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Saturday, March 16, 2024

Agudath Israel Pandering the Evil Schumer While Chastising Him! Biden Uses The "JEW" Schumer To Push his Evil Agenda!


On Friday, President Biden reaffirmed the anti-Israel remarks made by Senator Chuck Schumer, who virtually equated Netanyahu and Hamas as “obstacles to peace”. Speaking with reporters in the White House, Biden called it a “good speech” that “expressed serious concern shared not only by him, but by many Americans.”

In perhaps the biggest bombshell, Biden confirmed that Schumer informed his “senior staff” about the speech, apparently in advance.

Friday, March 15, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Pekudei


Why do clueless Hamas supporters keep getting away with disruptive protests? Arrest them!


If your print copy of The New York Post was slightly delayed yesterday morning you can blame the “peace” brigade.

The same people who have spent the last few months blocking bridges and stopping New Yorkers getting to work yesterday morning targeted one of this paper’s printing works in Queens.

The plant also prints The Wall Street Journal, Newsday, USA Today and the New York Times.

The protestors seemed especially angry about the last of these. Though I’m tempted to say that they deserve each other.

In the early hours of the morning these protestors lay across the road and put a barricade in the middle of it.

They also put up a sign saying “Consent for genocide is manufactured here.”

Wearing Palestinian bandanas and other terrorist-chic the protestors sought to disrupt the operations of the free press. All to demonstrate their opposition to something that isn’t happening.

Because of course there is no “genocide” in Gaza. There is a targeted military operation in a heavily built-up area where Hamas hide behind the civilians and also dress as civilians.

In any case, what military operation there is could stop at any moment if the terrorists of Hamas just handed back the more than 100 Israeli hostages who they are still holding.

But you never hear calls like that from these activists. Because human details don’t disturb them. Any more than facts or reality do.

Biden "Israel's Best Friend" holding secret talks with Iran


The Biden administration is holding secret, indirect talks with Iran in order to encourage Tehran to rein in Houthi attacks on shipping vessels in the Red Sea, according to a new Financial Times report.

Trained and funded by Iran, the Houthis have repeatedly targeted merchant ships passing near their territory, snarling global supply chains and creating chaos for manufacturers and retailers.

According to the FT report, senior White House officials – including Middle East adviser Brett McGurk and its Iran envoy Abram Paley – led an American delegation to Oman in January.

Iran also sent representatives to Oman at the same time. While the two sides did not sit in the same room for negotiations, Omanis acted as interlocutors transmitting messages between the countries

A Biden administration official would not confirm or deny that the talks took place.

“We have many channels for passing messages to Iran,” a U.S. State Department spokesperson told FT.

They refused to give specifics regarding those channels, “other than to say that, since October 7, all of them have been focused on raising the full range of threats emanating from Iran, and the need for Iran to cease its across-the-board escalation.”

Despite being widely seen as an Iranian proxy, a Tehran-based official denied that the Islamic Republic has control of the Houthis.

“Iran has repeatedly said it only has a form of spiritual influence [over the Houthis.] They can’t dictate to [them], but they can negotiate and talk,” an Iranian official told FT.

In February, Vice Adm. Brad Cooper, deputy commander of US Central Command (CENTCOM), said that Iranian military officials are “inside Yemen and serving side by side with the Houthis, advising them and providing them with target information.”

He told 60 Minutes that the Iranians are resupplying [the Houthis] as we sit here right now at sea. We know this is happening. They’re advising them, and they’re providing target information. This is crystal clear.”

Gazan women and teens took part in Hamas's October 7 attacks on Israel


As investigations continue to find evidence of who participated in Hamas's October 7 attack, it was found that women and teens were involved in both the attacks and kidnappings of hostages, according to a Makor Rishon report.

Since the devastating attacks on October 7, there has been much investigation into who was involved. One of the leaders of the investigation in the Israel Police's Unit of International Crime Investigations, Alex Namirovski, related his efforts to collect concrete evidence, hoping that the justice system would be able to use it to indict those who are suspects. 

According to Namirovski, those currently detained are "teenagers, aged 17 or 16. Some adults are also close to the age of sixty."

"There were also women who assisted in the kidnappings, guarded the hostages, and helped the terrorists. Women participated on October 7, although there were not many," Namirovski continued. 

How to indict terrorists who were involved on October 7 

Israel has been faced with the issue of how to prosecute the terrorists who were involved in the attack. For example, there is currently a lack of evidence when it comes to proving sexual assault.

"On the issue of sexual assault, we do not have concrete evidence because most of the victims were probably murdered," Namrvoski explained. 

Due to this lack of concrete evidence, Namirovski also mentioned the difficulty of differentiating between which terrorists were involved, as there were many on the scene, and it is difficult to know which terrorist did the act of shooting. 

"There is constant discussion in the Knesset and government [about how to prosecute]. It is possible that the indictments will be filed jointly, and terrorists will be prosecuted in a group indictment. There may also be legislative amendments that will allow as many terrorists as possible to be put on trial."

Israel's "Staunch Supporter" Biden Releases $10 Billion To Iran


US President Joe Biden on Wednesday renewed another 120-day sanctions waiver for Iran only six weeks after three US soldiers were killed by Iran’s proxies.

Biden’s signature on the waiver released up to $10 billion in frozen funds to the ayatollahs, the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The State Department claims that the funds can only be used for humanitarian needs but Republicans have pointed out that the waivers enable Iran to divert funds to terror activities, including funding Hamas in its war against Israel.

“By waiving the application of sanctions, the Administration is maintaining a financial lifeline for the Iranian regime, even as it continues to support terrorist organizations around the world,” Rep. Bill Huizenga (Mich.) and three GOP House colleagues wrote to the Biden administration earlier this week.

Iran, the lawmakers argued, “has a history of lying about humanitarian transactions. There is no reason to think that they will not try to skirt these restrictions again. Additionally, money is fungible, and the waiver and subsequent transfer will free up billions in funds that Iran can now spend on its terrorist proxies, nuclear activities, and military.”

Richard Goldberg, a former White House National Security Council member who worked on the Iran portfolio, said the latest version of the sanctions waiver is substantially different than the one issued during the Trump administration. The Biden version, he said, gives Iran far more leeway in how the money is used.

“This is not the same waiver for Iraqi electricity imports that has been issued since 2018. This is an Iran sanctions relief waiver that allows Tehran to access money and use it for budget support, including debt payments and import subsidies,” said Goldberg, a senior adviser for the Foundation for Defense of Democracies think tank.

“The fact that the administration will not even tell the American people how much money Iran has accessed over the last four months—money that subsidized three American soldier deaths and nonstop attacks on the American Navy—should prompt the U.S. Senate to immediately pass the No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act and send to the president’s desk,” he said, referring to legislation that would cut off Iran’s access to previously frozen funds.

Thursday, March 14, 2024

Israeli Politicians Overwhelmingly Condemning Cryin Schumer Hate Speech Against Israel !Ganz: "Israelis choose their leaders"

National Unity party chairman Minister Benny Gantz joined the chorus of criticism of US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer's speech calling for new elections in Israel.

"The US and Israel share common values ​​and interests, and the citizens of Israel and its leadership are very grateful for the US standing by the State of Israel in its difficult and complicated moments," Gantz said.

"The leader of the Democratic majority in the Senate, Chuck Schumer, is a friend of Israel, who helps us a lot even during these days, but he made a mistake in his statement. Israel is a strong democracy, and only its citizens will determine its leadership and future. Any external intervention in the matter is incorrect and unacceptable."

Prime Minister Netanyahu's Likud strongly condemned Schumer's speech, saying, "Israel is not a banana republic but an independent and proud democracy that elected Prime Minister Netanyahu. Prime Minister Netanyahu leads a determined policy that is supported by a huge majority of the people."

"Contrary to Schumer's remarks, the Israeli public supports a complete victory over Hamas, rejects any international dictate to establish a Palestinian terrorist state, and opposes the return of the Palestinian Authority to Gaza. We expect Senator Schumer to respect the elected government of Israel and not undermine it. This is always true, ll the more so in times of war," the Likud stated.

Earlier, former Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said that “Regardless of our political positions, we strongly oppose external political interference in Israel's internal affairs. We are an independent nation, not a banana republic. The danger of terrorism is on the way to the West and it would be good if they would help Israel in its justified war. In the long run, they are defending themselves as well."

Israeli Ambassador to the US, Mike Herzog also condemned him saying: "Israel is a sovereign democracy. It is counterproductive, even more so in a situation where Israel is at war with Hamas, a terrorist organization, to address the internal politics of a democracy. This goes against our common goals."

Not all Israeli leaders condemned Schumer's speech. Opposition leader the clueless Yair Lapid said, “Senator Schumer’s speech is proof that Netanyahu is losing our best supporters in the US. Even worse is that he is doing it on purpose. Netanyahu is causing serious damage to the national effort to win the war and preserving Israel's security.”


2,500 US Rabbis condemn Schumer's Antisemitic Speech

The Coalition for Jewish Values (CJV), representing over 2,500 traditional, Orthodox rabbis in American public policy, today rebuked Senate Majority Leader Charles Schumer (D-NY) for his "counterproductive interference" in Israel's democratic government, in a floor speech blasting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

CJV President Rabbi Yoel Schonfeld stated: "The leader who has 'lost his way' here is Sen. Schumer himself, who is using Netanyahu as a bogeyman for hatred directed against Jews for having the temerity to defend Jewish lives. Every Israeli, and every committed Jew, recognizes the malignant hatred of those calling Israel 'genocidal' as it eliminates a genocidal terror organization, or calling for a 'ceasefire' to permit the terrorists to regroup, rearm, and again murder the innocent."

"Leader McConnell is right to call Sen. Schumer's statement hypocritical, but it goes further: Mr. Schumer can best remind us that his name comes from Shomer, Hebrew for guardian, by calling out members of his own party trafficking in classically antisemitic tropes, like Reps. Omar and Tlaib. He should apologize for his counterproductive interference in Israel's democratic governance and self-defense."

In his remarks, Schumer called for the holding of new elections in Israel, saying that "Netanyahu has lost his way." He further named Netanyahu as one of four "obstacles to peace" alongside Hamas and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.


Senator McConnell: 'Schumer's criticism grotesque and hypocritical'


Senate Minority Leader Senator Mitch McConnell (Rep.) responded to Democrat Majority Leader Chuck Schumer' speech calling for new elections in Israel, saying:

 "It is grotesque and hypocritical for Americans who hyperventilate about interference in our own democracy” to call for the Israeli leader's removal.

 The primary “obstacles to peace” in Israel’s region are genocidal terrorists and corrupt PA leaders who repeatedly reject peace deals. Foreign observers who cannot keep this straight ought to refrain from interfering in the democracy of a sovereign ally.

How Sick!!!! Schumer Calling for the Overthrow of a duly elected Prime Minister...


I'm asking my readers to do your part in this scandal, call his office and voice your displeasure 

This is a link to his webpage



US Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer gave a speech on "a pathway to peace and achieving a two-state solution" today (Thursday).

In his remarks, Schumer called for the holding of new elections in Israel, saying that "Netanyahu has lost his way." He further called the Israeli Prime Minister an "obstacle to peace."

According to Schumer, Netanyahu is one of four obstacles to peace, the others being Hamas, "radical Israelis," and Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas.

Schumer's criticism of Netanyahu centered on the prime minister's "outright" rejection of the idea of the creation of a Palestinian state in the aftermath of October 7. All Israeli polls show that a clear majority of Israelis are also against the idea of a Palestinian state.

“The Netanyahu coalition no longer fits the needs of Israel," he said. "The Israeli people are being stifled right now by a governing vision that is stuck in the past.”

"This is a grave mistake for Israel, for Palestinians, for the region, and for the world," he claimed. "The only real and sustainable solution to this decades-old conflict is a negotiated two-state solution."

According to Schumer, Netanyahu has "dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing U.S. standards for assistance.”

“If Prime Minister Netanyahu’s current coalition remains in power after the war begins to wind down, and continues to pursue dangerous and inflammatory policies that test existing US standards for assistance, then the United States will have no choice but to play a more active role in shaping Israeli policy by using our leverage to change the present course," he said.

Schumer did criticize Hamas for deliberately causing much of the humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip. "Israel is by no means the only one responsible for the immense civilian toll. To blame only Israel for the deaths of Palestinians is unfair, one-sided, and often deliberately manipulative. And it ignores Hamas' role in this conflict."

He further criticized the media and the anti-Israel protestors for not acknowledging that Hamas' strategy of using human shields contributes to the death toll in Gaza.

He noted that, "Contrary to the unfounded, absurd, and offensive claims by some that the Jewish people are colonizers in their ancestral homeland, Jewish people have lived in the homeland continuously for more than 3,000 years."

Satmar Going Crazy that First Floyd Mayweather Went to the Kosel and Now the Chassan from Ger ...When will this end?

I heard that the feuding Satmar Brothers have called a 5-minute truce to discuss this sick trend of people going to daven at the Kosel, chas ve'sholom. 
They decided, according to insiders, that they would come out with a public "mechaah"  to denounce this new minhag which according to the Va'Yoel Moshe is a Torah prohibition.
When the black boxer, Floyd Mayweather Shlitah showed up, they thought that this was a one-time phenomenon and the trend would blow over, but now that a Gerer Chassan showed up to daven before his chuppah, and had a little heart-to-heart talk with his Creator they freaked out and figured that if this isn't stopped immediately, Jews from all denominations would start davening at the Kosel by the hundreds of thousands. 
Stay tuned for more breaking news from the Satmar Camp. 

Nissin Saal With the 10 Children of Haman


Viznitzer in the IDF Gets Yelled Out by his Commander For having His Beret on the wrong side of his uniform!


Viznitzer Chassidim wear their hats with the bow on "right side" .. The chassidishe hats have the bow on the "left side" so they turn the hats around so that the bow is on the right! 

I heard that Viznitz holds that these are very deep kabbalistic ideas. 

Well in the video below a Viznitzer Chusid in the IDf has his beret on the right side underneath his lapel, and his commander yells at him to switch the beret so that it is under the left side. He answers that he "is a Viznitzer" The commander asks him if he has ID identifying him as a Viznitzer, and he answers in the affirmative 

Eida Hachredis Gives a Pesach Hashgacha for Tissues !


These are the Extremists Trying to Destroy Ramat Beit Shemesh "Daled"

Rama D neighborhood in Beit Shemesh is one of the most beautiful and diverse neighborhoods in Israel. Both in terms of planning and in terms of landscapes and nature. The beauty of the neighborhood is also expressed in the high-quality and diverse population that lives there - Hasidic, Lithuanian, Sephardic, modern ultra-Orthodox, and the like.

But there are elements that are trying to destroy the neighborhood, while they are working to bring in extremists families. 
Businessmen in the neighborhood contacted the 'Chadoshet Hair' WhatsApp group  and told them about the 2 extremists who recently arrived on the scene, Yosef Shalom Altman and his friend Mr. Schlesinger,(photos above) both are ex-cons, one of whom had previously been recorded acting violently and the other had been recorded committing acts of vandalism. Since their arrest, they have gone underground, while being busy founding a fake " apartment committee"  mapping out the neighborhood and locating all the apartments that are for sale or rent, in the neighborhood.

The two would scheme to call landlords two months before the lease of the present tenant expired, and recommended a new tenant that was from from the extremists, and implored the landlords that they should not rent to people from the Hasidic, Lithuanian, Sfardie , and dati leumi communities. 
Most of the apartment owners realized who they were dealing with, and immediately cut off contact, but a few fell into their trap.

The same businessmen told the 'Chadoshet Hair' network about the promotion of a  legitimate rent apartment project, and that they are currently trying to find a project manager who will include all the projects and establish an apartment committee that will bring only normal families to the neighborhood so that the extremists will not have a foothold in the neighborhood. 
The businessmen are asking the community not to trust these two hooligans , and their supporters and not to allow them to operate the community, and publicize their actions.*

"Today there is a place for everyone in the neighborhood. Even the modern ultra-Orthodox, who have established themselves in the neighborhood with over 20 communities already, with dedicated educational institutions . Every community in the neighborhood knows how to respect each other, and that is the beauty. We cannot allow a handful of extremists to destroy the place,"

 *חשיפה מקוממת: מי מנסה להרוס את שכונת היוקרה - רמה ד?* 

*חדשות העיר:* שכונת רמה ד' בבית שמש היא אחת השכונות היפות והמגוונות בישראל. הן מבחינה תכנונית, והן מבחינת נופים וטבע. יופיה של השכונה מתבטא גם בציבור האיכותי והמגוון שמתגורר בה - חסידי, ליטאי, ספרדי, חרדים מודרנים וכדומה.

אלא שיש גורמים שמנסים להרוס את השכונה, תוך שהם פועלים לייבא לתוכה משפחות מהזרם הקיצוני. עסקנים בשכונה פנו למערכת *'חדשות העיר'* וסיפרו על 2 קיצונים שהגיעו לאחרונה למקום, *יוסף שלום אלטמן וחברו מר שליזנגר,* אסירים לשעבר, אחד מהם תועד בעבר פועל באלימות והשני תועד כשהוא מבצע ונדליזם והשחתה. מאז המעצר הם ירדו לצללים, ולאחרונה החליטו לייסד *"ועדת דירות"* שתבצע מיפוי בשכונה ותאתר את כל הדירות העומדות למכירה או להשכרה.

השניים מתקשרים לבעלי דירות חודשיים לפני שחוזה השכירות פוקע, ומבקשים להשיג שוכר חדש מקהילות הקיצונים, ולא להשכיר לאנשים מקהילות חסידיות, ליטאיות וספרדיות, או הקהילות המודרניות. מרבית בעלי הדירות קלטו עם מי יש להם עסק, ומיד ניתקו קשר, אבל מעטים נפלו ברשתם.

אותם עסקנים מספרים למערכת *'חדשות העיר'* על קידום מיזם נגדי, וכי הם מנסים לאתר פרויקטור בימים אלו שיתכלל את כל הפרויקט ויקים ועדת דירות שתביא לשכונה רק משפחות נורמטיביות כדי שלקיצונים לא תהיה דריסת רגל בשכונה. *העסקנים מבקשים מהתושבים להקליט את השניים האלה, ואת השליחים שלהם, כדי שיוכלו לפעול בהמשך גם בזירה המשפטית, ולסנדל את פעולותיהם.*

*"יש היום מקום לכולם בשכונה. אפילו לחרדים המודרנים, שהתבססו בשכונה עם מעל 20 קהילות כבר, עם מוסדות חינוך ייעודיים ואפילו עם מפלגה. כל קהילה בשכונה יודעת לכבד ולהכיל אחת את השנייה, וזה היופי. לא ניתן לקומץ קיצונים להרוס את המקום",* אומרים אותם עסקנים.

Canadian law endorsed by Trudeau government could imprison people for life for speech crimes



A Canadian law that aims to make social media platforms safer is getting flak for what some decry as government overreach. 

Introduced late last month, the Online Harms Act, or Bill C-63, would allow judges to imprison adults for life if they advocate for genocide. 

The law would also allow a provincial judge to impose house arrest and a fine if there were reasonable grounds to believe a defendant "will commit" an offense – a provision Wall Street Journal columnist Michael Taube likened to the 2002 film, The Minority Report. 

Maragaret Atwood, author of The Handmaid's Tale, has criticized the bill as "Orwellian." 

"If this account of the bill is true, it’s Lettres de Cachet all over again. The possibilities for revenge false accusations + thoughtcrime stuff are sooo inviting! Trudeau’s Orwellian online harms bill," Atwood wrote on Twitter. 

Writing in Public, conservative author Stephen Moore called it the "most shocking of all the totalitarian, illiberal, and anti-Enlightenment pieces of legislation that have been introduced in the Western world in decades." 

Citing a government spokesperson, the bill would increase the maximum penalty specifically for advocating genocide from 5 years to life imprisonment and from 2 years to 5 years, on indictment, for the willful promotion of hatred." 

Justice Minister Arif Virani, who introduced the bill, said, as a father, he was "terrified of the dangers that lurk on the internet for our children." 

He argued that laws exist regulating the safety of toys his kids play with, but not the "screen that is in our children’s faces."

Frum Jews Protesting against the Aguda's "Pearls" initiative in Albany "Gang of Thieves"

Frum Jews Protest against Agudah/Pearls in front of  State House in  Albany, March 5, 24

100% of Palestinians Living in Judea & Samaria Support the Atrocities on October 7


Bari Weiss, editor of The Free Press asked a man in Judea & Samaria if most “Palestinians” support what happened on Oct 7

ARAB MAN: “Look, 70% agree, there is no discussion. The  other 30% agree in their hearts but cannot announce it.”_

BARI WEISS: “Are you part of the 70% or the 30%?”_

Schocking!!! Nurses at Gaza hospital were cheering when the Hostages Were Brought in!


Judith Raanan, a Chicago-area resident who was kidnapped together with her daughter, Natalie, by Hamas during its October 7 attack on Israel, said her captors were greeted as heroes when she and her daughter arrived at a Gaza hospital.

“The minute we came in, all the nurses were standing there and going like this [cheering]. They were all so happy that they came back with prey, with Israeli-Jewish prey,” Raanan told NewsNation in an interview on Wednesday.

Judith and Natalie Raanan were the first hostages to be freed by Hamas. They were released on October 20, after nearly two weeks in captivity.

At the hospital, Raanan said she interacted with a man she believed to be a “very high-ranked” Hamas leader who spoke “brilliant Hebrew.”

The two were kidnapped from Kibbutz Nahal Oz on October 7. Raanan said she and her daughter had been sleeping when they received a phone call warning them not to go outside.

“I started walking towards the room of my daughter, and that was also the moment that a rocket hit the bedroom where I was,” Raanan recalled.

Realizing an attack was underway, Raanan explained to her daughter what was happening.

“I simply said, ‘Honey, do you remember how you’ve seen the movies? Those guys that have all this military artillery and stuff that come with guns and all? That’s what’s going to come through the door, so don’t panic.'”

Raanan recalled armed terrorists bursting into the room while she and Natalie were still in their pajamas.

“My girl was afraid. She said, ‘Mom, I’m afraid to be raped.’ I said nobody’s going to do nothing to you,” Raanan said.

The terrorists held the two at gunpoint and ordered them to convince neighbors to leave the safe rooms where they were hiding, she recalled.

“He’s telling me, ‘You tell them to get out, you tell them to get out, or I’m going to bomb the whole building,'” said Raanan.

The terrorists rounded up the hostages they’d managed to capture and marched them, zip-tied and at gunpoint, through the desert to the Gaza border, Raanan continued, adding she was badly cut when one of the terrorists removed her restraint with a sharp knife.

Once in Gaza, the hostages were taken by a group of men in a car to the hospital. All the while, Raanan said she worried for her family.

On the remaining hostages, Raanan told NewsNation, “We have hostages that are going through mental, physical, emotional hardship and need to be released.”

Biden ym"s to impose a second round of sanctions on Judea & Samaria outposts... None on Hamas


The Biden administration is expected to impose new sanctions on two outposts in Judea and Samaria that were supposedly used as a base for attacks by Israelis against Palestinian Arabs, Axios reported on Thursday citing three US officials.

A US official said the sanctions against the two outposts are meant to send the message that the US is targeting not only individuals but also entities that are involved in giving logistical and financial support to "attacks against Palestinian civilians."

According to the report, the second round of US sanctions against Israelis, which is expected to be imposed as early as Thursday, will also include sanctions against three Israeli citizens. The sanctions would freeze assets the three settlers and two outposts might have in the US, ban them from getting a visa to enter the US, and block them from using the US financial system.

Last month President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing the US to sanction Israelis accused of "settler violence." Shortly thereafter, the US State Department announced sanctions against four Israeli citizens.

The sanctions have proven detrimental to their subjects after some Israeli banks decided to freeze the accounts of those who were sanctioned.

Hezbollah Chief Nasrallah in his "Shalosh Seuda Toirelel" Says Israel Will Lose War And Destroy Itself By Fighting With Charedim


In a speech marking Ramadan, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah asserted that Israel will ultimately lose the war in Gaza, even if it enters Rafah. Directing his comments at Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Nasrallah declared, “Even if you go to Rafah, you have lost the war.”

Nasrallah emphasized that Gaza’s residents will not surrender to Israel, despite the massacres, and will continue to embrace the resistance. He questioned, “Who are you negotiating with if Hamas has been defeated?”

Addressing internal Israeli debates, Nasrallah pointed to the “political crisis with the Charedim” serving in the IDF, predicting that it would lead to the collapse of the state. He also referenced Opposition Leader Yair Lapid’s remarks that the IDF lacks sufficient manpower to wage a war on the northern front.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

IDF Soldiers that are from South Africa Will Arrested If They Return Home to South Africa

South Africa's foreign minister says her country's citizens who fight in the Israeli armed forces or alongside them in Gaza will be arrested when they return home, deepening the rift between the nations after South Africa lay accusations of genocide against Israel at the United Nations' top court.

Foreign Minister Naledi Pandor made the comment earlier this week at a Palestinian solidarity event attended by officials from South Africa's ruling African National Congress party.

She also encouraged people to protest outside the embassies of what she called the “five primary supporters” of Israel and its military action in Gaza. She didn’t name them but almost certainly was referring to the United States, the U.K. and Germany among others.

“I have already issued a statement alerting those who are South African and are fighting alongside or in the Israeli Defense Forces: We are ready. When you come home, we are going to arrest you,” Pandor said, to rapturous applause from the audience.

In December, the foreign ministry said that the South African government was concerned that some of its citizens or permanent residents had joined the IDF to fight in Gaza and warned that they could face prosecution if they hadn't been granted permission to do so under South Africa's arms control laws.

A Time For New Thinking In The Charedi World

One thing is clear to almost everyone in Israel: The world has changed since Simchas Torah. There is no going back to the way things were.

The subhuman monsters who murdered raped, and beheaded our brothers and sisters have shaken the world. In Israel, for the most part, there is a tremendous unity of purpose and a sense of brotherhood to fight together for our national future. Unlike what was going on before October 7, when left and right, religious and secular, were at each other’s throats, there are now countless examples of Jews of all types coming together, appreciating each other, finding common ground as Jews, and hoping together for Hashem’s help. Many see in this great hope that it is part of the necessary conditions that will hopefully lead to our final redemption, speedily in our days.

However, I believe that the current scenario is very fragile. I am old enough to have lived through the Six-Day War, the Yom Kippur War and intifadas and other crises and have seen similar unifying moments (although this seems to be the most powerful yet). In all those cases the unity waned soon after the crisis abated, and unfortunately, the sinas chinom that we Jews excel at returned quite quickly.

It is already happening. The leaders of the “Kaplan Movement,” who regularly led rallies of tens of thousands paralyzing the country and did so much damage in the name of “democracy,” found themselves on October 8 without a platform on which to bloviate and feel important. Unfortunately, they found a way to be “relevant” again. They are leading a growing movement that is cynically using the pain of the families of hostages to whip up anti-Netanyahu and anti-government protests, blaming him and the government for the security failures on October 7 and demanding that Netanyahu resign immediately. (They, of course, refuse to admit their part in causing the national weakness that our enemies saw, and blame it all on others.) They have returned to the streets in Kaplan and at the homes of cabinet ministers, and soon will attempt mass rallies countrywide.

While this is, thankfully, still only a minority view, the seething hatred of many is still just under the surface, waiting to be stoked by extremists on both sides. There is enormous resentment against the leadership of the army and the government that left Israel so vulnerable on October 7. Most sane people understand that a day of reckoning must come after the war, but the anger and desire for heads to roll bubbles up more and more frequently. When this finally happens, it is hard to envision that much unity will survive.

My concern, however, is mostly with the charedi public. As I wrote repeatedly before October 7, it is plain that much, if not most, of the anger and protests that were going on were not caused by “Judicial Reform” but by the anger and fear that the secular public has of the growing power and numbers of the religious, and particularly the charedi, community. They feared that the predominantly secular liberal State of Israel is in danger of becoming far more religious and conservative, and were strengthened in those fears by slander and lies in the media and from the intelligentsia.

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