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Friday, February 9, 2024

Enraged Biden lashes out at reporters, special counsel after scathing classified docs report: 'I know what the hell I'm doing!'

 President Biden lashed out at reporters and special counsel Robert Hur Thursday night in response to a scathing report on Biden’s mishandling of classified documents that could prove devastating to his re-election prospects.

The report on Biden’s improper retention of sensitive material by Hur did not recommend criminal charges, but observed that the 81-year-old commander-in-chief was greatly diminished mentally, forgetting the dates of key events of his life during an interview with investigators.

“I’ve seen the headlines since the report was released about my willful retention of documents. These assertions are not only just misleading, they’re just plain wrong,” Biden said defiantly during a hastily scheduled appearance in the White House Diplomatic Reception Room.

“In addition, I know there’s some attention paid to the language in the report about my recollection of events. There’s even some reference that I don’t remember when my son died. How the hell dare he raise that? Frankly when I was asked the question, I thought to myself it wasn’t any of their damned business.”

IDF To Extend Regular And Reserve Service, Sparking Calls For Charedi Shouldering Of Burden


The IDF announced Wednesday that it plans to extend the regular army service to 36 months, as well as increasing reserved duty until the age of 46 and added many days a year of active reserve service.

The announcement, made as part of a new framework for the draft law, aroused opposition both from government and opposition parties who want the draft law to include charedi participation in the IDF, thus lessening the burden on other sectors.

Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich, who is also a minister in the Defense establishment, addressed the charedi public and said: “Dear beloved community which contributes so much to the state of Israel, it is now imperative that you participate more in defense and security assignments. This move must happen via communication and discussion and not by coercion, The Religious Zionist sector proves that Torah study and keeping all Mitzvos can be integrated with military service at the front. My charedi brothers, we need you!”

Likud MKs, including Minister Amichai Shikli and Moshe Saada, also stressed that “What was before cannot continue” and there is a need for a more equal distribution of the burden.

Others said that the coalition must remove the current draft law from its agenda, since there is a need for a revision and bringing as many citizens as possible to serve in the IDF.

Other parties from the opposition also stressed the need for a fairer distribution of the burden. MK Chili Tropper (National Unity party) wrote on Facebook that “In the wake of the intent to place further burdens on those serving in the IDF, the truth must be said- The fallen are not from all sectors, some sectors have for many years removed themselves from this partnership. Many in the charedi public volunteer, study, pray for the fallen, visit the injured and this is worthy, but they do not participate in the service.”

MK Yair Lapid attacked the proposed “draft-dodge law” calling it a “betrayal of IDF soldiers, another proof that the coalition hasn’t learnt anything from October 7th. Its not that we fight and win together. It’s young people serving the country and endangering their lives while others organize their exemption.”

MK Avigdor Liberman called on Benny Gantz and Gadi Eizenkot to leave the government if the proposed law is passed in its current form. “I call on them not to assist in dividing the nation into two parts- those who serve in the army and those who study in yeshivot.”

Gazan Journalist to Israel ‘Please Find Us Somewhere To Go Put Us On Ships’

  A Gazan journalist revealed the severity of the situation in the southern Gaza Strip and implored Israel to help the Gazans emigrate.

In an interview with Ynet,  Sami Obeid, a journalist living in Rafah, said that “Most of those who live in Rafah are in tents. I see the tremendous suffering. There is no aid, the prices are very high. A kilogram of sugar is 40 shekels, a liter of milk is 50 shekels. There are no goods and no money. A pack of cigarettes costs 120 shekels.”

Asked whether he had received aid from the numerous humanitarian trucks entering the Gaza strip, Obeid replied bitterly: “How will they distribute it? There are many thieves. There is no police to control things. The residents are hungry. People take a bag of food and sell it to have some money. There is no police and no one to really deliver it. We are in a dilemma. The situation is difficult. You told us to move to Rafah. We have moved. Now you enter Rafah to fight, so return us to northern Gaza. What about us? We live in this hole. No money, no life.”

Obeid claimed that most residents in the Gaza Strip had nothing to do with the October 7th infiltration and massacre: “We didn’t do October 7,”  “Hamas did it. They did it and were wrong. Tens of thousands of dead, 100,000 wounded. How long will this last? Open the sea for us. Let us go. Hamas controls Gaza. If they come to my house, what can I do? What can I tell them? No one in Rafah will say a word about Hamas. They are afraid of Hamas, they control the area,” he said.

In a desperate plea to Israel, Obeid says: “Find us somewhere to go. Get us a country that will accept us. You don’t want us, find us a place. Load us on ships.”

Biden ‘Willfully’ Disclosed Classified Materials, but No Criminal Charges Warranted in Double Standard USA


 Joe Biden “willfully” retained and disclosed highly classified materials when he was a private citizen, including documents about military and foreign policy in Afghanistan and other sensitive national security matters, according to a Justice Department report that nonetheless says no criminal charges are warranted for him or anyone else.

The report from special counsel Robert Hur, released Thursday, represents a harshly critical assessment of Biden’s handling of sensitive government materials but also details the reasons why he should not be charged with the crime.

The findings will likely blunt his ability to forcefully condemn Donald Trump, Biden’s likely opponent in November’s presidential election, over a criminal indictment charging the former president with illegally hoarding classified records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida.

“Our investigation uncovered evidence that President Biden willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen,” Hur wrote.

Thursday, February 8, 2024

In Search of a Shtetl (full documentary)

 Watch and weep and see similarities to what is happening in the USA!

Raza D'Shabbas Sung by Daskal, Srulik, Adler and Motti Bauer


DIN: I am a huge Chazzan Fan and love Chazzonis especially this beautiful piece which was written by the Zohar Hakodosh. 
The tune, however, was written and made famous by Cantor Pierre Pinchik who also wrote and sang the famous "Ribbono Shel Oilom" from Sefirah! 

So why is this interesting? Because Pierre Pinchik was not frum at all. 
Chareidim censure songs written by Chilonim but have no problem listening and performing tunes written by people who were "mechalleil Shabbos Be'frasyeh."
Just pointing out "hypocrisy" 

Below is the original with Pinchik singing 

Yaakov Vider Shows the Differences of Various Cities and the Filthy Bnei-Brak

Some Sick Rabbi Has a "gematria' That the Sex Pervert Berland is "Moshiach" and will "Reveal Himself this Year"


Kamala Pushing Biden to be More Anti-Israel

 How do we have two people, holding the highest levels of government, that are completely incoherent? Neither one can make a complete or intelligent statement.

 In Kamala’s Jihad, I noted her long history of collaborating with Islamists and her pressure campaign on Biden to take more of an anti-Israel stance.

After the Islamic mass murders of over 1,000 Israelis, Kamala returned to pushing “Islamophobia”. In the speech that he delivered three days after the massacres, she urged Biden to include a line about “Islamophobia”… next month in November, she unveiled a push to fight “Islamophobia”, not antisemitism. It was Kamala who pressed Biden to be more open to Islamist groups and their complaints, driving him to profusely apologize for questioning the civilian casualty numbers coming out of Hamas.

In Dubai, Kamala claimed that, “too many innocent Palestinians have been killed. Frankly, the scale of civilian suffering and the images and videos coming from Gaza are devastating.”

A Politico report described how “a person close to the vice president’s office said she believes the United States should be ‘tougher’ on Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Now there’s another Politico report, this one frankly anti-Israel, and it once again notes Kamala’s behavior.

"Sicko" Blinken Gives "Musser" to Israel "Israel cannot use Oct. 7 as ‘license to dehumanize others,’ "


In a stinging rebuke of Jerusalem’s prosecution of its war against Hamas in Gaza, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Wednesday warned Israel that it does not have “a license to dehumanize others.”

“Israelis were dehumanized in the most horrific way on October 7, ”said Blinken in prepared remarks at a Tel Aviv press conference. “The hostages have been dehumanized every day since. But that cannot be a license to dehumanize others.”

The White House has not hidden its dissatisfaction with Israel over civilian casualties in the Gaza Strip and the humanitarian situation there throughout the war, but Wednesday’s critique was the harshest to date.

Breaking News: Biden & Blinken's Focus On "Violent Settlers" Taken Right Off Pro-Palestinian NGOs


When Translation goes really bad


Beit Shemesh Extremists Kidnap the Body of the 13 year-old AT THE LEVAYEH, after Police Release Body ...

Yarlmulkah of the Late Viznitzer Rebbe of Monsey Sold for $2,200. on Auction


Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Blink'crap Demands to Meet Privately with IDF Chief Halevi Without the Prime Minister in an Effort To Bring Down the Government


Secretary of State Antony Blinken has issued an unusual, not to say insulting request to the Netanyahu cabinet, in anticipation of his upcoming visit to Israel this week:

Based on exclusive information obtained by Israel Hayom, Blinken requested a private briefing session with IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi, excluding Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, and the rest of the cabinet ministers.

The upside was that Israel Hayom has learned that the Prime Minister’s office rejected Blinken’s request, probably owing to the fact that Israel may be on its way to becoming a banana republic, but is still a few apples short. And so, Blinken’s security briefing will adhere to the format of previous visits, likely in the context of a broader meeting with the War Cabinet – which is almost as outrageous given that this is war and Blinken is not an Israeli official.

Blinken, who opened his current tour of the Middle East in Saudi Arabia (Saudis: No Palestinian State No Normalization), is expected to leave Cairo for Qatar, and from there fly to Israel close to the weekend.

In addition to the Secretary’s insulting demand, it appears that the Biden administration is on a war path against Netanyahu, determined to force the embattled PM to stop the fighting in Gaza and submit to Palestinian Statehood.

As we reported earlier today (US Restricts Visas to Spyware Makers, Lumping Israeli Hi-Tech with ‘Violent Settlers’), the administration’s attacks are intended to destroy Israel’s ability to trade in specialized hi-tech in the US and consequently severely damage the Israeli economy, while going after the national-religious population in Judea and Samaria, all as part of an effort to bring down Netanyahu.

David writes news at JewishPress.com.

Vote for Mazi Pilip in the Long Island special election

 The bare facts say the special congressional election on Long Island pits Democratic nominee Tom Suozzi against Republican nominee Mazi Pilip.

In truth, the election is a mini national referendum on Joe Biden’s presidency and the Democratic Party.

Look at it this way: If you think it was a great idea to throw open the southern border and admit millions of unvetted foreigners, that Bidenomics is a cure for the economy, that crime in New York is under control and that America remains an unrivaled superpower, stick with the devil you know and vote for Suozzi.

If, on the other hand, you think the national culture is collapsing and the country is going to hell in a handbasket largely because Democrats in City Hall, Albany and Washington have gone way too far left, then Pilip is your clear choice.

She would be mine if I lived in New York’s 3rd Congressional District, which is centered on Nassau County and includes parts of Queens. Election day is Tuesday, but early voting has started.

Both parties recognize the stakes and are pouring millions into the race. Suozzi’s backers reportedly booked nearly $10 million in TV ad buys, about twice what Republicans are spending on Pilip.

Making a choice based primarily on party affiliation is not my usual approach, but this face-off is special in more ways than one.

House in the balance

Hostage Deal May Not Be Permitted By Halacha

 Rabbi Chaim Eideles, a popular charedi rabbi who is currently the rabbi of North Tel Aviv and conducts daily radio programs on halachic matters, referred to the possibility of a hostage exchange deal and said that it might not be permitted by Halacha.

When the Halacha discusses freeing captives for more than their value- the subject is monetary. Here however we are talking of freeing terrorists who will threaten the lives of Jews and therefore the matter is very different,” Rabbi Eideles told the Kol Chai radio station.

“We have a rule that we don’t prefer one life to that of another. We saw in previous deals that the terrorists freed returned to their terrorist activities. Who is more paradigmatic than Hamas leader Sinwar who was already in Israeli jail and was released in a hostage deal to go back to his ways and lead terrorists.”

Rabbi Ovadia zts’l wrote a comprehensive Teshuva about the Entebbe operation in halacha. The kidnappers demanded the release of 40 terrorists and Rabbi Ovadia said that if releasing terrorists doesn’t directly cause murder, they can be released to save those in mortal danger. Yet it is clear that now, with terrorists declaring that they will return to terror- we can’t make such deals.”

Rabbi Eideles, who is married to Rabbi Aryeh Levin’s descendant and runs the Ish Tzadik Haya charity organization, says that unity has a different meaning after October 7th.

“Once they asked Rabbi Aryeh Levin how he can accept everyone, and he answered ‘I just listen to them’. That's the secret. People in Tel Aviv who didn’t want to say hello to us before now understand that we are one nation and must live here in harmony.”

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Riots in Beit Shemesh "Bet" as Shmuel Meir Weitzhandler Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances and Police Want to get to the bottom of it!


This morning, 13-year-old Shmuel Meir Weitzhandler passed away suddenly in the Cheftziba Section of Beit Shemesh under very suspicious circumstances, just days after he celebrated his Bar-Mitzvah.

The police requested to perform an autopsy on the body, and scores came out to the streets to protest it, causing traffic to come to a complete standstill for a very long time.

A hearing on the matter was held in the Jerusalem Magistrate Court, with the family and ZAKA's legal department demanding a court order against the autopsy.
 The Court just ruled in favor of the police, and the family will now petition the Supreme Court.

After the police used a water cannon against the demonstrators near Lev HaRama, traffic began to ease. The horrible smell remains in the area.

Due to the Court's ruling, more protests are expected.

Anti-Zionist Tycoon Eynat Guez Asked Magazine to Bury a Negative Story Because of her Alleged Lie that "Her Relatives Are Hostages"


In January 2023, Eynat Guez, CEO and Co-Founder of Papaya Global, a billion-dollar Israeli software company, announced that Papaya Global is withdrawing all its funds from Israeli banks in response to the reform, explaining: “This is a painful but necessary business step.”

Globes pointed out at the time that in addition to causing harm to the Israeli economy (Papaya Global is valued at more than $3 billion), the move would damage the company as well since it’s more profitable for Israeli unicorns to hold their deposits in Israel (Rich Hi-Tech Leftist Trying to Start a Run on the Economy to Avenge Justice Reform)

Karma knocked on Guez’s door on March 10, 2023, when Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), where an estimated 500 Israeli companies kept their money, failed. The state regulatory agency revoked SVB’s charter and transferred the business into receivership in the second-largest bank failure in US history.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu issued a calming statement, saying: “If necessary, out of responsibility for hi-tech companies and employees, we will take steps to help the Israeli companies (Israel Supporting Hi-Techs that Pulled Out Billions to Destroy Its Economy in Judicial Reform Protest).”

The real reason Joe Biden won't punish Iran


Is President Joe Biden scared of starting a broader war if he attacks Iran? Or is he worried about gasoline prices going up, torching his reelection bid?

The pusillanimous response of Biden to attacks on U.S. troops has enraged critics. Many want the president, who pledged to hold accountable "all those responsible" for the deaths of three U.S. soldiers, to strike Iran. To go after the head of the snake and squash Tehran’s ability to fund and train the terrorists who continue to attack U. S. personnel.  

He won’t do it. Why? Because he’s scared to death that hitting Iran’s oil fields or export facilities would drive global oil prices higher, and boost the cost of gasoline in the U.S. Gas at the pump might go back to $5 per gallon, a record reached in 2022; Biden, already a massively unpopular president, cannot tolerate that. Nothing drags down his approval ratings faster than skyrocketing prices at the pump; in an election year, he will do everything possible to make sure that doesn’t happen.

This, folks, is the elephant in the room.

Lebanon Insists that Hezbollah Remain At Its Border With Israeli! Time for Israel to Bomb Them into a Parking Lot!


Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib rejected an international proposal for Hezbollah to withdraw away from Israel’s northern border to behind the Litani River, as set out under United Nations Security Council 1701.

His statement was carried by the Arabic language newspaper Al-Watan in advance of a visit today by French Foreign Minister Stephane Sejourne, following his stop in Israel on Sunday.

This formula of a Hezbollah withdrawal eight to ten kilometers from the Israeli border was “rejected by Lebanon, which will not accept half-solutions that do not bring the desired peace and do not secure stability,’ Bou Habib told Al-Watan.

He demanded the full implementation of Resolution 1701, which included resolutions to points of geographical dispute between Israel and Lebanon, such as in the area of Sheba Farm area and the village Ghajar, explaining that no partial solutions were possible when it came to Resolution 1701, which set out the ceasefire terms that ended the second Lebanon War.

That resolution forbids the presence of a non-state actor, such as the Iranian proxy group Hezbollah, in the area between the Litani River and Israel’s border.

US special envoy Amos Hochstein, who last year spoke of the possibility of resolving the territorial dispute between the two countries, was in Israel on Sunday but, according to unconfirmed media reports, did not travel on to Lebanon. While in Israel, he met with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and Minister Benny Gantz, who previously held that post.

Bou Habib’s statement comes amid an uptake in violence along the northern border and increased internal domestic pressure from Israeli evacuees in that area for a resolution to the crisis that would allow them to return home.

Israeli officials have said that they prefer a diplomatic solution but would not hesitate to open a second front to forcibly force revue Hezbollah from the border.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that Israeli citizens would only be secure when Hamas in Gaza was removed from the southern border and Hezbollah from the northern one. “We will not stop the war without achieving this goal of total victory, which will restore security to both the south and the north.”

A joint American-Israeli plan to topple Netanyahu starring Gadi Eisenkot gains steam


The Israeli mainstream media is full of disheartening stories that say we are losing the war: 

They say that it’s unwinnable, that the economy is on the verge of a downturn, that reservists are torn between state and family, that students are losing the academic year and couples are breaking up, that we should Bring Them Home, Now!—not to mention the horror stories about the fate of the hostages, and the constant display, front and center, of the terrible predicament of the families.

Read the Israeli papers, watch mainstream TV and you may arrive at the conclusion that all this is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s fault, not Yahya Sinwar’s: Netanyahu is extending the war for his own political survival, Netanyahu kept Hamas alive with Qatari money, Netanyahu tore Israel apart over the judicial reform, Netanyahu is sidelining the generals—Benny Gantz, Yoav Gallant, and Gadi Eisenkot—in his own war cabinet, Netanyahu will ruin our relations with the U.S., Netanyahu puts his own career over Israel’s vital interests, and so on. These talking points run parallel to Washington’s messaging campaign against Netanyahu, as the Biden administration looks to impose its agenda on Israel, with help from its local clients.

Israel’s New Website On Hamas Killings Has 43 Million Viewers in the First Week


For decades, the Israelis have worried about the quality, and reach, of their hasbara — the “explaining” to the world why Israel does what it does. And nothing has cried out for more ”explaining” to the world than the campaign in Gaza to uproot the Hamas terrorists.

 It’s been little more than three months after the Hamas atrocities on October 7, and already, the shock has worn off for most of the world. There are pro-Palestinian marches in major cities in the Western world with protesters in London, Paris, Rome, Berlin, Montreal, Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles, denouncing Israel, as if it, and not Hamas, had inflicted atrocities. These protesters demand an immediate end to the Gaza war, which would leave Hamas still standing, chant about a Palestine “from the river to the sea,” which means the obliteration of Israel and its replacement by a twenty-third Arab state, and inveigh against Israel as a “settler colonial apartheid state.” Most recently, these marchers have described Israel as guilty of “genocide’ and called for the Jewish state to be declared guilty of “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity” by the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

IDF spokesmen, such as Colonel Jonathan Conricus, have done outstanding jobs when they appear on television to explain in sober fashion how the IDF views the progress of the war, and describe the many ways that the Israeli military minimizes civilian casualties. As a spokesman for the Israeli government, Mark Regev has been unflappable and lucid in the face of often hostile interviewers. 

But these Israeli spokesmen are few in number, and often have to content with unfriendly interlocutors. Meanwhile, the Palestinians and their supporters have been all over the airwaves and on social media, depicting the Israelis as irredeemably wicked, wanton killers of “women and children.” 

"Bais Hamikdash Cannot be Built Because Satmar Woman in KJ Support Volvy Berkowitz the Get Refuser"

Free Malky Rally in Monroe!!


Satmar Men taking Time off from Davening Against Israel to Protest the Women protest screaming like hyaenas "pritzees" 

Biden is a danger to the very existence of Israel as we know it...360 degrees of hostility! A Must Read!



The Mothers of IDF Soldiers group led a demonstration last week of army mothers, reservists in the Israel Defense Forces, bereaved families and other concerned citizens outside the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem. They demanded that President Joe Biden stop leveraging power to force Israel to resupply Hamas.

The following day, hundreds of Israelis, including parents of soldiers, families of hostages and terror victims gathered outside Ashdod Port. For hours, they blocked trucks laden with supplies for Gaza from exiting the port. Activists have been blocking trucks from entering Gaza via the Kerem Shalom and Nitzana border crossings for more than two weeks.

Speaking to the crowd in the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, Shifra Shahar, who runs a nonprofit organization that cares for the needs of soldiers, addressed her remarks to Israel’s leaders:

“Government of Israel, defense minister, IDF chief of staff, get ahold of yourselves!

“No other nation feeds and sustains its enemy! It’s truly an Israeli start-up.

“We had elections last year. I don’t recall voting for [U.S. Secretary of State Antony] Blinken! Blinken is sitting in the war cabinet and protecting the interests of my enemy. … We have sons in Gaza. We have sons fighting. The entry of the trucks endangers them, prolongs the war, increases the number of casualties and delays the return of the hostages!

“They tell me, ‘There are constraints.’ He who is constrained doesn’t win the war.

“They tell me, ‘The Americans are threatening not to provide us with ammunition.’

“To this, I say, if we were besieging them, we wouldn’t need ammunition! The war would end. They’d be screaming for help, returning the hostages and the war would end!”

The rising expressions of rage at the Biden administration from ordinary citizens are a testament to the shock and anger Israelis feel at what they perceive as a betrayal of Israel’s most basic interests by Biden and his top advisers.