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Sunday, February 4, 2024

Canada Stops Assisted Suicides for Mentally Ill Only because doctors not willing to participate

Canada has delayed the extension of its assisted suicide program to people suffering solely from mental illness, health officials announced Monday. 

Canada offers medically assisted death to terminally and chronically ill people, but the plan to extend the program to people with mental illnesses has divided Canadians, the New York Times reported.

Some critics attribute the problem to a lack of adequate psychiatric care in the country.

The controversial policy would allow anyone in Canada with an incurable medical condition to apply for assisted suicide, even if the disease is not terminal, which makes the law one of the most liberal assisted suicide programs in the world. 

Canada introduced medically assisted dying after its Supreme Court ruled in 2015 that requiring people to cope with intolerable suffering infringed on fundamental rights to liberty and security.

The law was expanded in 2021 to include people experiencing “grievous and irremediable” conditions, such as depression and other mental health issues. 

Over 13,000 Canadians were euthanized as part of the program in 2022, the Daily Mail reported

Brooklyn Education Council ‘knowingly excluded’ Jewish parents with Shabbos meeting


 A parent council in heavily Jewish Brooklyn held a “special meeting” on a Friday evening in January, knowingly excluding anyone observing Shabbat from the public forum, according to outraged community members who called the move antisemitic. 

The Community Education Council for District 22, which covers Flatbush, Sheepshead Bay, Marine Park, and Manhattan Beach, scheduled a follow-up meeting to vote on resolutions after its Jan. 9 meeting went fully remote due to a snowstorm.

Despite calls to the CEC, the city Department of Education, and the Office of Family and Community Engagement, urging them to choose another date, the forum was held on Jan.19 at 6:30 pm, after the Jewish Sabbath was underway.

“Jewish children go to school here, and their families were excluded,” a district parent told The Post. 

The volunteer board voted on seeking alternatives to mayoral control of NYC schools, supporting class size mandates, and opposing a 60-day limit on shelter stays for migrants and other public school families.

It also voted against participating in an art and wellness fair and in favor of rescheduling the upcoming March meeting.

80 NYC educators attend anti-Israel seminar to learn tips for teaching kids about ‘genocide in Gaza’

About 80 New York City and New Jersey educators attended a virtual “curriculum share” seminar Saturday morning where they obtained tips to “get around censorship” while teaching students about the “Israeli occupation” and “ongoing genocide in Gaza.”

The organizers encouraged participants to consider using fake names or blurring their video out of paranoid fear of “conservative Zionist individuals” who have targeted the event and might “dox attendees.”

The event sparked outrage this week among critics who slammed it as antisemitic and divisive.

It aimed “to push anti-Zionism propaganda and wrongfully inject divisive politics” into classrooms, Bronx Democratic Rep. Ritchie Torres wrote in a letter ahead of the event imploring the city Department of Education to intervene.

“It is gravely concerning that NYC educators who have little to no background knowledge of Jewish experiences and Israel’s history have taken a crash course in antisemitism and left feeling like they are experts in Middle East studies,” Tova Plaut, a founder of the advocacy group NYCPS Alliance, told The Post.

Harvard Doubles-down on its Jew Hating and will host radical Palestinian speaker who defended Hamas massacres


The "Klavtah" 

Harvard University will host a radical Hamas-loving professor who defended the terror group’s Oct 7 massacre in Israel.

“The Palestinian people have the right to defend themselves, the right to live with dignity and freedom. I am shocked that the world is shocked!,” Dalal Saeb Iriqat, a professor at the Arab American University in Ramallah, said in an X post on the day of slaughter.

“Today is just a normal human struggle 4 #Freedom.”

“We will never forgive the Israeli right-wing extreme government for making us take their children and elderly as hostages,” she added a day later of her comrade’s invasion — which included mass rape and the beheading of children.

“The Israeli public needs to realize that their own government had caused all this bloodshed and they remain the ones responsible for this escalating [sic] and losses of civilian's lives.”

Iriqat is scheduled to speak as part of a “Middle East Dialogue” at Harvard Kennedy School’s Belfer Center on March 7 — where she is presented as an expert in “diplomacy and conflict resolution.”

The academic militant’s visit comes at an awkward time for Harvard after former president Claudine Gay was forced to resign after being unwilling to publicly state that calls for genocide against Jews would be against the school’s code of conduct. She is also a confirmed plagiarist — something Harvard attempted to cover up for months.

Harvard’s campus has been rocked by instances of antisemitism — so much so that a new antisemitism task force was created to study the issue.

That panel, too, became mired in controversy after past remarks from its chair, Jewish history professor Derek Penslar, became public.

“Israel’s dispossession of Palestinians from their land and oppression of those who remain have made it one of the most disliked countries on the planet,” Penslar wrote in his book “Zionism: An Emotional State,” adding elsewhere that “Jewish culture was steeped in fantasies (and occasionally, acts) of vengeance against Christians.”

A poll after the massacre found that 57% of American Muslims believed Hamas’ Oct 7 terrorist attacks in Israel were “justified.”

Another recent survey found a majority of Americans aged 18-24 believe Israel should “be ended and given to the Hamas.”

Harvard representatives did not respond to requests for comment from The Post.

Queens couple claims JetBlue bounced them from flight because they are Orthodox Jews in $40M lawsuit

 A Queens couple contends their family was unfairly bounced from a New York-bound JetBlue flight because they are Orthodox Jews, according to a $40 million lawsuit against the airline.

Michael Nektalov, 42, wife Miryem Yushanayev, and their five children were returning from an Aruba vacation on Feb. 4, 2021 when they and another Jewish family were kicked off the plane.

The couple were dressed according to “the custom of our religious community,” including a head covering for Miryem and a long beard and yarmulke for Michael, according to the Brooklyn Federal Court papers.

The family also spoke at times in Hebrew.

The “uncomfortable” couple said they knew “somehow trouble would ensue,” after JetBlue employees gave them “disdainful and dirty looks,” they said in court papers.

Just prior to takeoff, the plane taxied back to the gate, the family said in court papers.

When Nektalov’s wife asked one of the flight attendants what was happening, “all she was told was, ‘Oh, your mask slipped off your nose,'” they said in the legal filing, adding, “he then made a note of her seat.”

The mom was then removed from the plane after being falsely accused of not wearing a face mask, the family alleged, while a different Jewish family were also asked to leave.

When the Jewish families asked why they were being booted, a JetBlue employee allegedly “loudly” announced that if “we all did not get off the plane, the entire plane would have to be deplaned.”

“In that moment, I felt as though we were in Nazi Germany, and that we were being isolated, vilified, and herded for disposal,” Nektalov said in the Jan. 26 filing.

A JetBlue spokesman said the company had not yet reviewed the lawsuit.

“We do not tolerate discrimination of any kind at JetBlue. …We take any claims such as these seriously and will work to fully understand the facts of what happened in this event,” said spokesman Derek Dombrowski.

What Are We Waiting For to Finally Take Out the Iranian Nuclear Threat?


America has had many opportunities to deal with the Iranian threat, but President Biden continues to act like Neville Chamberlain and to appease the mullahs.

World War 2 officially began on September 1, 1939 when Germany invaded Poland. Some might contend that it actually began in March of 1938 when Germany annexed Austria. Others would say it began with the Munich Agreement which was an appeasement pact orchestrated by British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain allowing Germany to annex the Sudetenland in Czechoslovakia in September of 1938. Chamberlain has gone down in history as the “ Great Appeaser”. America did not enter the war until the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7th, 1941. Many lives could have been saved had the United States entered the war earlier.

The killing by the Iran-backed drone of Sgt. William Rivers, Spc.Brenna Moffett, and Spc.Kennedy Sanders and the wounding of 25 other American troops in Jordan should have triggered a “Pearl Harbor” moment. So far it has not. 

Will President Biden finally realize that Iran has to be neutralized? 

Regime change in Iran has not happened. I wish it had. There were opportunities. America is left with one choice. Take out Iran’s nuclear capabilities and watch the regime crumble. There are many benefits to confronting Iran head-on. All of Iran’s proxies will go into hiding. Hamas which unleashed a savage attack against Israel on October 7th will be finished. Hezbollah will be broken and the Houthis will be routed. Rather than acting like Neville Chamberlain if President Biden acted like President Roosevelt and seized the moment the world would be in a better place. 

So I ask the question “What are we waiting for?” 

The time has come to act. America has allowed Iran to not only advance its nuclear program to the point of being weeks away from developing a nuclear weapon but also has permitted Iran to develop Ballistic Missiles capable of reaching 1243 miles with a 3300-pound warhead. Iran can now strike Israel and US targets in the region.

Although Israel can do the job, it has its hands full dealing with the war against Hamas. America rightfully as the leader of the free world should finally bomb Iran’s nuclear facilities. After more than 150 strikes by Iranian proxies against American troops since mid-October 2023, the shutting down of Red Sea shipping by Houthi attacks, and the drone strike against American troops in Jordan, America has total justification to take on Iran directly. We are running out of time. Iran has been allowed to plague the world for far too long.

by J

Major General Shimon Yehoshua Asulin, 24, from Beit Shemesh, was killed on Saturday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.

 The IDF Spokesperson's Unit on Sunday morning cleared for publication that Major General (res.) Shimon Yehoshua Asulin, 24, from Beit Shemesh, was killed on Saturday in a battle in the south of the Gaza Strip.

His family has been notified.

On Saturday, the IDF published footage of troops destroying a tunnel shaft that led to a hideout room for the Hamas terrorist organization and which contained an underground elevator.

The brigade's soldiers located many weapons, night vision and observation devices, intelligence documents belonging to the terrorist organization, and rocket launchers.

The weapons were confiscated and the launchers were destroyed.

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Biden Pathetically Let Iran Know Where and When They were Going to bomb to give them time to Evacuate


During CNN’s coverage of Friday’s American strikes in the Middle East, CNN Military Analyst and former NATO Supreme Allied Commander Gen. Wesley Clark (Ret.) argued that the telegraphing of the strikes by the Biden administration was to “avoid excessive casualties among these groups, let them know we’re coming.” And “we didn’t really deter Iran’s hostility to the United States.”

Host Lynda Kinkade asked, “They also know that the U.S. gave warning before carrying out these strikes. Why would the U.S. do that?”

Clark answered,

 “I think this is in keeping with the way the administration has worked this. So, yes…85 aim points, but maybe we can avoid excessive casualties among these groups, let them know we’re coming. If they evacuate, they’re not going to get all of the heavy equipment out. And we saw earlier the video of the ammunition dump that was hit with rockets flying everywhere. So, they can’t quickly do that, but you can move out people and families that have been there and you might be able to reduce the losses on the other side, and, at the same time, send a strong warning. And I think that was the intent of the administration.”

Later, he added,

 “[T]he Iranians are going to come back and do something. My guess is, it will take a few days, several weeks before they can reconstitute these forces. And then, depending on what happens in Gaza, they’ll be back. So, we didn’t really deter Iran’s hostility to the United States. We took a middle-of-the-road approach to this, we showed U.S. power. But you can be sure that, on the terrorist websites and in their communications, they’re sort of laughing, yeah, they gave us a lot of warning and yeah, we got all the people out and some of the bombs missed and blah, blah, blah, because that’s the kind of the bravado that you expect from some of these people. What we’re going to do is being — is collect hard intelligence, and see if we have to go back in and re-strike.

"She followed Mengele in Argentina in 1961 - and was murdered,"

Nurit Eldad

The members of the team who went to Bariloche

On March 23, 1961, the Israeli press published a report that looked like it had been taken from an overly imaginative Hollywood movie.

 "She followed Mengele in Argentina - and was murdered," the headlines screamed. "The mysterious secretary of the Israeli delegation in Cologne was apparently 'executed' by Nazi agents, who had found out that she was one of the Israeli commandos hunting Nazi war criminals who found refuge in Argentina," the reports claimed.

The name of the mysterious Israeli woman was Nurit Eldad, but she was also known as Eldod, Eldot, and Eldok - and the news report was the first clue to the extraordinary story of her life and death.

The day after the sensational report, the claims that Nurit had been killed while carrying out a spying mission on senior Nazi officials were vehemently denied.  "Nurit Eldod – a victim of an accident in the mountains of Argentina – was not murdered by Nazis," wrote the Davar newspaper, which stated that she "perished while hiking in the mountains of southern Argentina - something that was clear beyond a shadow of a doubt already a year ago."

The vigorous denials were effective. The story of Nurit's death and the jaw-dropping news that she was murdered by Josef Mengele, the infamous Auschwitz doctor, who selected who would be sent to the gas chambers, who to experiments, and who to hard labor, were dismissed as an urban legend. However, a close examination of the denials raises questions. An article from the Davar newspaper, which is not signed by any reporter but by Davar Staff, states that "according to the report that arrived in Israel about a year ago, Nurit slipped and fell into a deep crevice and there was no possibility to help her or to retrieve her body."

However, we can now reveal for the first time the testimonies of several people who were with Nurit on the trip where she died. These reveal that no one saw her fall to her death. Moreover, her body was found only after a four-day search by a rescue mission, and the testimony of the rescue personnel  indicates that she was found with her backpack and belongings lying neatly next to her – a far cry from the reports that denied foul play.

This did not prevent former Mossad director Isser Harel from publishing a report in the Maariv newspaper in June 1985 that categorically denied the details of the case. "This story has been circulating in various versions for years in the world media," Harel said. "But whenever I was asked about it, including recently, I denied it outright. There never was an 'Israeli agent' who was infiltrated by the Mossad into Mengele's vicinity and murdered by him."

In the years since not a single historian specializing in the study of Mossad operations has found out the riveting details of the story of Nurit's death. In 2007, the Mossad's history department published a large volume detailing the organization's extensive efforts to get its hands on Mengele. The volume contains not a single word about Nurit and the story of her and she remains an enigma shrouded in mystery.

Who was Nurit Eldot

Moment CNN host is stunned into silence after former NYPD cop tells her migrants commit more crimes in NYC than Florida because State will jail them


 CNN anchor Erica Hill was left stunned when the channel’s veteran law enforcement analyst voiced some unexpected home truths about crime in New York.

The awkward moment came as the panel discussed Saturday’s brutal assault on two police officers in Times Square, and the disappearance of the migrants arrested after they were freed without bond.

Just one of the six charged is still in jail despite multiple previous charges, and four are now thought to have fled on a bus to California with the help of a church-affiliated charity.

‘Does the fact that they were police officers change anything?’ pondered Hill as she probed ex-cop John Miller over the case and the suspect’s backgrounds.

‘What the detectives are telling me is that they have crews here that operate in New York, do all their stealing then go to Florida to spend the money then come back,’ Miller told her.

‘And I’m like ‘why don’t they just stay and steal in Florida’ and they said ‘because there you go to jail’.’

Biden finally strikes back — too little, too late


Too Little, Too Late.

Late Friday afternoon the US military began strikes in response to the attack that killed three US soldiers the weekend before, but so far it looks like President Biden opted for the least he could do.


We’ll keep up some hope: The Pentagon and National Security Council said Thursday it will be a multifaceted campaign, and NSC spokesman John Kirby announced, “The first thing you see won’t be the last.”

But it looks like the targets will be exclusively in Syria and Iraq, and mainly Iran’s proxy forces there, though some Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps units might get hit.

IRGC forces inside Iran will be perfectly safe, even though the White House fully admits Tehran is behind it all.


Friday, February 2, 2024

Zera Shimshon Parshas Yisro


Sick!!! Biden Wants Israel to Drop Foreign Manpower Providers, Keep PA Workers Who Want To Rape Jewish Women


Israel’s construction industry has been in deep trouble since October 7, 2023, facing a debilitating shortage of experienced workers due to the ban on PA Arabs. Meanwhile, the effort to recruit workers through manpower firms in Southeast Asia and Eastern Europe has not been yielding the needed results. On Thursday, Calcalist broke the news that the failure to recruit construction workers abroad who aren’t potential Hamas agents is not going anywhere because of draconian conditions invented by the Justice Ministry, which in turn is being pushed by the Biden administration.

The American excuse is that Israel’s effort to bring in foreign workers who were recruited by private companies would lead to the exploitation of these workers, to the point of trafficking, arguing that Israel is not prepared to combat this problem.

But the real effort, clearly, is to force Israel to legitimize the entry of some 100 thousand Arab workers from the PA. This is because the Biden administration is pushing the two-state solution down Israel’s throat worse than President Obama had done (in some cases it’s the same people), and the envisioned Palestinian State’s economy would inevitably rely on those day workers who bring home the shekels.

Biden Signs Executive Order Against Jewish Settlers Who Won’t Sit Down and Be Murdered


State Dept. Spokesperson Matthew Miller on Thursday reported that “President Biden and Secretary Blinken have been clear that the levels of violence we have seen in the West Bank over the past few months are unacceptable. Violence in the West Bank surged to alarming levels in 2023. This includes unprecedented levels of violence by Israeli extremist settlers targeting Palestinians and their property, as well as violence by Palestinian extremist militants against Israeli civilians.”

Reality Check:
In mid-November, Central Command Commander Major General Yehuda Fox, no great lover of the settlement enterprise, with the elected officials of Binyamin Regional Council reassured them that as far as he was concerned, the accusations regarding settler violence were libelous.

Liberman: 'Netanyahu wants to make peace with Saudis and to retire'


Yisrael Beiteinu Chairman MK Avigdor Liberman, who claims to know Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu better than anyone else in politics does, claimed in an interview with Israel Hayom that the Prime Minister wants to leave politics.

"It's clear to me that Netanyahu wants to leave," Liberman told the newspaper. "He wants to achieve peace with Saudi Arabia, so that could be his legacy, and so he won't go down in history as the one behind Israel's biggest failure. Netanyahu won't take chances with a war in the north, he will push for a diplomatic solution that will buy quiet in the north for a limited time, he will get a peace agreement with Saudi Arabia for his legacy, and will retire.

According to Liberman, "In his vision, Netanyahu wants to have a deal with Saudi Arabia by October, and for the US to be part of the deal before the elections it has to happen by June."

He says that Netanyahu is showing signs that he is ready to retire. "He's sick of it. I don't remember Netanyahu being so passive, especially after that crazy conference at the Jerusalem International Convention Center," he says, referring to the conference held this week which called for the reestablishment of Jewish Gush Katif communities in the Gaza Strip.

Regarding the conference, the former Minister of Defense said: "It's just a fantasy. There is no place for resettling now in Gush Katif. There are those doing it (participated in the conference) for electoral reasons, for the primaries. Some delirious people really believe it and want it, but it is not on the agenda."

Bennett on CNN: 'If Bin Laden was in hospital you’d go and kill him'


The Chan Younis Convert


Dor Shachar, formerly Ayman Abu Subukh from Khan Younis, is currently a very busy man. The convert to Judaism who was born and bred in Gaza is shuttling between various venues in Europe and the US in an attempt to provide ‘Hasbara’- to represent Israel’s viewpoint from the perspective of one who was formerly identified as its enemy.

Shachar says he grew up being taught to hate Jews, to celebrate when they were killed, to see them as the enemy who stole Palestinian land. Yet even as a child he wanted to escape the hateful education he received. He used to visit the soldiers (who were still present in Gaza until 2005), play soccer with them and receive all kinds of treats. When he came home, his father would berate and punish him for interacting with the Israelis.

At some point after working at a construction site for a while, Shachar confided in a religious soldier that he wished to convert and become a Jew. He was taken to a Hesder yeshiva in Rishon Letzion where he studied for ten months before going to Machon Meir in Jerusalem and completing his conversion. Dor continued his studies and now lives in Rishon Letzion. He says that he was not surprised at the murderous attacks on Oct. 7th- he knows the level of hatred and animosity firsthand – but it pained him a lot. He also suggested a reason for the Hamas’s success in carrying out the widespread attack – “Hashem can’t be in a place where there is hatred and division.”

Shachar also warns that it is not just Hamas who react in this way to Israel. “Most Palestinians feel the same way.”

Ezra "Kapo" Friedlander Back to his old tricks Stabbing Holocaust Survivors in the Back!


Let's not forget Ezra's perfidy, when he backed Obama's Iron Deal, and went to the frum media to convince Holocaust survivors that making a deal with Iran was "Good for the Jews!" see sidebar!

But that was not enough for this kapo, he organized a Congressional Medal of Honor for the murderer of Jewish children and husbands, Anwar Sadat, who murdered over 2,000 Jewish troops leaving widows and orphans in its wake! 

Did he organize an honor for Menachem Begin? The answer is a resounding "no!" and that is because he can get more money from Arab Countries than he can from Jews! 

The UN General Assembly designated January 27 as "International Remembrance Day" the day which coincides with the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenu.

Ezra smelled the "Benjamins" so he coordinated on behalf of Project Legacy a gathering of US Senators which included Ben Cardin, Bill Hagerty, Tim Kaine, Rick Scott, Mike Braun and he invited ambassadors of various countries to observe this annual day of commemoration in a roundtable discussion "to prevent future genocides." 

The purpose of this gathering was to award Congressional Gold medals to 60 diplomats who took heroic actions to save Jews fleeing Nazi Germany, including issuing passports and travel visas and setting up safehouses and getaways to hide Jews from Nazi authorities.

So I know that you are scratching your heads wondering "What is wrong with that?" Isn't this a "good thing?" 

Yes! You are right its actually a great thing, but guess who he invited and introduced?

Muath  Alamri the CEO of an organization called "The Muslim World League."  Its entire website is dedicated to condemning Israel, and has no mention of the Hamas atrocities against Ezra's brothers and sisters! 

Don't be fooled by Muath's pandering words at this gathering, he is an antisemite and would slit Ezra's throat given the opportunity! 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Failed PM Ehud Barak's "Kaplan Group" Threating to Bring Down Israel Unless There Are Elections!


The fascist group calling itself “Kaplan Force,” after Kaplan Street where they disrupted life in Israel to thwart the government’s judicial reform in an effort to topple PM Netanyahu’s democratically elected government, on Tuesday night launched their latest campaign, intended to turn the Hamas atrocities of October 7, 2023, and the war in Gaza into a victory for the left.

By the way, Kaplan Street is named after Eliezer Kaplan (1891-1952), one of the signers of Israel’s Declaration of Independence and the country’s first finance minister. He was responsible for the first US and World Bank financial assistance to Israel. He died of a heart attack on a ship that was taking him to a vacation in Switzerland.

The Kaplan activists, Moshe Redman, Shikma Bressler, and Ronen Tzur, guided by former and shortest serving PM Ehud Barak, known for his fantasy about Jewish bodies floating in the Yarkon River when the revolution comes, brazenly threaten elected officials that if they don’t obey their demands, bad things will happen on Kaplan Street and Ayalon Highway.

Did the Nazis burn the Chachmei Lublin's library? Maybe not

For decades after World War II, a famed Jewish house of study in Poland was consigned to oblivion.

The Nazis set fire to thousands of books stored at the Chachmei Lublin Yeshiva in 1939, the popular story went, leaving no trace of its enormous library even as its students were sent to their deaths.

But while Lublin’s Jews were murdered, that great bonfire never occurred, according to Lublin local Piotr Nazaruk, who researches the city’s Jewish history at the Grodzka Gate-NN Theater Center. Nazaruk was fascinated by a set of mysteries cloaking the Lublin Yeshiva, once among the largest Jewish educational institutions in the world, whose yellow building still stands in the former Jewish quarter — now mostly empty of Jews.

“We’ve all seen images of books being burned by the Nazis during the war,” Nazaruk told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. “But if this yeshiva and its library were so famous, and it was such a prestigious thing for the Nazis to destroy it, why are there no traces — no photos or documents — actually proving that it happened?” And if there were no fire, might those books still be available today, in attics, private collections and on the shelves of people unaware of their tragic provenance?

There are about 40 Jews in Lublin today, but over 40,000 lived there before the Holocaust, roughly one third of the city’s population. Nazaruk, who is not Jewish, became fascinated with Poland’s Jewish history over 10 years ago. He happened upon a series of Yiddish newspapers at a library in his hometown of Biała Podlaska, north of Lublin. The discovery inspired him to study Yiddish.

“For me, this Jewish, Yiddish-speaking world of prewar Poland is almost like a parallel universe,” he said. “It happened in places that I know, on streets I walk. It was like discovering a hidden history of places I know very well.”

Nazaruk threw himself into investigating the disappearance of the Lublin Yeshiva Library. He had on his side other skeptics of the bonfire story, including Adam Kopciowski, a Lublin historian at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University who found five of the yeshiva’s books at the former Chevra Nosim synagogue — Lublin’s only surviving prewar synagogue — in the early 2000s.

28 People Already Shot to Death in Chicago in January Yet they Vote for a Ceasefire in Gaza!

 The Chicago City Council has passed a totally pointless resolution urging a ceasefire in Gaza, marking it as the most substantial municipal body in the United States to advocate for such action.

The decision came after a closely contested vote that concluded with a tie of 23 in favor and 23 against. This deadlock prompted Democratic Mayor Brandon Johnson to step in and cast the decisive vote in support of the resolution, although it remains entirely symbolic in nature.

The announcement of the vote’s outcome was met with applause in the council chamber. This event highlighted the culmination of months of debate and a particularly heated council meeting that saw the removal of spectators from the premises.

Jake Sheridan, the reporter who documented the event on social media, noted, “Chicago becomes the largest American city to call for a Gaza cease-fire after a monthslong debate [and] a tense meeting where spectators were cleared out.” He also remarked on the resolution’s significance for local pro-Palestine organizations and progressive members of the council, calling it a “huge win.”

Around 70 U.S. cities have adopted resolutions concerning the Israel-Gaza conflict, the majority of which call for a ceasefire.

It’s worth noting that Chicago has already experienced a staggering 28 people shot to death in 2024 – that’s nearly 1 dead person each day. In 2023, there were 2,883 shooting victims in Chicago, resulting in the murder of 671 people, or about 2 every day. In other words, the inept Chicago Council ignored their own war zone and instead is focusing on trying to solve another.

Below is a recap of the shooting Chicago saw just this past weekend (via CBS News):

Satmar Rebbe's Glasses Fetch $18,000.00 on Ebay!


Biden & Blinken Reward Hamas Atrocities With a Palestinian State


 U.S. President Joe Biden is harming Israel’s efforts to demilitarize the Gaza Strip by demanding that Jerusalem scale back its military offensive against the Hamas terror organization, former U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman told Channel 12 on Monday.

Biden is “to some extent hampering the war effort by this desire to force Israel to engage in I think what he refers to as ‘low-intensity combat’… That’s sort of the kind of messaging that America has been giving Israel,” Friedman said in an interview with Channel 12‘s Yonit Levi.

“I think he has really made some inappropriate comments. He spoke about the indiscriminate bombing that Israel engaged in, which I think is an outright lie. I think that he speaks continuously about this need to impose a two-state solution, which I think is tone-deaf right now,” the former envoy continued.

In an Oct. 12 post on X, Friedman had stated he was “deeply grateful” for Biden’s support in the aftermath of Hamas’s brutal massacre of 1,200 people, mostly civilians, in Israel’s northwestern Negev region.

“In Judaism there is an obligation of ‘Hakarat Hatov’—saying thank you to those who perform good deeds. While I have been, and remain, deeply critical of the Biden Administration, the moral, tactical, diplomatic and military support that it has provided Israel over the past few days has been exceptional,” he tweeted at the time.

“I feel less that way now, and I was concerned then that the president’s commitment would fade as Biden tries to balance his various political interests,” Friedman told Channel 12 on Monday.

Friedman served for four years under the Trump administration, which delivered a number of moves hailed by Israel and its supporters, including pulling out of the 2015 ‎nuclear deal with Iran.