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Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Murdered terror victim identified as Canadian yeshiva student

 The victim murdered in one of Wednesday’s two terrorist bombing attacks in Jerusalem has been identified as 15-year-old Aryeh Schupak.

Schupak, a resident of the Har Nof neighborhood in western Jerusalem, was a yeshiva student at the Beit Meir Yeshiva.

He was waiting for a bus to his yeshiva Wednesday morning when a bomb exploded next to the bus stop, fatally injuring Schupak.

According to a report by Kan, Schupak holds Canadian citizenship.

A total of 19 people were injured in two terrorist bombings in Jerusalem, with 12 victims treated after the first bombing, near the entrance to the city, and seven more after a second explosion was reported shortly afterwards at Ramot Junction.

Two of the victims, including Schupak, were rushed to the hospital in critical condition, with two others evacuated in serious condition.

After his arrival at the hospital, Schupak succumbed to his injuries.

Police believe both bombs, which were concealed in bags, were placed by a single terrorist, who remotely detonated the explosives.

The bags contained marbles and nails, increasing the amount of shrapnel produced in the explosions.

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Expanding Jewish Settlements the Only Response to Arab Terrorism Says Goldknopf


United Torah Judaism Chairman MK Yitzhak Goldknopf on Saturday night came to the shiva of Tamir Avichai Hy’d, one of the three murdered Jews in last week’s terrorist attack near the Ariel industrial area in Samaria, and declared:

 “The expansion of Jewish settlements is the proper response to the murderous terrorism that seeks to push us out of the land of our forefathers,” Hidabrut reported.

While this statement is the norm when it comes to the national religious crowd, hearing this Zionist declaration from a senior Haredi leader such as Goldknopf is newsworthy. The Haredi movements have traditionally rejected political Zionism with Agudath Israel, Goldknopf’s party, leading this rejectionism. At the same time, since its inception, Agudah has been torn between its criticism, even fear, of the damages of secular Zionism, and its yearning to resettle Eretz Israel.

The Gur dynasty, which comprised the majority of Polish Hasidim before the war, has always been “a little Zionist,” and Gur Rebbes encouraged their followers to make Aliyah, which is why they continue to be the dominant Hasidic movement in Agudah today. Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter, the Imrei Emes, one of the founders of the Agudas Israel in Poland, was known as “a shtikle Zionist” (a little Zionist). Goldknopf hails from Gur.

“It breaks my heart to see the family of Tamir Hy’d, who was murdered by an evil-doer only because he was Jewish,” Goldknopf said at the shiva. “It is our duty as public representatives to act in every way to increase the security of our brethren in the settlement. As I stated during the election campaign, I will support any such initiative.”

How very different from the media’s depiction of Otzma Yehudit Chairman Bezalel Smotrich’s position as being in the minority on the right (If the Establishment Attacks Smotrich So Furiously, He Must Be Doing Something Right). Smotrich and Goldknopf met at the Knesset on Sunday and both registered their “displeasure” with the way Netanyahu has been conducting his coalition negotiations. Let it be known that while Shas leader Aryeh Deri is eager to do Bibi’s biddings, UTJ is no one’s errand boys.

Samaria Council Head Yossi Dagan was also at the shiva and presented Goldknopf with the security problems in the area. “We will not break, we will continue to build and plant,” said Dagan. “What needs to be done here is to restore the roadblocks and completely dismantle the terror infrastructure of the murderous Palestinian Authority. God willing, you will be the new government, and we trust you to bring about change here. It’s in your hands.”

Yisroel Feldman From Williamsburg Buys Homes In Frum Areas of Monsey and Stacks them with Goyim


Yisroel and his "eishas chayil" Leah Feldman who live in Williamsburg, came up with a great plan on how to make a lot of money. 

Buy homes in Frum neighborhoods in Monsey and New Hempstead and rent them out to goyim and "the hell with the neighborhood." 

Williamsburg the city of "chessed" doesn't care about the mitzvah of 

ואהבת לרעך כמוך

and doesn't care if this would disrupt the peaceful Shabbos in exclusive frum neighborhoods as its only כסף יענה את הכול  In other words "it's all about the Benjamins" 

The Williamsburg residents are ראש וראשון in protesting Chillul Shabbos in Israel and scream "Shabbos Shabbos" but when it comes to preserve Shabbos for their brothers and sisters living in Monsey, it doesn't apply! 

The Felmans are stacking multiple families into these homes to get the maximum rent!

זו בושה וזו חרפה 

Satmar in Monsey Stacked 21 Bochrum into a 3 Bedroom Home Before it Burned Down


A single-family house owned by a religious organization and being used illegally as a rooming house caught fire with up to 21 people living amid multiple fire and safety violations, according to fire officials Monday.

The house owned by Mosdos D'Rabini at 510 Chestnut Ridge Road went up in flames at 9:36 p.m. Sunday, drawing firefighters from six departments to assist Spring Valley firefighters. A dog died in the fire but no one was injured, officials said.

People were living illegally in the basement and attic, and the three-bedroom house was littered with electrical problems and other fire code violations, Rockland Fire and Emergency Services Coordinator Chris Kear said. Several space heaters were being used to keep people warm on a cold night and the house lacked working smoke detectors, he said.

"These residents were living in extremely dangerous conditions," Kear said. "If this fire happened at 2 a.m. there would’ve been fatalities in this house. This is a classic example of putting residents and first responders in harm's way."

The cause of the fire is being investigated by the Sheriff's Office Bureau of Criminal Investigation fire unit with the Chestnut Ridge Building Department.

The house is located in the backyard of the United Talmudical Academy property. UTA affiliates run schools in Spring Valley, Airmont, Kiryas Joel, and New York City. Chestnut Ridge Road, also known as Route 45, is predominately used as a commercial corridor in the village.

The house lacks a permit as a boarding house and is listed with the Ramapo Tax Assessor's office as a caretaker's residence and single-family house. The house, listed at 1,841 square feet and built in 1870, has three bedrooms and one bathroom. This home last sold for $3.2 million in July 2021 and is valued at $695,300. The property is tax-exempt.

Finally, We Now know whether Biden Knew about his son's crooked deals


YES! Elon Musk will succeed at Twitter – and will expose the woke left as a bunch of shallow, hypocritical charlatans



“Could all the people currently whining about ‘the death of Twitter’ since Elon Musk bought it…just leave Twitter?” I tweeted over the weekend.

To which Elon himself promptly replied: “Seriously.”

It was an exchange that I’m sure prompted a lot of whiny, woke brats to immediately throw their permanently offended toys out of their sanctimonious strollers and announce they were quitting the platform.

Because that’s what they’ve all been doing ever since the world’s richest man spent $44 billion on the social media site last month and vowed to make it a fairer playing field that doesn’t just treat anyone who even vaguely resembles a conservative like an enemy to be expunged from public view.

It reminds me of the deafening collective liberal squeal of outraged horror when Donald Trump got elected president in 2016, and myriad celebrities from Cher to Chelsea Handler said they would be leaving America immediately.

Of course, none of them did, and I confidently predict it will be just the same with all the stars now racing to say they’re quitting Twitter because the owner is someone who will no longer tolerate their cancel-culture bulls–t.

CBS FINALLY ‘confirms’ Hunter Biden laptop is real 769 days after the story broke


It only took them 769 days.

CBS News said Monday that it confirmed the authenticity of data from Hunter Biden’s former laptop — more than two years after The Post first revealed its contents — as the first son’s lawyer complained he didn’t “consent” to the release.

The laptop links President Biden to his son Hunter and brother Jim Biden’s foreign influence-peddling, but high-ranking former spy agency officials claimed before the 2020 election it was likely Russian disinformation and the story was censored by Twitter and Facebook.

Most news outlets ignored the laptop’s contents until recently. CBS’s report follows belated verification of the laptop in March by the Washington Post and New York Times.

CBS correspondent Catherine Herridge reported that she received a copy of Hunter Biden’s hard drive from former Delaware computer repairman John Paul Mac Isaac, and that Minnesota computer scientists led by former Secret Service computer crimes expert Mark Lanterman said the files appeared legitimate.

Monday, November 21, 2022

Italian PM Destroys the Hypocritical French


The Cat that speaks fluent English


Trumps's Last Tweet on Twitter Two Years ago Destroys the Entire Jan 6 DemonRat Talking Points


Rav Shaul Alter of Ger Gets Massive Reception in Brooklyn


Rabbi Handler Turns On Satmar Rebbe because "He caused a Huge Chillul Hashem"


Letter from Rabbi Hillel Handler

Subject: Dear Reb Aron, I plead guilty to being a “Trumpist.”

כָּל מָקוֹם שֶׁיֵּשׁ חִלּוּל הַשֵׁם אֵין חוֹלְקִין כָּבוֹד לָרַב

Please forgive my effrontery in addressing you so bluntly, but you have made a terrible misjudgment that has caused a massive Chilul Hashem, and someone must speak up and make a protest.

ובִמְקוֹם שֶׁאֵין אֲנָשִׁים, הִשְׁתַּדֵּל לִהְיוֹת אִישׁ

You publicly attacked everyone who criticized your endorsement of Sodomite politicians, calling them “Trumpists,” as if anyone who dares to support the MAGA concept of fixing America’s problems is a meshugener.

Ezra Friedlander's Qatar bans kosher food, Jewish prayer at World Cup


In 2018, we posted Ezra Friedlander's relationship with the Jew-Hating Qatar. 

Authorities in the Arab Gulf state of Qatar are prohibiting Jewish visitors from purchasing cooked kosher food or organizing prayer groups during their stay in the country for the World Cup, leading Jewish groups to accuse Doha of reneging on its promise to protect the religious rights of sports fans during the World Cup.

Qatar has no diplomatic relations with Israel, but as a condition of its hosting the World Cup, FIFA mandated that Qatar not bar fans based on their nationality.

With thousands of Israelis expected to travel to Doha for the games, Qatar agreed to permit Israel to operate a temporary consular services office for the duration of the World Cup.

In addition, Jewish groups say they received a commitment from Doha that Jewish religious needs would not be interfered with during the World Cup, including the sale of kosher food and organizing of Jewish prayer services.

On Sunday, however, multiple Jewish organizations accused Qatar of breaking its promise, saying that local officials have banned the sale of cooked kosher food and organizing of Jewish prayer services in public.

“I am outraged by reports that Qatari authorities have banned the sale of cooked kosher food as well as prohibited Jews from congregating for public prayer, in connection with their presence at the World Cup,” said World Jewish Congress President Ronald S. Lauder.

“With tens of thousands of observant Jews expected to travel to the country in the coming weeks, this announcement effectively makes their attendance impossible.”

“The World Cup should serve as a unifying event for all sports fans, regardless of religious affiliation, who come together because of their love of sports.”

“The World Jewish Congress, whose Executive Committee will meet in the coming days at the Vatican, calls upon FIFA and the Qatari government to safeguard the ability of Jewish fans to openly practice their faith.”

According to sources cited by The Jerusalem Post, cold bagels are currently the only kosher food permitted for sale in Qatar, leading a number of American Jews to cancel their plans to attend the games.

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Bnei Brak Tzaddik known as the 'Tinder Swindler' strikes again?


Ayelet Shaked to media: Stop scaremongering


As Prime Minister Lapid's cabinet gathered for its last weekly meeting on Sunday morning, outgoing Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked told reporters that she "wishes the new government the best of success."

Shaked added that "the media and parts of the general public should calm down and not get into a panic about either the Override Clause or separation between men and women at cultural events. All the Override Clause is going to do is alter somewhat the form of dialogue between the Knesset and the Courts. We've been trying to pass such a law for years, and I very much hope that now we will succeed."

Shaked added that she supports the demand of Religious Zionism party head MK Bezalel Smotrich, and the haredi parties, to pass a law specifically stating that gender-based separation at public events and in the provision of public services is not discriminatory. "On the question of separation, we're talking about events that are already being held with men and women separate. Haredi women deserve to enjoy cultural events too, and if such a law is passed, it comes not to change anything, but simply to stop attorneys-general from interfering, as has happened in the past. There's no reason to panic," she stressed.

"We did excellent work in the Interior Ministry," Shaked added. "We enacted dozens of reforms for the benefit of citizens - we did the absolute best we could. I don't understand why [members of the incoming government] aren't fighting over the Interior Ministry, the most amazing ministry of all."

Kevin McCarthy says he will remove Rep. Ilhan Omar from committee over ‘anti-Semitic’ remarks


House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said when he becomes Speaker of the House again he’ll boot “Squad” member Rep. Ilhan Omar from her position on the House Foreign Affairs Committee over “anti-Semitic” remarks.

“We watch anti-Semitism grow, not just on our campuses, but we watched it grow In the halls of Congress,” McCarthy said at the Republican Jewish Coalition’s 2022 leadership meeting in Las Vegas on Saturday, Fox News reported.

“I promised you last year that as speaker she will no longer be on Foreign Affairs, and I’m keeping that promise,” he added, to cheers from the crowd, video posted to his Twitter shows.

After Republicans barely secured a majority in the House, the California lawmaker was given the nod by the party to be the next Speaker of the House in January following a congressional vote.

Omar (D-Minn.) has been outspoken in her criticism of Israel, comparing both the Jewish state and the US to terrorist organizations like Hamas and the Taliban. In 2019, she proposed a resolution supporting the right to boycott Israel, likening the previous boycotts of of Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union.

Saturday, November 19, 2022

Senior IRGC officer stabbed to death during Iran protests


Protesters stabbed to death a senior intelligence officer in Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps during demonstrations in the Kurdish province of Kermanshah, the semi-official Tasnim news agency reported Friday.

“Col. Nader Bairami, the IRGC’s intelligence officer was killed by rioters while on duty in the city of Sahne in Kermanshah,” Tasnim said.

The report said Bairami tried to intervene to stop demonstrators from attacking a passerby when he was stabbed to death.

Officials said the perpetrators had been arrested.

Iranian protesters set Khomeini home on fire


William Zev Steen arrested for multiple alleged crimes dating back as far as 2008; also led company installing filtration software on ‘kosher’ phones


A teacher at a Jewish school in Baltimore, Maryland has been charged with a slew of sex crimes including rape, assault and possessing and distributing child pornography.

After his arrest, William Zev Steen was fired from his position as a high school science teacher at Bnos Yisroel of Baltimore, where at least one of his children had also studied.

Steen, 44, was also removed from his position as the director of a firm that installed filtration software on phones for observant Jews.

Law enforcement picked up on Steen while investigating a child pornography filesharing network in July. They tracked an IP address involved in the network to Steen’s home address and email account.

Police executed a search warrant at Steen’s home on November 3 and interviewed him, according to charging documents.

He admitted to using a filesharing network and acknowledged a Macbook connected to illegal files belonged to him. Officers located other evidence during the search, including a micro SD memory card containing child pornography that was in a bag with his work ID.

The files had been deleted from the SD card, but investigators were able to retrieve them. It wasn’t clear whether Steen used the card at work and there were no other known connections to the school or his work.

Steen was charged with 15 counts related to child pornography on November 5 and released on bond.

Last week, he was hit with 10 more charges including rape, sexual abuse of a minor, assault and child abuse, due to additional evidence recovered in the search. Those alleged incidents took place in 2008, according to the charging documents.

Steen remains in custody and is scheduled for his first trial appearance next month.

Bnos Yisroel, an all-girls school, informed parents and staff of the case in two emails after being notified by Baltimore City Police. The school said it had “immediately terminated” Steen’s employment, reached out to legal and mental health professionals for guidance and was working with police.

A social worker spoke with students and the school scheduled a meeting with parents to address the situation.

Steen was also the director of Technology Awareness Group (TAG) Baltimore, a nonprofit that supports religious families with “kosher” phones that have restricted internet access, including by installing filtration software.

TAG Baltimore announced that Steen was “no longer associated” with the firm, without providing a reason.

Steen said in a TAG Baltimore fundraising video released in June 2020 that the office had fielded over 600 requests since the pandemic started months earlier.

“TAG Baltimore has been working overtime to help keep more families safe than ever before,” he said.

The Baltimore firm is part of TAG’s international network, which includes offices across the US, in Israel and in other countries.

TAG Baltimore did not respond to a request for comment and the Baltimore Police Department said it could not discuss a pending case.

Mark Ostrowski, the head of engineering at the Check Point cybersecurity company, said in a case like Steen’s he would have had complete access to customers’ devices while installing software for them and could have installed remote access control software that would have given him continued access.

Ostrowski stressed that he did not know the specifics of the Steen case and could not make definitive comments on the details.

“Once you give access to a device to an individual, you’re really giving up the key to the front door of your house. Once they’re in your house they can go into your closets, they can go into your kitchen, they can go into your cabinets,” he said.

“You put trust in organizations to help you get through cyber issues, or in this particular case installing that filtration software, and if that person violates your trust that’s a big problem because you’re basically giving the key to the house to that individual,” he said.

Android devices are the most susceptible to malware, followed by iPhones, while flip phones are generally not sophisticated enough for malicious software, Ostrowski said.

He recommended anyone with concerns about their devices should factory reset their phone, or at least inventory all the applications that are installed.

Za’akah, a New York-based advocacy group for sexual assault survivors in the Orthodox Jewish community, first publicized details of Steen’s case.

According to Steen’s LinkedIn profile, he had worked at Bnos Yisroel for five years and at TAG for four years, and also operated a cybersecurity firm called MirageID. He said he had founded several technology startups before taking up those positions.

Listen to her ... She nails it


Chabad Publishes Halachic Book Proving ‘Moshiach Can Be From the Dead’


I read the entire sefer and I can tell you first hand that the sefer doesn't prove that the Rebbe is Moshiach at all , all it "proves" is that Moshiach can come from someone who is no longer alive but it still cannot prove that the Rebbe was or will be Moshiach. According to this sefer Moshiach can be  anyone who died in the last 3,500 years.

This Following Content Was Published at 


A well-researched sefer by Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Lieberman proves Moshiach can be from among those who passed away and received haskamos from Chabad scholars and 2 Litvish ones. Download it in honor of Moshiach's Seuda on Acharon Shel Pesach.

When Rabbi Aharon Yaakov Lieberman finally received the haskamah for the sefer he was waiting for and let the world know via social media last summer, he was hardly expecting what would happen next.

People were sharing the news across the Twitterverse, and his newly available book was downloaded from his website nearly 1,000 times. It was quite the whirlwind.

Friday, November 18, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Chaya Sarah


‘Shocking’ discovery of huge 100-year-old Jewish mass grave


Rabbi Pinchas Salzman stands with soldiers in a Jewish mass grave in Transnistria

An enormous mass grave dating back to the Russian Revolution has been discovered in the Transnistria region of Moldova, in which most of the dead bodies belonged to Jews who were accused of opposing the communist regime.

Moldova’s Chief Rabbi Pinchas Salzman, who has launched an initiative to disinter the dead bodies and give them a proper Jewish burial, said the discovery was “shocking.”

The grave was uncovered during construction in an old military base near Tiraspol, the capital of Transnistria, after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Transnistria is a separatist state under Russian military control whose independence from Moldova is not recognized internationally.

Ben & Jerry’s Continue their hatred against their fellow Jews

 The independent board of Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc. on Tuesday disavowed any link with products sold under the Ben & Jerry’s name by the company’s Israeli distributor, Blue & White Ice Cream Ltd.

“Any products sold by Blue & White Ice Cream Ltd. are uniquely its own and should not be confused with products produced and distributed by Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Inc.” the statement said.

“Ben & Jerry’s position is clear: the sale of products bearing any Ben & Jerry’s insignia in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is against our values. Such sales are inconsistent with international law, fundamental human rights, and Ben & Jerry’s social mission.”

In 2021, Ben & Jerry’s announced its intention to halt sales in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria) because they claimed such sales were inconsistent with the company’s values. As a result of that decision, Ben & Jerry’s parent company, Unilever, sold its business interests in Ben & Jerry’s in Israel to Blue & White in June 2022, prompting an unusual court battle in which Ben & Jerry’s sued its parent company to halt the deal.

A federal court rejected that bid in August, but Ben & Jerry’s in September said that they intend to pursue an amended suit.

Despite the Ben & Jerry’s board’s claim that their product in Israel was now “uniquely” the responsibility of Blue & White, Unilever on Tuesday assured ice cream eaters in Israel and the West Bank that they need not fear any change in quality. “The ownership of the brand is different, but the Ben & Jerry’s product is no different to what’s been enjoyed in Israel for many years,” the company said in a statement.

Israeli Discovery: Doing This Slashes Risk of Cancer Metastasis by 72%


Probably the scariest thing about cancer is the possibility that it will spread (metastasize) beyond the original tumor site.

A new study led by researchers from Tel Aviv University’s medical school offers a remarkably effective and drug-free way to prevent metastasis: aerobic exercise.

Intense aerobic exercise can reduce the risk of metastatic cancer by 72 percent, according to study leaders Prof. Carmit Levy (TAU department of human genetics and biochemistry) and Yftach Gepner (TAU School of Public Health and Sylvan Adams Sports Institute).

While previous studies have demonstrated that physical exercise reduces the risk of cancer incidence and recurrence for some types of cancer by up to 35%, the Israeli researchers wanted to find out why.

The Biden Thieves !


‘Deal with it’: Ben-Gvir’s gun-toting wife rips ‘male chauvinists’


Sara Netanyahu (C) meets with the wives of prospective coalition members Yaffa Deri (2L), Maoz (L), Ayala Ben Gvir (2R) and Rivka Goldknopf (R)

The wife of firebrand Israeli lawmaker mocked her critics Monday after she had brought her personal firearm to a meeting with Opposition Leader Benjamin Netanyahu’s wife, Sara Netanyahu.

Ayala Ben-Gvir, a resident of the Givat Ha’Avot neighborhood of Kiryat Arba on the edge of Hebron and the wife of Otzma Yehudit chairman MK Itamar Ben-Gvir, raised eyebrows Monday during a luncheon with Sara Netanyahu and the wives of other members of the right-wing bloc. Photographs of the gathering revealed she was armed.

Sara Netanyahu, the wife of the prime minister-elect, hosted the luncheon at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel in Jerusalem, which included Shas chief Aryeh Deri’s wife, Yaffa; Noam chairman Avi Maoz’s wife, Galit; and United Torah Judaism chairman Yitzhak Goldknopf’s wife, Rivka.

After the event, Mrs. Ben-Gvir came under fire for carrying her handgun on her person during the luncheon.

She fired back at her critics, tweeting: “I live in Hebron, I am a mother of six dear children and I drive on terror-stricken roads and I am married to a man who is the most threatened person in the country. So yes, I carry a gun. Deal with it.”

At the inaugural meeting of the Otzma Yehudit faction for the 25th Knesset Tuesday, she accused her critics of being “male chauvinists” for “coming out against” her for carrying a gun. “Women are also permitted to carry a weapon and protect their lives.”

Personal firearms are often carried by residents of Judea and Samaria due to the elevated security risk in those areas.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

White House Now Claims That FBI Opened Abu Akleh Probe Without Its Knowledge


The White House told Israel that they weren’t involved in the FBI’s decision to launch an investigation into the killing of Palestinian American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh, an Israeli official told The Times of Israel on Wednesday.

The official said that the White House’s message is intended to quell Israel’s fury over the investigation, adding that the “practical implications of the investigation will be minimal,” since the US has recognized that Abu Akleh’s shooting was unintentional.

Interim Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benny Gantz both issued statements saying that Israel will not cooperate with an FBI probe into IDF soldiers.

“Our soldiers will not be investigated by the FBI or by any other foreign country or entity, however friendly it may be,” Lapid said. “We will not abandon our soldiers to foreign investigations. We have conveyed our strong protest to the United States.”

False hysteria over Israeli democracy


Before the dust settled and all votes were counted, the American liberal establishment began lamenting the death of Israeli democracy as Benyamin Netanyahu was poised to form the next government with a commanding number of Knesset seats and a potentially stable coalition.

The last time I checked, that’s how the Israeli electoral system works. But political progressives have conflated the term “democracy” with its antithesis – an agenda promoting censorship, thought control, viewpoint discrimination, woke intolerance, and hatred of Israel and the west. 

What they are peddling is not democratic at all, but a dictatorial stew that degrades personal rights and discourages dissent. And in so doing they are abetted by a mainstream media that engages in political activism and preys on its audience’s ignorance of constitutional and democratic values.

Now they are applying this skewed worldview to the latest Israeli election to delegitimize a result they don’t like. 

Regardless of how one feels about Netanyahu, Ben-Gvir, or Smotrich, their election was democratic. And despite what liberal pundits are saying, the results don’t represent an aberrant shift in Israeli electoral preferences. Indeed, conservative parties were on the ascendancy over the last few elections, though the formation of a coalition was prevented by those on the right who wouldn’t accept Netanyahu as PM.

Given that Israel’s electoral system seems to work, we need to understand what’s really going on.

Lihi Lapid to sue YouTuber who claimed that she's a Christian


Lihi Lapid

Lihi Lapid, the wife of outgoing Prime Minister Yair Lapid, sent a cease-and-desist notice to an individual who published a video that gives the impression that Lihi believes in the divinity of Jesus and is a "Hebrew Christian" or a Messianic Jew.

In her notice, Lapid demanded reparations of 100 thousand NIS from the individual, in addition to him deleting the video and publishing an apology video to his YouTube channel and Twitter account. If he does not comply, she warns that she will file a defamation suit for unlimited reparations.

According to a report in Israel Hayom, the notice states that the individual published a video on his YouTube channel that included a claim that Lihi Lapid believes in the divinity of Jesus.

"The video that you published to your YouTube, which received nearly 30,000 views, is a work of baseless and malicious conspiracy theories," the notice stated.

In addition, Lapid sent a notice to a Twitter user who claimed that Mrs. Lapid is a Christian and edited a photo of her to appear that she is wearing a cross. In addition to deleting the tweet, Lapid is demanding 10,000 NIS in reparations from the Twitter user.

‘Hogan’s Heroes’ star a Auschwitz survivor, dead at 96


French actor and Holocaust survivor Robert Clary has died at age 96.

The “Hogan’s Heroes” star, who played Corporal LeBeau on the World War II-era sitcom, passed away on Tuesday, his granddaughter Kim Wright told the Hollywood Reporter.

His cause of death was not given.

Clary was the last surviving member of the show’s original principal cast.

Born Robert Max Widerman in Paris on March 1, 1926, Clary was the youngest of 14 kids born to his strict Orthodox Jewish parents.

When he was 16, he and his family were sent to Auschwitz, where his parents were murdered in the gas chamber.

“My mother said the most remarkable thing,” Clary told the Reporter in 2015 about that day. “She said, ‘Behave.’ She probably knew me as a brat. She said, ‘Behave. Do what they tell you to do.’”

Clary was the only one from his captured family to survive. He wound up incarcerated at the Nazi concentration camp Buchenwald for 31 months, where he made wooden shoe heels in a factory and got the identification number “A-5714” tattooed on his left forearm.

“Singing, entertaining and being in kind of good health at my age, that’s why I survived,” he said of singing with an accordionist every other Sunday for Schutzstaffel (SS) soldiers at Buchenwald.

In May 1945, Clary returned to France and sang in dance halls. Four years later, he headed to Los Angeles to record for Capitol Records and, in 1950, appeared in a French comedy skit on a CBS variety show hosted by comedian Ed Wynn.

Clary, who starred in “Hogan’s Heroes” on CBS from September 1965 to April 1971, waited 36 years to publicly discuss his Holocaust experiences.

“I had to explain that [‘Hogan’s Heroes’] was about prisoners of war in a stalag, not a concentration camp, and although I did not want to diminish what soldiers went through during their internments, it was like night and day from what people endured in concentration camps,” he wrote in his 2001 memoir, “From the Holocaust to Hogan’s Heroes,” per THR.

He also worked on soap operas including “Days of Our Lives,” “The Young and the Restless” and “The Bold and The Beautiful.”

Clary was married to his mentor Eddie Cantor’s daughter, Natalie, for 32 years. She died in 1997.