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Saturday, April 27, 2024

Jamaal Bowman duped by fake ‘Chief rabbi of Gaza’


Rep. Jamaal Bowman and his campaign were duped by the parody social-media account of the fake “Chief Rabbi of Gaza.”

The phony X account of “Rabbi Linda Goldstein” is infamous for spouting anti-Zionist vitriol to ensnare unsuspecting progressives unaware that it is satirical.

The rabbi messaged Bowman about sponsoring a fundraiser for his Democratic primary campaign.

Under Hamas rule Jews were not allowed in Gaza, and the only ones there now are hostages and IDF soldiers attempting to rescue them — something Bowman evidently didn’t pick up on when he began corresponding with the account.

Bowman, a member of the far-left House “Squad,” has become one of the most vocal critics of Israel and defenders of Hamas in Congress.

He is currently locked in a fierce primary battle with Westchester County Executive George Latimer, with polls suggesting Latimer could beat him badly.

“I really hope you win, I would love to host a fundraiser with you,” Goldstein messaged Bowman in a private X message on April 11. The message prompted a reply from the congressman’s account just 30 minutes later.

“Thank you, how do we get in touch with you?” Bowman asked. Goldstein promised Bowman she has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars before, adding “my anti-zionist community can’t wait to help.”

“Hi Rabbi, this is Bowman’s staff, we’ll have a member of our finance team follow up with you,” read another direct message from Bowman’s account, noting, “We’re grateful.”

Goldstein’s schtick as an over-the-top Palestinian-loving rabbi has won her a cult following.

“I’m organizing an aid convoy to the @Columbia campus,” Goldstein posted last week. “We need: Glamp Tents; Volunteer Baristas; Oat Milk; Keffiyeh’s; Canada Goose Jackets; and Alo Leggings.”

In other tweets she has condemned Passover as Israeli “genocide” against Egyptians; and posed with photoshopped terrorists in front of a “Menorah for Justice” made of rockets.

She has urged Hamas fighters to practice social distancing in terror tunnels.

The account is operated by a pro-Israel attorney named Michael who declined to provide his last name.

“Antisemitism is a low IQ disease,” Michael quipped to The Post when asked about the exchange.

A rep for Bowman dismissed the exchange as a “standard staff response to a direct message.”

Biden Backtracks, Will Not Sanction Netzach Yehuda Battalion


The Biden Administration has backtracked and will not impose sanctions on the IDF’s Netzach Yehuda Battalion, according to a report by ABC news Friday morning.

According to the report, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken wrote a letter to House Speaker Mike Johnson explaining that the decision was made in light of Israel’s commitment to addressing concerns over human rights violations by the IDF in Judea and Samaria.

According to Blinken, the administration’s concerns over alleged human rights violations by the Netzach Yehuda Battalion “will not delay the delivery of any U.S. assistance and Israel will be able to receive the full amount appropriated by Congress.”

On Wednesday, Ynet reported that Israeli officials believed that the US would not follow through on its announcement of its intention to impose sanctions on the Netzach Yehuda Battalion. According to that report, the administration has been pressured to reverse its decision from all sides of the political spectrum.

Secretary Blinken said on Monday that there would not be an announcement regarding sanctions against the IDF’s Netzach Yehuda Battalion, but told reporters they should “stay tuned.”

US Senator Marco Rubio warned on Thursday that the decision to impose sanctions on the IDF battalion “helps Israel’s enemies.”

“I oppose plans by the Biden Administration to impose sanctions on the commanders and troops of the Netzah Yehuda battalion,” Rubio said.

He noted, “This unit has been on the frontline against Hezbollah, which is terrorizing Israelis in Judea and Samaria, and it is now working to dismantle Hamas brigades in Gaza. In the last year, this unit has neutralized more than 30 terrorists, destroyed 69 terrorist structures, including sites used by Hamas to launch rockets at Israeli citizens, and located 3 underground sites in Gaza.”

“These impending sanctions are an effort by President Biden to appease Israel’s enemies, including the antisemitic mobs terrorizing college campuses across America. But it will stigmatize the entire IDF and encourage Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Iranian regime,” Rubio concluded.

Friday, April 26, 2024

Morning Joe Finally Gets it Right about Israel/Hamas War


More Calling For President of Columbia to Resign


Watch this UCLA Professor Scream like a Banshee and being Schooled by a Student!


University of Texas-Austin Doesn't Take any Crap from Pro-Hamas Demonstrators.. Clears Them Out!


The protest Wednesday at the University of Texas-Austin was a prime example illustrating the difference between how red states and blue states handle respect for the rule of law. Red states meet such challenges with strength, as seen in the cases of Texas Governor Greg Abbott and UT-Austin's President Jay Hartzell.

Blue states take quite the opposite approach. They've taught young people to disrespect the rule of law by ensuring there are zero consequences, so now the young militants are running roughshod over Columbia University, New York University and Yale University, among many others.

The difference simply is the location in which these students are protesting, as formal education seems to have cultivated current generations nourished on left-leaning ideology designed to destroy the fabric of our nation and any hopeful future that we could have. We are, in essence, eating ourselves from the inside out by design.

Columbia & Other Univ Pro-Hamas Demonstrations Have 'foreign assistance' with Coordinated Tents Etc.


NYU Coordinated Tents

s city officials question who’s funding anti-Israel protests broiling with antisemitism at Columbia University and New York University and point to the nearly identical tents used at these "encampments" occupying campuses, one expert tells Fox News Digital the apparent organization and recent student "training sessions" suggests "foreign assistance." 

"I think there is good reason to suspect that there is foreign assistance and coordination that's fueling the campus protests," Dr. Jay Greene, a senior research fellow at the Center for Education Policy at the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation, told Fox News Digital, there are "enough signs to make it reasonable to suspect that that is occurring."

It’s time to make Aliya. The לווים already sang Yerushalayim

Pro-Hamas protesters successfully pushed through security and have stormed the FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology) in New York City.


Anti-Israel protesters at NYU admit they have no idea what they’re protesting: ‘I wish I was more educated’


Two Columbia University students who rushed to join NYU’s violent anti-Israel rally are going viral after admitting they had no idea what the protest was about — and wished they were “more educated.”

The unidentified students rattled off their clueless rationale on the steps of the NYU campus in downtown Manhattan as a slew of NYPD cops clad in riot gear stood in the background, as seen in footage viewed more than 3 million times since being shared by former Mayor Rudy Giuliani late Wednesday.

“I think the main goal is just showing our support for Palestine and demanding that NYU stop … I honestly don’t know all of what NYU is doing,” one admitted when asked about the protest’s purpose.

 Asked if there was “something NYU is doing,” the student meekly replied: “I really don’t know, I’m pretty sure they are…”

She then turned to her friend and asked, “Do you know what NYU is doing here?”

The friend, who was wearing a face mask, then bluntly asked: “About what?”

“About Israel. Why are we protesting, here at NYU specifically?” the student asked.

“I wish I was more educated,” her friend confessed.

The person interviewing the pair continuously moved the camera back and forth to capture the ridiculous exchange.

ICC's vicious smear tactics against America’s allies ..British Prosecutor Trying to Get Netanyahu Arrested !


In the next few days, something unprecedented is going to be attempted.

A British prosecutor at the International Criminal Court (ICC) in The Hague called Karim Khan is going to try to bring a war-crimes case against an American ally.

Specifically, Khan wants to bring individual cases against Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and a head of the Israeli army, most likely the chief of the general staff. 

If this happens, it will throw kerosene onto the already flammable international situation.

And further ignite things here at home. 

All those expensively educated know-nothings currently hunting down Jews on American campuses will imagine they have even more license to do so.

It will encourage all the antisemites who have crawled out of the sewers in recent months.

And it will be a grotesque smear and slander against the state of Israel. 

Netanyahu is a democratically elected leader.

Gallant and the leadership of the IDF lead a citizens army.

Therefore, any indictments against them will constitute an indictment on the state of Israel itself and the Israeli public as a whole.

It would be a grotesque boundary-crossing by the ICC. 

Of course, Khan is ­attempting to do this having done no investigation and having gathered no information.

He will be taking this dangerous move for reasons of pure politics and ­prejudice. 

Political motives 

Before he takes this step, there are a couple of things that he — and the American public — should consider. 

Thursday, April 25, 2024

New York court overturns Harvey Weinstein's 2020 rape conviction


The disgraced Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 conviction on sex crimes was overturned by a New York appeals court on Thursday.

The state of New York court of appeals ruled that the judge who oversaw Weinstein’s 2020 conviction was mistaken in allowing other women whose accusations were not a part of the 2020 case to testify.

The original 2020 judgment was overturned by a single vote, the New York Times reported.

Prosecutors in the firestorm case that kicked off the #MeToo movement must determine whether they will retry Weinstein, who was sentenced to 23 years in prison in 2020 for two sex crimes: forcing oral sex on a production assistant in 2006 as well as rape in the third degree of an actor in 2013.

He will remain imprisoned because he was convicted in Los Angeles in 2022 of another rape and sentenced to 16 years in prison. Weinstein was acquitted in Los Angeles on charges involving one of the women who testified in New York.

The state court of appeals ruling reopens a painful chapter in America’s reckoning with sexual misconduct by powerful figures – an era that began in 2017 with a flood of allegations against Weinstein. The court ordered a new trial. His accusers could again be forced to relive their traumas on the witness stand.

Survivors of Weinstein shared their disappointment and outrage at the latest ruling. The actress Ashley Judd, one of the first people to publicly share allegations against Weinstein, told the New York Times: “That’s really hard for the survivors … We still live in our truth. And we know what happened.”

Ezra Friedlander's Best Friend.. Qatar ...Says "No to Negotiations With Israel They Are Slayers of Prophets! "

Ezra "tuchis lekking"  his Client a Qatar official 

 There can be no negotiations with Israel as the Jewish people are “slayers of prophets,” a top Qatari official told representatives at a recent Arab League summit, according to a translation of the speech the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) published on Wednesday.

Essa bin Ahmad al-Nassr, who serves on Doha’s Shura Council legislature and holds the rank of brigadier-general in the Qatari Armed Forces’ elite Emiri Guard protection unit, threatened the annihilation of the Jewish state.

Qatar, which hosts Hamas leaders and has provided the terrorist organization with hundreds of millions of dollars, played a role last year in mediating the release of 105 hostages from Gaza in exchange for 240 Palestinian terrorists.

It has previously deflected accusations of playing a double game, saying the United States requested that it open that mediation channel.

The undated footage of al-Nassr’s speech was first shared to X by Al Jazeera correspondent in Yemen Ahmed Alshalfi on April 22.

In his remarks to the Arab League, al-Nassr said that “there can be no peace or negotiations with the Zionist entity [Israel] for one reason and one reason only: Their faith does not allow for negotiations.

“Rather, it [condones] deception, the violation of agreements and lies,” the Qatari official continued, claiming that the Jewish faith “only accept[s] one thing—killing. They are the slayers of prophets.”

Wednesday, April 24, 2024

Only the State of Israel Cares about other Jews ..Israeli-backed security response teams for diaspora Jews


To all those stupid "frum" Jews that are still anti-Zionist, "GROW UP"!
It was Israel that took the initiative to rescue Jews taken hostage in Entebbe! It was Israel that took out the Ethiopians from Ethiopia, even those who "taanied" that they weren't "halachically Jewish" they claimed they were Jewish and that was enough for the Jewish State to rescue them. Just recently Israel flew Ukrainians to Israel, yes, some were goyim (most of them left) but they were the only country in the entire world that opened their borders to the refugees. 
There are NO Jewish refugees in the entire world all because of the State of Israel. 

We have, thank G-d, a country whose borders are open for ALL Jews. It is mind-boggling that the Yeshivishe world still cannot swallow the tremendous chesed that the Zionists do and give them the proper Hakoras Ha'Toiv. 
They keep bringing up the "Yaldeei Teiman" that the Zionists "cut their peyos off and made them not frum!" 100 years ago. It wasn't too long ago that  Satmar also cut the peyos off Chabad Chassidim ! 
I have news for you, the Yemenite Jews here in Israel are writing that most of those families are coming back to Yiddishkeit, but unfortunately, the thousands that go OTD from the Chassidishe and Yeshivishe world are lost forever! The assimilation rate in Chutz Le'aaretz is over 85%, yet in the Zionist State it's a little less than 3%, and most Jews now live in Israel. Chareidie communities in the State are thriving and growing like never before.
The Chutz Le'arretz Jews, especially the Chareidie World are NOT really that concerned about the antisemitism all over the world. You know why? Because in back of their "farshtuppefteh kep" they know that there is always the State of Israel to run to, if they have to, something that the 6, million Jews couldn't avail themselves them to. All countries in the entire world had quotas! The British, may they burn in eternal hell, only allowed 100,000 Jews into Palestine and those caught sneaking in were turned back to head back to the hell of Nazi Germany! 
When they come rounding up Jews in Chutz Le'aaretz. If your wife doesn't shave her head bald like a plucked chicken, you won't be allowed into New Square or KJ! 
מי כעמך מדינת ישראל

Minister of National Security Itamar Ben-Gvir (Otzma Yehudit) has asked the Police Commissioner to draft a plan to assist in the creation of emergency security response squads to protect Jewish institutions outside of Israel.

"Diaspora Jews are currently suffering from a harsh wave of antisemitism in communities and on campuses in the US, Europe, and around the world," Ben-Gvir wrote.

"I asked the Police Commissioner to draft a plan to aid in the creation of local response teams that will protect Jewish communities and institutions overseas, through professional tutelage, including a training program and technological solutions for security," he added.

The minister explained that "everything, of course, would be in cooperation with the local police and relevant authorities.

"Our Jewish, national, and moral obligation is to help them!" he concluded.

Rivka Heisler Speaks about her Challanges Navigating Being a Frum Single


How the Media would have handled Yeszias Metzraim


Wake Up America!


In an Old Video after 911 President of Columbia Univ Said that "Terrorism is a form of Protesting"


The Inside Story of How Palestinians Took Over the World


The brilliant Palestinian plan to capture the pliable minds of American college students was laid out in front of me 25 years ago, during a very sinister business meeting in Israel. 

It was around the time of the Oslo Accords. I had been hired by the Ford Foundation to create a marketing institute for their grantees in the country. Ford was funding the operations of both Jewish and Arab organizations within the Israeli Green Line, in an effort to help build a vibrant liberal civil society. 

Ford put me in partnership with a young Israeli woman, Debra London. (Debra, now one of my closest friends, has just been selected to head up fundraising for the rebuilding of Kibbutz Be’eri.) She and I drew up a plan to interview each of the grantees, as well as Israeli ad agencies and media firms. While we wanted to learn about the grantees, we also planned to secure free marketing work and media to be an essential part of the institute.

Google fires 20 more workers after staff staged anti-Israel protests as CEO says workplace isn't for politics

Google has fired at least 20 more of its employees for protesting the technology its giving to Israel as the war in Gaza rages on.

This comes after Google fired approximately 30 employees last week after they were arrested for staging sits-ins at the company's offices in Sunnyvale, California and New York City, bringing the total number terminated to around 50.

Google said it fired the additional employees because after an internal investigation, the company identified other staffers who used masks and didn't carry their badges to hide their identities. 

No Tech For Apartheid, an organization critical of Google and Amazon's contract with Israel that the fired employees are thought to be associated with, released a statement following the latest terminations.

'Google's aims are clear: the corporation is attempting to quash dissent, silence its workers, and reassert its power over them,' organization spokesperson Jane Chung said in a press release. 'In its attempts to do so, Google has decided to unceremoniously, and without due process, upend the livelihoods of over 50 of its own workers.'

Google and Alphabet CEO Sundar Pichai also alluded to last week's protest in an April 18 blog post, burying his response underneath some run-of-the-mill company announcements.

'We also need to be more focused in how we work, collaborate, discuss and even disagree,' Pichai wrote. 'This is a business, and not a place to act in a way that disrupts coworkers or makes them feel unsafe, to attempt to use the company as a personal platform, or to fight over disruptive issues or debate politics.'

The pro-Palestinian employees - some of whom were seen wearing traditional Arab headscarves - were protesting 'Project Nimbus,' a $1.2 billion contract wherein Google and Amazon jointly agreed to provide the Israeli government with cloud computing and artificial intelligence services. 

The companies signed off on this massive contract in 2021, which predates the October 7 attack from Hamas and the months-long war in Gaza that continues. 

Protestors last week occupied Google Cloud CEO Thomas Kurian's office in Sunnyvale, livestreaming themselves on Twitch until they were taken into custody by police.

Google, in addition to letting their employees go, condemned the protests wholly and completely.

In Google vice president of global security Chris Rackow's companywide memo announcing the termination of some 28 employees, he called the protestors' behavior 'unacceptable.'

'They took over office spaces, defaced our property, and physically impeded the work of other Googlers,' the memo reportedly read.

'Their behavior was unacceptable, extremely disruptive and made co-workers feel threatened.

'Behavior like this has no place in our workplace and we will not tolerate it.

'It clearly violates multiple policies that all employees must adhere to – including our code of conduct and policy on harassment, discrimination, retaliation, standards of conduct, and workplace concerns.'

Ha Ha! Schumer's Hamas Friends Disrupt His Seder! At the end of the day he is still a Jew and they Hate his guts


This is too funny for words! The miserable traitor thought that by bashing Israel and pandering Hamas supporters they would love him! Big surprise!! 

Anti-Israel agitators staged a "sedar on the street" protest in front of the Brooklyn home of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in protest of American support for Israel.

The protests came after the Senate passed a $95 billion emergency foreign aid package to Israel, Gaza and Ukraine.

Organized by pro-Palestinian groups, the protest was described as a "seder on the street" for the second night of the week-long Jewish Passover.

Photos from the protest showed large groups of demonstrators gathering in front of Schumer's Brooklyn, New York home.

The protesters urged Schumer to support an end to the U.S. providing weapons to Israel for its ongoing conflict in Gaza.

Following speeches from pro-Palestinian leaders, several people were arrested by New York Police Department (NYPD) officers.

The NYPD did not immediately respond to Fox News' request on how many protesters were arrested.