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Sunday, June 15, 2014

Are the Chareidim seeing the light, that Klall Yisroel needs the IDF as well?

Here is an op-ed from the Yeshivah World Blog....
what a turn around.

Why is it that only a tragedy opens the eyes of the frum world? Why must we throw stones at Jewish Sodiers? I don't get it?
If you don't want to serve, don't serve, but don't insult them!

Here read the article!

Three boys in Israel are feared kidnapped and the country’s Army is immediately deployed in a massive search for them.
276 teen age girls are confirmed kidnapped by Boko Haram in Chibok, Nigeria in April and the government announced no immediate plans to secure their release.

In the hours following the report of the three missing teens, screaming bulletins are sent by leaders in every community in Israel and the Jewish world over, imploring prayers be said for their safe return.

It is at the top of the news and will remain so in every Jewish publication until they are found.

Eight weeks after the Nigerian kidnapping there is nary a whimper of news concerning the missing girls. Moreover, an additional 20 girls are kidnapped this past week by Boko Haram from a neighboring village.

The World Cup soccer consume the headlines not the saga of nearly 300 missing girls.

When the Nigerian government finally announces a search for the missing girls Boko Haram, the terrorist kidnappers, attack yet another village slaughtering scores of men, women and children.

The terrorists retaliate against the government in a defiant show of force as if to say how dare you search for the missing girls.

The Nigerian government is offered – initially declines, then reluctantly accepts – provisions of help from the US military and other countries to help in their search for the girls. They are too proud it may show weakness and a lack of independence.

In Israel when terrorists attack the government responds with impunity.

The Israeli Army announces that the entire defense establishment, intelligence units, and the General Security Services are doing their all to immediately find these teenagers.

Israel stands ready to accept any glimmer of assistance to aid in the search for these boys even collaborating with Palestinian officials, including sworn enemies.

The world cup soccer match is the most popular world sport watched by billions of people. Nigerians, rabid soccer fans as any other on the African continent and beyond, fear public gatherings lest they be the target of yet more Boko Haram butchery. This group of killers has effectively paralyzed a nation.

By contrast the terrorist kidnappers in Israel have galvanized a nation with all eyes transfixed on the military search, on prayers for three families’ safe return of their sons.

Nigeria, the most populous nation in Africa is home to 166 million people.

Israel, the smallest nation in the Middle East is home to 6 million Jews.

In a nation of 166 million the lives of 300 girls doesn’t seem to take precedence over governments’ narcissism. The Army exists to serve the government.

In Israel the Army exists to serve the nation. Every Jew is a nation.

- David Mandel, CEO of OHEL

Story behind the Friday false rumors in reference to the kidnappings

This Friday morning, Dusiznies received information that we now know was false, that the kidnapped boys were rescued!
Here is the background of what transpired!
First see an email from IDF Spokrsman Brig Gen. Moti Almoz.
"There is nothing to the rumors that have been spread and they are baseless. I am calling on everyone to act responsibly and I promise to deliver the most accurate information," IDF Spokesperson Brig. Gen. Moti Almoz says.

IDF arrests 80 Hamas members in West Bank in response to kidnapping, Video

The IDF has arrested 80 Hamas members - including members of the Palestinian Legislative Council - in a massive wave of raids throughout the West Bank early on Sunday, as part of Israel's response to the kidnapping of three Israeli youths on Thursday.

While suspicions appear to be falling on Hamas as being behind the abduction,a security source said the wave of arrests did not mean that Hamas definitely carried it out.
He described the operational pattern of the kidnappers as "certainly being complex and different," suggesting that a terrorist organization was involved.
Hamas leaders Hassan Yousef, Wasfi Qabaha, Khaled Abu Arafeh and Mohammed Totah were among those arrested by the IDF, according to Palestinian reports.
The military also declared a closure for parts of the south Judea region, from Bethlehem southwards.


"The aim of this activity is to tighten the circle of intelligence," a senior army source said. He added that levels of violence in the West Bank remained under control, with one pipe bomb attack reported in Kalandia, and sporadic rock throwing.
Large numbers of infantry soldiers, including the Paratroopers' 35th Division, Kfir's 900th Division, and many intelligence units are on the ground, continuing to expand the operation.
On Saturday, security forces made "some progress" in efforts to track down the location of the abducted youths, the source said.

The IDF and Shin Bet [Israel Security Agency] made a number of arrests of Palestinians overnight in Judea, the source stated, as part of an effort "to get closer to the inner circle [of the terrorist cell] that handled the teenagers who disappeared."
"We are checking a number of directions," he continued, and warned that the search could span days, rather than hours. "All of our operational and intelligence systems have been very much involved in the past 24 hours, to try and retrieve the teenagers," he said.
On Saturday, the IDF deployed all of the battalions of the the 35th Paratrooper Brigade to the West Bank, as well as a number of special forces.
Khaled Abu Toameh contributed to this report.


Chevron under Curfew , All Gaza Checkpoints Closed in Search for Yeshiva Boys!

A curfew was put in place for the Hebron area beginning at midnight Sunday. Additionally, all Gaza checkpoints were closed, the IDF Spokesman's Office reported.

Exceptions are being made for emergency medical and humanitarian purposes.

The decision was made by the Defense Ministry after much deliberation.

Kidnapped Yeshiva Boys! Updated

The three youths who were kidnapped by terrorists on Thursday night are Eyal Yifrach, 19, of Elad, Gilad Shaar, 16, of Talmon, and Naftali Frenkel, 16, of Nof Ayalon.

In a motzei Shabbos press conference the prime minister stated every took and asset at his disposal will be used to bring the teenagers back safe and sound, and to prevent their transfer to Gaza. He stated there is no longer any doubt that this is a terrorist attack and the missing youths were abducted by terrorists. Some of the critics feel the IDF and other agencies were far too slow to activate the system, explaining the call came from one of the youths stating “we were abducted” shortly after 10 PM on Thursday night, yet security forces did not begin addressing the abduction as an act of terror until Friday morning. They fear that during those precious hours immediately following the incident the boys could have been transferred to Gaza, Sinai or even Jordan.

Logistically speaking the vehicle traveling south from Gush Etzion could have continued southbound on Route 60 to Beersheva and from there it would be easy to make it to Gaza or Sinai.

In his address to the motzei Shabbos press conference, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz reassured the nation that the military was doing everything possible to locate the youths.

The various news analysts and reports quoting “senior IDF officials” anonymously seem to believe that Hamas is behind the terrorist abduction of the youths. One of the fears is that they are no longer alive chas v’sholom. The experts explain “it is most difficult and nearly impossible” to keep three teens hostage inside the Hebron area without someone hearing something. This is the reason some feel that they were killed shortly after being abducted or alternatively, transferred to Gaza or Sinai. Despite the lack of cooperation from PA residents, the IDF does maintain a good intelligence network throughout Yehuda and Shomron and this too leads some experts to believe the youths are not among the living chas v’sholom or have been transferred to Gaza or elsewhere.

PA authorities located a Hyundai i35 which is believed to have been the vehicle used to transport the boys. It appears the vehicle was stolen from Israel and used by the terrorists. Police forensic experts reportedly have found DNA and other evidence in that vehicle belonging to the victims.

Once again, the IDF continues to operate under the premise that they are alive, as was stated by Defense Minister Ya’alon, and the search continues to focus on the Hebron district. The military on Shabbos continued using various means to obtain information, including deployment of drone surveillance aircraft.

The Security Cabinet will convene later on motzei Shabbos. due to the lack of concrete information as to the whereabouts of the hostages, it is unlikely the cabinet is going to reach any decision but more likely they are convening to be briefed and give a free hand to the IDF.

Israel Police remains on heightened alert nationwide against additional attempts to abduct Israelis as well as violence related to the current situatio
Naftali is an American citizen. American officials have been notified as was reported on erev Shabbos.

The search for the youths continued throughout Friday night and Shabbos and it continues on motzei Shabbos as well. Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon reported that thousands of troops have been moved to Yehuda and Shomron, with an emphasis on the Hebron area, where it is believed the youths are being held.

The search was in PA (Palestinian Authority) occupied Hebron and surrounding villages south of the holy city including Dura and Yata. Amid the ongoing house-to-house searches security forces have arrested dozens of PA residents for questioning in the hope of obtaining information that will lead to the youths. One PA resident whose husband and brothers have been missing for a number of days was taken to the ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) for questioning as security officials feel perhaps they are involved. PA residents are not cooperative by and large, and for many, the news of the kidnapping of the youths was reason for celebration.

Parades were held in Gaza as well as some areas controlled by the PA in Yehuda and Shomron on Shabbos as residents wished to celebrate the terrorist kidnapping of the Jewish youths.

While Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu blames the Abu Mazen administration, which recently signed a coalition government agreement with Hamas, PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen) according to all reports is cooperating to the utmost amid the realization it is to his advantage that the youths are found safe and sound as quickly as possible. Israel has asked PA forces not to assist in the field but PA authorities are passing information to Israeli security agencies.

In a motzei Shabbos press conference the prime minister stated that he  took every asset at his disposal and will be used to bring the teenagers back safe and sound, and to prevent their transfer to Gaza. He stated there is no longer any doubt that this is a terrorist attack and the missing youths were abducted by terrorists.

Some of the critics feel the IDF and other agencies were far too slow to activate the system, explaining the call came from one of the youths stating “we were abducted” shortly after 10 PM on Thursday night, yet security forces did not begin addressing the abduction as an act of terror until Friday morning. They fear that during those precious hours immediately following the incident the boys could have been transferred to Gaza, Sinai or even Jordan.

Logistically speaking the vehicle traveling south from Gush Etzion could have continued southbound on Route 60 to Beersheva and from there it would be easy to make it to Gaza or Sinai.

In his address to the motzei Shabbos press conference, IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Benny Gantz reassured the nation that the military was doing everything possible to locate the youths.

The various news analysts and reports quoting “senior IDF officials” anonymously seem to believe that Hamas is behind the terrorist abduction of the youths.

One of the fears is that they are no longer alive chas v’sholom. The experts explain “it is most difficult and nearly impossible” to keep three teens hostage inside the Hebron area without someone hearing something. This is the reason some feel that they were killed shortly after being abducted or alternatively, transferred to Gaza or Sinai. Despite the lack of cooperation from PA residents, the IDF does maintain a good intelligence network throughout Yehuda and Shomron and this too leads some experts to believe the youths are not among the living chas v’sholom or have been transferred to Gaza or elsewhere.

PA authorities located a Hyundai i35 which is believed to have been the vehicle used to transport the boys. It appears the vehicle was stolen from Israel and used by the terrorists. Police forensic experts reportedly have found DNA and other evidence in that vehicle belonging to the victims.

Once again, the IDF continues to operate under the premise that they are alive, as was stated by Defense Minister Ya’alon, and the search continues to focus on the Hebron district. The military on Shabbos continued using various means to obtain information, including deployment of drone surveillance aircraft.

The Security Cabinet will convene later on motzei Shabbos. due to the lack of concrete information as to the whereabouts of the hostages, it is unlikely the cabinet is going to reach any decision but more likely they are convening to be briefed and give a free hand to the IDF.

Israel Police remains on heightened alert nationwide against additional attempts to abduct Israelis as well as violence related to the current situatio

Friday, June 13, 2014

3 Bochrim kidnapped, 1 is an American, by Arab Savages! Video

An extremist Salafist organization in the West Bank is claiming responsibility for kidnapping three missing Israeli youths, Channel 10 is reporting.

Names for Tehillim-
Yaakov Naftali Ben Rochel Devorah
Gilad Michoel ben Bat Galim
Eyal ben Iris Teshura

The organization, Dawlat al-Islam, released a statement saying that the abductions were aimed at taking revenge against Israel for the killing of three of their operatives in the West Bank months ago. There has been no official confirmation of the claim's veracity.
Security forces fear that three teenage yeshiva boys, all 16 years of age, one of them from the USA, were kidnapped in the West Bank after they went missing from a hitchhiking spot in the Gush Etzion area Thursday night. 
The youths went missing during the course of Thursday night and security forces are conducting sweeping searches of the area.

Israel says it holds the Palestinian Authority responsible for the well-being of the missing youths.

The Jerusalem Post has learned that one of the three is an American citizen. US Ambassador Dan Shapiro has been briefed on the situation.

Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu has been briefed on the latest developments of the search. Netanyahu convened an emergency security cabinet session with his top defense chiefs at the Kirya Defense Ministry compound in Tel Aviv.

The army said on Friday that it was seeking intelligence leads that could shed light on the fate of the missing youths. The IDF said that it was holding routine situational assessments with other security arms in order to ascertain the whereabouts of the missing yeshiva students.
While they do strongly fear the boys were kidnapped, security forces have not yet been able to rule out all other possibilities police said.
Meanwhile, security forces have also placed roadblocks on roadways leading to the border with Egypt and the Gaza Strip for fear that this event is a kidnapping by Islamist extremists who may seek to transfer the three Israelis to Gaza.
According to reports, the IDF and the Shin Bet security service are in touch with their counterparts in the Palestinian Authority security apparatus in an effort to advance the search.

A torched car that was found alongside a highway in the vicinity of the search. Investigators towed away the car and will begin examining the remains in an effort to determine whether there is any connection to the missing students search.
Police were in touch with the families and said that they have no reason to believe that the teenagers decided to go missing on their own, or run away from home or their yeshiva.
A spokesman for one of the families, said that the missing teen was with a friend when he disappeared. He was making his normal trek home for Shabbat from his high-school yeshiva, Makor Chaim in Kfar Etzion, as he does every week.
He called his father around from the hitching post and said he had already left school. Initially his father did not worry, because his son often took his time coming home and sometimes did not arrive until late at night.
But after midnight, the father called his son's phone. When he could not reach him by 2 a.m. he personally went to the police station. Until morning, the father held out hope, that his son had gone to a friend's home to sleep. A series of SMS message in the morning, revealed that this was not the case.
Palestinian media on Friday reported that a large number of Israeli forces had been deployed to the Hebron vicinity in search of the boys who went missing earlier in the morning.
Palestinian news agency Ma'an cited sources in the vicinity as saying Israeli forces had raided various home in the city of Dura, located southwest of Hebron, in search of the missing boys.

Frum Moroccan Father kills his two children!

Unsuspecting kids arrived at their father's house to start a carefree summer vacation with family and friends, little did they know that in just a few hours their so-called loving dad would end their lives; neighbor: 'In the evening they were still playing water wars with their cousins'.

A relative of the father who stabbed his 10-year-old son Yishai Levy and 12-year-old daughter Sarah Levy, told Ynetnews that in the past he threatened his ex-wife saying, "If you won't let me see the kids, you won't see them ever again".

The organization that represented the mother during the divorce process said she was afraid he would hurt the children.

Despite the fact the he turned himself in, the suspect refused to cooperate with the investigators. The police seized files documenting the divorce process in the suspect's home. The Ramle Magistrate Court extended his arrest. The police claimed that "the motive for the murders is the ongoing dispute the suspect had with his ex-wife regarding the custody agreement."

A public defense attorney who was appointed to represent the suspect said he appeared disturbed. "I talked with the suspect and felt that despite the quietness he projected, inside he was upset," said the attorney. The suspect refused his attorney and the judge's suggestion to undergo a psychiatric evaluation. Judge Rivka Glatt ordered the Israel Prison Service to keep a close watch on the suspect.

Yesterday the children arrived in Israel for a visit and few hours later they were murdered by their father. The mother, who lives in the US, received the devastating news and is making her way to Israel. According to a family relative, in recent years the visitation arrangements between the divorced couple had changed.

"At first it was agreed that the children will visit three times a year, but after a while it was reduced to twice a year. He kept telling us that his soul is empty when the kids are not around. He kept saying that she was purposely making it hard for him to see them, so we believe that he thought he was getting back at her."

Up until the divorce, the couple lived in Yashresh community south of Ramle in central Israel. During that time, the wife made several complaints to the police regarding domestic violence. In one of the incidents the suspect was sentenced to community service and in another incident the wife moved to a women's shelter.

After the divorce the wife and children moved to the US and in an agreement authorized by the court it was determined that the father could see his kids twice a year. In Israel, the wife was represented by Rackman Center for the Advancement of the Status of Woman.

The head of the center, Director of the Center: Prof. Ruth Halperin-Kaddari, said that the ex-wife was a new immigrant who suffered financial difficulties as a result of her ex-husband's refusal to pay child support. "She returned to her family in the United States, who supported her financially and helped her rebuild the children's lives.

"During the divorce legal proceeding the mother warned that her soon-to-be ex-husband might hurt the kids and raised her concerns regarding their visits to their father's house. I want to stress that the move to the US was conducted with the father's agreement and despite the complicated situation between the two she made sure to maintain the relationship between him and the kids," said Halperin-Kaddari.

Another family relative of the suspect said that he talked about the children's visit and was very excited about it. "The kids arrived yesterday and the joy here was great. The kids played with their cousins and afterwards we all ate dinner together and as far as I could see there wasn't anything unusual or any sign of distress. We went home at about 9:30 pm and after two hours we learned of the horrific news".

The relative insisted that the suspect appeared to be a normative person and a model father, but after the divorce he was different. "He talked about how the distance from the kids was depressing him, but he was optimistic and believed that things would change for the better. Gradually his joy of living had disappeared."

An 11-year-old girl from the community, whose family lives next to the suspect, was playing with the suspect's children yesterday. The girl told Ynetnews: "we met in their backyard and played until sundown. We haven't seen each other for six months and they said school was boring in the US and that they missed their friends in Israel. In the evening they were still playing water war with their cousins. They were good friends".

The morning after the murder Yashresh residents had a hard time dealing with the tragedy. The suspect was born and raised in the community and everybody knew him. Today he lives in a structure near his parents' house. Neighbors and acquaintances told Ynetnews that in the last few days he seemed depressed. Danny, one of the neighbors said "a few days ago I met him at the synagogue and he seemed off, I asked what was wrong, but he wouldn’t say, but it was clear that he was going through something".

Chairman of the regional council Elad Levi paints a slightly different picture. "The writing wasn't on the wall; an hour before the tragic event, the father was attending a party in the community with songs and guitars and seemed very happy."

The letter sent out to Jewish Community of Columbus, Ohio, where the children lived.
Beth Jacob Congregation
June 12th, 2014 - 14 Sivan 5774
Dear Friends,
There has been a terrible tragedy in our community. Two of our precious CTA students, Sarah and Yishai Levy, grades 4 and 5, were killed yesterday in Israel by their father.The children had just arrived in Israel to visit with their father, who is divorced from their mother Karen Levy. We are doing everything we can to support Karen at this time.

Counselors for parents and students from Jewish Family Services will be available at CTA today from 10:30am-5pm, and Dr. David Miller, school psychologist, will be available from 12pm-2pm. CTA is working on setting up counseling hours tomorrow as well. Details are forthcoming.

Sarah and Yishai were beautiful children who thrived in CTA and were a core part of our Berwick community. They will be profoundly missed by their classmates, teachers, neighbors and friends. May their memories be for a blessing.

Rabbi Avi Goldstein

Rabbi Chaim Yosef Ackerman,
Ahavas Sholom
Eli Senyor and Omri Ephraim contributed to this report

Para Adumah recently born, Is Mashiach around the corner?

Yeshivah World prohibits Rolled Up Sleeves on Shabbos without Eiruv for Some but for Others it is permitted???

Rabbi Moishe Dovid Lebovits of KOF-K Kosher Supervision, wrote a column on  Halacha for THEYESHIVAWORLD and has the following question:
"Is it permitted to roll up your sleeves and go out where there is no Eiruv? "
I'm not kidding!
My question: Can you put your Peios around your ear on Shabbos where there is no eiruv? How about wearing a Talis to go home after you finished davening, where there is no eiruv?

Anyway, after reading the "big" Shaaleh, I'm confused.
Will comment after the ruling and footnotes!
Rolled up Sleeves on Shabbos
There is a basis to permit wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up in a place that does not have an eiruv. (40) A person who is rolling up his sleeves because he is not interested in wearing a long sleeve shirt may not walk outside with his sleeves rolled up on Shabbos because the sleeve is regarded by him as a burden and not part of the garment. However, one who would not wear a short sleeve shirt for reasons of modesty or the like, and rolls up the sleeves because he feels it is more proper to wear it that way, may walk outside like that on Shabbos.(41)

[40]Emes L’Yaakov 301:footnote 337, Be’er Moshe 3:62, Shemiras Shabbos K’hilchoso 18:4.
[41] Horav Yisroel Belsky Shlita who heard this directly from Horav Moshe Feinstein zt”l. Refer to Migdal Dovid 4:page 1014:528a, The Shabbos Home 1:page 166:footnote 15

My comments in PURPLE
There is a basis to permit wearing a shirt with the sleeves rolled up in a place that does not have an eiruv.  A person who is rolling up his sleeves because he is not interested in wearing a long sleeve shirt may not walk outside with his sleeves rolled up on Shabbos because the sleeve is regarded by him as a burden and not part of the garment.

How about a guy like me, who hates formal white short sleeve shirts, but I wear my long sleeved shirts and roll them up,it's not a burden, that's the way I wear my shirts, I can't wear that now?

 However, one who would not wear a short sleeve shirt for reasons of modesty or the like,

What does "the like" mean and imply? Does "the like" mean because I don't like the look of formal short sleeve shirts?

 and rolls up the sleeves because he feels it is more proper to wear it that way, may walk outside like that on Shabbos.
So now I can wear it that way? Didn't you start by saying I can't?
Mr. Levovitz.... stick to donuts!

"Monsey Community" Facebook Group Administrator acting like Putin!

There exists a Monsey community group on Facebook called "Neighborhood."
Yesterday, a discussion took place, which turned into a lively but completely civil debate. One of the administrators of the group decided that she didn't want the debate to continue, so she threatened to delete further comments and ban anyone who dares defy her.

In response to this bullying, MS.
Gila Kind decided to create a new group called Neighborhood Too.
The  administrator retaliated,  banning everyone who has been added to the new group.
That's right, folks:
People found themselves banned from Neighborhood even though they had neither commented nor added themselves  to the new group.

This administrator has every right, I suppose, to do what she did. People are allowed to be intolerant. There is no law that says you must respect others' opinions and allow for civilized debate on the Facebook forums you rule over.

But for those who, like me, prefer more free, tolerant spaces to share your ideas, I encourage you to pack your bags and plan your exodus from Neighborhood.

*The administrator in question did not create the group, and she has previously removed the administrator's rights of the person who made her an administrator in the first place.
Stay tuned! Only in Monsey!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

MIT Experts say that Humans learned how to speak from Monkeys and Birds

There is only one problem with this exciting conclusion: Monkeys and Birds don't speak, otherwise it's a great study!

This study wants us to believe that we learned to speak from a species that has yet to utter one intelligent syllable in thousands of years....
Find me one monkey in the entire universe that can say:
"Hiyeh Dooin Buddy" and I'll donate 2x Chai to MIT!

Oh the Parakeet ... forgot about that....
but doesn't a parakeet mimic? If the Parakeet never heard anyone speak, the parakeet won't say "boo", so how did the parakeet teach my grandfather to say "Shalom"???

 Who paid for this study, because I would like to get some of the stuff they're smoking.

Humans learned to talk to one another by copying birds and other primates sometime in the last 100,000 years, experts have said.

Linguists from MIT suggest that human communication could have evolved from older systems used by birds and primates.

Previous research has found that humans derive the melodic part of language from birds. However, the authors also say we evolved our pragmatic content-carrying part of speech from other primates.

Linguist Shigeru Miyagawa said: "How did human language arise? It's far enough in the past that we can't just go back and figure it out directly. The best we can do is come up with a theory that is broadly compatible with what we know about human language and other similar systems in nature."

It is thought human language is unique because it allows for infinite set of new meanings. However, after analysing some qualities of human language, the researchers found we share some of the finite qualities of other animals, suggesting our language is much more similar to other animals than previously believed.
"Yes, human language is unique, but if you take it apart in the right way, the two parts we identify are in fact of a finite state,"

Miyagawa said. "Those two components have antecedents in the animal world. According to our hypothesis, they came together uniquely in human language."
Published in Frontiers in Psychology, the researchers built on previous research that links birdsongs to human speech. They noted, however, that birds only have a limited number of melodies so the development of speech must incorporate another aspect from nature – specifically primates.
"You have these two pieces," said co-author Robert Berwick. "You put them together and something novel emerges. We can't go back with a time machine and see what happened, but we think that's the basic story we're seeing with language."

Yeshivaworld blog permits killing insects! Thank G-D!

THE YESHIVA WORLD has an Halachic Column, and in this column Rabbi Levovitz of the Chof K rules that you can kill the mosquito that's about to sting your toddler! Thanks alot, Rabbi!
In the footnotes, מראה מקומות, they quote Rabbi Belsky!
What is wrong with us? Are we that crazy?

Are you telling me that a guy saw his child about to be bitten by a wasp so he ran to call R' Belsky to get permission to kill the bee?

This question is not a shabbos question, no, it's about killing a spider on a typical Monday!

I want to know which meshiginer asked this Shealeh?

Notice that they write "Many poskim", in other words there are poskim who hold that it is prohibited!

Tell your exterminators to stay home. Let the cockroaches have a field day! Some poskim want them to rule your crib, guys!
Would you eat cholant in a shul where the Rabbi abides by these poskim?

My friends, mosquitoes and roaches are carriers of major diseases; bees can actually kill if you are allergic to the sting!

Read the following and laugh!

During the summer, insects often make their way into homes and bungalows where they can be very annoying. Many poskim say there is no issur to kill insects or flies (during the week) which are bothersome to a person. One is permitted to hang up sticky paper on the wall,[20] or to use an electric fly killer.[21] 

[20] Horav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Halachos Of The Country page 13:footnote 23, V’ein Lumo Michshal 5:page 93, Vihiy B’nsoa page 238:1. Refer to Ezer Mekodesh E.H. 5:14, Yad Ha’Levi C.M. 10:page 395.

[21] Horav Yisroel Belsky Shlita, see Avnei Yushfei 1:80:1.

Crazy Jews Still support Hillary Clinton even though she calls Israel an "Occupying Force"

Stupid Jews haven't learned their bloody history, they are still supporting that anti-Israel Hillary Clinton.

Israel was surrounded by Arabs wolves, about to devour her in 1967, and she won the war fair and square.  
And yet the crazy upside down world calls Israel Occupiers!

We have this tiny State, and liberal Jews sitting on their comfortable couches in the USA, continue to support the Arab loving Clintons' who want to cut huge chunks from our G-D given land!
I dare you to find Israel on this map!
Germany last week announced that they have grave concerns with the latest report that Israel issued 1,300 new tenders to the settlements. 
Can you believe that? 
Germany has "grave concerns?"
 Germany would love to see Israel Judenrein!

Remember when England in 1982, sent war ships half way around the world to the Falklands, to secure the Islands, because Argentina  invaded? 
 The Queen even put her son, Prince Andrew's, life in danger, and put him on one of those ships, so that G-D forbid they shouldn't lose a bunch of tiny worthless islands, yet England has the Chutzpah to call the settlements, occupied?

Leftist Jewish Bloggers (who hate Israel) will tell you, 
"well, there are Israelis in Israel that say, Israel is an Occupying Force." 
To that I say .....Bull Shi_ ! T
There are no Israels that feel that way ..... there are only Leftist Israeli Self-Hating Professors and self-hating Jewish news reporters like Haaretz that say that!

I spent a month in Israel just in the past year, and I spoke to the typical Israeli, and 100% of them, don't want to give anything back.

So these sick demented bloggers ask (as if concerned), "what do we do with the Arabs living in Israel?"
To that, I answer  "What do we do with the Arabs in America?" 
If they obey the law, fine, and if they don't we arrest them!

I would give the Arabs living in Israel the exact same rights they gave Jews living in their countries!

So this witch, Hillary writes a book called "Hard Choices" and accuses America's best friend of being occupiers!
Hillary as First Lady  kissing Mrs. Arafat 

A new book takes aim at Israel, angers pro-Israel community. 
Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton accuses Israel of being an occupying force in her new memoir Hard Choices and claims that the Jewish state denies “dignity and self determination” to Palestinians in the West Bank.

Clinton recalls being surprised by what she termed “life under occupation for the Palestinians,” according to the book.

Pro-Israel officials and insiders on Capitol Hill have called Clinton’s comments tone deaf and said that her claim that Israel is an occupying force reveals a bias against the Jewish state.

“When we left the city and visited Jericho, in the West Bank, I got my first glimpse of life under occupation for Palestinians, who were denied the dignity and self-determination that Americans take for granted,” Clinton writes.

Clinton’s comments demonstrate that she supports the Obama administration’s efforts to pressure and marginalize Israel, which current Secretary of State John Kerry recently accused of becoming an “apartheid state,” said one senior GOP Senate aide, who worked with Clinton when she was at the State Department.

“What we see here is the true Hillary Clinton, no longer muzzling herself for fear of reelection in New York or Senate confirmation fights—the woman who embraced Suha Arafat after smiling through anti-Semitic tirades,” said the former senior GOP Senate aide who for years battled Clinton’s State Department.

The source referred to a 1999 incident in which Clinton sat by smiling as the wife of former terrorist leader Yasser Arafat went on an anti-Israel tirade.

“This should put every American on notice that Hillary Clinton plans to continue Barack Obama’s failed Middle East policy that coddles terrorists and castigates democratic allies,” said the former official. “Clinton knows she lost to Obama in 2008 because she was outflanked by the left—she won’t make that mistake twice and she knows how much the left hates Israel.”

Clinton goes on to take aim at the Netanyahu government for not returning land to the Palestinians that she claims has been “occupied by Israel since 1967.”

Clinton is referring to territory seized by Israel in the 1967 Six Day War, in which Egypt, Jordan, and Syria attacked Israel from every side in a bid to destroy the Jewish state.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Clinton claims, is not serious about the peace process.

This claim has been echoed by senior State Department officials, several of whom have sought to blame Israel for the recent failure of peace talks.

“Netanyahu has been deeply skeptical of the Oslo framework of trading land for peace and a two-state solution that would give the Palestinians a country of their won in territory occupied by Israel since 1967,” Clinton writes.

One senior pro-Israel official who reviewed Clinton’s comments dubbed them as “troubling.”

“The quotes, which gives insight into Clinton’s thinking, are troubling,” the official told the Washington Free Beacon. “Most Americans, when they first experience the tiny distance separating average Israelis from enemies pledged to their destruction, immediately think of the difficult security situation that our allies have to negotiate. Not Clinton though.”

Clinton has come under fire from a pro-Israel group for not publicly condemning Kerry’s apartheid remarks about Israel, which were criticized by many Democrats.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Israel loses strong GOP Ally, Eric Cantor to Tea Party

House Majority Leader Eric Cantor was defeated by a little-known economics professor in Virginia's Republican primary, a stunning upset and major victory for the tea party.
Cantor is the second-most powerful member of the U.S. House and was seen by some as a possible successor to the House speaker.

His loss to Dave Brat, a political novice with little money marks a huge victory for the tea party movement, which supported Cantor just a few years ago.

Brat had been a thorn in Cantor's side on the campaign, casting the congressman as a Washington insider who isn't conservative enough. Last month, a feisty crowd of Brat supporters booed Cantor in front of his family at a local party convention.

His message apparently scored well with voters in the 7th District.

"There needs to be a change," said Joe Mullins, who voted in Chesterfield County Tuesday. The engineering company employee said he has friends who tried to arrange town hall meetings with Cantor, who declined their invitations.

Tiffs between the GOP's establishment and tea party factions have flared in Virginia since tea party favorite Ken Cuccinelli lost last year's gubernatorial race. Cantor supporters have met with stiff resistance in trying to wrest control of the state party away from tea party enthusiasts, including in the Cantor's home district.

Brat teaches at Randolph-Macon College, a small liberal arts school north of Richmond. He raised just more than $200,000 for his campaign, according to the most recent campaign finance reports

Viznitzer Rebbe in New York and Chassidim Celebrate by Drinking Coca Cola!

What happened with Mayim Chaim?
Chassidim finally realized if you are going to drink Cola it's got to be the "real thing"!
The green bottle next to the Rebbe is Sprite! NU?


Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Rome Chief Rabbi decides Not to join the Pope's Minyan with Peres and Abbas

It seems that Peres only likes to daven with "Galachim" and terrorists, but the Chief Rabbi of Rome will only daven with other Jews.

 At the interfaith prayer meeting held Sunday at the Vatican with Pope Francis, Shimon Peres and Mahmoud Abbas, one Italian religious figure was noticeably absent – Riccardo Di Segni, Rome’s chief rabbi.

Di Segni had been invited to the prayer meeting but did not attend, stating he had “other commitments” to attend according to reports Haaretz

Di Segni has never been a strong proponent of Catholic/Jewish dialogue. In an interview with Haaretz last month, he said, “from the theological point of view,” Catholics and Jews “have nothing to discuss,” but does support what he calls “good neighborly relations.”

The June edition of Pagine Ebraiche – a Jewish monthly magazine – published another interview given by Di Segni where he criticized the interfaith prayer and described it as, “puzzling and even dangerous.”
Il Foglio, a right-wing daily paper with a conservative Catholic perspective, published another interview with Di Segni in which he stated that if he hadn’t already had other plans to attend to, he would have attended “as a mere observer” and made it clear that Pope Francis did not invite him to the session, but Shimon Peres did.
Not all Italian rabbis agree with De Segni. Florence’s chief rabbi, Dr. Joseph Levi, supports the pope’s efforts to build interfaith dialogue, and attended Sunday’s prayer meeting. The president of Italy’s Rabbinic Assembly, Giuseppe Momigliano, also supported the event.
Renzo Gattegna, president of the Comunità Ebraiche Italiane, the national umbrella organization of Italian Jewry, and leader of Rome’s Jewish Community, Riccardo Pacifici, also attended.

Lady Rebbe, Nadverdner Einikel, Will be a Contestant on "Jeopardy" game Show

Nu Nu, looks like she followed the tradition of her Nadverner Zaidis staying up all Shevuois night, but I'll guess that she was probably studying for the show, Jeopardy. 
I'm not certain, but it seems that  she ate alot of Kreplach, but I won't judge her.

Sari Laufer isn’t allowed to say how well she did on the TV quiz show “Jeopardy” until the first episode featuring her airs Wednesday night June 11.

One thing the 35-year-old Reform rabbi will share, however, is that she was “really determined” to answer correctly the one Jewish question that arose during the game.
“No matter how I did, I didn’t want to be embarrassed, particularly not on a question that my congregants would be like, ‘She doesn’t know that?” she said.

The associate rabbi at Manhattan’s Congregation Rodeph Sholom, Laufer is not the first rabbi — or even the first female one — to appear on the 30-year-old quiz show. In 2011, Rabbi Joyce Newmark, a Conservative rabbi who lives in Teaneck, N.J., won $29,000 on the show.

But Laufer had long dreamed of going on the show, which she grew up watching with her grandmother, an ardent “Jeopardy” fan. She first auditioned for the show as an undergrad at Northwestern University. As a rabbinical student at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion’s Los Angeles campus, she made it all the way to the contestant pool but was never called to tape a show.
Last year, while pregnant with her first child, Laufer got an email from “Jeopardy” inviting her to an in-person interview on the Upper West Side. Again, she made it to the contestant pool, meaning that she could be called any time in the next 18 months.
“I literally forgot about it,” she said, noting that the months after her interview were consumed with becoming a mother (her son Jacob is now 8 months old), closely followed by the loss of her “Jeopardy”-loving grandmother in December.

Because it happened in year marked by critical life events, Laufer said she was able to put the show in perspective and, instead of feeling pressured to win, could relax and enjoy herself.
“I was able to be there and feel like my grandmother was with me,” she said.

Did her rabbinical training help on the show?
“I think more than anything, I’m just totally comfortable in front of a crowd,” she said. “Some people, when they get in there with the lights and microphone, they get overwhelmed. That didn’t faze me.”
“Had I gotten one of those Hebrew Bible categories, it would have been fantastic,” she added.

Rabbonim attempt to put Lady "Therapist" out of business in Boro-Park

The truth is that this lady (we will not publish her name) calls herself a "mentor". 
But in this poster, the signed Rabbonim say, that no one should consult her because, a) she has no credentials and b) she is "undermining chinuch".

Question: Why was it ok for Weberman, the convicted rapist to be called by Satmar a "therapist" and they defended him, saying that he  was a "therapist" even though he had a zero credentials, but it is not ok for her to be a "therapist" when she has the same credentials as Weberman!

How much "undermining chinuch" did Weberman do when he burned his victims' stomach for his own sadistical desires?

Here Are The Two Multi-Million Dollar Mansions Hillary Says She “Struggled” To Pay Mortgage On

 they purchased this $2.85 million mansion on Embassy Row in Washington D.C. The home has 5 bedrooms and 6 baths.

They bought this $1.7 million mansion in Chappaqua, NY so Hillary could claim residence in the state ahead of her 2000 Senate campaign.

In an interview with Diane Sawyer,
The “we struggled to get by” defense from a multi-millionaire might be tough to swallow for Americans actually struggling to pay their mortgage. Hillary, after-all, left the White House having spent 20 years living in gratis government mansions in Little Rock and Washington D.C.
Additionally, lets not forget that Bill Clinton’s annual salary was $200,000/year as President and he was able to cash-in on a $50,000 expense account. The Clintons made roughly FOUR times what
After leaving the White House, the Clintons bought two multi-million dollar mansions the average American made and “struggled to get by.”