Wednesday, October 11, 2023

Letter from a Moshav resident at the Gaza Border

 *Tzurit Yarchi*, writing from the Bnei Netzarim moshav near the Gaza Strip, sent the following:

"I don't know if and when we will ever stop speaking about those who died in the terrorist attack on Shabbat. So I want to say something about them. About all those that I knew. I am a 'Dosit' (observant woman) who arrived here after the withdrawal from Gaza. I had lived there in Gush Katif in the community of Netzarim.

We have lived here during the Gaza military campaigns dubbed 'Solid Lead,' 'Pillar of Cloud,' 'Protective Edge,' 'Guardian of the Walls,' 'Shield and Arrow,' and 'Dawn.' Throughout all these campaigns, the courageous kibbutzniks who were my neighbors continued to live here too, just a few kilometers from the border.

They continued to raise children as good citizens and great Zionists who highly value settlement of the land. You have surely seen pictures in recent days of their beautiful families that were slaughtered.

Most of them don't look like me, these beloved neighbors of mine, and they don't think like me, and perhaps, before all this happened, I never told them how incredible they are in my eyes.

But now they have paid the heaviest price. I meet the survivors and hear about their heroic deeds. We have not yet heard the tip of the iceberg when it comes to what mothers and fathers, even grandmothers, did -- their unbelievable resourcefulness and ingenuity. This is not only about physical courage, but about a silent hug inside a safe room when terrorists were on the other side of the door.

I look at the list of those killed here and weep. I knew eleven of them personally. You may not manage to hear about each and every one of them. But it was important for me to say something about their collective spirit, about how much they cared and how special they were.

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