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Monday, May 9, 2022

Knesset committee approves compensation package for Meron disaster victims


Almost a year to the day after the horrifying tragedy that occurred on Lag b'Omer in Meron, when 45 people were crushed to death when attempting to exit an extremely overcrowded plaza, the government is  about to issue compensation to the families of the victims .

On Monday, the Knesset's Finance Committee authorized the transfer of a special budget for the families; the transfer will only occur, however, after the government also approves it.

According to the terms of the special legislation, each family will receive the sum of NIS 500 thousand. If the victim was a married man, the widow will receive the money; if the victim was a minor, the parents will receive it.

Members of the committee as well as committee chair MK Alex Kushnir (Yisrael Beytenu) called on the government to pass the legislation and enable a speedy transfer of the monies with a minimum of bureaucracy. They also requested that the government update them next week on the bill's progress.

New;y Elected Republican Concilwoman Inna Vernikov yanks $5K in funding after Jewish museum bars DeSantis from speaking


A local lawmaker announced Sunday she is yanking $5,000 in previously planned funding for a Manhattan museum  after it allegedly barred  Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis from speaking there in June. 

Councilwoman  Inna Vernikov  — a  Ukrainian-born American Jew  — revealed in an open letter to museum donors that she will no longer give the money to the Museum of Jewish Heritage. The dough is part of the $700,000 in city funds she is allotted to dole out to Big Apple organizations in the 2023 fiscal year.

“I was happy to contribute some of my discretionary funding to The Museum of Jewish Heritage for the great work they do,” Vernikov (R- Southern Brooklyn) wrote in a letter dated Sunday. “I am now pulling that funding and I am asking you to do the same.    

“This move should send a strong message to the leadership of the museum: DO NOT politicize the Holocaust!” added Vernikov, one of  five GOP city lawmakers . “Just teach it.”

Apple Blocks Pictures Of Holocaust-Related Sites From ‘Memories’ Albums


Apple users who want to include pictures taken at the Anne Frank House, Auschwitz or other Holocaust-related sites in their photo albums will have to work to make that happen, under the terms of a recent software update.

Apple recently changed its software so that pictures taken at Holocaust sites are suppressed from automatically generated albums that can be created through the company's Photos app. The tech news site 9to5Mac first reported the tweak, which affects iPhone and iPad users using the latest Apple operating system, last week.

The change is meant to avoid “creating some unwanted memories,” according to the site, which said only pictures taken at Holocaust-related sites are affected by the change.

Apple's “sensitive locations” protections cannot be disabled, but users can still include the photos in albums that they curate by hand.

Biden with his Chutzpa Conditions His Visit To Israel On No Building In “Settlements”

The Biden administration on Friday warned Israel about its plans to build in the “settlements” and President Biden even conditioned his upcoming visit to Israel in about a month on the issue.

However, Israeli officials told the Biden administration that if the government refrains from advancing the plan to build thousands of homes in Yehuda and the Shomron, the coalition will dissolve, Channel 12 News reported on Motzei Shabbos.  

Yamina MK Nir Aurbach, who issued an ultimatum to Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on the building issue, responded to the report by stating: “Construction in the settlements isn’t a decision of a foreign entity, senior as he may be. Whoever doesn’t recognize Israel’s right to build in Yehudah and Shomron is welcome not to come.”

Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked stated that she “welcomes the meeting of the Higher Planning Council in preparation for the construction of about 4,000 housing units…Construction in Yehudah and Shomron is a basic and necessary thing and should be taken for granted.”

Gideon Sa’ar’s New Hope party also issued a statement supporting the move.

According to the report, Israel was set to approve 5,800 homes in the Shomron but reduced it to 4,000 after discussions with Biden administration officials.

“Israel’s program of expanding settlements deeply damages the prospect for a two-state solution,” Deputy State Department spokesperson Jalina Porter said on Friday.

Sunday, May 8, 2022

When will it all end?

 It will end when Israel asserts Jewish sovereignty over all its land, including all of Judea and Samaria, over which Israeli civilian law must be applied immediately; 

When we take back control of the Temple Mount; when we take back Gaza and Hevron and evict all its residents; 

When we demolish all illegal Arab construction in Area C and aggressively build Jewish communities throughout Judea and Samaria;

When we enact and implement treason laws and arrest, prosecute, revoke citizenship, and deport all the enemies of the sovereign Jewish state of Israel, be they university professors, members of Knessset, or anyone else. 

It will only stop when we the low party threshold laws that allowed someone with six measly seats to change to betray the majority (who voted four times for a right-wing government) by making an unholy coalition with the enemies of Israel, whose stated nationalist aspirations are antithetical to our own. 

It will end when all citizens are required to demonstrate loyalty to the state by doing their national service, military or civilian, with no exemptions for Israeli Arabs or Charedim — no rights of citizenship without the responsibilities of citizenship. 

It will end when laws are passed to ban flying the Hamas flag, ban the use of the inaccurate terms "West Bank," "settlers" or "illegal settlements" which are lies propagated by our enemies trying to delegitimize Israel and its undivided capital; the accurate terms are citizens in Judea and Samaria, and Jewish communities everywhere in our land. 

Terrorist attacks will stop when people who identify as Palestinians are banned from serving in our national government, a ban which is not racist but nationalist, as their stated goal is to replace Israel with a state of Palestine which they promise will be a truly apartheid, Judenrein, racist state, as Areas A in Israel already are. 

It will stop when we Jews firmly assert our Jewish sovereignty in every sphere of our lives in our national homeland.

Rand Paul is Spot On


Nofar Ben Yiftach, the widow of Oren Ben Yiftach, decries online attacks on her late husband after he drove the terrorists who murdered him.


The last photograph of Oren Ben Yiftach and his wife on Yom Hatzmaot, just before his murder

Nofar Ben Yiftach, the widow of Oren Ben Yiftach, one of three Israeli Jews who were murdered in a  terrorist ax attack in Elad  on Thursday night, has been shocked by the attacks on her late husband following reports that he drove the terrorists who carried out the attack into Elad.  

Ben Yiftach begged the public not to blame her husband for the attack in which he was murdered. "Have mercy on us in our difficult time. It is so easy to spread evil with a finger on the keyboard. Let us mourn without engaging in defense against vicious attacks."

The Ben Yiftach family responded: "We are shocked by the discourse on social media and in the media in the heinous attempt to link our beloved son Oren to the criminal attack, who is himself a victim of it. Oren worked as an honest and innocent shuttle driver for a living. Just as a taxi driver does not check who gets in a taxi - so he is not required to check work or residence permits. This is in contrast to a contractor who employs workers."

The family also said that "Oren drove a rabbi to a Torah lesson and there is no dispute about that. According to the media, at the end of this trip he may have been asked to drive workers to renew a synagogue and he did so without knowing of course that he was driving to his death.As far as we know, Oren fought like a hero against the vile murderers who attacked him when they came to the synagogue with an ax and a knife and slaughtered him as in the darkest periods in the Diaspora of massacres of Jews."

"The family is now focusing on the severe grief that is another blow to a series of disasters that have befallen the family in recent years. All our thoughts are to help the widow and 6 children deal with the terrible loss. We all hope that the abominable terrorists will be caught and executed exactly the way they ended Oren's life.

Saturday, May 7, 2022

DIN Fixes BBC Headline


Goyim Tell Jews to "Go Home" and yet when they do, they deny us our Home!


The Rabbanim of Ruzin Join in Special Davening on Yom Ha'atzmot in 1960


R' Ovadia Yosef's Psak "Not to say Tachnun on Yom Ha'atzmot and Yom Yerushalyim"


New York Holocaust Museum bans Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis a Dedicated Friend of the Jews


Two leading Jewish conservatives ignited a firestorm Thursday when they announced, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, that the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City had told them they could not hold an event there if Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis was invited.

The op-ed was titled “Persona Non Grata at a Holocaust Memorial” and was authored by Elliot Abrams and Eric Cohen, the chairman and CEO of the Tikvah Fund, a think thank that is an engine of Jewish conservatism.

Tikvah had hosted many events at the Holocaust memorial museum, they wrote, but the leadership conference set for June 12 hit a wrinkle — one that Abrams and Cohen said pointed to growing intolerance of conservative ideas.

“Out of the blue, we were told by the museum staff that Mr. DeSantis didn’t ‘align with the museum’s values and its message of inclusivity,’” the op-ed said. “Either we disinvite the governor, they said, or our event was unwelcome.”

Critics of the museum have noted that Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez spoke at an arts event there in 2018, when she was a congressional candidate. The museum’s leadership has changed since then, and the country has grown more politically polarized.

Rotten Albany scoundrels block nursing-home probe


The coverup of ex-Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s deadly nursing-home pandemic policies continues as Albany’s legislative leaders are quashing a bipartisan measure to probe the scandal more fully.

Assemblyman Ron Kim (D-Queens) and Sen. Jim Tedisco (R-Schenectady) accuse the Democrats who control both chambers of the Legislature of stalling their bill to create a five-member commission with subpoena power and a mandate to probe whatever policies contributed to “any increase in death rates of nursing home residents attributable to COVID-19.”

Tedisco believes the Dems are covering up Cuomo and for their roles in granting him broad emergency pandemic powers. Kim, who lost an uncle in a nursing home to COVID, says he keeps hearing excuses and that “we’re trying to move forward.”

He counters by citing the “need for accountability.” That’s what the survivors of every New Yorker lost in a nursing home during the pandemic want. Many finger the Cuomo order forcing homes to accept COVID-positive patients that hospitals wanted to discharge.

What might top legislative Democrats fear from a fair probe? Well, they granted Cuomo vast emergency authority as COVID hit, then took to shelter. Plus, they agreed to stealth passage of a measure giving nursing-home operators and health-care workers qualified immunity from civil and criminal culpability. Nina A. Kohn, an expert in elder law at Yale, told PolitiFact that law gave “a green light for facilities to understaff and under resource.”

New York needs the whole truth. If Assembly Speaker Carl Heastie and Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins keep blocking the bill, any legislator who doesn’t revolt is a part of the coverup.

The Jewish gangsters that once took on Nazis in the streets of NYC


In 1938, New York City had a Nazi problem. 

At the time, there were about 12 million German immigrants in the US, and most were happily assimilating. But about 1 in 500 were members of the German-American Bund, a national organization that avidly supported Adolf Hitler and pledged allegiance to Germany.  

Its literature called the Jewish people a “menace” and a threat to democracy. In New York, the Bund held massive rallies, goose-stepping down the streets of the Upper East Side in brown-shirted uniforms with swastikas on their arms.  

The demonstrations terrified New York’s Jewish community, many of whom had relatives in Europe and had been watching the headlines from Germany with growing alarm. A former US congressman and judge named Nathan David Perlman saw the path the Bund was on, and he wanted it stopped. He knew their actions weren’t illegal, but the judge had a revelation one evening while enjoying a cocktail in a Manhattan saloon.

“What those Nazis need is a good ass-whipping,” realized the judge, as Michael Benson describes in his new book, “Gangsters v Nazis: How Jewish Mobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America” (Kensington), out now. 

Vicious Anti-Semite is the New White House press secretary who urged Democrats to skip pro-Israel conference


New White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre once urged Democrats to skip a meeting of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, claiming it was “severely racist.”

The bipartisan gathering has long been an uncontroversial part of American public life, but in recent years has become more divisive as Democrats have drifted away from America’s closest ally in the region over the unresolved Israel-Palestinian conflict.

“When it comes down to it, AIPAC’s policies are not progressive policies. AIPAC’s values are not progressive values,” Jean-Pierre wrote in a Newsweek Op-Ed in 2019. “It’s time to call a spade a spade.”

In the piece, she blasted the conference as “severely racist” saying it has “become known for trafficking in anti-Muslim and anti-Arab rhetoric while lifting up Islamophobic voices and attitudes.”

“You cannot call yourself a progressive while continuing to associate yourself with an organization like AIPAC that has often been the antithesis of what it means to be progressive,” she added, while also taking a shot at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

She wrote the Newsweek piece while serving as a Senior Advisor and National Spokesperson to MoveOn, a Democratic advocacy group. Jean-Pierre has also worked as a lecturer at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs since 2014.

Jean-Pierre, 44, grew up in Queens and began her career working for the Center for Community and Corporate Ethics, a nonprofit dedicated to examining the impact of large corporations on societies.

She is a veteran of President Obama’s 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns. During the Trump years she frequently appeared on NBC and MSNBC as a political commentator.

Jean-Pierre’s article dovetails with a Democratic drift away from Israel led by the Squad and other left wing lawmakers in Congress. In 2007 both Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama attended the AIPAC conference.

In March, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted AIPAC for donating to Republican elected officials.

“It’s more OK to dismantle US democracy than it is to question if US tax dollars should fund detention & abuse of Palestinian kids,” AOC said in a tweet.

Jean-Pierre, who has faced conflict of interest concerns over her relationship with CNN reporter Suzanne Malveaux, was tapped this week as White House Press Secretary.

She is the first black woman and the first openly gay person to step into the top communication job, and will replace Jen Psaki, whose last day is May 13. Psaki is reportedly in talks to join MSNBC.

In an Ironic Twist One of the Elad Terror Victims was the driver of the Terrorists for weeks

 Elad terror victim Oren Ben Yiftah of Lod was the first victim of Thursday’s massacre.

The terrorists who carried out the attack in the haredi city of Elad on Thursday were driven to the city by Oren Ben Yiftach, one of the people they murdered, it was cleared for publication on Friday evening.

The Israel Police said that Ben Yiftach was murdered first by the two terrorists as they started their rampage in the city, attacking passersby with an axe.

A gag order has been imposed on the remaining details of the investigation.

In addition to Ben Yiftach, Yonatan Havakuk and Boaz Gol were also murdered in the attack in Elad.

The three victims were laid to rest on Friday. Four other people were injured in the attack, two of them seriously.

Police on Friday morning identified the terrorists from Elad as Assad Yussef Assad Al-Rafa'i, 19, and Sabhi Imad Sabhi Abu Shakir, 20, residents of Jenin.

The two terrorists did not hold an entry permit into Israel and were considered illegal aliens. The two also had no prior terror background or affiliation with any terrorist organization.

The manhunt for them continues.

Friday, May 6, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Kedoishim & Parshas Emor (Hebrew)


Neturei Karta extremists don't care about Jewish blood being spilled and riot in Jerusalem holding Palestinian flags

 A group of several dozen members of the extremist Neturei Karta sect rioted in Jerusalem's Shabbat Square Thursday night

Two of the rioters were arrested for questioning after attacking police officers with glass bottles.

Some of the violators were dressed in sackcloth and ashes and held Palestinian Authority flags in their hands. They threw stones, bottles and other objects at police and at passing vehicles.

Four policemen were lightly injured by glass, stones and bottles and were treated by medical personnel.

Due to the clashes, the area was blocked for vehicular traffic from the direction of Strauss Street, and drivers were asked to choose an alternative route.

Yonatan Havakuk, father of five children from Elad, Boaz Gol, father of five, and Oren Ben Yiftach murdered in attack in Elad.


The three people who were murdered in the attack in the city of Elad were identified on Thursday night.

One of the victims is Yonatan Havakuk, a father of five children and a well-known figure in the city.

A second victim has been identified as Boaz Gol, a resident of Elad in his 40s, and also a father of five children.

The third victim is Oren Ben Yiftach, 35, a resident of the city of Lod and a father of six.

Three people were seriously injured in the attack.

Yonatan left his house on Thursday evening and headed towards the municipal park, where he encountered terrorists who murdered him in cold blood. Rescue and emergency services were called to the scene but had no choice but to pronounce him dead.

Police believe that the terrorists who carried out the attack are Palestinian Arab terrorists who may flee to Palestinian Authority-assigned areas of Judea and Samaria.

"We are currently in pursuit of two terrorists, who are believed to have fled the scene," police said. "We have special police forces in the field, Shin Bet forces, helicopters, and other combat units. According to estimates, the terrorists are still in the area and we are doing everything to apprehend them."

Stoliner Rebbe Tells Chasidim to Bring Weapons to Shul, Including on Shabbos


The Karlin-Stoliner Rebbe has put out a call for his chasidim to bring their guns to shul – on weekdays and on Shabbos.

The Rebbe’s directive comes amid a spate of deadly terror attacks in Israel, and shortly after the terror attack in Elad in which three people were murdered by axe-wielding terrorists.

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Satmar Issues "Fatwa" to Say Tachnun on Yom Ha'Atzmoot Even If There Is a Bris ..


Satmar mocks Herzl because initially he proposed that Jews settle in Uganda to avoid antisemitism. 

But what they won't tell you is that Satmar took Herzl's idea and set up an "Uganda" in Monroe and and called it Kiryas Yoel.

Herzl's idea eventually resulted in fulfilling the prophecy of the Neviim that Jews will come back home, to the tune of 6 million.

Kiryas Yoel Uganda wants this prophecy to wait until the cows decide to come home.

There are many shuls in Israel that say Tachnun on "hey iyur" but will not say it if a bris takes place. 

But in the Romanian "Uganda" in New York State, they will openly defy the Shulchan Aruch and say tachnun should a bris takes place.

They pick and choose what part of the Shulchan Aruch they wish to follow but should a Jew not of their community defy an open and shut halacha case like this one  they bark "Minim and Apikorsim"

חידון התנך העולמי 2022 ........World Tanach Quiz 2022 in Jerusalem

 World Tanach Quiz 2022 in Jerusalem 

טקס יום הזיכרון בשידור חי 2022 - מהכותל המערבי


Hallel on Yom Ha'atzmaot......


The secular Zionist have constantly been out to destroy Yiddishkeit. They wanted to eradicate the Torah and its followers. They keep trying to שמד ח"ו all of כלל ישראל and turn them ככל הגוים ר"ל.

והקב"ה מצילנו מידם                                                                

Hashem turned the tables on them.

 Instead of Zionist stopping us from learning Torah they became the largest financial supporters of Torah. They spend billions of Shekalim to build חדרים, ישיבות, כוללים, בית יעקב, סמינר etc.

They also spend billions to support the בני תורה who learn Torah.

Over the past two thousand years,(maybe even beyond)  there has never been so much Torah learning anywhere in the world as it is done now in Eretz Yisroel. 

There never was such a large ציבור of תלמידי חכמים, בני תורה, שומרי תורה ומצות

The secular Zionist try to make it difficult to remain a Torah observant Yid, yet they are the ones who are paying billions of Shekalim for Rabonim, Dayanim, Mashgichim, Shuls, & Mikvaos in every city & town in the country alleviating the financial burden of Torah observant Yidden. 

In every country in the world the גזירת שמד today is rampant. Intermarriage is between 70%-85% in every country except in the Zionist State where intermarriage is less than 2-3% (still too many) As much as the secular Zionist try to שמד Klal Yisroel, The  Ribono Shel Olam made sure their wishes won't happen. 

Despite the Zionist claim of כחי ועוצם ידי, etc. especially during the six-day war, the whole בעלי תשובה movement we know of today started during the war. For the past few thousand years, there have never been so many בעלי תשובה as we have today.

We could have had way more בעלי תשובה had we tried a little harder not to make the non-Frum have reason to hate us. 

Russian Jewry which seemed to be totally lost in the sixties was part of the six day war miracle.

Instead of the Zionist converting the Frum into non-Frum the opposite is happening, the non-Frum become Frum.

Ben Yehudah, created the modern עברית so that the Frum Yidden will give up their old fashion religion and become a modern non-Frum society with its own modern language.

Today the most used language to learn Torah is עברית. In most Chadorim, Yeshivos, Kollelim & Bais Yakovs the Shiurim & Schmussen are given in עברית. Chavrusos in the Bais Midrash argue & shout at each other in the language that was supposed to keep them out of the Bais Midrash.

Yes, it's true it is not yet a perfect world out there, but when was the last time that it was.

Perhaps, we should be saying הלל not on Yom Haatzmaut but every single day of the year.

However, we are not allowed to do so כל הקורא הלל בכל יום ה"ז מחרף ומגדף but we should praise and thank Hashem every single day for turning the tables and instead of Torah ח"ו being eradicated it is flourishing despite the secular Zionist attempts. 

Cops Don't Give Tickets .. Free Pizza Free Hot Dogs ..R' Shaye ben R' Moshe


Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Lufthansa the "Satmar" Airline Refuses To Allow US Chassidim To Board Connecting Flight To Hungary


I guess frummies learned absolutely nothing from the Covid virus and nothing from the Russian Invasion of Uman. To them all that was a coincidence and has nothing to do with them. It's all אשר קרך בדרך 

 Hashem wants you guys home! Yes home..you heard it here first!

R' Shayele doesn't want anyone coming to his grave on his Yurzeit , and so R' Shayele  called the Satmar Vaad and asked them to influence their favorite German airline to stop them from going forward, short of flooding the plane with mice, and asked Lufthansa  to hold them in Jewish blood soaked Germany for a while so they can stop and think that maybe the goyim don't want them in their cursed countries!

Instead of learning a mishna or a "blettel" gemarah in R' Shayele's memory in the comfort of their homes , this chevra leave their wives to take care of their brood while they celebrate with Shmaltz Herring, Ptcha and other delicacies in Hungary, a country  that brutally murdered close to a half million of their grandparents in just a few months!

Sick indeed! 

Hundreds of chassidim from the US are stuck in Frankfurt, Germany after Lufthansa Airlines refused to allow them to board their connecting flight to Hungary.

The airline claims that some of the chassidim wouldn’t listen to the flight attendants’ instructions and refused to wear masks. However, even if the claim is true, they punished the whole group of hundreds of people instead of penalizing individuals.

Additionally, the chassidim said that many of the non-Jewish passengers were not wearing masks but they were allowed to remain on the flight.

The chassidim landed in Frankfurt on Wednesday and were scheduled to board a connecting flight to Hungary in order to visit the kever of Reb Shayele in Krestiner for the yahrzeit.

The group is now stuck in the airport and it is still unclear if the chassidim will be forced to return to the US or if they still have a chance of flying to Hungary.

This is a developing story.

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Listen to this song from Yaakov Lemmer ... Yom Hazikaron


The song "Empty Chairs at Empty Tables" is from the play Les Mierables 

To the Liars That Say That Arabs Kill Jews Only Because of Zionism


24,069. On the eve of Memorial Day, this is the number of those who have been killed in Israel's wars and terrorist attacks. But where did this tally begin? 

Who was the first victim?

 On the commemorative plaque at Har Herzl, it states that  Rabbi Avraham Shlomo Zalman Zoref was the first victim. He was murdered in 5611 (1851), 171 years ago. 
He is considered the first victim of a hostile enemy attack in the present era of our Return to Zion.

Rabbi Zoref was born in Lithuania. He came on aliyah with his wife and three children together with more than 500 students of the Vilna Gaon who immigrated to Israel between 5568-5570 (1808-1810) in order to settle and develop Eretz Yisrael . Rabbi Zoref was a Torah scholar and a public figure who made his living as a silversmith, from which his family name (silversmith is “zoref” in Hebrew) was derived. He quickly became a highly visible leader and devoted his life to building Jerusalem, materially and spiritually, and to bringing more and more immigrants to the Land of Israel.

Rabbi Zoref's success angered some of the city’s Arabs, and they tried to assassinate him. On the rabbi’s way to morning prayers at the Synagogue which he had rebuilt, several Arabs attacked him, stabbing him with a sword. On his deathbed, he recited the Shema, and made his children swear that they would never leave the Land of Israel. His grave on the Mount of Olives was vandalized and recently restored by his family.

And just to keep this in proper historical perspective: Rabbi Zoref was murdered nine years (!) before Thedore Herzl was born.  In other words, our story about the modern settlement of the Land of Israel - and our attachment to it - is older and more profound than it might seem.

Words cannot possibly encompass the debt of gratitude we owe to all 24,069 victims. Rabbi Zoref from Jerusalem was the first and Vyacheslav (Daniel) Golev, the security guard from Ariel, was the last (if only he will truly be the last).

In their memory.

Am Yisrael ... WAKE UP!


Israeli Chareidim Observe Yom HaZikoron After the Bnei-Brak Attack


One out of seven Jews worldwide are Charedi


Roughly one in every seven Jews worldwide is affiliated with the haredi sector, according to a new study released Wednesday morning.

A report released by the London-based Institute for Jewish Policy Research estimates that out of a global Jewish population of 15.166 million, some 2,077,000 – or 14% - were from the haredi community, as of the end of 2020.

The IJPR report draws on a variety of sources to estimate the size of each haredi population in various countries around the world, including demographic studies in Israel and data from Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics; surveys from the Pew Research Center estimating the number of Jewish households and the percentage of households affiliated with the haredi sector - along with estimates by demographers Gilad Malach and Yair Ettinger; estimates of synagogue membership in extrapolated to total population size; and data collected by various regional Jewish federations and local organizations.

There are an estimated 1.2 million haredim in Israel, making up 17% of the country’s 6.9 million Jews. The second largest haredi community is in the US, with roughly 700,000 haredim, making up 12% of the approximately 6 million American Jews.

The third largest haredi community is in the UK, numbering 76,000, or 26% of the 292,000 Jews in Britain.

Supreme Court leak is Democrats’ dirty May surprise for 2022 midterms


Political surprises generally come in October. This one came in May, in the middle of the night no less.

The shocking leak of the Supreme Court draft decision that overturns the constitutional right to abortion is already achieving its main objective. It is giving Democrats something to run on this fall besides Joe Biden’s lousy record. 

Never mind that the leak was a dirty trick that is probably a crime, with Chief Justice John Roberts calling it a “betrayal,” and ordering an investigation. GOP Senate leader Mitch McConnell called it an attack on the Court’s independence, saying it is “yet another escalation in the radical left’s ongoing campaign to bully and intimidate federal judges and substitute mob rule for the rule of law.” 

The widely respected SCOTUSblog writes that “This leak is the gravest, most unforgivable sin” and will destroy trust among the justices and the staff. 

All true — but you’re not likely to see a single Dem denounce the leak or the leaker. Quite the opposite. Desperate times lead to desperate actions and, without batting an eye, they embraced the draft’s contents as an opportunity to rally their dejected supporters around a new flag.

Forget inflation, open borders, the murderous crime surge, Ukraine — look over here at this shiny new object. And get mad as hell.

‘Way overboard’

R’ Elchanan Poupko the Lying DemonRat Stooge


In response to a VIN article stating that a frum Jew should not support DemonRats ... Elchanan Poupko displayes his naïveté and his twisted mind!

Read response after his nonsense from outraged Frum Yidden.