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Thursday, October 12, 2023

25 Americans killed in Israel-Hamas war

Secretary of State Antony Blinken confirmed Thursday that at least 25 Americans were killed in the violence after Hamas infiltrated Israel on Saturday.

"Tragically, the number of innocent lives claimed by Hamas as heinous attacks continues to rise. Among those, we now know that at least 25 American citizens were killed," Blinken said at a joint press conference with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. 

More than 2,400 Israelis and Palestinians have been killed in the Middle East since terrorist group Hamas launched an unprecedented attack on Israel Saturday morning.

As of Thursday morning, Israel Defense Forces said more than 1,200 Israelis are dead and at least 3,000 are wounded.

The war between Israel and Hamas entered its sixth day on Thursday.

Damascus, Aleppo Airports Bombed, Disabled

 Both Damascus International Airport and Aleppo International Airport were bombed Thursday afternoon, according to a report by Israel’s KAN 11 News public broadcaster, quoting the Syrian Al-Watan newspaper, which blamed Israel for the attack.

The air strike targeted the runways used by incoming and departing aircraft, many of which are used by Iran to transport weapons to its Lebanese proxy, Hezbollah.

Both airports were disabled and are currently not functioning, forcing an Iranian aircraft that had already taken off from Tehran to turn around and retrace its route.

Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian was expected to land tomorrow in Damascus. Amir-Abdollahian was also expected to arrive in Iraq and Lebanon this week as part of that visit.

The attacks came as Israel continues to battle Iranian-backed Hamas terrorists as they attempt to annihilate the Jewish State, beginning with the launch of the Gaza-based group’s war against Israel on Saturday morning.

Rape as an Arab terrorist's weapon


The news that some women at the Israeli music festival were raped by Hamas terrorists before they were cruelly murdered is a reminder that this is not the first time Palestinian Arab terrorists have employed sexual violence as a weapon.

Nearly a century ago, in the aftermath the Arab pogrom against Jews in Hebron in 1929, a journalist visiting one of the victims’ homes reported:

“The 12 foot-high ceiling [was] splashed with blood. The rooms looked like a slaughterhouse…the severed sexual organs and the cut-off women’s breasts…lying scattered over the floor and in the beds…[N]ot a single item had been left intact except a large black-and-white photograph of Dr. Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism. Around the picture frame the murderers had draped the blood-drenched underwear of a woman.”

Many accounts of the Arab invasion of the newborn state of Israel in 1948 have described the sexual mutilation of Jewish corpses that was discovered after Arab forces overran the Kfar Etzion bloc.

'Repugnant, disgraceful': White House press secretary blasts 'Squad' statements on Israel


White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre blasted members of the so-called "Squad" of lawmakers from the Democratic Party following their statements on the war between Israel and Hamas, Fox News reported.

During her daily press briefing on Tuesday, Jean-Pierre was asked about the administration's reaction to comments made by Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO).

"I've seen some of those statements this weekend, and we're going to continue to be very clear. We believe they're wrong, we believe they're repugnant, and we believe they're disgraceful," the press secretary replied.

"Our condemnation belongs squarely with terrorists who have brutally murdered, raped, kidnapped hundreds, hundreds of Israelis. There can be no equivocation about that. There are not two sides here. There are not two sides," she added.

The names of those confirmed taken by Hamas. Please daven for their safe return.


Great Message to the World from .... yes... Yair Lapid & Ron Dermer


In Beitar Elite Chareidim Tying Tzitzis for IDF but in Beit Shemesh D2 they are Harassing them


 Beit Shemesh News • Iron Swords*

Unbelievable: while a war is raging, several extremists were seen harassing a Chareidi soldier in RBS D2.
Residents quickly pushed the extremists back and called the police.

TRUE COLORS: Turkish Official To Bibi: “You’ll Die” Erdogan Slams Strikes On Gaza “Innocents”


Turkish Deputy Education Minister Nazif Yilmaz wrote on Twitter to Israel’s Prime Minister Binyanim Netanyahu that “one day they [the Palestinians] will also shoot you. You’ll die.”

He wrote the comments in response to a tweet by Netanyahu showing a photo of Gaza, with the caption: “We’re continuing with all our power.”

Netanyahu was referring to the strikes against Gaza in response to the brutal murder of over 1,200 of its residents by Gazan terrorists, the injury of over 3,000, the abduction of about 150, and the launch of over 5,000 rockets into Israel.

Billionaire Bill Ackman Tells Harvard Won’t Hire Students Associated With Anti-Israel Statement

  A billionaire hedge fund manager is making waves on Twitter for asking Harvard University to share the names of students belonging to organizations that issued a letter placing full responsibility for the Hamas terror attacks on Israel.

Pershing Square Holdings CEO Bill Ackman’s October 10th Twitter post came in response to a letter signed by more than 30 Harvard student groups holding “the Israeli regime entirely responsible for all unfolding violence” and calling on “the Harvard community to take action to stop the ongoing annihilation of Palestinians.”

In his post, which received more than 16 million views in just under 24 hours, Ackman said that he and other CEOs wanted to know the names of all students affiliated with the organizations that signed on the letter in order to avoid “inadvertently” hiring any of them in the future.

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

ISRAEL WAR 2023 The faces of Israeli child hostages in Hamas slaughter


Heartbreaking accounts are emerging of the scores of children who were taken captive by Hamas when the terrorist group unleashed its unprecedented assault over the weekend — and the innocent kids thought to be in the attackers’ hands are as young as 9 months old.

Loved ones in Israel and abroad are now scrambling for answers, and – in the wake of Hamas’ pledge to execute one hostage for every Israeli airstrike that hits a Gazan home – are begging the abductors to spare the youngest lives.

The terror group, meanwhile, claims to have stockpiled “dozens” of captives in “safe places and tunnels and resistance” over the border in Gaza, Hamas spokesperson Abu Obeid said in a Telegram post.

Below, are the stories of some of the youngest hostages who are believed to be in Hamas custody – and whose ultimate fates remain unknown.

A brief video making the rounds on social media shows kindergarten teacher Shiri Shiri Silberman-Bibas clutching her sons – Ariel, 3, and nine-month-old Kfir – as the family is abducted by Hamas from their kibbutz in southern Israel Saturday.

Trief restaurant in Tel Aviv kashers kitchen so that frum soldiers can eat


Good morning. The following is a summary of items from last night's news broadcast.

*Joe Biden*, President of the United States, gave a historic speech for Israel, for justice, for all that is good. The leader of the world's most powerful nation spoke yesterday about the Jewish people's mission of being the light that dispels the darkness. He spoke emotionally about what Golda Meir once told him about Israel's secret weapon. "We have no other place in the world to go."

*Bruna Valeanu* was a new immigrant from Brazil who was murdered by Hamas. Yesterday evening a request for a minyan at her funeral at the Yarkon Cemetery quickly brought 10,000 mourners in a long line of cars.  Bruna was a girl who came to Israel alone but was alone no more. Yoav Even reported about other lines, but these were composed of people waiting at Magen David Adom to contribute blood. And then Yuna Leibzon called in to the broadcast from a demonstration in Manhattan where 25,000 people came to show unprecedented, ear-splitting support for Israel.

And then a report arrived regarding *Yotam and Asaf Doktor*, owners of a Tel Aviv restaurant, who have been sending thousands of free meals to IDF troops in the field. But the day before yesterday at the Nevatim Airbase some of the soldiers were going hungry since the meals from the restaurant were not kosher. What was there to do? The brothers decided to quickly kosher their restaurant. "There was a disconnect in Israeli society ," Yotam explained, "so we decided that it was a matter of pikuach nefesh (life and death) to connect everyone together again."
And what is the name of their restaurant? The Brothers.

This above is not just a series of news items, but a demonstration of national unity and true brotherhood.

Letter from a Moshav resident at the Gaza Border

 *Tzurit Yarchi*, writing from the Bnei Netzarim moshav near the Gaza Strip, sent the following:

"I don't know if and when we will ever stop speaking about those who died in the terrorist attack on Shabbat. So I want to say something about them. About all those that I knew. I am a 'Dosit' (observant woman) who arrived here after the withdrawal from Gaza. I had lived there in Gush Katif in the community of Netzarim.

We have lived here during the Gaza military campaigns dubbed 'Solid Lead,' 'Pillar of Cloud,' 'Protective Edge,' 'Guardian of the Walls,' 'Shield and Arrow,' and 'Dawn.' Throughout all these campaigns, the courageous kibbutzniks who were my neighbors continued to live here too, just a few kilometers from the border.

They continued to raise children as good citizens and great Zionists who highly value settlement of the land. You have surely seen pictures in recent days of their beautiful families that were slaughtered.

Most of them don't look like me, these beloved neighbors of mine, and they don't think like me, and perhaps, before all this happened, I never told them how incredible they are in my eyes.

But now they have paid the heaviest price. I meet the survivors and hear about their heroic deeds. We have not yet heard the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what mothers and fathers, even grandmothers, did -- their unbelievable resourcefulness and ingenuity. This is not only about physical courage, but about a silent hug inside a safe room when terrorists were on the other side of the door.

I look at the list of those killed here and weep. I knew eleven of them personally. You may not manage to hear about each and every one of them. But it was important for me to say something about their collective spirit, about how much they cared and how special they were.

Jedidia Murphy a Jew Executed by State of Texas


NYC dad, former paratrooper flies to Israel to help fight


New York mom of two Molly Mandel always knew that her husband, a reservist in the Israeli army, could be asked to return to the family’s ancestral home during a time of need.

But that didn’t make it any less shocking when the phone rang Sunday morning — just a single day after Hamas launched a savage attack on the Jewish state that’s already left about a thousand dead on both sides.

A former active-duty paratrooper and navigator, Zach, 28, could have said no when his old unit called.

The couple has two young children — a 2-year-old daughter and a 3-month-old newborn — and have been living in Manhattan’s Upper East Side since they moved back to the United States from Israel in May 2022.

“He could just say, “I’m in America,’ and they’d say, ‘OK, no problem,’” Molly told The Post on Tuesday.

“But we looked at each other, and he was like, ‘I’ve got to get over there,’” she said. “And I was like, ‘You have to get over there. You have to go home.’”

And it is home for the couple, both of whom were born in New York but lived in Israel for vast stretches of their lives.

Zach’s family had moved to the country from Riverdale, New York, when he was just 15 years old. He studied at a yeshiva for a year, then joined the Israeli army as a volunteer.

Molly — a native of Great Neck, Long Island — first met him in the summer of 2016 when she was an NYU student volunteering as an EMT overseas.

They became inseparable, and eventually lived together in Israel for about six years, she said. The sweethearts married in May 2019.

The couple moved back and forth between New York and Israel during the COVID pandemic before settling in Manhattan when their son was born.

Although, they planned to go back to Israel — eventually.

“Eventually” came sooner than either of them thought when Hamas gunmen roared across the heavily fortified Israeli border early Saturday morning, butchering and kidnapping civilians as they went.

Despite the danger — and the deep sense of dread that hits anyone watching a soldier head to war — Molly knew Zach had little choice. His morals and values would not let him stay safe in the United States while his brothers-in-arms fought.

“It wasn’t something you have to think about,” she said. “We feel deeply connected to Israel … and for Jews across the world, if we don’t have Israel, we can’t survive. We feel such a strong duty and obligation for our people … I knew it wasn’t a choice.”

Her husband flew out of JFK Airport Monday night, arriving in Israel early Tuesday.

“It wasn’t something you have to think about,” she said. “We feel deeply connected to Israel … and for Jews across the world, if we don’t have Israel, we can’t survive. We feel such a strong duty and obligation for our people … I knew it wasn’t a choice.”

Her husband flew out of JFK Airport Monday night, arriving in Israel early Tuesday.

US special operations forces, hostage rescue experts assisting Israeli forces


The US has sent a team of hostage rescue experts to advise the Israeli military on a potential rescue of the 150 hostages violently abducted by Hamas terrorists and taken across the border to Gaza during a surprise attack on south Israel, according to a report.

A small group of US special operations forces is also working with the Israel Defense Forces in response to the bloody Hamas ambush that killed more than a thousand people in Israel, US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin said Tuesday.

The team is helping the IDF with “planning and intelligence,” Austin told reporters who were traveling with him to Brussels this week.

“We also have the ability to rapidly deploy other resources into the region,” he added.

Special ops teams in a European country not far from Israel have been placed on alert and are at the ready if needed, two senior US military officials told The Messenger.

The troops are “door-kickers” with the ability to go into enemy territory to rescue hostages themselves, said the sources, who were granted anonymity to discuss the sensitive national intel.

Several Americans who were abroad in Israel at the time of the Hamas invasion are expected to be among the hostages in Gaza, though President Biden has not yet released any official count.

On Monday, Hamas threatened to kill one prisoner for every Israeli airstrike on the Gaza Strip.

The retaliatory strikes have killed roughly 1250 people, including 260 children and 230 women, according to the Ministry of Health in Gaza.

The US, however, has no current plans to dispatch such teams on the ground in Israel, according to the sources.

In the meantime, the country has sent advisors with the US intelligence community to aid an American special operations team assigned to the US Embassy in Israel, the officials told the publication.

The Pentagon has a “liaison cell” in Israel working with Israeli special operations forces, Austin said.

The US has also deployed munitions and air defenses to Israel since the Hamas attack that also killed at least 14 Americans.

US Central Command officials said the deliveries are meant to deter any other enemies of Israel, like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran, from taking advantage of the situation.

Israeli mom whose kids were abducted by Hamas takes on Leftist Dummy MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell Who Asked her About Israeli Attacks on Gaza


An Israeli mother whose 12- and 16-year-old sons were abducted by Hamas terrorists was visibly irritated when MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell asked about Israeli airstrikes in the Gaza Strip, exclaiming: “I can’t be sympathetic.”

Mitchell, whose left-leaning network has drawn criticism for refusing to refer to Hamas attackers as terrorists, pressed the unidentified mom on her feelings about Israel’s attacks on Gaza.

“I can’t be sympathetic to animal human beings — well, they’re not really human beings — who came into my house, broke everything, stole everything, took my children from their bedrooms and took them to the Gaza Strip,” she said.

“Israel never done that, and it will never do. So there is no symmetry! I’m sorry.”

The mom added: “If you were dealing with a war who is between two countries, countries don’t take children hostages. I’m sorry. It’s against the laws of war. It’s against humanity. It’s against anything that we all believe in.”

The Comcast-owned channel has come under fire for its commentary and coverage of the events in Israel and Gaza.

Dan Abrams of NewsNation blasted MSNBC on Monday for “victim blaming” while Anti-Defamation League chairman Jonathan Greenblatt wondered if Hamas was “writing the script” for the news channel.

At least 1,000 Israelis were killed by Hamas gunmen who crossed over the Israel-Gaza border early Saturday.

Full Text: Biden Slams ‘Pure Unadulterated Evil’ of Hamas


US President Joe Biden slammed massacres and atrocities perpetrated against Israeli men, women and children that began Saturday morning, on the Jewish holiday of Sukkot, when more than 1,500 terrorists invaded from Gaza to attack Jewish communities along the southern border

More than 1,000 Israelis were slaughtered by Hamas terrorists, the vast majority of them civilians and many of them women and children. More than 100 were kidnapped and taken across the border into Gaza, held captive by Hamas. Close to 3,000 more were wounded, shot, knifed, beheaded and burned in the attacks on the border villages, and in the more than 5,000 rocket attacks that have since followed.

Here’s the full text of the president’s address.

The USA is Coming Thru For Israel


Israel's Ministry of Defense has released video footage and images of the landing of a cargo plane that delivered an initial shipment of advanced weaponry to Israel.

This equipment was procured and brought to Israel through a joint operation overseen by the Ministry of Defense's Directorate of Production and Procurement, the US Procurement Mission, and the International Transportation Unit within the IMoD.

These bodies coordinated the mobilization of the cargo plane, ensuring the direct transport of armaments from the USA.

The plane, which carried advanced ammunition, arrived at the Nevatim Airbase in southern Israel on Tuesday night.

"The ammunition is intended to allow significant strikes and preparation for additional scenarios," the IDF said. "We are grateful for the American backing and assistance to the IDF in particular, and to the State of Israel in general, during this challenging period. Our common enemies know that the cooperation between the armies is stronger than ever, and is a central part to ensuring regional security and stability."

Just prior to midnight Wednesday morning, the first US aircraft carrier arrived in the Mediterranean Sea.

"The arrival of these highly capable forces to the region is a strong signal of deterrence should any actor hostile to Israel consider trying to take advantage of this situation," said General Michael "Erik" Kurilla, commander, US Central Command.

The War was predicted in Tehillim


This Canadian Citizen Wants Arabs to Take over Canada


Na Nachs Entertaining Our Troops


Did Hamas Get the Sophisticated Machine Guns From the US?


Lubavitcher Rebbe's Advice to Israel ... Strike First


Americans who travelled to Israel for Sukkos Stranded in Israel

 In the few days since the onset of Hamas’ terrorist atrocities, many Americans who had traveled to Israel for the Jewish holidays have reached out to Agudath Israel offices around the country to request guidance on how to return home to the U.S.

 In the wake of the hostilities, flights to and from Ben Gurion Airport have been severely restricted, resulting in travelers being stranded in Israel for days and perhaps more.

Many of the cases that have been brought to Agudath Israel’s attention involved American citizens facing specific hardships – large families forced to seek new accommodations as their holiday reservations had lapsed, individuals in need of medical treatment back home, employees needing to return to their workplaces, and other pressing reasons that required them to come home immediately.

Yisrael Hayom Photographer Murdered Along With Wife, Daughters, Son Is Only Survivor


Yisrael Hayom photographer Yaniv Zohar, H’yd, was murdered on Shabbos/Simchas Torah morning along with his wife Yasmin, and their two daughters, H’yd.

The family lived on Kibbutz Nachal Oz.

Zohar’s son has gone on an early morning run that morning. When the attack began, he hid in another home on the kibbutz and his life was spared.

Tragically, in a story reminiscent of the Holocaust, he is the only survivor of his family.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Hamas terrorists beheaded babies and gunned down entire families in their homes in a small kibbutz in Israel, horrified Israeli soldiers have revealed.

Some 70 Hamas terrorists wielding guns and grenades stormed the usually quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel, killing anyone – men, women and children – they saw.

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay in the grounds of the kibbutz among burned out houses, strewn furniture and torched cars, with solemn Israeli soldiers went from house to house to take away the scores of people massacred there.

Israeli Defence Forces took the foreign press through the site, one of the hardest hit areas when Hamas militants attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

The stench of bodies was heavy in the air as reporters walked the paths of the kibbutz.

‘You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms and how the terrorist kills them. It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. It’s a massacre, it’s a terror activity,’ said Israeli Major General Itai Veruv.

The devastating aftermath of the Kibbutz Kfar Aza massacre was revealed during a report from i24 News correspondent Nicole Zedek.

"About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys... Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open," a visibly shaken Zedek recounted in the nearly four-minute video, her voice at times trembling.

"Nobody could expect that it would be like this," Zedek said referring to the carnage that awaited soldiers who arrived at the kibbutz.

Sick... U.N. Warns Israel: Retaliatory Siege of Gaza ‘Prohibited’ Under International Law


Sick Dick

Israel’s act of self defense in laying siege to Hamas terrorists and their supporters in the Gaza Strip was declared a “prohibited” act Tuesday by the U.N. human rights chief.U.N.

 High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, issued a call for peace and understanding in the region from his office in Geneva, Switzerland, before admonishing any prospective retaliatory move by Israel against its Islamic attackers. He cautioned: The imposition of sieges that endanger the lives of civilians by depriving them of goods essential for their survival is prohibited under international humanitarian law

Any restrictions on the movement of people and goods to implement a siege must be justified by military necessity or may otherwise amount to collective punishment. 

As Breitbart News reported, Israeli Defense Minister Yoav Gallant has approved a “complete siege” of the Gaza Strip following Hamas’s massive terror attack on the Jewish state, which has killed over 900 people and wounded 2,500 more, according to reports.