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Showing posts with label Phil Soskin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phil Soskin. Show all posts

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Phil Soskin, Orthodox Legislator, says, No Need for FBI Investigation in New Square Burn Attack!

Phil Soskin
"Anybody who lives in the Village of New Square does so voluntarily," Orthodox Legislator Phil Soskin, D-Monsey Soskin said. "They have their own rules just like the people down in Pennsylvania, the Amish. We respect them. They respect us. This is an internal matter.…"
Hey Phil..... is this all about votes? Or is this all about Justice?
Arson attack and burn victim Aron Rottenberg stood before the Rockland County Legislatureon Tuesday to publicly speak in support of an individual's right to pray where he or
she chooses. "I'm greatly honored to be here tonight and to bring you a message of peace and good will," Rottenberg said. "I believe a person should be able to engage in prayer in the privacy of his or her home or in a synagogue, church or mosque of his or her choice."
Rottenberg was severely burned May 22, when an incendiary device exploded as he wrestled with 18-year-old Shaul Spitzer outside Rottenberg's New Square home. Bandages were still visible on his arms as he spoke Tuesday.