Can't wait for the "Mass Emigration" that the Belzer Rebbe is predicting, now I will be able to buy an apartment in Yerushalyim for a more reasonable price,
and I will command a better price for my home in Monsey! Win win situation.
But I don't get it.!!! Isn't it a mitzvah to defend Eretz Yisrael and the lives of your loved ones against an enemy?
Didn't Moshe dispatch an army to fight Amalek?
And wasn't it the tzadikim who were usually selected to go out to battle in ancient times?
Why are they so reluctant to fulfill their obligations of service in one capacity or another?
How frum can they be if they're so concerned that serving in the army will corrupt their religious values?.
It's the same battle that we all have to wage against the Yaitzer Harah every minute of our lives.
The “HaMachane HaChareidi” publication delivers the Holy words of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita.
This week’s edition carries the headline “Prepare for mass emigration” as a result of the draft gezeiros.
According to the report, a group of American students are committed to assisting chareidi families wishing to receive refugee status abroad. This undoubtedly reflects just how serious the rebbe is regarding threats to compel talmidim and avreichim yeshivos to leave beis medrash to serve in the IDF or a state-approved national service program.
The report states that efforts towards arranging for the first wave of people to leave Eretz HaKodesh have begun. The report speaks of “a wave of mass emigration to the Diaspora” to escape the gezeiros and permit bnei Torah to continue their lives of avodas Hashem.
and I will command a better price for my home in Monsey! Win win situation.
But I don't get it.!!! Isn't it a mitzvah to defend Eretz Yisrael and the lives of your loved ones against an enemy?
Didn't Moshe dispatch an army to fight Amalek?
And wasn't it the tzadikim who were usually selected to go out to battle in ancient times?
Why are they so reluctant to fulfill their obligations of service in one capacity or another?
How frum can they be if they're so concerned that serving in the army will corrupt their religious values?.
It's the same battle that we all have to wage against the Yaitzer Harah every minute of our lives.
The “HaMachane HaChareidi” publication delivers the Holy words of the Belzer Rebbe Shlita.
This week’s edition carries the headline “Prepare for mass emigration” as a result of the draft gezeiros.
According to the report, a group of American students are committed to assisting chareidi families wishing to receive refugee status abroad. This undoubtedly reflects just how serious the rebbe is regarding threats to compel talmidim and avreichim yeshivos to leave beis medrash to serve in the IDF or a state-approved national service program.
The report states that efforts towards arranging for the first wave of people to leave Eretz HaKodesh have begun. The report speaks of “a wave of mass emigration to the Diaspora” to escape the gezeiros and permit bnei Torah to continue their lives of avodas Hashem.