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Thursday, February 20, 2014

Arabs won't be able to live on MARS, Muslim Clerics issue Fatwa

A Fatwa has been issued against living on Mars by clerics who say that trying to set up home there would be un-Islamic.
The fatwa – or ruling – was issued by the General Authority of Islamic Affairs and Endowment (GAIAE) in the UAE after the Mars One organisation announced that it would try and establish a permanent human settlement on Mars.
The committee argued that an attempt to dwell on the planet would be so hazardous as to be suicidal and killing oneself is not permitted by Islam.

to Khaleejtimes.com it said: ‘Such a one-way journey poses a real risk to life, and that can never be justified in Islam. There is a possibility that an individual who travels to planet Mars may not be able to remain alive there, and is more vulnerable to death.’

    The astronauts, the committee said, would end up dying for no ‘righteous reason’ and would face the same punishment in the afterlife as someone who’d committed suicide.
    The committee, led by Professor Dr Farooq Hamada, said: ‘Protecting life against all possible dangers and keeping it safe is an issue agreed upon by all religions and is clearly stipulated in verse 4/29 of the Holy Quran: Do not kill yourselves or one another. Indeed, Allah is to you ever Merciful.’
    The GAIAE has issued around two million Fatwas through its Official Fatwa Centre since its inception in 2008.

    multi-billion pound Mars One mission hopes to establish a human colony on Mars in 2025.
    Its website says: ‘The Mars One mission plan consists of cargo missions and unmanned preparation of a habitable settlement, followed by human landings. 
    ‘In the coming years, a demonstration mission, communication satellites, two rovers and several cargo missions will be sent to Mars. These missions will set up the outpost where the human crew will live and work.’
    Over 200,000 people, including 500 Saudis and Arabs, have applied to take part in the missions so far.
    In December Mars One short-listed 1,058 people to take part in trials for the ambitious project.
    Co-founder Bas Lansdorp said: ‘We’re extremely appreciative and impressed with the sheer number of people who submitted their applications. 
    'However, the challenge with 200,000 applicants is separating those who we feel are physically and mentally adept to become human ambassadors on Mars from those who are obviously taking the mission much less seriously. We even had a couple of applicants submit their videos in the nude!’ 
    Mars lies on average 141.6million miles from the Sun and has an average temperature of -85F (-65C). Its atmosphere is desperately thin - one per cent of Earth's pressure - and is 95 per cent carbon dioxide.

    Satmar Rebbe of Monroe uses Arab slogan against Israel says "We must launch a Holy War"

    The Rebbi lives in the comfort of his mansion in Kiryas Yoel, Monroe and he wants to fight the State of Israel that is surrounded by enemies that want to destroy it! 
    The Rebbi doesn't even want the boys who don't want to learn,  to go to the army. He is concerned that they would go off the derech if the boys would G-D forbid join the IDF! 
    He would rather they hang out all day in the "Hookah Joints!" 

    Meanwhile hundreds of his students in Monroe are going off the derech just hanging out in Monroe!

    This is the way THEYESHIVAWORLD reports the story!
    All wording in red are our comments!

    The Satmar Rebbe Rabbi Aaron Teitelbaum Shlita arrived in Eretz Yisrael on Wednesday, 19 Adar I 5774. 
    (with the IDF and the Zionist Police protecting him)

    On his way to daven mincha in Savion, where he will be hosted by philanthropist Meir Gurwitz,
    (Meir Gurwitz didn't become rich hanging out in Yeshivah kvettching the bonk, he worked for a living) 
    the rebbe was briefed on the Shaked Committee and the accompanying efforts to draft bnei yeshivos into the military.

    The rebbe was reportedly startled and upset 
    ("startled and upset?" Is he living on the moon? This has been going on for months! He was probably busy fighting with the Goyishe Neighbors in Monroe threatening to annex land to Kiryas Yoel)
    by the events and stated emphatically 
    “Now everyone knows that chareidi Jewry must go to war, one that is heard around the world against the gezeiros in unity among all factions
    (all factions? is he talking about Belz, whom his chassidim called "Yemach Shmo" when the Belzer Rebbe came to America? Maybe he means Kloizenberg who was chased out of Williamsburg and had to escape to Union City?)
     and communities”.

    “We must launch a holy war towards safeguarding the bochrim that do not attend yeshivos.
    (Holy war? Isn't that what Hamas & Hizballah call it?) 
    Even those who are not learning do not deserve a punishment of spiritual annihilation.”
    (So why are your Kiryas Yoel talmidim getting "annihilated spiritually" in Monroe? 
    Maybe the IDF should launch a "Holy War" against Kiryas Yoel?)

    With regard to recent concerns voiced by prominent Sephardi poskim, that the Ashkenazi community will abandon them, the rebbe stated there will be no differentiation between Ashkenazim and Sephardim in the battle “for we will take care of everyone”.
    (Notice the Rebbi never mentions G-D he says "we will take care of everyone", Isn't that what he accuses the Zionists of? "Kochi V'etzem Yudi?" )

    There are reports the rebbe will work to arrange a mass protest against the draft during his stay.
    (my message to Netanyahu, "Throw him out of Israel")

    - See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/214490/satmar-rebbe-of-kiryas-yoel-says-its-time-to-declare-war.html#sthash.cf3T7Yzb.dpuf

    Tuesday, February 18, 2014

    Rav Shteinman & Rav Kanievski advocate boycott of Rav Auerbach's Newspaper "HaPeles"

    Loose Translation:
    "It's already awhile that a Newspaper named HaPeles has been distributed that is loaded with information shaming Talmedei Chachamim and is full of Machlokas, and has brought hate among those who fear G-D!
    It has had a cooling effect on the Congregations that fear G-D and has caused  them to distance themselves from Torah & Yirei Shamayim! 
    This Newspaper has encouraged teenagers to do things that the Torah would not approve, and has even brought them to do things that has caused  G-D's name to be profaned,

    Therefore we ask that those who fear G-D in their hearts not to bring this paper into their homes and not to support them in any way, and we don't have to tell you not to read it!
     The advertisers of this newspaper should know that they are supporting G-D's name to be profaned.

    May G-D  bring spiritual purity from the heavens, and bring His Kingship of peace amongst those who fear Him especially during these times as we stand up against those who are destroying us from within and from without, G-D forbid!
    7 Adar 
    Y.L. Shteinman

    Muslim Jew Hater who said that Jews descended from "apes and pigs" rented "Legoland"

    UK theme park Legoland has been heavily criticised after allowing a hard-line Islamist cleric to hire out the park for a "Muslims Family Fun Day" on March 9th.

    Haitham al-Haddad, who heads the Muslim Research and Development Foundation (MRDF), has previously endorsed gender segregation, 
    stated that Jews are descended from “apes and pigs”, and affirmed his support that the death penalty for those who leave Islam.
    The Daily Star reports that Haddad "is one of 25 Islamic clerics being scrutinised by the Home Office for spreading extremist ideology at British universities and mosques". 
    He is also thought to be one of the first clerics who could be subject to proposed Terror and Extremist Behaviour Orders (TEBOs), civil orders effectively silencing extremist preachers.
    He has previously been banned from speaking at London School of Economics after concerns were raised by the university’s Jewish Society.
    Dr Taj Hargey of Muslim Educational Centre of Oxford strongly criticised Legoland for allowing the event to go ahead:
    "I would ask Legoland that if they are happy to let his group hire the park, then would they be happy to let the BNP and other extremist far-right groups hold their family fun day there? Both groups promote hatred and intolerance."
    There are concerns that far-right groups such as the English Defence League and Casuals United will hold protests outside Legoland on the day. Members of these groups are reported to have already sent the theme park abusive phone calls and messages on Facebook and Twitter.
    Speaking of Haddad, Usama Hasan of the counter-extremism Quilliam Foundation, said:
    "Like all extreme Islamists, he uses fascist ­language about non-Muslims. He refuses to sit at the same table as women and opposes men and women mixing in the workplace."
    A Legoland spokesman defended the park's decision, saying, "We certainly do not discriminate in any way".

    Asra Kidisha proven to be a bunch of liars! Ancient Beit Shemesh Cemetery was non-jewish

    באתרא קדישא ממשיכים ליצר ליצנות מהתורה הקדושה ומגדולי תורה
    על ידי פירסום גביית עדיות שקר הפעם אודות גודל המערות במתחם גולבנציץ

    כי ענין מדידת המערות אינה אלא סניף נוסף על ההיתר ולא על זה בנויה עצם ההיתר הברורה
    אבל בכל אופן מן הראוי להעמיד הדברים על בורים ולגלות עוד הפעם את פניהם המשוקץ של כת השקרנים

    מרן הראבד שליטא כתב בתוך דבריו כי יש עוד ראיה ברורה כי לא מדובר בקברי ישראל
    מהעובדא שרובם של המערות הם קטנים למאוד ואין שם מקום למת מושכב כדרכו
    באו העדיות שקר והעידו בפני הרב זורגר ועוד שני רבנים מחסידי הרב שמידל
    כי בדקו מספר גדול של כחמשים מערות וכולם היו גדולים יותר מאורך אדם בריווח
    ואורכם היתה ממטר ושמונים עד כשתיים וחצי מטר
    לבני חוץ לארץ - שתיים וחצי מטר היא:
    8 פוס!

    עכשיו בימים האחרונים פרסמו הם בעצמם תמונות האיך נכנסו לתוך המערות לאחר שהתפרצו לתוך השטח
    וראה זה פלא...
    ברובם ככולם של התמונות רואים בבירור להיפך מדבריהם!
    רואים בבירור האיך רוב המערות הם הכי קטנות שאין אדם יכול לשכוב בתוכו כדרכו!

    צירפנו כאן גם תמונה אחת שהם פרסמו להראות כי האיש שוכב בתוך המערה
    אבל הרואה יראה בבירור האיך ידיו ורגליו עולים על דופני המערה והוא שוכב בעגול...
    - האם זה צורת קבר ישראל להשכיב המת עגול עם ראשו על דופן אחד ורגליו על דופן השני?...
    - האם לא הצליחו לצלם את המערות אשר "כולם" היו מששה ועד שמונה 'פיס' והם הוצרכו לצלם מערות של פחות משתי אמות אשר האברכים צריכים להתקפל בהם כעגול של דבילה להתראות כמו שוכב כדרכו?...

    - האם על זה כתבו כי "כולם היו גדולים יותר מאורך אדם בריווח"????...

    Girl 'stoned to death by Syrian fundamentalists for having a FACEBOOK account'

    A Syrian girl has been stoned to death for opening a Facebook account, it has been claimed.
    The girl, named in media reports as Fatoum Al-Jassem, was sentenced to death by a Sharia court in Al-Reqqa after it ruled having a Facebook account was immoral behaviour.
    She was taken to the court by Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) militants after she was caught using the social networking site, it has been reported.

    The court, which is under the jurisdiction of ISIS, ruled the act of being a member of the social network deserved to be punished the same way as adultery, according to examiner.com.
    A report in the Arabic-language Al-Rai Al-Youm was picked up by the Fars news agency, a semi-autonomous organisation linked to the Iranian government.
    The Iran regime has supported Bashar Al-Assad throughout the Syrian civil war.

    The ISIS is a pro-Al Qaida jihadist group that many fear is taking an iron grip over parts of Syria.
    The group was formed in April 2013 and grew out of Al Qaeda's affiliate organisation in Iraq. It has since become one of the main jihadist groups fighting government forces in Syria.
    It took over Al-Reqqa after rebels overran the city in March 2013. It was the first provincial capital to fall under rebel control.
    Rebels who have voiced their opposition to ISIS have found themselves arrested and thrown in jail without trial.
    The town’s women, meanwhile, have been ordered by ISIS via posters to ‘cover up their beauty’, according to CNN, and banned from seeing male doctors or even leaving home without a male relative.
    One female activist drew comparisons between the once-liberal Raqqa and Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

    The "Yeshivaworld" Blog rules that you cannot drink Hot Chocolate before you Daven Shachris!

    Drinking Hot Chocolate before Davening
    "Since hot chocolate is a rich drink made with a lot of milk, it is not permitted for adults to drink it prior to davening."

    The Source?

    Harav Yisroel Belsky.
     "Children may drink hot chocolate before davening, this is frequented by cocoa clubs in camp."

    - See more at: http://www.theyeshivaworld.com/news/headlines-breaking-stories/214284/halachically-speaking-the-halachos-and-kashrus-of-chocolate.html#sthash.PxKaquGC.dpuf

    Now guys read the following very carefully.

    Rabbi Belsky is the poisek that rules this way. 
    Notice that THEYESHIVAWORLD blog adds the following crucial comment  to the source
    "this is frequented by cocoa clubs in camp."

    Rabbi Belsky supported the sexual child predator Kolko!
    Kolko established the "Cocoa Club" in Camp Aguda to snair his innocent little victims in his bizzare sexual den!
    "Cocoa Club" Kolko Club.... get it?
    Enough said!

    Cartoon of the day!

    Drama at Viznitzer Wedding...Rebbe refuses to go to chupah until Photographers leave!

    Translation below:

    דרמה בחצר ביתו של האדמו"ר מויז'ניץ בבני ברק: האדמו"ר סירב לצאת לחופה שנערכה הערב (שני) בחצר ביתו בשל מצלמת וידאו שהוצבה במקום.

    הערב התקיימה חופה בחצר בית האדמו"ר, כאשר כובד לפי התוכנית באמירת הברכות. אך הדקות נקפו והאדמו"ר השתהה זמן רב. ובינתיים שרו הנוכחים ניגוני חופה.

    לאחר עשרים דקות ניגש גבאו ואיש סודו של האדמו"ר, שייע קרויזר לבעל השמחה, והסביר לו: "אתם יכולים להמשיך בברכות אך הרבי לא יצא לומר את הברכות בשל השתתפות צלם וצלם וידאו".

    בעל השמחה נסער ונכנס לאדמו"ר, הוא הסביר כי לא ידע על האיסור הגורף כל כך, וכי הוא יסלק את הצלמים. האדמו"ר השתכנע ויצא למעמד החופה.

    לפני כחודשיים נתקנה תקנה בויז'ניץ. כי על פי הוראת האדמו"ר אין להביא צלם במעמד החופה וכי האדמו"ר לא ישתתף בחופות בהן לא תישמר התקנה. מחוץ לבית האדמו"ר אף הוצבו שלטים המזכירים את התקנה.

    Loose Translation:
    Drama unfolded at the Viznitzer Rebbe's house where a Chupa took place. The Rebbe refused to go out to the Chupa because of the video cameras.

    The Rebbe was supposed to say the berachos under the chupa ....guests were confused because the Rebbe had not come out so they continued singing for 20 minutes ....hoping the Rebbe was going to walk out of his study and come to the Chupa.

    The Gabbai Shaye Kroizer then explained to the Baal Simcha, they can continue with the Chupa because the Rebbe is not coming out because of the photographers.

    The Baal Simcha then became agitated and ran  into the Rebbe's study explaining that he had no idea that there was a prohibition on taking pictures...

    The Baal Simcha then removed the contaminated photographers and the Rebbe came out to say the Berachos

    Frum Con Man Targeting Frumies!

    Frum Con Man 

    Con artists have taken note: New York’s ultra-Orthodox Jews make fairly easy targets. Just slap on a kippah, a 
    dark suit and have a sob story at the ready.

    Approach the target, preferably on Friday afternoon, close to Shabbat. Tell your story about the car that was towed to the pound. The wallet with the credit cards and IDs that is in said car. The wife who is due with twins any minute now, and is tending to little children back home.

    The heartstrings-tugging scam has claimed at least two victims who told the Forward they were scammed by the flim-flam artist who used a remarkably similar story in recent months. Cell phone photos indicate the scam artist is the same person. Other victims have come forward on social media sites, but are apparently too embarrassed to tell their stories publicly.

    One victim eventually reported the scam to New York City police, but he said officers at the 66th precinct in Brooklyn refused to file a report, citing the insignificant amount. A police spokesman said the NYPD does not know of any pattern of Orthodox men preying on other Orthodox men in the city.
    “We cannot comment on this particular incident,” said Sgt. Brendan Ryan, adding that the NYPD does not categorize crimes by religious affiliation of the suspect. “We also don’t break down crimes to that degree.”

    Even the victims emphasize that they do not know for sure whether the suspected scam artist is really Orthodox, or just familiar with the habits of frum Jews.
    Whether the NYPD tracks the scam or not, it feels like a real crime to Shulem, who asked that his last name not be used.

    The 28-year-old Hasidic man from Brooklyn says he was conned one Friday afternoon in the fall as he rode the No. 2 train. Shulem visited a sick friend at Mt. Sinai Hospital, and was rushing to get home to his wife and three children in time for Shabbat at 6 pm, when a short, stout man approached him. The man looked like your average Modern Orthodox New Yorker, wearing a dark suit, white shirt, and a small yarmulke over his slicked back hair.

    He introduced himself as “Ethan Schwartz” and proceeded to tell his desperate story: his car was towed and he needs $264 to get it back from the pound, but he has only $200 in his possession. He lives in Westchester, he said, and he needs to get back home in time for Shabbat. His credit cards and ID are in his wallet, which is in the car, and the ATM is virtually useless, he continued, since his bank does not have a Manhattan affiliate.

    At first, Shulem insisted he would not lend the $64 with no proof. But he also entertained the idea that the guy was, indeed, desperate to get his car back.

    He told Ethan, brother to brother, that he will lend him the desired amount, but he would need to take a picture of him. If he doesn’t receive the money within a week, Shulem said, he would go to the police with his picture. Ethan was visibly nervous but gave his consent. When Shulem pulled out his wallet and counted the 20-dollar bills, Ethan asked if he could throw in a few extra bucks to make it an even $80.
    He gave Shulem an address in White Plains, N.Y., his cell phone number and signed a note stating, “I owe you $80,” and left — presumably to pick up his car.
    A week passed and Shulem did not hear anything back. He called and texted him and received apologies and promises. The pattern continued for a few weeks, and Shulem grew increasingly frustrated – not because he was desperate for the $80, but because, at this point, he suspected the guy was a swindler.
    “I would like to remind you that you have until tonight to gain credibility by proving your identity,” Shulem wrote to Ethan in a text, after his request for a copy of Ethan’s license to verify his identity went unanswered. “Otherwise, I will go to the police tomorrow.”
    Within 15 minutes, Ethan responded: “how sad it is that jews don’t trust jews anymore and that people like u r so jaded it’s a sad world we live in today.”

    The con artist denied doing anything wrong and threatened to contact a Jewish reporter who would presumably publicize Shulem’s lack of generosity. The dialogue continued, deteriorating over the following weeks with threats of violence if Shulem publicized his information.

    Unsure of how to proceed, Shulem posted the story, along with a photo of “Ethan,” his face blurred, on a Yiddish men’s online chat forum, KaveShtiebel. In a matter of hours, similar stories began pouring in, all involving small sums, and nearly the exact same tale of woe.

    Two other stories with a similar modus operandi — a broken car, no money, and an impending zman — were posted. Both seemed to have similar threads, and the description of the man checked out.

    One Hasidic man, who gave his name as Sruly, had also taken a picture of the suspected con man. This time, he was outside the Penn Station subway entrance on 34th and 8th Avenue.
    “He approached me to ask for directions to Brooklyn Navy Yard, saying he is not familiar with this area,” Sruly said in an interview with the Forward. “He said his car was towed, it’s in Brooklyn and he is short in $90 to get it back. I asked for proof of identity, which he said was in his car at the pound.”
    He asked Ethan to send him a text message with personal information, so that he can follow up on his promise to pay him back before the end of the week.
    Needless to say, “Ethan” never sent him the payment. After two or three attempts at getting it back, Sruly just gave up. Then, while surfing KaveShtiebel, he came upon Shulem’s story and posted it there.

    Shulem, who first came to the Forward with this story, says he wants to raise awareness about swindlers like “Ethan,” men who pull at the heartstrings of fellow Jews by using ultra-Orthodox lingo and eliciting sympathy with an impending Shabbos. The close-knit nature of frum communities allows for some people who may or may not even be frum, or Jewish for that matter, to prey on them and their sense of kindness to the group.
    “Using Yiddishkeit as a means of getting people to lend you money is not okay,” he said.
    Contact Frimet Goldberger at goldberger@forward.com

    Egyptian Lady Lawyer Encourages Sexual Harassment of all Jewish Girls by Arab Men