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Thursday, March 14, 2024

Eida Hachredis Gives a Pesach Hashgacha for Tissues !



Anonymous said...

New or used?

Garnel Ironheart said...

Sure, same reason paper plates and water need it.
Actually, sometimes it's not silly. A few years ago Pfizer released an injectable medication with a hechsher on it. When the hechsher agency was contacted asked why they would put a hechsher on an injected medication, they responded that Pfizer had come to them to request it and insisted on it even when it was explained it wasn't necessary.

Anonymous said...

A shtempfel can certify the item wasn’t produced on Shabos.
In this case, it can also certify that this paper tissues does not contain starch that could be considered chometz.

Lakewood Baal'Chumra said...

I'm amazed at the sheer ama ratzes of the comments. There is no issue with the "starch" in any paper products. the Hashgacha Companies found a way to make money. Even in the worst scenario, blowing your snotty nose in a tissue that had "starch" is a non-issue, it would be the worst case of "Chametz Niksha"

Anonymous said...

What if a goy made it ?

Anonymous said...

Tissues taste delicious.

Anonymous said...

It's about time, after years of using my shirt sleeve, I can finally use a tissue.

Uriah’s Wife said...

Hashem permits only non-chametz tissues but chametzdike tissues are OK for folks who are Anus- im.

Anonymous said...

If there is non Arizona flour on the tissues then when you blow your nose in it it’s chametz d’oiraisa.