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Saturday, March 11, 2023

The OU 's R' Moshe Hauer Outrageous and Sick Statement!


An American rabbi, even one with family living in Israel, who lives a safe and comfortable life in an Orthodox Jewish enclave in an American suburban neighborhood, cannot understand the reality on the ground here in Israel, and *has no standing* to opine about whether or not we should respond with strength to incessant, murderous attacks on us.

Note that we set fire to salvage cars in a lot; we didn't kill humans. There is no moral equivalency to the Muslims murdering Jews and the Jews setting fire to empty, parked cars in a salvage lot in a very mild show of anger.

Justice would require the government to use its military to bomb the village out of existence, after transferring its population out of Israel to Syria, Egypt, or Jordan. And until that happens, for the government to build a bypass road around the terrorists' village so that Jews could have safe passage.

Our government's response is slow, tepid, and ineffectual—in large part because our leaders bow to inappropriate pressure from the hypocritical, antisemitic American government.

It is an OUTRAGE for an American rabbi who leads a major American Orthodox Jewish institution to criticize the Jews for responding to the murders of their sons, friends, and neighbors. The days of the ghetto Jew are over. We will defend ourselves against the murderous neighbors in our own national homeland until our enemies are gone and we are safe. We will avenge the murder of Jews.

American Jews vote 70% for the wicked  Democrats who arm the enemies of Israel, fund Iran, allow Jew-haters in Congress, and continue to participate in the transparently antisemitic UN.

It is a shame that we Jews have to be soldiers, military or civilian, in the existential battle for our civil rights to live freely as Jews in our own sovereign Jewish state of Israel; that we have to take up the weapons of war and resistance  against an enemy dedicated to our destruction.

Rabbi Moshe Hauer, Executive Vice President of the Orthodox Union (OU), issued a statement after some Jewish men went into the Arab town of Hawara and destroyed property. This was in response to the brutal murder of two brothers, from Har Bracha, who were shot – execution style – while driving through this town.

Rabbi Hauer opened his words with a question: “How can such a thing happen? How could it come to this, that Jewish young men should ransack and burn homes and cars?” 

Ok, Rabbi Hauer… you want to know how such a thing can happen? I’ll tell you.

The town of Hawara is the center of Jihadists in the Shomron. Yes, there are some nice and innocent people living there, but most of the 8,000 residents are vicious, violent anti-Semites who advocate, support and celebrate the spilling of Jewish blood. Every day, the Jews who live nearby drive through the center of this Amalekite village. There is no “bypass road” or way around this hate-filled place.

1,600 Jewish families live in Har Bracha, Yitzhar, Itamar and Elon Moreh and their only way home, from the main Tapuach junction, is via this town. Every day, yes! – every single day – at least 20 Jewish cars get stoned while driving through Hawara. I highly doubt that this has ever happened to Rabbi Hauer…

It’s important to note that “stoning cars” is not what you think. None of the violent Jew haters are throwing pebbles. They are throwing bricks and dropping cinder blocks from rooftops.

Imagine a young mother with 3 children in her car, driving home from the supermarket. As she is driving, a brick comes crashing through her windshield. The shock of what happened is enough to give her a heart attack! The children start screaming, there is broken glass everywhere, but she cannot stop for help… because she’s in the middle of Hawara with a mob just waiting to finish the job.

This is not an exaggeration. 

This happens every day and the murder of Hillel and Yagel Yaniv was something that Hawara residents live for. After the brutal murder, candies and sweets were handed out, cake was distributed, and people were singing. 

When did all this stop? When did the Jew haters of Hawara finally run, hide and shake in fear? 

When the Jewish young men, the ones Rabbi Hauer wrote about, entered the town and taught them the Jewish lesson of vengeance. Since that day, not one rock has been thrown at Jewish cars.

Dearest Rabbi Hauer; 

you are a good man and the organization you represent – the OU – is one of the finest around. Yet, on this concept you are totally wrong… but you’re not to blame. Most Jewish leaders responded exactly the way you did. As a matter of fact, former Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg said that he has more sympathy for the residents of Hawara than for the Jewish community of Har Bracha! “It is not wise to sympathize with the people on Har Bracha – it is wise to sympathize with the victims in Hawara,” Burg told 103FM Israel Radio. He added that “Har Bracha should be evacuated. It cannot be allowed to remain.”

What should Jewish leaders have said? Nothing fancy and definitely not politically correct. 

Allow me to state – loud and clear, with no fear – what my response would have been: 

The town of Hawara got what they deserved and the next time a brick is thrown, the response will be even more severe. 

Ideally, the IDF needs to respond this way, but if their hands are tied by political sissies then the residents need to teach the lesson themselves. Our goal is to live in peace but “peace” does not mean “weakness”. We will not tolerate living in Israel in a state of fear and if the Jihadists in Hawara want war… they will get it.

Am Yisrael Chai!

by Shmuel Sackett founder and director of the Am Yisrael Chai Foundation.

Simcha (Langeh Reckel) Eichenstein slammed by activists over his Lies Over yeshiva corporal punishment comments


A Brooklyn assemblyman is being called out by activists and childhood friends after claiming he’s “not familiar” with the use of corporal punishment at Hasidic Jewish religious schools in New York.

Assemblyman Simcha Eichenstein (D-Brooklyn) sparked a social media firestorm last week with a tweet insisting he’s unaware of any such issues at the schools, known as yeshivas, in the Empire State.

“As a yeshiva parent/former student, I’m not familiar with the use of corporal punishment at yeshivas, nor would I tolerate it,” Eichenstein wrote.

His comments, in response to a new bill from his fellow Democrats that would explicitly bar the use of physical or violent methods to discipline students at private schools, drew rebukes from dozens of advocates and several people claiming to be former classmates.

Chaim Topol of Fiddler On The Roof,’ Learned the Talmud for 40 Years

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Topol, who was born and raised on a kibbutz, once confided in an interview about his love for learning Gemara. “I’ve been learning Gemara for 40 years,” he said in an interview on the Orot channel. “I try never to skip it because I really like it and enjoy it.”

“It’s sitting down and sharpening your mind and saying: ‘Why did Rebbe Akiva say this and why did Reb Shimon Bar Yochai say that and why did Abaye say that and why does it say that?’ The interesting thing is that there’s no consensus, that is that ultimately they say that the halacha is like this – but on the way, they clarify and agree with things.”

Topol said he sometimes needed to look outside of acting to find meaning in his life. He devoted much of his later years to charity as chairman of the board of Jordan River Village, a camp serving Middle Eastern children with life-threatening diseases. Years earlier, he founded a nonprofit that services children with special needs.

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Karma! Israeli Hi-Tech Companies that withdrew Money from Israel to Protest Judicial Reform Lost their Money in SVB


SVB Financial Group, a.k.a. Silicon Valley Bank, on Thursday, was desperately reassuring its venture capital clients that their money was safe after its stock dropped 60% and more than $80 billion in value in bank shares evaporated. The run on the bank followed a capital raise––also desperate––intended to pay for a lost $1.8 billion, the result of the sale of a $21 billion portfolio of US Treasuries.

SVB presents itself as “the financial partner of the innovation economy, helping individuals, investors and the world’s most innovative companies achieve their ambitious goals.” It’s believed that some of those innovative startups received financing from SVB at very comfortable interest rates, back in the days of zero interest, but also more recently. But the recent dwindling investments in hi-tech companies caused many of them to fall behind on their repayments. And it all came to a head on Wednesday.

SVB has an Israeli branch, managed by David Cohen and Gadi Moshe, and serves an estimated 500 Israeli companies, including giants such as eToro, Redis, Verbit, Fireblocks, and Capitolis. According to reports, companies that tried to take their money out of SVB were refused.

Now for the karma portion of our report: according to Bizportal, several Israeli hi-tech companies that wanted to protest the Israeli government’s judicial reform legislation took their money out of Israeli banks this past month and moved it to… SVB.

SVB CEO Greg Becker said on Thursday: “I ask everyone to relax and support us as we supported you in difficult times.”

And you thought bankers didn’t have a sense of humor.

Friday, March 10, 2023

Zera Shimshon Parshas Ki Sisa


Sudden Petirah of Chaim Elefant 32 Father of 4


Chaim was on an Alaska Airlines flight from Los Angeles to Ft, Lauderdale, Florida, with two of his business partners when he suffered a massive heart attack. Flight crew members immediately began resuscitation efforts as the plane diverted to New Orleans. Once the plane was on the ground, paramedics rushed Chaim to a hospital, where he was sadly niftar.

A Flatbush Hatzolah paramedic who happened to be in New Orleans at the time made his way to the hospital to assist and comfort Chaim’s stunned business partners and to ensure kavod hameis.

With tremendous siyata dishmaya, the local coroner swiftly released the niftar after intervention by Chesed Shel Emes and various askanim.

A philanthropist flew a private jet to pick up the niftar to fly him back to Los Angeles for the levaya and kevurah.

The niftar leaves behind his wife Miriam (Nee Citronenbaum) and four children, the oldest who isn’t yet 7 years old, and the youngest who is just a few months old.

He is the son of Yankie and Lisa Elefant of Flatbush.

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Major Antisemitic Abuse at JFK Airport


Liz Mair, a well-known American political and communications consultant and president of Mair Strategies LLC. claimed to have been subject to antisemitic treatment at JFK Airport in Queens, New York because of her Jewish-sounding last name.

In a thread posted to Twitter, Mair claimed that airport staff single out haredi Jewish passengers, who she calls 'ultra-Orthodox.' "Since this is the third time in a row that I’ve witnessed major anti-Semitic behavior from JFK Airport staff— especially but not only TSA— I’m going on a rant about it. Typically it’s just generic rudeness, yelling at people who are obviously Jewish (eg ultra-Orthodox) while treating everyone else nice as pie, etc. Today was much worse."

"Everyone we saw who was identifiably Jewish who tried to progress through security was forced to take off WAY more clothing than anyone who didn’t appear to be Jewish. One woman appeared to be asked to remove her wig," she said,

Orthodox women cover their hair after marriage for reasons of modesty. Many wear wigs while in public.

She went on to say that she was subject to this same treatment because of her name. "JFK Airport security will not comply with the rules for over 75s if the passengers are obviously Jewish. This includes non-ultra-Orthodox whose passports have been checked and names noticed. I’m not Jewish, but everyone in America thinks “Mair” is Jewish. Surprise, surprise, after an initial look at my passport, they steered me and my kid into the line with people who were obviously Jewish, and then moved that line at half the speed of the one next to it."

"We were yelled at to back up and I explained we could not because there was a baby behind us. They did not care. All the blond people magically ended up in the faster moving lane. We, and others who appeared to be Jewish (mostly ultra-Orthodox) were made to remove items from our bags that are not required to be removed under TSA rules. This slowed the line down. Then everyone got yelled at for being slow.

"Literally every time I fly out of this airport lately I see some anti-Semitic sh** and with my last name, I get to be on the receiving end, too. NYC has a major problem with anti-Semitism on the rise and JFK Airport
staff dabble in it heavily. It makes me extremely angry," she said. "I don’t care about the inconvenience. I care about the casual hatred and treating people as lesser than because they wear a particular hat, or a wig, or dress a certain way, or have the last name Meyer, or Mair, or Klein, or Goldberg. This sh** is absolutely unacceptable."

Liz Mair was the Online Communications Director at the 2008 Republican National Committee and the founder and President of Mair Strategies LLC, which bills itself as the "US’ leading right-of-center online communications operative."

5 hurt in Tel Aviv Terror Attack


The Terrorist  

DemonRats One-Sided Jan 6 False Narrative Put Protestors in Jail Without Trial for Over 2 Years

For more than two years, while they controlled every lever of power in Washington, the Democratic Party and their media allies told a one-sided story about what happened at the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

For more than two years, the surveillance footage from the 2021 Capitol riot, aired this week by Tucker Carlson, was kept from the American public by a Democratic Congress so a false narrative became cemented in the public consciousness.

For more than two years, footage that could have exonerated Jan. 6 defendants was kept from their legal teams.

People are in prison because of that cover-up.

Take the footage aired by Carlson Monday night of so-called “QAnon Shaman” Jacob Chansley being escorted around the Capitol by police officers who help him open the door and enter the empty Senate chamber.

It is hard to reconcile these calm and even cordial scenes with the nearly four-year prison sentence Chansley now is serving for “obstructing an official proceeding.”

Contrary to what apologists have been saying since Carlson began airing the footage, all this material has not previously been made available to the J6 defendants, some of whom have been jailed without trial for two years, in violation of their constitutional right to a fair and speedy trial.

Grounds for appeal

Jill Biden Presents "Women of Courage" Award to a MAN!


MK Gottlieb: Supreme Court President Hayut is inciting and dividing the nation


Today (Wednesday), Member of Knesset Tali Gottlieb (Likud) attacked Supreme Court President Justice Esther Hayut, accusing her of "incitement and dividing the people".

"When a person like the President of the Supreme Court goes to the State of Israel and dares to claim impending dictatorship, it will affect pilots, judges, and doctors," claimed Gottlieb on Radio Tsafon (Northern Radio) 104.5FM. "I accuse her of incitement and dividing the nation to a degree that we have not known for years. When the general population hears a person of her rank and position warning against a dictatorship, they will believe what she says."

According to her, "Even during the time of the Oslo agreements, we did not see soldiers refuse to serve, nor during the Disengagement. But where is President Hayut when she sees such frightening and disturbing incitement? Come out to the people, speak, as you spoke against us, as you created unfounded intimidation against us. Come call for unity. We, the elected officials, are not ready to accept submission or a desire or attempt to subjugate us, and I certainly will not tell any minister or Knesset member what words to use."

About her Likud colleagues who spoke out against the soldiers refusing to serve in the reserves, she said: "When I see a letter from pilots who write 'Galit Distel, who do you think you are anyway?' She is the Information Minister and give her the respect she deserves -- and give Shlomo Karhi the respect he deserves. There is something that cannot be taken away from them, both Shlomo Karhi and Distel-Atbaryan. They love our country and express their pain about the fact that people go against the government and the coalition without any basis in fact. Does that seem normal to you?"

"There is no basis for refusal, we have never seen such a phenomenon, it is despicable and should be denounced. I call on the people of Israel to unite, not to despise each other, and not to humiliate each other. We will succeed; the coalition has the power, we will legislate excellent laws", she concluded.

Jewish Italian translator Olga Padua refuses to translate for 'dangerous' Netanyahu in Rome


An Italian translator has refused to translate for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during his speech at a Rome synagogue over the weekend, calling him "dangerous."

Translator Olga Dalia Padua was contacted by the Israeli Embassy in Rome, and wrote about her refusal on Facebook: "Not only do I not share Netanyahu's political views, but his leadership is extremely dangerous in my view when it comes to democracy in Israel. What's more: if I agree to cooperate in translating his words, my children will not forgive me."

"I tried to convince them that it was only a matter of work, and that if I refused, my gesture would change almost nothing - but they were not ready to accept any explanation. They amazed me: they usually seem to have little hope for the future of the human race during these troubled and turbulent times, and they always encourage me to take on new jobs. But in this case they were determined: they will not cooperate with those who promote fascist principles and suppress freedom, they simply will not do it. I decided to listen to them," Padua said.

Netanyahu will depart for Italy tomorrow. During his visit, he will visit the Jewish Museum of Rome and meet with the Jewish community at the city's Sephardi Synagogue. On Friday he will meet with Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Chaim Topol of Fiddler on the Roof dies at 87


Israeli actor, singer and Israel Prize laureate Chaim Topol passed away overnight Wednesday at the age of 87.

Topol was best known for his portrayal of Tevye, the lead role in both the stage musical Fiddler on the Roof as well as the 1971 film adaptation.

He was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease several years ago, and his condition deteriorated in recent days.

Omer, Topol's son, told the Mako website on Wednesday that his father was on his deathbed. "We are here at home with him, he is surrounded and loved," he said. "He is still with us in his final hours, so it seems. He is here at home, the children are here, the grandchildren are here around him. All his loved ones and lovers are around him. May he pass quickly and easily."

No funeral details have been announced yet.

Topol was born on September 9, 1935 in Tel Aviv. He began his acting career during his Israeli army service in the Nahal entertainment troupe, and later toured Israel with kibbutz theatre and satirical theatre companies. He was a co-founder of the Haifa Theatre.

His breakthrough film role came in 1964 as the title character in Sallah Shabati, by Israeli writer Ephraim Kishon, for which he won a Golden Globe for Most Promising Newcomer—Male. Topol went on to appear in more than 30 films in Israel and the United States, winning a Golden Globe for Best Actor.

He was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Actor for his 1971 film portrayal of Tevye, and was nominated for a Tony Award for Best Actor for a 1991 Broadway revival of Fiddler on the Roof.

In 2015 he was awarded the Israel Prize for lifetime achievement. He also received an honorary doctorate from Haifa University and Bar Ilan University.

The Radical Leftist ADL Now Slamming Frum Jews


  The Anti-Defamation League, which is notorious for holding radical leftist views even at the expense of the Jews it claims to protect, has thrown another Jew under the bus.

The woke group has slammed Chaya Raichik, aka “Libs of Tiktok”, an Orthodox Jew who protects children, calling her an extremist and suggesting that she is a bigot. In response Raichik called the group “a complete joke.”

In an article entitled “At CPAC 2023, Anti-Transgender Hate Took Center Stage”, the featured headline image was Ms. Raichik.

The article wrote, “They [Republican politicians] were joined by conspiracy theorists like Jack Posobiec, purveyors of COVID disinformation like Dr. Robert Malone and anti-LGBTQ+ extremists like Chaya Raichik.”

Their claims were egregiously false and disingenuous, equating Raichik’s vigilance in exposing immorality in classrooms and protecting children from perverse teachers, with extremism and hate.

In addition, it is sadly ironic that the group who claims that its mission is to “stop the defamation of Jewish people”, chose to defame an orthodox Jew, while defending a cause that is unrelated to Jews, simply as a means of pandering to its woke leftist supporters.

In response Raichik tweeted: “The @ADL, whose stated goal is to “stop the defamation of the Jewish people” used a photo of me (a jew) to bully anyone they disagree with. They also defamed me (a jew) by calling me an “anti LGBTQ+ extremist.” The @ADL is a complete joke.”

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Progressives in the US need to understand that the Palestinians are oppressed by Palestinians'


Public Diplomacy Minister Galit Distel Atbaryan

With the enormous media pressure facing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government over the proposed judicial reform, new Public Diplomacy Minister Galit Distel Atbaryan has her hands full.

The proposed overhaul of the judiciary has set off a political firestorm and prompted protests in Tel Aviv and elsewhere. 

There is intellectual degeneration and ignorance on the Left, Distel Atbaryan, who spent part of her life working in left-wing institutions, notes. The "masses" are protesting, completely convinced that democracy is dying, but they have not checked how the judiciaries work in other countries, compared to Israel, and how judges are appointed elsewhere. 

A simple 10-minute explanation of how the balance between the legislative executive and judicial has been violated in Israel for the past 30 years immediately disproves their claims, she stresses. 

Q: If that is the case, why didn't the government lay the necessary groundwork ahead of the announcement? Perhaps some of the reactions could have been prevented. 

"We thought the ground was ready as the Right had spoken of nothing but the need for a judicial reform for the past five years. The discussions did not focus on the two-state solution, nor the Palestinians, but on the reform. From the moment the elite resorted to incriminating someone who is innocent, it was a mistake to their detriment, because what was under the surface was revealed by the Netanyahu trial. 

"And if you look at social media, you will see that was the burning issue. Looking back, there is an error of perspective here, which stems from the fact that we did not take into account that there were many centrists in Israel who were unaware of the discourse. And the Left, which buys ink by the barrels, reached them before us. If I tweet, I will reach a maximum of 20,000 Israelis out of a population of 9 million. When it comes to public opinion, the Left wins. And former and current leaders of the judicial system joining the protests is actually a good thing because the truth has surfaced: that it is ultimately a war of the privileged against those who have been left behind and stepped on for years."

Q: So what part of the announced reforms is going to ultimately pass? 

"All of it. The opposition does not reflect the public, but only the privileged. Let there be no mistake: We are the ones in the right; the ones with the truly liberal values, and it's not just about bridging the gap."

Q: Another government initiative that faces strong opposition is disbanding the Kann public broadcaster. Why not propose reform – rather than shutting down – in this case as well? 

"Kann is an important resource, but there is an unfortunate element to it. Its documentaries, comedies, and other works are excellent, and I myself am a fan. In fact, I worked for the company and I know that their quality control is excellent and the employees are professional. But there is also discrimination."

Q: What do you mean? 

"Kann prides itself on diversity, but I myself have been told when working there that 'Netanyahu supporters will not have a voice here.' The last time I checked, Netanyahu supporters made up half the country. "

Q: So how will its closing help? 

"The move will bring populism, appeal to ordinary Israelis, and a free market and will open up regulations and concessions. And the people who oppose it now are good and dear people with whom I interact, but right now they are unable to listen."

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Minister says protesting IDF Reservists can 'go to hell'

Communications Minister Shlomo Karhi (Likud) came out strongly against the IDF reservists who are refusing to attend training in protest of judicial reform, in a statement on Twitter Monday following public remarks on the subject from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“’And Mordecai did not kneel nor bow,’” wrote Karhi. “There are times when one must stand firm against the hegemony and the rulers... To the impudent [IDF reservist] refusers, I will tell you what Mordechai told Esther:

 ‘ salvation will arise for the Jews from another place, and you and your father’s house will be destroyed.’ The people of Israel will manage without you and you will go to hell.”

Lying DemonRats Convinced America that a Cop Was Murdered on Jan 6 ..Turns out he died of a Stroke the Next Day


Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick still is described as a victim of January 6, murdered by Trump supporters rioting at the Capitol, despite an autopsy report which shows he died of a stroke the following day.

The New York Times initially reported that Sicknick had been beaten to death with a fire extinguisher, before retracting the claim more than a month later.

To this day, media accounts claim Sicknick was “slain” on Jan. 6, and powerful Democrats, including Joe Biden, Kamala Harris and Nancy Pelosi have continued to cite his death as evidence of a “deadly insurrection” at the Capitol that day.

But hitherto unseen surveillance footage from inside the Capitol, aired by Fox News host Tucker Carlson Monday night, contradicts that claim.

It shows Officer Sicknick walking through the building “after he was supposedly murdered by the mob outside.”

Sicknick appears to be healthy and walking normally in the footage.

He gesticulates to protesters to move out of the building, and bends down to move a placard behind a statue.

He also is wearing a helmet so, as Carlson points out, “it’s hard to imagine he was killed by a head injury.

Sicknick appears to be healthy and walking normally in the footage.

He gesticulates to protesters to move out of the building, and bends down to move a placard behind a statue.

He also is wearing a helmet so, as Carlson points out, “it’s hard to imagine he was killed by a head injury.