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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Monsey House on Dolson on Fire

Dozens of firefighters are currently at the scene of a working fire, in Monsey NY. The fire is in a private home at 35 Dolson Avenue. Numerous Departments have responded as mutual aid assistance, as firefighters continue battling the blaze in freezing temps.
 There is one injury reported, although this has not been confirmed.

16 year-old teen Caleb Jacoby Missing, Brookline MA UPDATED!

Caleb Jacoby, Calev Avraham ben Elisheva, 16, an 11th grader at the Maimonides School, has not been heard from since around 12:30 p.m. yesterday.

Caleb Jacoby, 16, is an 11th grader at Maimonides School, Boston. He left his home yesterday at about 12:30pm. No one has heard or received electronic communication from him since that time.
He is the son of Globe columnist Jeff Jacoby.

Detectives from the Brookline, MA PD are actively engaged in searching for him. Police urge anybody with information about his whereabouts to contact them at 617-730-2222.
For prayers- his name is Kalev Avraham ben Elisheva Rut.

Brookline police said Jacoby was last seen wearing navy chino pants or jeans, a navy polo shirt, a brown winter jacket with a hood, brown shoes or sneakers, and white socks. He frequents public libraries and Young Israel of Brookline on Green Street. He is described as having a thin build and short, light brown hair. He has been missing since 12:30 p.m. Monday. This information has been added to the story above

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Jewish community outraged about New York Post Stark headline!

Statement from Assemblyman Dov Hikind
Re: New York Post Cover Caption and Photo “Who Didn’t Want Him Dead”
I understand that the New York Post wants to sell papers and that they are willing to sacrifice the standards of propriety from time to time. But there is a difference between bad taste and just plain indecency.
The pain that this headline caused to not only a man’s family but to the entire Jewish commuA virtual avalanche of negative backlash is being heaped on the New York Post from an outraged Jewish community following its Sunday cover photo of murdered Hasidic real estate developer Menahcem Stark, accompanied by the caption

 “Who Didn’t Want Him Dead?”
Troughout its accompanying article, the NEW YORK POST  refers to Stark as a “slumlord,” while citing a litany unconfirmed complaints against Stark—-the vast majority from “unnamed” sources—-and paints a picture of the deceased father of eight as a man who authorities hint “had so many enemies that investigators say they almost don’t know where to start looking.”

Reaction to the Post’s decision to run the feature has been swift and harsh from an outraged Jewish community.
Councilman Stephen Levin has also responded in disgust, calling on the Post to pull the story and apologize.
Levin’s statement reads,

 ““The New York Post’s unbelievably offensive headline this morning comes the day after Mr. Stark’s family and children, as well as an entire community, laid him to rest and are still mourning his death. For the New York Post to suggest that a person deserved to be murdered is sickening and reaches a new low. The entire community is outraged by such a vulgar headline that is so offensive and horrific. The New York Post should pull their story and issue an apology to the family and community that are still in mourning.”

 Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams’ office stated that, “Today at 3:00 PM, Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams will join Jewish community leaders and local elected officials to condemn the New York Post’s hateful coverage of the murder of Menachem “Max” Stark, a 39-year-old father of eight children from the Hasidic community of Williamsburg. Along with reporting that alleged him to be a crooked slumlord, the Post’s cover featured a picture of Stark next to the headline, “Who didn’t want him dead?”

  “Jewish community leaders will be announcing a $10,000 reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those responsible for the murder of Stark, whose smoldering body was found in a dumpster in Long Island, following his abduction Thursday night outside his real estate office in Brooklyn,” Adams’ statement concludes.

State Senator Simcha Felder add his voice of rage, releasing the following statement:
“I condemn in the strongest possible terms the incredibly insensitive and crass cover of today’s New York Post which mocks the kidnapping and brutal murder of Menachem Stark,” said Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn). The Post must issue an immediate apology to the Stark family and to all New Yorkers for its egregious behavior and failure to exercise any judgment whatsoever in this matter.”

THE ALGEMEINER (http://bit.ly/1hpiPqW) is also running a piece condemning the Post’s story, stating “Stooping to a new low, the New York Post reports this story with inappropriate levity and derision toward the victim. Gloating over Stark’s death, the front cover of Sunday’s New York Post rhetorically asks, “Who didn’t want him dead?” How about the eight children and widow wife mourning over him? How about the hundreds that showed up at his funereal to pay respect? How about any decent human that believes murder is the wrong way to settle disputes?”

Along those lines, “Jew in the City” founder Allison Joseph has posted on her Facebook page, “The deceased did not seem to be someone who lived up to some major Torah ideals. However, there should be a certain basic respect for the dead.”

TWITTER has been exploding, too, with negative responses from angry members of the Jewish community.

Councilman David G. Greenfield Tweeted a short time ago, “I’m sickened by the @NYPost condoning the murder & kidnapping of chasidic businessman. I don’t subscribe. If I did, I would cancel subscription.”

BUSINESS INSIDER (http://read.bi/19Ki1KW) is quoting numerous Tweets, including one that reads, “It’s heart-wrenching that this is leading the @nypost website today. ‘Who DIDN’T want him dead?’ SHAME ON YOU!”
Yaacov Behrman Tweeted “I am deeply disturbed by the cover of the New York Post, “who didn’t want him dead.” How about this young boy?!”—-referring to the young boy pictured at the start of Stark’s standing-room-only funeral last night who, visibly shaken, said in Yiddish, “You know they burned him and left him in the trash.”



New Mayor De Blasio an "ingrate"

New Yorkers were outraged at the shabby treatment of Mayor Bloomberg at his successor’s inauguration. Many emphasized that they didn’t always agree with Bloomy, but believed he deserved better because he served the city honestly and left it in better shape than he found it.
“I fear for our great city,” Gilly Safdeye wrote. “Appreciation and good manners seem to be anathema to our new mayor.”
Pamela Mullen put it this way: “Didn’t anyone in this new administration play team sports as a kid? You never leave the field without shaking the hands of the opposing team.”
Len Resto included a brief passage he wanted de Blasio to say, starting with: “First, I join the entire city in thanking Mayor Bloomberg for his enormous contributions in steering our city through one of its most challenging times and leaving me a with a budget in surplus, city agencies which are fully functional and for a quality of life which is better today than when he took office. Mr. Mayor, thank you!”
It would have taken only a few seconds and, Resto says, would have changed the tone of the day. I agree, but de Blasio doesn’t.
Asked later about the ungracious attacks, the new mayor said: “Everyone who spoke at the inauguration spoke from the heart . . . I’m very comfortable with all that was done.”
There you have the new mayor’s standard. As long as you speak “from the heart,” nothing else matters, including facts and manners.
I trust de Blasio will support that same standard when his critics speak from their hearts.

Funeral of the murdered Stark, video

Hundreds of people turned out tonight for the funeral of Menachem Stark, after the body of the 39 year old Williamsburg real estate developer was found in a dumpster at a Great Neck gas station. 
Stark’s burned body was discovered by police late yesterday afternoon and the Nassau County medical examiner’s office has yet to announce if Stark’s body was burned prior to his death. 

The levaya was held at the Lodiner Shul on Marcy Avenue at 8:30 tonight and the crowds filled the street for a full city block in either direction. 

Emotion laden hespedim were offered by the niftar’s father, R’ Yisroel Stark, his father in law R’ Yisroel Yitzchak Bernath, his chavrusa Chaim Hirsch, his brother in law Pinchas German, R’Avraham Mendlovits, the Lodiner Rov, his business partner Sam Perlmutter, R’ Yosef Dovid Schneebalg, the Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalman Leib Teitelbaum and his brother Yoely Stark. 

 Stark was the father of eight children, ranging in age from 16 to just under one year old. 
 Following the over ninety minute levaya, the niftar and his family departed for an 11 PM levaya to be held in Monroe, with kevura to take place at the Satmar cemetery on Schunnemunk Road.

Nation braces for the coldest temperatures in 40 YEARS! where are the "Global Warming"guys?

  • Below-freezing temperatures expected to carry on through the weekend with rare 'polar vortex' due in the Midwest
  • Record lows expected across the region as a freakishly cold weather-system barrels down from the Arctic to hit the United States
  • Experts have said that the weather will be the coldest experienced in almost three generations
  • Nearly half the nation -- 140 million people -- will be hit by under zero degrees Fahrenheit temperatures or lower by Wednesday
  • Nights in North Dakota will be nearly -30 degrees Fahrenheit
  • At least 16 deaths were blamed on the storm as it swept across the nation's eastern half
  • On Sunday the Green Bay Packers play the San Francisco 49ers at Lambeau Field in Green Bay, Wisconsin - in temperatures approaching -20 - possibly the coldest game ever played
  • Meteorologists have warned that the cold temperatures could remain throughout the entire winter season
  • 2,500 flights canceled on Friday across the U.S. and an additional 5,100 delayed
  • Warnings plummeting temperatures and wind chills below zero could freeze exposed skin within 15 minutes
  • Outreach teams looked to get homeless people off the frigid streets of Minneapolis, New York, Chicago and Boston


    Menachem Stark found Murdered! Video of abduction

    The deceased body of the kidnapped Orthodox Jewish real estate developer from Williamsburg, 39 year-old Menachem Starks, was discovered Friday afternoon in a smoldering dumpster at a Great Neck, Long Island gas station.

    According to sources, initial reports are that Starks died of suffocation, but his body was also badly burned around the hands and midsection.

    Tests are underway by the Nassau County medical examiner to determine whether the burns were post mortem.

    Sources say employees of the Getty station noticed a small plume of smoke rising from the dumpster around 7 a.m. Friday morning, and assuming it was an errantly discarded cigarette, simply threw shovels full of snow over the top of the dumpster to distinguish the fire.

    According to the NY Post, “In the morning, it was smoking,” said Fernando Cerff, owner of the gas station located at 120 Cuttermill Road in Great Neck. “We threw snow on it, and it stopped.”

    Around 4 p.m. Friday afternoon, Cerff said the smell of charred flesh overwhelmed him as he went to discard some trash in the dumpster.
    “There was a smell—-it was horrible,” said Cerff. “I got a really bad feeling about it. I knew something was wrong.

    The station was closed immediately, and the entire dumpster was removed from the property, with later reports saying that Starks’ body had been wrapped in fabric and set ablaze.

    Initial reports are that Starks’ body was in the dumpster overnight.
    Police were able to identify Starks’ body, but initially ran into difficulties contacting family members due to the timing of the weekly Jewish Sabbath.
    “It’s a little hard to get ahold of some people,” one law enforcement source said of the difficulties contacting Starks’ family.

    Ultimately, a contingency of NYPD detectives and community affairs reps visited Starks’ home at around 1:30 p.m. on Saturday, where Starks’ family was assembled.

    Starks had been missing since late Thursday evening after his wife said he failed to return home by midnight.
    Family members subsequently contacted Shomrim, the Orthodox neighborhood watch group.

    Videotaped surveillance footage showing two suspects duct-taping Starks’ hands before forcing him into a white Dodge Caravan outside his South Side Associates offices at 331 Rutledge St. in Willamsburg was found inside Starks’ office.

    Shomrim officially notified police around 2:30 a.m. Friday morning. On Friday, family members offered a $100,000 reward for Starks’ safe return with “no questions asked.”

    There were initial reports that Starks may have been carrying some $4,000 in cash when he was abducted, but his brother Yitzy Stark later denied them. Police released a grainy video of the abduction in asking for the public’s help. NYPD officials said only that the case is being investigated by the major case squad as a homicide.

     The funeral will be held 8:30 tonight at 251 Marcy Ave at the Lodiner Shul.

    Friday, January 3, 2014

    Kim Jong Un killed his uncle by feeding him to starving dogs

    Kim Jong Un & Uncle Jang Song Thaek in "better" time

    According to a detailed report, Kim Jong Un fed his Uncle Jang Song Thaek to a pack of hungry dogs, a deviation from the traditional method of execution by firing squad.

    "Jang was stripped naked and thrown into a cage, along with his five closest aides. Then 120 hounds, starved for three days, were allowed to prey on them until they were completely eaten up. This is called "quan jue", or execution by dogs."
    The report, appearing in a Chinese controlled newspaper, stated that the "execution" lasted for one hour and was supervised by Kim Jong Un and "300 senior officials."  
    Six months ago, the North Korean dictator executed his ex-girlfriend by firing squad. 

    Menachem Stark kidnapped in Williamsburg, update

    Menachem Stark's office
    A Jewish Satmar businessman, Menachim Stark, brother of Cantor Stark was kidnapped overnight from his Williamsburg office.
    New York City police of the 90th Precinct and Williamsburg Shomrim Patrol are investigating reports of an abduction in Brooklyn, Shtark was abducted from his office late last night by two perpetrators into a van.
    According to video surveillance, the two suspects were waiting outside Stark’s office, which is located in the Williamsburg section of Brooklyn, jumped on him, threw him into a big white van, and drove away.

    Police said that numerous phone calls to Stark’s cellphone went unanswered.

    Due to the snowstorm, police are unable to efficiently search for the victim or the suspects.

    Police searched Stark’s office, where they were looking for clues.

    Stark is a strong supporter of the Satmar grand rabbi. Last week, the rabbi's wife held a fundraiser at Stark’s home
    The  scene unfolded on Rutledge Street and Broadway about 11:30pm. Police are reviewing nearby security cameras to get any lead possible.

    As police hunt for clues regarding the apparent abduction of a Williamsburg man, relatives of 39 year old Menachem Stark are issuing an urgent appeal for volunteers.
    “We need people to come help with the cameras,” Yoely Stark, brother of the missing man, told VIN News.  “We need volunteers to see which buildings have cameras and we need people who know how to access the security footage.”
    While police are not officially calling Stark’s disappearance an abduction, they have confirmed that security footage show Stark leaving his office at 2:30 AM.
    “We are still taking reports,” said an NYPD spokesman.  “A male appears to have been taken from his place of work in a van by two people.”

    Menachem Stark is described as being 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighing 185 pounds.
    According to Yoely Stark, security footage shows his brother fighting with the men briefly outside his office at 331 Rutledge Street before he was bound with duct tape and thrown into a light colored Dodge van.  Stark urged volunteers to come forward immediately.
    “We have to move quickly,” said Stark.  “Shabbos is coming and time is very important.  Remember Leiby Kletzky?  They only got him through the security cameras and we need people to come forward now to help.  The fastest way possible to get information is through the cameras which give the most accurate information.”
    Stark asked volunteers to contact Shomrim at 718 237-0202
    A July 2011 report on real estate website TheRealDeal.com names Stark as one of two men facing $51 million in personal guaranty and foreclosure lawsuits for five separate loans made in Williamsburg and Greenpoint in 2006 and 2007.  It is unknown at this time if there is any connection between the lawsuit and the kidnapping.
    Here is the report in Yiddish:
    השתדלו והרבו תחינה ובקשה: רבנים און עסקנים רופן כלל ישראל איינצורייסן פאר דער חסידי'שער אינגערמאן ר' מנחם משולם בן שאניא עטי-ה - וועלכע איז בייזוויליג פארכאפט געווארן נעכטן דאנערשטאג אויפדערנאכט אין הארץ פון וויליאמסבורג דורך צוויי אומאידענטיפיצירטע פארברעכער - אז ער זאל וואס שנעלער אפגעפונען ווערן אין א גוטע צושטאנד, און זיך קענען צוריק פאראייניגען מיט זיין פאמיליע.

    דאנערשטאג נאכט, אום 11:30 האט דער אינגערמאן פארלאזט זיין אפיס וועלכע איז סטאנציאנירט אויף ראטלידזש, ווען פלוצלינג איז ער איבערגעפאלן געווארן דורך צוויי פארמאסקירטע פארשוינען. ווי די זיכערהייט קאמערעס צייגען, איז אנטשטאנען א 5-מינוטיגע העפטיגע געראנגל צווישן דעם אינגערמאן אין זיינע פארכאפער, ביז ער איז ענדגילטיג אריינגעצויגען געווארן אין דער ווייסער-דייטש ווען, וועלכע האט נישט פארמאגט קיים פלעטס אויף זיך.

    שומרים און פאליציי זענען אלארמירט געווארן עטליכע שטונדן שפעטער, דורך זיין פרוי וועלכע האט זיך באקלאגט אז זי קען נישט צוקומען צו איר מאן, און איר טעלעפאן רופן ווערן געענטפערט דורך זיין וואויסמעיל. שומרים אין פאליציי האבן אין איילעניש אינטערגענומען א אינטענסיווע זוך-אקציע און אויספארשונג צו קומען אויף די שפורן פון דעם אינגערמאן אין זיינע פארכאפער.

    דער אויספארשונג זעצט ווייטער פאר מיטן גאנצן קראפט, עס האלטן און איין אריינגעברענגט ווערן פרישע אגענטורן וועלכע זענען ספעציעל טרענירט צו האנדלן מיט אזוינע סענסעטיווע פעלער, און נאך פאליצייאישע עקספערטן וועלכע האבן זיך אין לויף פון די נאכט זיך אנגעשלאסן אין די מאסיווע אויספארשונג.

    דערווייל האלט מען שוין 10 שטונדן פון ווען דער אינגערמאן איז פארכאפט געווארן, און דערווייל האט מען נאכנישט געהערט קיין פאזעטיווע ענדערונגען אינעם קעיס.

    נעמט ארויס א תהלימ'ל און רייסט איין אז אונזער ברודער זאל אפגעפונען ווערן אין א גוטע געזונט-צושטאנד, גאנץ אן קיין שום שאדן.

    Video of "Askanim" meeting, discussing and planning the New York protest against the IDF, IT FAILED

    Bob Grant Radio Talk Show Pioneer Dead at 84

    Longtime conservative radio host Bob Grant, whose combative style became the template for broadcasters such as Sean Hannity and Rush Limbaugh, has died at age 84.
    Grant’s death on Tuesday in Hillsborough, N.J., after a short illness was confirmed on Thursday by New York radio station WABC, which once fired him over his acid-tongued remarks about the plane crash death of one of President Bill Clinton’s cabinet members, the first black commerce secretary.
    “Remember this: If you are offended during the next two hours, it’s nobody’s fault but mine,” Grant said at the top of a broadcast featured in a 2010 tribute. “Because somebody’s got to say these things. It has to be me.”
    Grant was born Robert Ciro Gigante in Chicago in 1939. He began his broadcasting career in the 1940s at WBBM in Chicago. He moved on to radio and television jobs in Los Angeles and was named afternoon drive time host at WABC in 1984.
    Over the years, Grant, who was white, offended some listeners by referring to former New York Mayor David Dinkins, who’s black, as a “washroom attendant,” calling Clinton a “sleazebag” and suggesting women on welfare should be sterilized.
    He once said of blacks: “I can’t take these screaming savages, whether they’re in the African Methodist Church, the A.M.E. church, or whether they’re in the streets, burning, robbing, looting.”
    And, in a May 1993 broadcast, he lambasted Martin Luther King Jr. as “that slimeball” and “this bum, this womanizer, this liar, this fake, this phony.”
    WABC mostly defended Grant’s First Amendment right to voice his opinions. But he apparently crossed the line in 1996 amid early reports that there was only one survivor of the crash of a plane carrying U.S. Commerce Secretary Ron Brown in Croatia.
    “My hunch is that he (Brown) is the one survivor,” he said. “I must have a hunch. Maybe, ‘cause at heart, I’m a pessimist.”
    Two weeks later, Grant was taken off the air. He moved to WOR in New York before returning to WABC in 2006.
    Grant is survived by his sons, Jeff Grant, of Sun City, Ariz., and Chris Grant, of Fallbrook, Calif., and by his daughters, Alisa Mingus, of Kalamazoo, Mo., and Cynthia Gaydosh, of Bridgewater, N.J., according to an obituary prepared by a New Jersey funeral home.
    The obituary says Grant “was a proud friend of Bill W. for 44 years” — a reference to William Wilson, a founder of Alcoholics Anonymous.

    Thursday, January 2, 2014

    Ostreicher resting in LA!

    (L-R) Ari Ostricher next to his brother Yanky, Mark Wahlberg,  Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz on Dec. 31, 2013.

    In the first photos to emerge of Yanky Ostreicher since his arrival in the United States, the Brooklyn businessman is shown together with Holywood actor Mark Wahlberg at the home of a Los Angeles philanthropist.
    VIN News has confirmed the authenticity, and that the photographs were taken on December 31st at the home of Shlomo Yehuda Rechnitz.
    According to a VIN News source who is familiar with the situation and asked to remain anonymous, it was Wahlberg who first made actor Sean Penn aware of Ostreicher’s plight, which set into motion the sequence of events that finally ended in Ostreicher’s escape from Bolivia.  Both Wahlberg and Rechnitz have been working for over a year to facilitate Ostreicher’s return to the United States.
    “It was a covert operation, although maybe not James Bond style,” said the source.
    Ostreicher, who is suffering from Parkinson’s Disease, is said to be staying indefinitely at an undisclosed location in Los Angeles, where he is recovering from his lengthy ordeal in Bolivia.  Ostreicher’s brother, Ari, has flown in from New York and Penn has been visiting with Ostreicher on a daily basis.
    The Aleph Foundation, which has also been involved in the Ostreicher situation for many months, presented Penn and Wahlberg with silver menorahs on Monday and Tuesday respectively, in appreciation of their humanitarian efforts.
    The Aleph Foundation declined to comment on their involvement with Ostreicher and due to the New Years holiday, Wahlberg’s communication office was unavailable for comment.

    Bloomberg blasted at de Blasio swearing in, "Black" Chaplain says "New York is a "plantation"

    Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!

    Mayor de Blasio’s inaugural guests took turns beating up on former Mayor Mike Bloomberg at City Hall Wednesday — even calling his reign a “plantation” that callously ignored New York’s hungry children.
    With the ex-mayor seated just feet away, in the front row of the dais, performer and civil-rights icon Harry Belafonte launched the first shot by calling the city’s justice system “Dickensian” thanks to Bloomberg’s stop-and-frisk policy — an apparent reference to de Blasio’s “Tale of Two Cities” campaign theme.
    “New York alarmingly plays a tragic role in the fact that our nation has the largest prison population in the world,” he said, without mentioning that incarceration rates in the city had plummeted by 36 percent since Bloomberg took office in 2002.
    Sanitation Department Chaplain Fred ­Lucas Jr. prayed that God free New Yorkers from the “shackles of partisan politics” and “political correctness,” and then went on to refer to the city as a “plantation.”
    “Let the plantation called New York City be the city of God, a city up on a hill, a light shining in darkness,” he said.
    Modal Trigger
    And Public Advocate Letitia James bragged that the city’s Democratic victories werevoiceless must give way to a government that works for them, that speaks for them, that cares more about a child going hungry than a new stadium or a new tax credit for a luxury development that a majority of New Yorkers can’t ­afford,” James said.
     “inevitable” because of current conditions. “The policies that made [the struggling class] 
    She added that “we live in a gilded age of inequality where decrepit homeless shelters and housing developments stand in the neglected shadow of gleaming multimillion-dollar condos.”
    She later insisted her rhetoric “wasn’t personal.”
    At one point, James held hands with her new “BFF,” Dasani Coates, a 12-year-old girl The New York Times profiled in a week-long series about homelessness.
    Bloomberg appeared to grimace through much of the ceremony and endured faint boos from the crowd when he was introduced. His successes were virtually ­ignored until former President Bill Clinton finally acknowledged him an hour into the program.
    “I also want to thank Mayor Bloomberg, who has committed so much of his life to New York City,” Clinton said, as Bloomberg mouthed the words, “Thank you.”
    “He leaves the city stronger and healthier than he found it,” Clinton added. De Blasio followed, acknowledging Bloomberg’s “incredible commitment” and noting his crisis management and environmental stewardship.
    Many New Yorkers watching the inauguration bristled at the Bloomberg bashing.
    “I find these speakers offensive,” Brooklyn Democratic district leader Betty Ann Canizio tweeted. “It appears to be reeking of racism. Didn’t know we had a plantation.”

    Wednesday, January 1, 2014

    Bentzion Ausch stabbed in Yossi's wine & Liqueur Store

    Borough Park, NY - Police in Brooklyn’s 66th precinct are out on the streets tonight, looking for a man who stabbed a liquor store employee who refused to give him liquor.
    The bizarre incident took place at approximately 6:20 PM tonight at Yossi’s Wine and Liqueur, located on 18th Avenue between 57th and 58th Streets in Borough Park, when a white man, described as being of Russian heritage, stabbed 29 year old Bentzion Ausch, a store employee.
    According to Ausch’s cousin, Bentzion Teichman, the two men struggled after Ausch refused to give the unidentified man liquor.
    “They were fighting and my cousin didn’t give the Russian guy liquor so he stabbed him,” Teichman told VIN News, adding that police are treating the incident as the robbery.
    The assailant fled the store after stabbing Ausch, the father of two children, several times.  According to Teichman, his injuries were not life threatening.
    Borough Park Shomrim has tweeted a picture of the assailant, taken from security footage and are asking anyone who sees the man to call 911.

    Tuesday, December 31, 2013

    "techeilis" blue color has been found, scientists say

    Wool being dyed with dye taken from a Murex snail by the Ptil Tekhelet Foundation. Sunlight causes the dye to consistently turn sky blue; without sunlight, the dye varies in color from almost purple to a light blue.

    Israeli scientists have confirmed that a textile fragment with tziztes that is almost 2,000-years-old contains the blue color called tekhelet in the Bible.

    This is only the second piece of such fabric ever found in Israel. The first piece, containing dark blue dye, was found at Masada during excavations there. But it may not be local in origin and for that and other reasons has had little impact on the debate about the actual color or source of the dye.

    But the fragment studied and reported on now is of local origin, is close to 2,000 years old and apparently contains the real Biblical blue, a blue that is sky blue – not the dark blue found at Masada or the purple some rabbis have postulated. The fragment was reportedly found in the 1950s in a cave at Wadi Murba’at, a site where Jewish fighters hid during the Bar Kokhba revolt in the second century CE.

    Dr. Na'ama Sukenik, a curator at the Israel Antiquities Authority, announced the find Monday at a conference held in Jerusalem to mark the 100th anniversary of the publication of Rabbi Yitzchak Halevi Herzog’s doctorate on tekhelet. Herzog, who later became the first Ashkenazi chief rabbi of Israel, postulated that the dye used to make tekhelet comes from the Murex snail.
    But Herzog had difficulty producing one uniform color from Murex snail dye and eventually came to believe the Murex might not be the source of tekhelet dye.
    After his death scientists discovered that sunlight causes the Murex dye to consistently turn sky blue; without sunlight, the dye varies in color from almost purple to a light blue. That would mean that if the Murex is the source of tekhelet dye, tekhelet must be sky blue in color.
    Because of that, the Ptil Tekhelt Foundation in Israel began producing sky blue tekhelet made from Murex dye almost two decades ago.

    In 1887 Rabbi Gershon Henoch Leiner, the Radziner Rebbe, postulated that the Sepia Officinalis (common cuttlefish) was the source of the Biblical dye, and Leiner, his hasidim, and some Breslov hasidim began wearing dark blue colored tekhelet made from it. Although it was later shown that almost any organic material, including ox blood, could have been used as the base of that dye, and that its blue color came from chemical and organic additives, not from the cuttlefish itself, Radziner hasidim and some Breslov hasidim continue to wear tekhelet made from it.
    Which of these two tekhelet colors and sources is correct? Or is another yet to be discovered color and source the correct Biblical tekhelet dye and color?

    Sukenik, who studied the Wadi Murba’at fabric fragment for her doctorate, recently had that fabric fragment chemically analyzed and found the dye does not come from cuttlefish – it comes from the Murex Trunchular, the snail Herzog argued 100 years ago that the tekhelet dye came from. That, combined with its presence on ancient tzitzit (ritual fringes), the location of the find and the high probability the fabric fragment comes from the army of Bar Kokhba – who briefly reigned as a kind of king over parts of Judea and who had the backing of the great Mishnaic rabbinic sage Rabbi Akiva and thousands of his students, many of whom joined Bar Kokhba’s army – makes Sukenik’s fragment the almost certain Biblical tekhelet, Murex-derived and sky blue.

    Vishnitzer Rebbe bans photographers from taking photos at weddings

    The insane are now running the asylum .....

    The Vishnitzer Rebbe of Bnei Brak, Israel, Rabbi Yisroel Hager, issued a ruling prohibiting photographers and taking photos at weddings.

    Some Vishnitz followers plan not to invite the rabbi to their wedding so they will be able to take pictures of the special event.

    “At the rabbi’s weddings there are always several photographers snapping thousands of photos, so why shouldn’t we be allowed to have wedding photos?” A follower of the Vishnitz grand rabbi said.

    Yeshiva Student Murders 17 year old Bnei Brak boy

    A Haredi yeshiva student was arrested and will be charged with murder after burning to death another teen, according to police reports in Israel.

    Tel Aviv Region Police said that they arrested an 18-year-old Bnei Brak yeshiva student on Tuesday, after he was accused of burning to death a 17-year-old boy.

    The suspect will be brought before the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court for a bail hearing, and prosecutors will demand his remand.

    As we reported earlier, an ultra-Orthodox Jewish boy was found burned to death in a possible murder or suicide, according to police reports in Israel.

    Tel Aviv Region Police said that a 17-year-old Bnei Brak resident, living at an apartment on Even Gvirol Street, who has been listed as missing since Saturday, was found burned in the Kiryat Herzog neighborhood.

    Although he went missing on Saturday night, his parents filed a complaint about his disappearance on Sunday.

    Police officers with the assistance of volunteers of Ichud Hatzalah Bnei Brak, launched a search this morning for the boy. A command center was established near the Ayalon Mall in Bnei Brak. Dan Region Police, dozens of paramedics, Ichud Hatzalah, ambulances and motorcycles participated in the search.

    Police found the burned body at 11:40 a.m., behind the Hanok school.

    Police said that the boy was probably burned to death at another location and dumped behind the school.

    Residents in the area said that they smelled a fire on Saturday night, but when police responded nothing was found.

    Tel Aviv Police said that the body was transported to a forensic lab for an autopsy in order to determine the cause of death.

    by YJN

    Finally, Israeli Government will crack down on the Chevra Kadisha Mafia

    Several governmental agencies in Israel have agreed to work together towards monitoring the operations of nonprofits, citing chevra kadishas in particular.

     In an unprecedented move, Bituach Leumi, the Ministry of Religious Services, Ministry of Justice, and the Interior Ministry’s Corporations Authority are working together to monitor the operations of chevra kadishas.

    The Ministry of Religious Services is being informed to pass the information along to the various chevra kadishas, that beginning with their annual filing for 2013; they will have to follow a uniform format set forth by the Corporations Authority.

     Any chevra kadisha failing to file in line with the new guidelines will not have its license permitting burials renewed. In addition, Bituach Leumi will not reimburse them for the cost of burial since they will no longer be licensed. The interagency cooperation appears to be part of the Ministry of Religious Services effort to regulate and maintain an industry standard.

    Ministry of Religious Services Director-General Elchanan Glatt feels that “proper management is essential for all systems under the ministry’s jurisdiction and this applies to religious councils and chevra kadishas alike. We feel the cooperation between the various agencies is essential towards stepping up monitoring efforts of the nonprofits and this step represents a breakthrough in regulatory efforts.”