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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Update on Missing 9 year old from Boro park! $100,000.00 Reward

Despite the scorching heat and heavy humidity, nearly 2000 volunteers from both near and far were on hand late this afternoon to search for the missing nine year old who has been missing for almostthirty hours and the search is continuing into the night and expanded to include Flatbush as well.
Residents of Borough Park, where most of today’s search took place, observed the unparalleled display of achdus as volunteers from areas including Brooklyn, Queens, Monsey, Lakewood, Kiryas Joel, the Catskills and Baltimore joined together to do their part and as endless supplies of donated food, water and other supplies were distributed to the volunteers.
Photo Credit:VIN News

Photo credit: VIN News

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Mayor Koch: Vote against Obama by voting for the Republican candidate to replace Weiner in Sept 13 special election!

In "a shot across President Obama's bow," Democratic former Mayor Ed Koch yesterday urged voters in Queens and Brooklyn to make "history" by voting for the Republican candidate to replace randy ex-Rep. Anthony Weiner in the Sept. 13 special election -- as a protest against the White House's policy on Israel.
Koch -- a staunch ally of Israel -- said he would "vote for Bob Turner" if the Republican-Conservative candidate backs Israel and opposes cutbacks to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
"If Jewish New Yorkers and others who support Israel were to turn away from the Democratic Party in that congressional election and elect the Republican candidate to Congress in 2011, it might very well cause President Obama to change his hostile position on the state of Israel and to re-establish the special relationship presidents before him had supported," Koch said in his weekly commentary.
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/local/blow_against_in_weiner_race_PJ8lsm6djIS7PIheUuhgPI#ixzz1RtRW2hsh

Have you seen this 9 year old boy? Missing in Boro Park

A nine-year-old boy from Borough Park, Brooklyn is missing.
Leibby Kletzky was reportedly last seen after leaving the Boyan Day Camp on 44th Street at around 5 p.m. Monday.
He is described by a local paper as having light brown hair, black glasses and was wearing a grey and light blue striped shirt, navy pants, black sneakers, a blue knapsack with the words 'Nechmod Day Camp' at the time of his disappearance.
The NYPD says a search is underway for the boy.
If you have seen the boy or know his whereabouts, contact police.

Liberal Women were always bashing Palin, they are now bashing Michele Bachmann

by John Nolte
With her poll numbers rising and her closing in on the front-runner, it’s time for popular culture to jump in and do their dirty work against Rep. Michele Bachmann. The three boxes are all checked in this segment: racist/stupid/crazy.
Perhaps the most shocking part of this clip is watching Whoopi Goldberg ignore the devastation of the American black family with an oddball defense of single parenthood. The shamelessness of the leftist spin knows no boundaries, but part of the Left’’s tactic is to make it seem as though no one on our side can ever be right … about anything.  And so in furtherance of that, Bachmann’s signing of a document that (among other things) decries the abomination of slavery and the awful unwed birth-rate in the black community, is spun into some kind of negative racial pose on the Congresswoman’s part.
It’s all about creating a narrative, not truth.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Obama kills Space Program, ends America's dominance, kills 10,000 jobs!

The highly-anticipated flight of Atlantis is the 135th and last for the U.S. space shuttle program, leaving Russia's space capsules as the sole option for astronauts heading to and from the International Space Station.
"It is a sad time," NASA astronaut Terry Virts said, reflecting on what he called the "passion" of many of his coworkers. "The sad part about it is that we won't have an American ability to launch astronauts anymore."
At Kennedy Space Center, staff were in a contemplative mood. Thousands are set to lose their jobs after the mission as NASA enters a period of reduced activity.
Read more Fox News

Rabbis of Uman ban Lipa Schmeltzer!

Lipa was supposed to sing at a concert in Uman, and the Rabbis banned him because of his non-traditional singing.... 
I guess its ok to riot in Uman ...Rabbis didn't ban the riots!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Frum Couple from Houston Texas killed leaving 3 orphans

Robin and Josh Berry celebrated the Fourth of July last year with children Willa, Peter and Aaron. The parents were killed while driving back from Colorado on July 2, 2011.

Houstonians Joshua and Robin Perlo Berry were killed in an auto accident late Saturday night, July 2, while driving through Fort Stockton, Texas, on their way back home from a family vacation. Their three young children survived the head-on collision.
The Jewish Herald-Voice is closely following the story.

Jaycee Dugard’s First Interview

Kidnapped and held captive for 18 years, Jaycee Dugard spoke to ABC’s Diane Sawyer about her excruciating ordeal. Watch as she describes the terrifying experience of giving birth to her first baby at the age of 14.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Phil Soskin, Orthodox Legislator, says, No Need for FBI Investigation in New Square Burn Attack!

Phil Soskin
"Anybody who lives in the Village of New Square does so voluntarily," Orthodox Legislator Phil Soskin, D-Monsey Soskin said. "They have their own rules just like the people down in Pennsylvania, the Amish. We respect them. They respect us. This is an internal matter.…"
Hey Phil..... is this all about votes? Or is this all about Justice?
Arson attack and burn victim Aron Rottenberg stood before the Rockland County Legislatureon Tuesday to publicly speak in support of an individual's right to pray where he or
she chooses. "I'm greatly honored to be here tonight and to bring you a message of peace and good will," Rottenberg said. "I believe a person should be able to engage in prayer in the privacy of his or her home or in a synagogue, church or mosque of his or her choice."
Rottenberg was severely burned May 22, when an incendiary device exploded as he wrestled with 18-year-old Shaul Spitzer outside Rottenberg's New Square home. Bandages were still visible on his arms as he spoke Tuesday.

Israel Hater, Thomas Friedman from The New York Times, calls Pro-Israel Critics of Obama "pure crap!"

This took place on the The Charley Rose Show  on Tuesday June 21, 2011
"Friedman: You really have, you know, one party, the Palestinians, who are too divided now between Hamas and Fatah to make a big decision. And you have the Israelis who are just too uninterested. I mean, Israel today, I’m sorry, it has the most inbred, unimaginative government I think it’s ever had, you know. And you know, I think, look, we talked about this so many times, there are real issues Israel faces, security, legitimation, whatnot. But there’s one simple thing–you can say what you want and all these American Jews criticizing Obama, he’s anti-Israel–it’s all crap, OK? Can I say that on your show? It is pure crap, all right? The guy is trying to do the right thing."

Here you have a self- hating Jew who lives on his wife's income, 
her father, Matthew Bucksbaum, was the chairman of the board of General Growth Properties, a real estate development group. As of 2007, Forbes estimated the Bucksbaum family's assets at $4.1 billion, including about 18.6 million square meters of mall space.
and never losses the opportunity to bash Israel!

Al Gore the Liar! There has been no global warming since 1998!!

The headline of this post really shouldn’t be controversial. It chimes perfectly with what Kevin “null hypothesis” Trenberth wrote in that notorious 2009 Climategate email to Michael Mann:
The fact is that we can’t account for the lack of warming at the moment and it is a travesty that we can’t.
And it’s what Phil Jones admitted in a BBC interview when he said that there had been no “statistically significant” warming since 1995.
Why then am I mentioning it now? W-e-l-l, because just as  war is to the Germans, Chappaquiddick is to the Kennedy family and that Portland masseuse incident to Al Gore, so the recent lack of warming is to the, er, Warmists. They hate it. It’s an affront to everything they believe in. Damn it, if the world isn’t warming with the alacrity they’d prefer, how are they going to keep the funding gravy train going, and how are they going to persuade an increasingly sceptical populace that the “science” is “settled”, the debate over and the time for action is now? That’s why they can’t reminded of the truth often enough. It’s like salting the slugs that are ruining your garden: necessary, but also kind of fun too.
Consider their latest desperate effort in fudge, denial, and duplicity. It concerns a new report which – if you believe the Guardian and Michael Mann – confirms that man-made global warming is even more man-made and more happening and more dangerous than at any time ever.
Michael E Mann, at Pennsylvania State University and not part of the research team, said the study was “a very solid, careful statistical analysis” which reinforces research showing “there is a clear impact of human activity on ongoing warming of our climate”. It demonstrated, Mann said, that “the claim that ‘global warming has stopped’ is simply false.”
Actually the paper Reconciling anthropogenic climate change with observed temperature 1998-2008 [PDF] by a team led by Robert Kaufmann at the Department of Geography at Boston University demonstrates no such thing. What it shows – yet again and in excelsis – is the chutzpah and threadbare desperation of the “scientists” involved in the Great Global Warming Boondoggle. Rather than admit that their Ponzi scheme is dead in the water, they try to dazzle us with new imaginative theories which prove that, even though they’re wrong they are in fact right.
No global warming since 1998? Simple. All you’ve got to do – as Kaufmann et al have done – is apply the Even Though We’re Wrong We’re Right Panacea Get-Out Formula. In this instance the ETWWWRPGOF (as it’s snappily known) involves Blaming The Chinese. Yep, it turns out all that pollution that Chinese are pumping into the air thanks to their unhealthy obsession with economic growth and giving better lives to their children is actually counteracting the effects of Man Made Global Warming.
“Results indicate that net anthropogenic forcing rises slower than previous decades because the cooling effects of sulfur emissions grow in tandem with the warming effects greenhouse gas concentrations. This slow-down, along with declining solar insolation and a change from El Nino to La Nina conditions, enables the model to simulate the lack of warming after 1998,” the team explains.
In other words Man Made Global Cooling is cancelling out Man Made Global Warming.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Are We Crazy or Just Dumb? Jewish approval of Obama unaffected by Israel tensions, poll shows

President Obama's status among American Jews remains unaffected despite recent tensions with Israel's government, according to a Gallup Poll.
Obama's approval rating among U.S. Jews was 60 percent in June, the polling company said, consistent both with earlier months.
Also, Jews still consistently approved of the president's performance at an average of 14 percentage points above the general public, Gallup said in its release Tuesday. Obama's overall approval rating in June was 46 percent.
Approval of Obama's performance among Jews had spiked in May at 68 percent and overall at 50 percent in the wake of the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden, but settled in June.

So Who Killed Little Caylee Anthony? Freed mother set to make a fortune from media interviews... but will family take her back?

Innocent victim: Caylee Anthony, whose skeletal remains were found with evidence that her mouth and nose had been covered in duct tape

Casey Anthony has become the most vilified woman in America, condemned as a compulsive liar and heartless mother who murdered her own daughter so she could spend her life shopping and partying.
But with today's sensational not-guilty verdict, the 25-year-old could be free as early as Thursday morning to begin the slow process of rebuilding her life - and cash in on her new-found celebrity status.
There is already speculation the compelling case could be turned into a movie, and she is likely to be inundated with lucrative television and book deals worth millions of dollars.
Despite the acquittal of capital murder charges, the Casey family lawyer said it was too early to say if they would welcome Casey back.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2011620/Casey-Anthony-verdict-Not-guilty-mother-make-fortune-media-interviews.html#ixzz1RKTqSroO

Rush: If Anthony's Baby Was Killed In The Womb, Media Wouldn't Care

"You know, what I don't understand about it is they're [the media] all card-carrying liberals. When does the death of a child bother them? I've never seen them get so upset over the death of a child," Rush Limbaugh said about the Casey Anthony verdict in his monologue on Wednesday.

"If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She'd be a hero. And folks, I don't think that is a cliche to say. And I don't think it is as cheap attempt at humor. I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear -- one of the reasons it is uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it," Limbaugh added.

Rush told the media if they want to feel better, they should imagine that Casey Anthony had an abortion instead:

"You people in the media, if you really, really think she is guilty and you want to feel better about this just tell yourselves that she waited a couple of years to get an abortion and then you'll feel better."

"Abortion is brutal, [it's] never characterized that way and the reason it is brutal is because there is an element of truth of it. I just wanted to put it out there. Pure and simple, nothing more."

Monday, July 4, 2011

Obama Embracing the Muslim Brotherhood, a Terrorist Organization!

The Obama administration chose the eve of the holiday marking our Nation's birth to acknowledge publicly behavior in which it has long been stealthily engaged to the United States' extreme detriment:  Its officials now admit that they are embracing the Muslim Brotherhood (MB or Ikhwanin Arabic).  That would be the same international Islamist organization that has the destruction of the United States, Israel and all other parts of the Free World as its explicit objective.

Read More:

"Cheerfully Changed" a Financial Service Co Frequented by English- Speaking Immigrants in Israel, Closes Its Doors, Millions Lost!

A closed Cheerfully Changed branch in Jerusalem.

The possible collapse of a financial services company heavily frequented by English-speaking immigrants has many scrambling to recoup money entrusted with the firm, in some cases hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Branches of Cheerfully Changed in Jerusalem and surrounding cities have been closed since last week and many customers say they have been unable to reach a representative to inquire about their accounts.
In addition, a statement posted online and comments by former employees who said the company's entire staff was let go this week have spurred concerns the company is bankrupt. According to some estimates, the losses could amount to millions of dollars.

The company and its owner, Jonathan Abeles, have not responded to numerous Anglo File queries for clarification.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Hotel Maid Accusing Strauss-Kahn of Rape Reportedly Worked as Prostitute

Nafissatou Diallo the "Maid"

The New York City hotel maid who accused former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique-Strauss Kahn of sexual assault has allegedly worked as a prostitute, the New York Post reports.
A source close to the defense investigation told the Post that the Sofitel Hotel housekeeper would have sex with male guests at the hotel for money.

"There is information... of her getting extraordinary tips," the source told the Post.
The source also said that the maid had "a lot of her expenses -- hair braiding, salon expenses -- paid for by men not related to her."
On Friday, Strauss-Kahn walked out of court free on bail after prosecutors said an extensive background investigation of the hotel housekeeper accusing him of sexual assault gave them pause.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/02/hotel-maid-accusing-strauss-kahn-rape-reportedly-worked-as-prostitute/#ixzz1R0IW1xEU

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/07/02/hotel-maid-accusing-strauss-kahn-rape-reportedly-worked-as-prostitute/#ixzz1R0IMvscR

Friday, July 1, 2011

First Frum Israeli Female Pilot Graduates at Hatzerim Air Force base!

Case against Strauss-Kahn near collapse: report

The New York Times is reporting that the criminal case against ex-IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn, accused of sexually assaulting a New York hotel maid, is on the verge of collapsing.

Citing two unnamed law enforcement officials close to the case, the Times said prosecutors did not believe much of the story told by the French politician's accuser -- a Guinea-born hotel maid -- and that she had repeatedly lied to them since the May 14 alleged attack.