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Showing posts with label menachem stark. Show all posts
Showing posts with label menachem stark. Show all posts

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Funeral of the murdered Stark, video

Hundreds of people turned out tonight for the funeral of Menachem Stark, after the body of the 39 year old Williamsburg real estate developer was found in a dumpster at a Great Neck gas station. 
Stark’s burned body was discovered by police late yesterday afternoon and the Nassau County medical examiner’s office has yet to announce if Stark’s body was burned prior to his death. 

The levaya was held at the Lodiner Shul on Marcy Avenue at 8:30 tonight and the crowds filled the street for a full city block in either direction. 

Emotion laden hespedim were offered by the niftar’s father, R’ Yisroel Stark, his father in law R’ Yisroel Yitzchak Bernath, his chavrusa Chaim Hirsch, his brother in law Pinchas German, R’Avraham Mendlovits, the Lodiner Rov, his business partner Sam Perlmutter, R’ Yosef Dovid Schneebalg, the Satmar Rebbe, Reb Zalman Leib Teitelbaum and his brother Yoely Stark. 

 Stark was the father of eight children, ranging in age from 16 to just under one year old. 
 Following the over ninety minute levaya, the niftar and his family departed for an 11 PM levaya to be held in Monroe, with kevura to take place at the Satmar cemetery on Schunnemunk Road.