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Showing posts with label kim jong un. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kim jong un. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Trump Strategy Works: North Korea backs off Guam missile threat

North Korea is backing off a threat to fire missiles at the U.S. Pacific territory of Guam, according to a new report.
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said he had decided not to launch an attack, but warned he could change his mind.“If the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions on the Korean Peninsula and in its vicinity, testing the restraint of the DPRK [North Korea], the [North] will make an important decision as it already declared,” Kim said according to the country’s state media, as reported by The Wall Street Journal.
The statement could help reduce tensions in the region.
President Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric after North Korea carried out ballistic missile tests, warning the country that it would face “fire and fury” if it continued to threaten the U.S. and its allies.
North Korea responded by threatening an attack on Guam, saying an attack plan could be in place by mid-August.
Defense Secretary James Mattis on Monday warned Pyongyang that if a missile were to hit the U.S. territory that would be treated as an act of war.
“If they shoot at the United States, I’m assuming they hit the United States. If they do that, it’s game on,” he said.
North Korean media reportedly said Kim had made the decision not to fire missiles at Guam after being briefed by his top commanders.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Kim Jong Un killed his uncle by feeding him to starving dogs

Kim Jong Un & Uncle Jang Song Thaek in "better" time

According to a detailed report, Kim Jong Un fed his Uncle Jang Song Thaek to a pack of hungry dogs, a deviation from the traditional method of execution by firing squad.

"Jang was stripped naked and thrown into a cage, along with his five closest aides. Then 120 hounds, starved for three days, were allowed to prey on them until they were completely eaten up. This is called "quan jue", or execution by dogs."
The report, appearing in a Chinese controlled newspaper, stated that the "execution" lasted for one hour and was supervised by Kim Jong Un and "300 senior officials."  
Six months ago, the North Korean dictator executed his ex-girlfriend by firing squad.