on the Frum Soldiers in Uniform.
He also threatened the men that support this woman political party!

המחנך הנודע הרב מרדכי בלוי, מבכירי 'יהדות התורה', מצהיר היום (א') כי "כל אשה שתתקרב למפלגה שלא בהנהגת גדולי ישראל - תצא בלא כתובה ואסור ללמוד במוסדות החינוך שלה, וכן לרכוש ממנה כל מוצר, ומצווה להוציא את כל הצאצאים שלה מהמוסדות". 

הרב בלוי הוסיף וציין כי "אני ערב בלי נדר ליישום כל הנ"ל, והנ"ל אמור גם לגברים". 
את הדברים הצהיר הרב בלוי לאחר שבתקופה האחרונה פרסמה קבוצת נשים חרדיות קריאה להחרים מפלגות שלא ישלבו נשים ברשימותיהן, ובעקבות הפרסומים על מגעים לשילובה של אישה חרדית ברשימות שונות

הרב בלוי מוסיף ומבהיר כי מי שיעשה כן וילך בפומבי נגד גדולי ישראל - אינו חרדי.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Frummies Not Happy with Their Wives Launching Israeli Election Campaign

 Esty Reider-Indorsky

Frummies want their wives barefoot and pregnant, and are now up in arms about a group of Frum Ladies wanting to run for elective office...
Turns out, that 99% of the Frum Men have so far done a lousy job in the Knesset; they couldn't stop the Kollel cuts  the government imposed, and hundreds of Yeshiva Bochrim are now joining the IDF..

All in all, they have been useless bunch except for managing to cause Chilonim to hate frum Jews with a passion. and the infighting continue to cause  massive  Chillul Hashems. 

All the long beards ever did in the last government was drink hot coffee and bicker among themselves and scream at Lapid, so now that Lapid is out they're bored to tears.

But they refuse to allow their wives to take a shot at it....how would it look if the ladies were able to accomplish something?

Frum Jewish women in Israel have begun an unprecedented campaign to have women candidates on the lists of religious parties for next March’s early general election, media reported on Sunday.
“We want ultra-orthodox women—five percent of the population—to have a say in the Knesset and demand that the heads of the ultra-orthodox parties choose at least one candidate of their choice,” activist Esty Reider-Indorsky, a driving force behind the move, told public radio.
However, the broadcaster reported that the leaders of the parties in question (Shas, with 11 of 120 seats in parliament) and the Unified Torah list (seven seats) have no intention of agreeing to the demand.
In a manifesto published on social networks online and supported by personalities including secular Israelis, the ultra-orthodox women say they are prepared to go as far as an election boycott.
“And we (women) represent half of the electorate,” Reider-Indorsky told the station.
Ultra-orthodox Jewish women, recognizable by their modest clothing and hair styled under a scarf or wig, are already present in Israeli politics.
Although they have not been able to be candidates for ultra-orthodox parties, some have been elected standing for other parties and others work as assistants to members of parliament.
In the last general election in January 2013, the ultra-orthodox parties—long-time kingmakers in Israeli coalition politics—found themselves excluded from power for the first time in 30 years.
The general election will be held on March 17, after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu called for a snap vote following the collapse of his right-leaning coalition.

Don’t Want to Come to the Middle East? Stay in Europe and Kill Jews, IS Tells Aspiring Jihadis

Recruiters in Europe for the Islamic State (IS) organization are proposing an alternative form of service for those jihadis unwilling to venture to the Middle East, where the terrorist group has carried out gruesome massacres of Christians, Yezidis, and other minorities: stay at home and kill Jews.
In an article about a Muslim female teenager from the French town of Bethoncourt who disappeared in October, and was later discovered to have traveled to Syria via Turkey to join IS, the New York Times reported that “another 15-year-old girl, who was intercepted by French intelligence officers as she tried to go to Syria months ago, has since told the authorities that once her recruiters realized that she was unlikely to be able to leave the country anytime soon, they began pressing her to strike at home against Jews. She told them she had begun looking for weapons and targets.”
Observed the Times: “Experts say that the problem appears most severe in France, which has a large Muslim population from the Middle East and North Africa and where more than a hundred families have been talking to experts to help them cope with their daughters’ growing radicalization.”
In recent weeks, IS has been stepping up its anti-Semitic and anti-Israel rhetoric. “The flag of the Caliphate will rise over Jerusalem and Rome, even if the Jews and Crusaders despise such,” an article in the latest edition of its magazine stated.
“As the eyes of the world are all transfixed by the mendacious media coverage of the battle for Kobane, the eyes of the Islamic State are scanning the West and the East, preparing for the expansion that – with Allah’s blessing – shall put an end to the Jewish State, and the rest of the apostate allies of the cross,” the article declared.


Early Israeli Polls Show Netanyahu in Lead!

Elections are a necessary step

 According to polls, Netanyahu has no rivals for the job. It is not merely that nearly three times as many people think that Netanyahu is the best person to serve as prime minister when compared to his closest contender, Labor Party leader Isaac Herzog. It’s also that the polls show right-wing parties picking up seats, while Lapid’s party is likely to lose more than half it seats in the Knesset.

In recent days I met a man with an impressive military combat background. At the start of his many years in the army, he served in Sayeret Matkal, the IDF's elite reconnaissance unit, along with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The man explained that for fighters in the unit, loyalty to the team is a supreme value. Violating that is an attack on the soldiers' most basic ethos.

The man I was speaking to said that fighters in the unit were prepared to face a lot, but would never accept anyone breaking the loyalty code, because it was a matter of life and death.

When the prime minister realized that former Finance Minister Yair Lapid and his cohort were cooking something up behind his back and trying to curry favor with the American administration by attacking the unity of Jerusalem and government decisions, he said, "That's it." Disloyalty by a cabinet member is unforgiveable.

An early election is a must, because the harm caused to the citizens of Israel by a government in which every minister makes his own calculations is 10 times greater than the cost of holding early elections. I have no doubt that U.S. President Barack Obama, like Yair Lapid and Hatnuah leader Tzipi Livni, is sorry about the decision to hold an early Knesset election. Netanyahu will continue to fight with whoever succeeds Obama to keep the land of Israel intact.

Not even a week has passed since the prime minister and finance minister's fateful meeting, and spokespeople from Lapid's Yesh Atid party are already letting the people of Israel know what will happen in the election. 

The evil ghost of Tommy Lapid will once again appear, and his son and heir will proclaim excitedly that the ultra-Orthodox are the greatest disaster to befall the people of Zion. The same anti-Semitic headlines will appear again, exuding hate.

Of course, the ultra-Orthodox (haredi) sector can be criticized, but to blame it for Lapid's ineffectiveness as finance minister when they were in the opposition throughout his term, is pure malice.

Salvos of pure hatred will also be flung at the settlers -- "those religious people" who have lived in Judea and Samaria for years and serve as the first line of defense for the residents of Tel Aviv. The most idealistic public in Israeli society, which carries the weight of the country's settlement and security, will be turned into an obstacle to peace.
Neither the recalcitrant Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas nor Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh are the stumbling block, but rather the Israeli settlers who are fulfilling Zionism at its best. The Yesh Atid people will make the election about the state of Tel Aviv vs. everyone else. But even in Tel Aviv there are citizens who understand that the walls of our existence cannot be built from bricks of hatred.

Another central motif from Yesh Atid, Hatnuah, and Meretz will be drowning the citizens of Israel in a flood of clinical depression. The Left has been an expert at this for years. The worse things are, the better it is for the Left. Morning, noon and night we hear about the chasms, the inequality in Israeli society, about poverty and housing prices. As if most of the voters for the center-left parties didn't come from the affluent sectors. The tycoons, the lobbyists, the contractors, and the new rich vote for the Left, while the weaker sectors vote for the Likud and the Right.

The campaign by Yesh Atid and Hatnuah will focus relentlessly on the prime minister. Bibiphobia will reach new heights. They will unleash all their ongoing frustration on Netanyahu, frustration that has its roots in the simple fact that all the Left's candidates for prime minister have the faith of only single digit's worth of support from the public.

In our geopolitical reality, we need an experienced leadership that can face a world that is mostly hostile toward the state of Israel. The public has already learned that delusional concessions and agreements don't bring peace any closer -- they encourage war.

Soon we'll hold elections and the people will have their say. The results will no doubt be crystal clear. 

Most of the Israeli people lean Right, love their homeland, and are holding on to it forever, refusing to buy the baseless dreams of the Left.

Netanyahu should run against Obama & Abbas instead of Livni & Lapid

David Weinberg
by David Weinberg

Running for re-election, against whom?
In order to win the elections that have been foisted upon him, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu must run a focused campaign against Israel's bona fide foes, not against the novice and petty politicians with whom he has been squabbling.

His kvetching about Tzipi Livni and Yair Lapid only diminishes him in the eyes of voters. Whiny rants about anarchy in the coalition won't advance Netanyahu too far.
Instead, Netanyahu must market himself as a leader who transcends the local mud-slinging and who can responsibly navigate a path for Israel in the face of the many regional and international threats.

To put it another way: 
Netanyahu indeed has rivals worth running against, but they are not Livni and Lapid, nor Avigdor Lieberman and Naftali Bennett. Netanyahu should be running against U.S. President Barack Obama and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

Obama has made it clear that in coming period he is "not going to be able to manage" to fully defend Israel in international forums. Abbas is seeking condemnation, isolation, criminalization and boycott of Israel, alongside recognition of virtual Palestinian statehood. Obama is going to smirk from the sidelines.

Obama himself will undoubtedly turn up the pressure on Israel in various ways in an attempt to precipitously force Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines. He isn't going to leave Israel alone for one single day. And we already know that the U.S. president has decided to acquiesce on Iran's near-nuclear status.

So, Israel has tough challenges ahead, and needs a leader who will stand firm. Netanyahu can and should say forthrightly to the Israeli public: I have stood strong against Obama's unfriendly pressures for six years. Re-elect me in order to see Israel through the ominous final two years of the Obama administration.

This is messaging that would be both real and resonant. Israelis fear and resent Obama administration policies, even as they still overwhelmingly believe in America and the American-Israeli alliance. 

A Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies public opinion poll demonstrated this week that the Israeli public believes that the Obama administration has greatly weakened America's standing in the Middle East, and thinks that its policies on Iran, ISIS and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict are truly "bad."

This is a key electoral calling card for Netanyahu: Standing tall against a hostile world. It will become even more so if and when the Obama administration and European leaders attempt to intervene in the Israeli election campaign by warning the Israeli public that Israel can expect increased international isolation if Netanyahu is re-elected.
Such intervention will likely backfire and actually benefit Netanyahu, as it has in past campaigns, but I suspect Obama and associates won't be able to resist.

In fact, I assume that one of the genuine reasons Netanyahu is going to the polls now is directly linked to such expected pressures. Israel can't be expected to launch any risky diplomatic ventures while in electoral flux. By casting Israel into election mode for a lengthy period of time -- it could be July before a new government settles into its cabinet seats -- Netanyahu is running down the clock on Obama.

That is not a bad diplomatic strategy at all; perfectly legitimate and understandable to the Israeli voter. After all, Netanyahu came to office in order to put a long-term break on the galloping withdrawals of the Oslo era. Netanyahu should find a way to own up to this strategy, even though it's not politically correct to admit to this in diplomatic company. I think he'll be rewarded by the Israeli public.

Opposition Leader Isaac Herzog, Livni and Obama may consider Netanyahu a cowardly failure (or "chickenshit") because he won't match the follies of his predecessors and risk the country's security with territorial withdrawals that could result in the creation of another terror state on Israel's doorstep. But Israelis understand that Netanyahu's willingness to say no to Obama is all that stands between them and another fiasco like the destruction of Gush Katif and the gifting of Gaza to Hamas.

And consider this too: Wouldn't it be sweet to see Netanyahu outlast Obama in office?

Then there is Abbas. 
Herzog can go on and on about the need to cut a deal with Abbas, and Livni can ridiculously and pompously assert with certainty that "With me in the negotiating room, peace is attainable" -- but the Israeli public knows better.

Abbas is washed up as a peace partner, certainly since he partnered with Hamas, launched a campaign of lies and incitement regarding the Temple Mount, and lauded terrorists who attacked Israelis in Jerusalem. 

Everybody in Israel remembers Abbas' monstrous speech at U.N. in September outrageously accusing Israel of "genocide" in Gaza.
Netanyahu can capitalize on this, by highlighting the flimsiness and fancifulness of the opposition's belief in Abbas. I won't let us be suckered by Abbas again -- Netanyahu can assert, and it will resonate.

Israeli society needed another election campaign just now like a hole in the head. So much invective, radical rhetoric, and ugliness is ahead -- all of it cynically hyped and exaggerated for campaign purposes. Ugh.

Therefore, Netanyahu must rise above the fray and focus on the big picture. There are concrete, looming challenges ahead, and nobody else running in this campaign is true prime ministerial material.

That's not just an argument for re-election by default. It's a robust and realistic campaign platform.

Dealing with violence and abuse in the religious world

Yeshiva University Dean of Students Dr. Chaim Nissel 
 Photo credit: Israel Hayom staff
What unique challenges face victims of abuse in religious communities and is the religious world equipped to deal with them? 

• Watch as Israel Hayom editor Steve Ganot speaks to Yeshiva University's Dr. Chaim Nissel about abuse in the Orthodox world.

While victims and survivors of abuse and violence face stigma in virtually every community, it is typically even more so the case in religious communities, according to Yeshiva University Dean of Students Dr. Chaim Nissel.

Nissel, formerly the university's head of counseling, spoke about preventing suicide among victims of violence and abuse at an international conference titled "The Jewish Community Confronts Violence & Abuse" in Jerusalem earlier this week.

He says that some of the challenges facing abuse victims in religious communities include concerns about reputation and the impact reporting the abuse would have on one's family.

As the Orthodox Jewish community becomes better informed about what violence and abuse victims suffer through learning about issues like stigma and suicide prevention, they will be able to offer better resources for victims within the community.

Watch as Israel Hayom host Steve Ganot speaks to Nissel about changing attitudes toward the issues of violence and abuse in religious communities and how to support those around you who may be suffering from abuse or suicidal thoughts.

Naive Hillary Clinton:"America should 'empathize' and 'show respect' to its enemies"

Hillary Clinton has come under fire after saying that America should 'empathize'' with its enemies.

Speaking at Georgetown University in Washington D.C. to promote female leadership, the former U.S. Secretary of State also said the country should show 'respect' to those fighting against it.

Using an approach she dubs 'smart power' - which women are apparently uniquely positioned to deploy - she urged Americans to use 'every possible tool and partner' to advance peace. 

This approach means 'showing respect, even for one's enemies; trying to understand and, insofar as psychologically possible, empathize with their perspective and point of view,' she said. 

The front-runner Democratic nominee's speech, specifically focusing on female leadership in foreign conflicts and relations, was held in the university's famed Gaston Hall on Wednesday.

Within minutes of the 67-year-old's appearance being broadcast, she was being criticized by social media users across America for her 'ridiculous' attitude toward the country's enemies.

Many people condemned her comments in the context of the U.S.'s recent airstrikes against the Islamic State (ISIS), which has taken over swathes of Iraq and Syria, Fox News reported. 

Addressing Clinton directly, one Twitter user wrote: 'You have NO understanding of ISIS or ANY of America's enemies. Empathizing with killers only ensures your demise.'

Another user, named Sally LeMaster, told the politician: 'You know what, If you're so gung-ho to "empathize with America's enemies," go turn yourself over to them & see what happens.'

And Dr Sha Clark described her views simply as 'baloney'.

Away from social media, former Marine Lieutenant Colonel, Oliver North, now a Fox News host, described Clinton's comments as 'naive' and 'irrational'.
'I can’t think of a presidential candidate who would have said those kinds of things,' he said. 

'If you’re going to run for president of the United States, you cannot talk that way about the people who intend to kill us. Who are dying to kill us... This is capitulation.'

Karl Rove, ex-George W. Bush adviser, added that Clinton's remarks were the 'wrong language'. 

During the speech, Clinton also told listeners: 'Women are not just victims of conflict. They are agents of peace and agents of change.'
And she claimed 'smart power' would help to 'define problems' and 'determine solutions'.

Earlier this week, it was reported that Clinton's speech at Georgetown University was met with tepid enthusiasm from students, with just half of seats in the reception hall appearing to be filled.

Pictures and video discovered by the Daily Caller showed empty clusters throughout the 750-seat auditorium in which she spoke as part of the security conference.

This is at least the second time in recent weeks that Clinton has been unable to pack a room during an appearance as she decides whether she wants to carry her political party's torch in 2016.

In late October,the politician served as the headliner at a rally for Maryland Lt. Governor Anthony Brown, who was campaigning to become the Bay State's chief executive at the time.
After the event at the University of Maryland's College Park campus was over, Brown's staff claimed that more than a 1,000 supporters came out to see Clinton.

However, it was later evident that there were far fewer attendees, as most of the nose-bleed seats on one side of the gymnasium were empty, as were areas of the bleachers on the side.