Thursday, October 12, 2023

TRUE COLORS: Turkish Official To Bibi: “You’ll Die” Erdogan Slams Strikes On Gaza “Innocents”


Turkish Deputy Education Minister Nazif Yilmaz wrote on Twitter to Israel’s Prime Minister Binyanim Netanyahu that “one day they [the Palestinians] will also shoot you. You’ll die.”

He wrote the comments in response to a tweet by Netanyahu showing a photo of Gaza, with the caption: “We’re continuing with all our power.”

Netanyahu was referring to the strikes against Gaza in response to the brutal murder of over 1,200 of its residents by Gazan terrorists, the injury of over 3,000, the abduction of about 150, and the launch of over 5,000 rockets into Israel.

Netanyahu was scheduled to visit Turkey in July but delayed his trip after he underwent surgery for a pacemaker implantation. Last month, in the first meeting between the two, Netanyahu met Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan in New York.

However, Erdogan, who has been on a campaign for warmer ties with Israel in recent years, is now showing his true anti-Israel colors, saying on Wednesday that Israel is not “acting like a state” in the Gaza Strip.

Erdogan slammed the IDF’s “shameful attacks” on the “innocents” in the Gaza Strip.

In the same speech, Erdogan noted that Turkey will increase its attacks on Kurds in Syria and Iraq, during which many civilians have been killed and injured.

No, he did not note the irony or hypocrisy of his statements.


Falafel Akbar said...

One of the several Fox News channels had the retired Intelligence official on tonight, US Marines Lt. Col. Hal Kempfer. He said the reason why Hezbollah hasn't dared open a 2nd front against Israel is the collective threats they have received from the United States & other countries. A second American carrier group is now steaming to the eastern Mediterranean. Hezbollah has been very clearly warned that all this firepower will be used to blast them back to the Stone Age. European countries whom Kempfer would not name have also directly threatened Hezbollah they will join the American attack. Pretty significant that even the spineless EUniks are finally standing up to the Arabs.

And have you been following the "mainstream" networks like ABC News? Now that Biden & his puppet master Obumbum have (for selfish reasons) turned against the Arabs & their Socialist Democrat supporters, the Biden-Obumbum lapdogs who moonlight as the news presenters are exposing every gory detail of the Arab savagery & generating sympathy for the Yidden. The last time this happened was the 1950s.

Anonymous said...

So Israel rescuers going to Turkey after the earthquake were a waste of time?