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Showing posts with label nosson druk. Show all posts
Showing posts with label nosson druk. Show all posts

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Shmuel Langelban and Nosson Druk, Breslover Chassidim killed in Car Accident in Amsterdam

The two Breslov chassidim who were R”L killed in a motor vehicle accident in Amsterdam have been identified as Shmuel Langelban, 19, a citizen of the United States who was living in Yerushalayim and 16-year-old Nosson Druk, a resident of Yerushalayim.

The vehicle they were traveling in was heading from London to Amsterdam as they were members of the Shuvu Banim kehilla and were going to visit with their rebbe, Rabbi Eliezer Berland.

Two other chassidim, Israeli residents, survived the crash and are in serious condition. Their families have been notified.
Please  be mispallel for:
נתן בן שרה מלכה יגלניק
יהודה בן חווה בדיחי
 בתוך שאר חולי ישראל

The families desperately need to raise 10000 euro to bring the bodies to Israel for burial. 

Please open your hearts and call !052-441-7747 026455695 from Israel
011972524417747 or 01197226545695 from outside of Israel.
It through the Knishta Chada PayPal account.
Also the second name for tfilla is
יהודה בן אודליה