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Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Jews and Arabs must separate permanently


by Robert Harris

The October 7 pogrom serves as the most stark example of how different the Jewish and Arab peoples are, and why we Jews must seek to permanently separate from the Arabs.

Both Arabs and Jews must be allowed to fulfill their own destinies, but without the burden of living together. For Jews and Arabs are today, as we have always been, two people with wildly opposing views about morality, humanity, and what the purpose of life is.

The Jews successfully coexist in Israel with various Christians, Armenians, Druze, and other non-Jews. So why is it not possible to live with the Arabs?

Simply put, we can no longer live with the Arabs because the Arab world overwhelmingly supports and celebrates the unspeakable atrocities committed in the name of Islam on October 7.

Further, we do not have evidence that the Arab world is prepared to live side by side with anyone who is not a member of their religion. And critically, it is not possible to live with the Arab people, who deny the Jewish right to our land, our right to our religion, and even our right to exist.

How do I know that the Jews must permanently separate from the Arabs? Because the Arabs have chosen to use the October 7 pogrom to define who they are, what they value, and to remind the Jews what we should expect in the future if we continue to live with them.

And why do I speak with such certainty that the Jews must separate themselves from the Arabs?

It's been Almost 80 Years Since The Holocaust there are only 245,000 Jewish Survivors Still Alive

 Almost 80 years after the Holocaust, about 245,000 Jewish survivors are still living across more than 90 countries, a new report revealed Tuesday.

Nearly half of them, or 49%, are living in Israel; 18% are in Western Europe, 16% in the United States, and 12% in countries of the former Soviet Union, according to a study by the New York-based Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, also referred to as the Claims Conference.

Before the publication of the demographic report, there were only vague estimates about how many Holocaust survivors are still alive.

Their numbers are quickly dwindling, as most are very old and often of frail health, with a median age of 86. Twenty percent of survivors are older than 90, and more women (61%) than men (39%) are still alive.

The vast majority, or 96% of survivors, are “child survivors” who were born after 1928, says the report “Holocaust Survivors Worldwide. A Demographic Overview’” which is based on figures that were collected up until August.

Photo of Hillel Fuld and Chaya Raichik Photoshopped to Look Like Pair Smiling in Gaza War Zone


 Two renowned orthodox Jewish influencers with massive social media followings, were targeted by an antisemitic online troll who did something truly disgraceful.

Hillel Fuld, a global speaker, successful entrepreneur and online activist, and Chaya Raichik, aka LibsofTiktok, met in Israel this week. They posted a picture of themselves on X with a beautiful view in the background. Yet a vicious antisemite reposted the exact photo of the pair smiling, showing the destruction in Gaza in the background.

Fuld posted the following description of events:

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

In deadliest incident of Gaza combat, 21 soldiers killed as buildings collapse in blast


Twenty-one Israeli soldiers were killed Monday when they came under attack in the southern Gaza Strip, triggering a blast that collapsed two buildings with soldiers inside them, the military said Tuesday morning.

The buildings were being rigged for demolition by troops when Palestinian gunmen fired an RPG at a tank securing the forces. A second blast then occurred in the buildings, possibly as a result of a second RPG, leading to their collapse.

It was the single deadliest incident since the start of Israel’s ground offensive in the enclave, and raised the military death toll in the operation to 219.

Making Space for a "Dead" Rabbi to Get Thru in 770


Hundreds of USA History Eliminated by An Invasion of Illegals, Many of them Criminals Made possible by the Politicians You Elected

"Yemach Shemo'nics" March Thru the Muslim Neighborhoods in Brooklyn to Give Hamas "Chizuk"

Bringing their Mamzeirim


Faces of Rashaim YM"S 


UN using US taxpayer cash to pay illegals


A migrant holding up a debit card given to him by the United Nations.

In 2021, early on in America’s historic border crisis, I wrote that the United Nations was abetting the problem by handing out debit cards and cash vouchers to aspiring illegal border crossers on their way north.

One outraged group of 21 border security-minded lawmakers pitched a bill that would require the United States, the UN’s largest donor, to turn off the taxpayer money spigot.

H.R. 6155 never caught fire, though, in no small part because “fact checks” from outlets such as the AFP claimed that the UN was doing no such thing.

Those fact checkers lied.

Iran narco-terrorists are making billions and widening the war in the Middle East >>Jordan Bombing Syria


 building destroyed in a suspected Jordanian airstrike in Sweida, Syria on Jan. 18, 2024

Jordanian troops have been clashing regularly with smugglers at the Syrian border for more than two years.

Amman is now escalating its campaign by taking military action inside Syrian territory.

Already this year, Jordan’s air force has launched a half-dozen strikes north of the border.

Jordanian planes struck warehouses and the suspected home of a drug dealer Jan. 4 in the Syrian villages of Al-Ghariya and Shaab, respectively.

Jordan carried out four more strikes in enemy territory Jan. 9, targeting three dealers and a farm in villages near the border.

The operation “resulted in the arrest of seven wanted persons in connection with smuggling gangs and drug dealers,” according to the Jordanian army.

Another set of strikes hit Syria Thursday, killing at least nine.

Amman is under no illusions about who it’s fighting in this war: the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Former Jordanian minister Samih Maayteh said so explicitly, after dozens of narco-traffickers attempted to infiltrate Jordan Dec. 18 with explosives and 5 million captagon pills.

“It’s Iran sponsoring these militias,” Maayteh said. “These are hostile military actions against Jordan on its territory.”

Ben-Gvir: 'The hostages are our brothers, but we have a responsibility to all Israelis'

Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir opened his party meeting with a comment on the possibility of a prisoner exchange deal.

“The hostages are our brothers and we have a moral responsibility to recover them, but we have another responsibility to all the citizens of Israel, all 10 million people living here, to ensure that they not be kidnapped or murdered.”

“For that reason, the first thing we must do is defeat and destroy Hamas for good, to go all the way and collapse Hamas, and to recover the hostages.”

“The boundaries set by the smaller Cabinet are becoming blurred. They are not keeping their word any longer. Without the war, there will be no government.”

Responding to a question from Arutz Sheva - Israel National News regarding whether it would be right to agree with the opposition's calls for elections, he answered: “Going to elections is irresponsible and incorrect. We need to let the IDF win. We can make a reckoning later.”

He also criticized the Cabinet decision to approve the transfer of Palestinian Authority funds to Norway. “Transferring funds to an authority that supports terrorism is a mistake.”

Is Saying "Parshas Haman" on Tuesday Parshas Be'Shalach Kefirah? Heresy?


By Emailim Batorah 
Shulchan Aruch ( O.Ch 1: 23)

"It is good to say (daily) פרשת המן. (Levush)
So that you will believe, פרנסה is השגחה פרטית "

The ערוךהשלחן writes,” not to say פרשת המן*.

There is no mention of פרשת המן in ש"ס.

The פרישה claims there is a ירושלמי that speaks about the סגולה of פרשת המן.”
The ערוך השלחן writes He couldn’t find this ירושלמי. 
(It has not been found since)
ע"כ הערוך השלחן

Perhaps, according to the רמב"ם הל' ע"ז*, If the sole purpose of saying the פרשה, is to have the סגולה of פרנסה,
(ג' בשלח סגולה) this might be considered כפירה.

*The ערוך השלחן writes the reasons why not to say פרשת המן,

a) “The Parsha mentions numerous times the
Bnai Yisroel's complaints of not having food.
b) The complaints on the מן
c) The Midrash writes Hashem said “I don’t need
not your complaints (on the מן)and not your praises."

הלוחש על המכה וקורא פסוק מן התורה, וכן הקורא**
על התינוק שלא יבעת, והמניח ספר תורה או
תפילין על הקטן בשביל שיישן - לא די להם
שהם בכלל מנחשים וחוברים,

אלא שהן בכלל הכופרים בתורה,
שהן עושין דברי תורה רפואת גוף ואינן אלא
רפואת נפשות,
שנאמר (משלי ג כב): "ויהיו חיים לנפשך".
אבל הבריא, שקרא פסוקין ומזמור מתהילים
כדי שתגן עליו זכות קריאתן וינצל מצרות
ומנזקים, הרי זה מותר 

רמב"ם הל' ע"ז פי"א הל' י"ב*

London Police Tell 3 Jews Being Assaulted By A Mob That They’re “Too Busy” To Help Them


Three Israelis were attacked in Leicester Square in the heart of London by antisemitic thugs, with police then telling the victims that they were too busy to bother with their near-lynching.

Channel 12 reported that the incident began when the trio of Israelis – including one who was born and raised in Britain – were approached by several teens and asked whether they were Jewish. Upon hearing that they were, the teens began throwing glass bottles at them – including one of the three who had ironically removed his yarmulka to avoid being identified as Jewish prior to the assault.

The victims managed to flee to a side street and phone police, who made it clear that they couldn’t care less. According to the report, police told the victims that they were “too busy” to respond and that the victims should just “try to calm down.”

The attack in Leicester Square is part of a worrying trend of increasing antisemitic incidents in major cities around the world. In Britain alone, there has been a reported 2,039 antisemitic incidents in the two months following the attack. Similarly, Austria and the United States have witnessed increases of 300% and 388%, respectively, in reported antisemitic incidents.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Here is one "shvigger" that didn't get away with it

Daniel Eric Markel was born in Montreal and raised in Toronto in a “very Jewish” family.In fact his mother-in-law now charged in his murder called him "a religious zealot" He studied politics and philosophy as a Harvard undergraduate, graduating magna cum laude. While on a Dorot Fellowship in Israel, Markel completed graduate studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and earned a master's degree in political theory from Emmanuel College, Cambridge before receiving his J.D. from Harvard Law School in 2001

Shvigger from hell 

A 73-year-old grandmother was seen in new video footage being arrested in Miami, Florida, in connection with an alleged murder-for-hire plot to kill her former son-in-law.

Body camera video from November shows police taking Donna Adelson into custody at Miami International Airport as she and her husband were attempting to board a one-way flight to Vietnam. Donna was seen being escorted by police through the airport and into a patrol car.

"I didn't know there was a warrant," Donna was heard saying in the video.

She is charged with first-degree murder and solicitation of murder over accusations she conspired with her son and several others to have her former son-in-law, Florida State University law professor Daniel Markel, killed in his driveway in 2014.

Markel had been in a court battle during that time with his ex-wife, Wendi Adelson – the daughter of Donna Adelson. Wendi wanted to take her two sons she shared with Markel to South Florida to be closer to her mother and other family members, ABC 7 reported.

But when Markel refused the proposed arrangement, the Adelson family attempted to remove him from the picture, according to prosecutors.

"Who did it appear to have a motive to want Dan Markel dead? His own family," Prosecutor Georgia Cappleman said.

Prosecutors accused Donna of playing a crucial role in the scheme. Her son, Charlie, was convicted of first-degree murder and is serving a mandatory life sentence

"If there is extradition from Vietnam, because we've looked at all the places, I mean, I could go to Korea and China, but there's no extradition," Donna said in a jail call with Charlie about a week before allegedly attempting to flee the country.

Prosecutors say Donna was attempting to flee the country and that it could be used as evidence against her in court.

Her attorney claimed to ABC News that she is innocent and that they "look forward to proving it at trial." She is scheduled to appear in court on Monday.

Footage of an Israeli gunner shows the moment a Hamas terrorist aiming an RPG at an armored IDF vehicle was eliminated before he could fire the projectile at the Israeli troops.

  Footage from the view of an Israeli gunner shows the moment a Hamas terrorist aiming an RPG  at an armored IDF vehicle was eliminated in the Gaza Strip before he could fire the projectile at the Israeli troops.

Hachnasas Sefer Torah in Gaza



Bnei-Brak a City of Rats, Filth & Water Leaks .... This is What Happens When "chareidim" Run a City


Gerer Chassidim in London Warn their followers Against Going To Rav Shaul Alter to Daven or to his "tishen" They Will be Thrown out of all Moisdos

While Jewish Children in Uniform are dying in Gaza, Ger is busy fighting their own war against their own "Hamas"
מי כעמך ישראל 


Now You Can Finish Shas While Brushing Your Teeth ... Thank You Rabbi Nossan Goldberg !


Watch your sheital when standing near a Subway


Every Gazan family has at least one family member who belongs to a terrorist group ...innocent is what they really are not.


The Evil ‘Rabbi" Brant Rosen and ‘Peace Activist’ Who Cheered the Hamas Oct. 7 Attack

When pro-Hamas insurrectionists stormed Capitol Hill, Brant Rosen, described as “one of the demonstrators”, was quoted as falsely accusing Jews of genocide. He was later arrested.

In Chicago, where he claims to have co-founded the “first anti-Zionist temple”, he showed up at a rally urging, “stop the violence, and then, to work toward a true and lasting and just peace.”

‘Rabbi’ Brant Rosen, a co-founder of the pro-terrorist JVP Rabbinical Council (the misleadingly named Jewish Voice for Peace is neither Jewish nor peaceful) is a public face of the political campaign against Israel disguised as calls for “peace” and a “ceasefire”. The media describes him as a “rabbi” and as a “peace activist”. Much like JVP, he’s as much of one as the other.

Rosen actually became a regional director for the American Friends Service Committee, a radical anti-American and anti-Israel Quaker group, after being pushed out of his synagogue for his hatred of the Jewish State and support for Islamic terrorists. In its 5-year tribute to him, AFSC did not use the ‘rabbi’ title. While at the AFSC, he claimed to have opened the “first anti-Zionist temple”. In reality, the “temple” appears to be a PO Box opposite a Little Caesars.

Whether the “temple” exists is unclear, but Brant Rosen’s hatred for Jews is all too real.

Palestinian restaurant Ayat Offering free Shabbas Seuda after backlash over ‘river to the sea’ menu listing

Ayat is named after Elenani’s wife, a 34-year-old lawyer and the daughter of Palestinian immigrants.

A Palestinian restaurant chain owner who took flak for his inflammatory “river to the sea” menu header is hosting a free sabbath dinner on Friday in part to thank his Jewish customers for their support and to foster community.

Restaurateur Abdul Elenani, 31, owns Ayat, a chain of popular Palestinian eateries named after his wife, a 34-year-old lawyer, and the daughter of Palestinian immigrants. 

The restaurant caused a stir in the wake of the Oct. 7 terrorist attack in Israel with its “from the river to the sea” fish options on the menu.

The Anti-Defamation League calls the phrase antisemitic because it implicitly calls for the destruction of the state of Israel and the annihilation of Jews. 

“This mantra stands for Palestinians to have equal rights and freedoms in their own country. In no way does this advocate any kind of violence. It signifies peace, and freedom,” he told Side Dish.

The explanation has been added to the new menus at his latest location in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn, which will host the free dinner. It will soon appear on menus at other Ayat outposts.  

Elenani’s controversial messaging led to him being targeted with death threats and, almost as bad, the popular chain was hit with bad reviews. But he has remained firm in trying to control the narrative.

“You can’t come to me and translate my verse,” he said. “You should ask me and I will give you my translation. I’m not going to change it because you want to change the meaning to feed your story.”

Perhaps surprisingly, he has received strong support from his Jewish customers, he said. 

The sabbath dinner is a way for him to show thanks, though he is still working out details like hiring a kosher caterer.

Iranian Soldier opens fire on fellow soldiers, killing 5


An Iranian soldier opened fire on fellow soldiers on Sunday, killing five of them in the southeastern city of Kerman, The Associated Press reported, citing Iranian state TV.

State TV said the shooting happened when the soldier arrived at a barracks dormitory and opened fire on the resting soldiers. It said the motive was not immediately clear and the suspect, who wasn’t identified, was at large. No other details were released.

The attack took place in Kerman, some 830 kilometers southeast of the capital Tehran, which was the scene of two deadly explosions earlier this month that killed 94 people and wounded hundreds more.

The explosions took place during an anniversary ceremony for the death of Iranian General Qassem Soleimani, who was eliminated in a US drone strike in Iraq in January of 2020.

The Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization claimed responsibility for the deadly twin blasts. US intelligence later confirmed that ISIS’ Afghanistan-based branch was behind the attack.

AP noted that similar shootings at military bases have been occasionally reported in Iran. In 2022, a soldier killed another soldier and three policemen at a roadside police station in the country’s south.

Father Whose is Business is to Murder Jewish Children Puts Dora Sheets On his little Girl’s Bed


Kipa reporter Amiel Yarchi, who is currently serving as a reserve soldier in the Gaza Strip, shared what he saw in middle-class Gazan homes he and his fellow soldiers entered while carrying out operations.

“We wake up early in the morning, hastily drink coffee, and head out for an attack. The tank platoon fires a shell or two, we lead the assault, clearing explosives around the house with a bulldozer and breaking down walls for the infantry to clear the house.”

“We enter a middle-class home — a nice living room, an ugly kitchen, a master bedroom, and three children’s rooms. The bathroom is clean, and the children’s rooms are full of dolls, toy guns, and a child’s Hamas hat. Upstairs, we find Nukhba uniforms, vests, and a grenade. There are Dora sheets on the girl’s bed – her father works in murdering Jewish children.”

“There’s a Hamas tunnel in the backyard of the adjacent house and in the bedroom, there’s a permit to work in Israel. Such is life in a neighborhood like this.”

“IDF soldiers on the outskirts of Khan Yunis must look east before every attack – to see the houses of Kibbutz Nir Oz in which the family’s father entered to kidnap and murder.”

“The soldiers exit the house, and we begin to demolish it with the bulldozer. Revenge is not a dirty word.”

In Stinging Rebuke, Netanyahu Contradicts Biden’s Claims About Phone Call


 This weekend, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu reaffirmed his firm opposition to Palestinian statehood, after President Joe Biden suggested that Bibi was actually open to the idea.

CNN reported that Netanyahu told Biden on Friday that he isn’t ruling out the establishment of a Palestinian state.

However Netanyahu’s spokesman claimed that in that same phone call with Biden, the Israeli leader told the president that his country’s security needs left no space for a sovereign Palestinian state.

“In his conversation with President Biden, prime minister Netanyahu reiterated his policy that, after Hamas is destroyed, Israel must retain security control over Gaza to ensure that Gaza will no longer pose a threat to Israel, a requirement that contradicts the demand for Palestinian sovereignty,” a statement said.

On Motzei Shabbos, Netanyahu issued a statement in Hebrew, saying: “I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan – and this is contrary to a Palestinian state.”

Here is the full statement by PM Netanyahu:

“Let it be clear: I reject outright the terms of surrender of the monsters of Hamas.

In exchange for the release of our hostages, Hamas demands the end of the war, the withdrawal of our forces from Gaza, the release of all the murderers and rapists of the Nuh’ba and leaving Hamas intact.

If we agree to this – our warriors fell in vain. If we agree to this – we will not be able to guarantee the security of our citizens. We will not be able to return the evacuees safely to their homes, and next October 7th will only be a matter of time. I am not ready to put up with such a fatal injury to Israel’s security, so we will not agree to it.

The conditions set by Hamas sharpen a simple truth – there is no substitute for victory. Only a complete victory will ensure the elimination of Hamas and the return of all our abductees.

That’s why I insist that after we achieve complete victory, after we eliminate Hamas – there will be no entity in Gaza that finances terrorism, educates terrorism or sends terrorism.

Gaza must be demilitarized, under full security control of the State of Israel. I will not compromise on full Israeli security control over all the territory west of Jordan.

As long as I am prime minister, I will continue to firmly stand by it. If someone has a different position, let them show leadership and state their position honestly to the citizens of Israel.”

Sunday, January 21, 2024

Italian Police Don't Take "Crap" from Anti-Israel Protestors