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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Biden ym"s to impose a second round of sanctions on Judea & Samaria outposts... None on Hamas


The Biden administration is expected to impose new sanctions on two outposts in Judea and Samaria that were supposedly used as a base for attacks by Israelis against Palestinian Arabs, Axios reported on Thursday citing three US officials.

A US official said the sanctions against the two outposts are meant to send the message that the US is targeting not only individuals but also entities that are involved in giving logistical and financial support to "attacks against Palestinian civilians."

According to the report, the second round of US sanctions against Israelis, which is expected to be imposed as early as Thursday, will also include sanctions against three Israeli citizens. The sanctions would freeze assets the three settlers and two outposts might have in the US, ban them from getting a visa to enter the US, and block them from using the US financial system.

Last month President Joe Biden signed an executive order allowing the US to sanction Israelis accused of "settler violence." Shortly thereafter, the US State Department announced sanctions against four Israeli citizens.

The sanctions have proven detrimental to their subjects after some Israeli banks decided to freeze the accounts of those who were sanctioned.


LES AYM said...

I think it's highly inappropriate to refer to Biden as "yimach shmo" please re-name this post. He's part of a very woke political party, yet has been mostly supportive & constantly resupplied Israel with desperately needed weapons.
I truly believe few if any presidents would've done as much.
Including Trump who I voted for, yet he's so moody and inconsistent that you never know what he's gonna do next when he perceives that someone has dissed him.

Dusiznies said...

Les Aym
First thanks for following my blog. I hear you and I hear where you are coming from, however, I have a close friend working in the white house, he is not a frum guy, and he is telling me off the record, that Biden is very dangerous to Israel, precisely because he was a staunch supporter for Israel as the saying goes, keep my enemies close and my friends closer. He is surrounded by dangerous enemies of Israel and it has taken a toll on him and who knows what he will do next. He hates Netanyah's guts and he is on a mission to overthrow a duly elected prime minister. I have 120,000 hits a week I will do my part to educate the Jewish masses that Biden is a powder keg ready to blow. The Americans are very naive if he isn't stopped ASAP. He sent out today Schumer to do his dirty work.

Gedalye Leibowitz Esq said...

Dear DIN
Continue with your holy work and don't let guys like Les A. distract you. Jews in the USA must know that Biden is a foe and no longer a friend. I don't need friends in the WH to tell me what is obvious, that this bastard turned on the Jewish people and must be cursed Yemach Shmo Ve'Zicro!

Garnel Ironheart said...

DIN, I agree with the guy who said to take Y'SH off the post.
Biden is a sincere friend of Israel. The problem is that he sees America as Israel's big brother - the big brother will always help the little brother in a fight but will also try to guide him in the direction he thinks his best, no matter what the little brother thinks.
The other problem is that Biden is surrounded by enemies of Israel who are slowly turning his addled brain against us. Biden would never intentionally do anything to harm Israel but just might do something harmful that he thinks is actually helping.

LES AYM said...

I hear what you're saying, and I don't know the "inside info person" you say you have from someone inside the White House.
But what person who would be sitting in Biden's seat would've flown out to personally give consolation to Israel and all the weapon resupplying? Name me one.
Secondly and maybe more important is your term "yimach shmo".
That term and "Nazi" has been so freely used by our people that it's lost its impact. Both terms should really be reserved for the "worst of the worst". Be well :(

LES AYM said...

Exactly, thanks Doc! :)