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Sunday, May 25, 2014

Did you know that until now, 10,000 Kollel guys were getting Stipends from the Zionists?

Well, you know now!  
The "cursed" Zionists were supporting the Avreichim for the last, don't even know how many years," and never got one thank you!
That's why you never knew that they received the stipends! They kept it a secret. Even the Satmar guys who were screaming that they don't take a penny from the "medinah" were getting the stipends!

Now the Israeli Supreme Court ruled that it is illegal and discriminatory!

The ones who are really masmidim will continue to get the Stipends!

So now, we will hear from all the "gedolim" how cruel the Zionists are!

By the way, I believe that the Stipends should be given to break the poverty cycle and help families with alot of children.

My point is that they never thanked the government and now they  scream "Foul Play!"
Maybe if they would have had some Hakoras Hatoiv, it never would have come to this point!

So here is the report from Arutz Sheva:

"In another major blow to the chareidi tzibur in Israel, the Supreme Court on Sunday, 25 Iyar 5774, abolished supplementary income for avreichim.

A seven justice panel headed by Court President Justice Asher Grunis rendered its decision to eliminate the supplementary income payments to avreichim made by the state. The court’s ruling was written by Justice Elyakim Rubinstein, a member of the dati leumi community.

The court’s ruling spoke of the inequality associated with the payments made to the avreichim and the fact that it does not contribute to getting chareidim out into the workplace. The petition challenging the payments was filed by a number of organizations including  Ometz, Yisrael Chofshit, and the Conservative Movement.

Rubinstein wrote that the government decision to continue with the supplementary payments is not in line with efforts to get chareidim to join the workplace but quite the contrary as they continue to avail themselves of the existing situation which permits them to receive payments.
“The government’s decision is not fair and affects other sectors” the justices added.

The court also took issue with funding for avreichim. In the court’s view, they are permitted under the law to study for four years during which they are not compelled to acquire a skill or academic training towards earning a livelihood. The court points out that upon completion of the four year period the avreich lacks professional skills to enable him to enter the workforce, questioning the wisdom of the government’s decision.

The court did stipulate that one who is classified as a masmid may continue receiving funds since their entire life is devoted to limud. 

 Needless to say the initial reaction from chareidi lawmakers is one of anger and contempt for the High Court, pointing out “what the government and Knesset have not done to the chareidi tzibur the Supreme Court is now doing”.

Pope wears the checkered black and white headscarf, the symbol of the Palestinian cause!

In  unscripted moment, Pope Frances prayed at the Israeli separation barrier surrounding the biblical West Bank town and briefly donned the checkered black and white headscarf that is a symbol of the Palestinian cause.

Here is a guy that represents a religion that tortured and murdered Jews throughout the ages, and to further the "cause of peace" he puts on the Palestinan Kaffiya, and prays at the separation wall that keeps out, the blood thirsty murdering arabs!
With friends like him, we don't need enemies!

Peres, the President of Israel accepted an invite from this communist Pope to "daven" for peace at the Vatican!
Mr. Pope .... I have a message to you: "take off your  kippah and give it to the bareheaded Peres!
You deserve each other!

Video of Brussels Jewish Museum Shooter

Belgian police have released Sunday video footage of an assailant who went on a shooting spree Saturday, killing four people at the Jewish Museum in Brussels.
Video of the attack showed an athletic man with cap calmly walking into the Jewish Museum, getting out a Kalashnikov shoulder rifle and starting to shoot before briskly walking away.
No one has claimed responsibility for the killings.


Israeli couple among Brussels Jewish museum shooting victims

A Belgian news site reported that two of the three fatalities from the shooting at Brussels’ Jewish museum were an Israeli couple.

The two Israeli tourists killed in a shooting attack at the Brussels Jewish Museum were named on Sunday as Tel Aviv residents Emanuel (54) and Miriam (53) Riva.

The third fatality was a female volunteer at the Jewish Museum of Belgium, according to an unconfirmed report Saturday night on the news site HLN.be, which is the online edition of the Het Laatste Nieuws daily. A fourth victim, whom HLN reported was a 23-year-old employee of the museum, is in hospital in critical condition.

Police has no suspects in custody, the news site also reported.
The shooter aimed for the victims throats and heads, witnesses told the daily.

According to HLN.be, police no longer suspect a person whom they detained shortly after the attack. that person is currently regarded as a witness, HLN.be reported.

Authorities are looking for the shooter, who was driven to the museum by a suspected accomplice in an Audi car, and the driver and are analysing security camera footage.

Four people were killed at a Jewish museum in Belgium on Saturday in an attack that European Jewish leaders are already comparing to 2012’s massacre at the Ozar HaTorah school in Toulouse, France.

The attack, which took place at the Jewish Museum in central Brussels on Saturday, is being approached as racially motivated by Belgian authorities, who posited that it was motivated by anti-Semitism.

Belgium's interior minister, Joëlle Milquet, was quoted saying by the RTBF Belgian television station that anti-Semitic motives could be behind the attack.

"It's a shooting ... at the Jewish Museum," she was quoted saying. "All of this can lead to suspicions of an act of anti-Semitism.”

Brussels Mayor Yvan Mayeur told the BBC as stating that the shooting was likely a terror attack and that the choice of location “isn't a coincidence.”

About half of Belgium's 42,000-strong Jewish community lives in Brussels.

A spokesman for the Brussels fire brigade said the shooter drove up to the museum, went inside and fired shots.

"According to the information we have at the moment, it was a solitary shooter and it seems to have happened inside the museum," Pierre Meys, Brussels fire brigade spokesman, told French channel BFM TV.

Security around all Jewish institutions in the country has been raised to the highest level, and Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo was meeting with police and senior officials to discuss the situation.

According to the European Jewish Congress, a crisis center organized by the Consistoire Central and the Coordinating Committee of Belgian Jewish Organizations (CCOJB) along with other communal leaders has opened and is in contact with local and national authorities.

Speaking with the Jerusalem Post, Consistoire head Baron Julien Klener said that he had met with the Prime Minister Elio Di Rupo and other senior officials and that authorities are “trying to find the suspects.”

Friday, May 23, 2014

Avi Shafran takes Rabbi Wein to task, because R' Wein said that the Gedolim were "wrong" in reference to the Holocaust!


Rabbi Wein had written an article two weeks ago, that said in effect, that some of the Gedolim in Europe were wrong when they advised people to stay in Europe rather then emigrate to the then Palestine or USA! Who knows how many were murdered because of this bad advice!
Rabbi Wein never said that the Gedolim wern't Tzaddikim, just that they wern't prophets!

The Agudah and the Yeshivishe World went crazy when they saw the essay of a prominent, well respected Rabbi and Historian, writing, what we are all thinking. They went into panic mode running around like poisoned mice. The former Rosh Yeshiva of Shaarei Torah, saying that the Gedolim could actually make mistakes.

They were terrified that some of their sheep would read his essay, and finally discover the truth, so they commissioned this "shmendrik" to respond.
They hired Avi Shafran, the "know it all"  currently the  Director of Public Affairs for Agudath Israel of America, to write a rebuttal!

Here read his response!

There exists a mentality, even among some who should know better, like the respected popular historian Rabbi Berel Wein, that any one of us can, and even should, second-guess the attitudes and decisions of Torah luminaries of the past.

In that thinking, for instance, the opposition of many Gedolim in the 1930s and 1940s to the establishment of a Jewish state was a regrettable mistake. After all, the cavalier thinking goes, a state was in the end established, and in many ways it flourishes; so the Gedolim who opposed it must have been wrong. And we should acknowledge their error and impress it upon our children with a nationalistic commemoration of the day on which Israel declared her independence.

None of us, however, can possibly know what the world would be like today had Israel not come into being. What would have happened to the European survivors of the Holocaust who moved to Israel?  Would they have languished in the ruins of Europe and eventually disappeared instead? Rebuilt their communities?  Emigrated to the West? Would Eretz Yisrael have remained a British mandate, become a part of Jordan, morphed into a new Arab state? Would Jews have been barred from their homeland, tolerated by those overseeing it, or perhaps welcomed by them to live there in peace? Would there have been more Jewish casualties than the tens of thousands killed in wars and terrorist attacks since Israel’s inception, or fewer? Is the physical danger today to the millions of Jews in their homeland lesser or greater?

Would the widespread anti-Semitism that masquerades as anti-Zionism have asserted itself just as strongly as now? (A recent ADL survey revealed that Jews are hated by 87% to 93% of the populaces of North Africa and Middle East, and that the most widely held stereotype about Jews is that they “are more loyal to Israel” than their own countries.) Or would Jew-hatred have been undermined or attenuated by the lack of a sufficiently “sanitized” mask?

I don’t know the answer to any of those questions, of course. Neither, though, just as obviously, does anyone else, no matter how wise he may be or conversant with the facts of history. For we are dealing here not with history but with retroactive prophecy. And that’s something no one alive possesses.

Yet some people, understandably uncomfortable with even theoretically imagining an Israel-less world, sermonize as if they do know the unknowable, as if the very fact that a state of Israel exists means that those who opposed its establishment were misguided.

Please don’t misunderstand. Every sane and sensitive Jew today supports Israel’s security needs, and appreciates the fact that we can freely live in or visit our homeland; and that the state and its armed forces seek to protect all within the country’s borders.

We are makir tov for the good that previous governments in Israel have in fact provided Klal Yisrael, the support it has given its religious communities, yeshivos, Bais Yaakovs and mosdos chessed.

And more.

None of that, though, need come along with an abandonment of respect for great leaders of Klal Yisrael who felt that a different path to Jewish recovery from the Holocaust would have been wiser. 

Many of those leaders, of course, once Israel became a reality, “recalculated,” as our GPSs do at times, and accepted the state, even counseled participation in its political process. But they were adjusting to developments, not recanting their judgments, which were based on their perception that a secular state would, at one point or another, seek to adversely affect its religious citizens. A perception, it should be noted, that has been borne out by numerous policies and actions, from yaldei Teiman and yaldei Teheran to the agenda of the Lapids, père et fils.

The Gedolim who lived during the Holocaust, too, have been subjected to retroactive prophets’ harsh judgment.  Those who counseled Jews to remain in Europe, in the hope that political and military developments would take a different turn than they tragically did are blithely second-guessed.  Here, too, none of us can know with surety the “what-ifs?” or even the “whys?”

Not to mention that Gedolim are wise men, not prophets. Their guidance in each generation, which the Torah itself admonishes us to heed, does not assure us of any particular outcome. It is based, though, on their sublime connection to Torah, and thus must be of paramount importance to us. It’s odd how few would think of disparaging an expert doctor or lawyer whose best advice, following the prescribed protocol, led to a place the patient or client didn’t envision. Even if the outcome was unhappy, one would say, the advisors did their job. When it comes Gedolim, though, some wax judgmental and condescending.
And it’s not an armchair issue. There are implications to disparaging the decisions of the true Jewish leaders of the past. It sets the stage for what, in our contemporary self-centered, blog-sodden and audaciously opinionated world, recalls the true prophet’s phrase “each man acting according to what is right in his own eyes.”
And the prophet is not lauding that state of affairs.

Saudi Family hang their Ethiopian Maid upside down on a hook and beat her to a pulp! Video

These are the people, that the US, wants Israel to negotiate with:

Saudi Arabian Family hang their Ethiopian maid upside down from a hook and beat her to a bloody pulp. She is drenched in blood from the whips and sticks that the Saudi men use to beat her.
Non-European Foreign workers in the Gulf states are treated as de-facto Slaves, with no human rights and are kept as virtual prisoners by their respective “employers” and forced to endure harsh treatment for little pay.
A recent report by Amnesty International slammed the worsening state of human rights abuses in the country. Among the myriad criticisms leveled in the report, it was noted that migrant workers and other minorities regularly suffer abuse and “excessive use of force” at the hands of authorities.

Boro Park Chapel "Shomrei Ha"Chomos Disgrace the Dead!

Unfortunately, the people who lose loved ones, are at the mercy of the Frum Chapels who charge a small fortune to transport and bury the dead. One of these rip-offs is a chapel called "Shomrei Ha'Chomos" on Ft. Hamilton Parkway in Boro-Park, who are just interested in your mighty dollar, and don't really care about the body, throwing them around as of it were a football.
Here you see a picture of a body that fell out of the casket on the floor!
People tell me that this is a daily occurrence!

Lakewood Rabbonim Blame All Tragedies in Lakewood on Women!

Lakewood Rabbonim have been proven to be a bunch of liars. 
There was an Asifah for ladies called "והי' מחנך קודש'' and the Rabbonim of Lakewood promised that there would be no more Hatzalah calls or tragedies in Lakewood if only the woman would shorten their shaitels!

A Robo call went out, stating that since the Asifah, no Hatzalah Calls!!!!!!!!

Well! Just yesterday 3 year old Yocheved Abraham was killed by a car in a driveway!

This is why people have no more respect for Rabbonim!
Maybe the tragedies happened because of all the Ponzi ripoffs!
Maybe because of the massive Chillul Hashem that the Lakewood Rabbonim did when they made the Yom Tefilah against Israel!
 To blame all tragedies on women is insane!