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Tuesday, October 10, 2023



Hamas terrorists beheaded babies and gunned down entire families in their homes in a small kibbutz in Israel, horrified Israeli soldiers have revealed.

Some 70 Hamas terrorists wielding guns and grenades stormed the usually quiet Kfar Aza kibbutz in southern Israel, killing anyone – men, women and children – they saw.

The bullet-riddled bodies of Israeli residents now lay in the grounds of the kibbutz among burned out houses, strewn furniture and torched cars, with solemn Israeli soldiers went from house to house to take away the scores of people massacred there.

Israeli Defence Forces took the foreign press through the site, one of the hardest hit areas when Hamas militants attacked Israel from the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday.

The stench of bodies was heavy in the air as reporters walked the paths of the kibbutz.

‘You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bedrooms, in their protection rooms and how the terrorist kills them. It’s not a war, it’s not a battlefield. It’s a massacre, it’s a terror activity,’ said Israeli Major General Itai Veruv.

The devastating aftermath of the Kibbutz Kfar Aza massacre was revealed during a report from i24 News correspondent Nicole Zedek.

"About 40 babies were taken out on gurneys... Cribs overturned, strollers left behind, doors left wide open," a visibly shaken Zedek recounted in the nearly four-minute video, her voice at times trembling.

"Nobody could expect that it would be like this," Zedek said referring to the carnage that awaited soldiers who arrived at the kibbutz.


Cohen Y said...

Gaza "delenda est"

Falafel Akbar said...

There's been a major change here in the last few days. After Sleepy Joe Biden sent his hoiz Kapo Blinken out to criticize Israel, they did a 180 degree about face to slam the terrorists & their Leftist supporters. Even Biden's puppet master Obama announced something previously unthinkable for him in calling for Hamas to be dismantled.

What happened????

I think the Obama-Biden symbiosis initially underestimated the public revulsion of the Arab barbarity that the Arabs themselves broadcast on Simchas Torah. The Rambam in the Yad says that even most plundering reshoyim deem killing women & children repugnant (as long as they are somewhat civilized). The Rogotchover is medayek in megilas Esther that this is the main reason why Achashverosh wanted to strangle Haman at the seudah. He had only agreed to kill all the men. Then he was tipped off that someone went behind his back to change the upmach. When he demanded to know who the bloodthirsty mechutzef is, Esther quickly pointed to Haman. While Obama is still a bigger rasha than even what the Rambam describes, he is smart enough to figure out that the public outrage at the Democrat establishment would be unsustainable.

Now add to this that Bobby Kennedy / RFK Jr announced he is running for President as an Independent. Bobby is popular among enough Democrats and is pro-Israel that he poses a huge threat to Obama-Biden.

While Obama is an evil, anti-Semitic snake, he is a practical one so he knew coming out "full stop" for Israel is the best chance for Biden and/or other establishment Democrats to survive the coming election.