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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Has the yeshivish world lost sight of the importance that the Vilna Gaon and Baal Shem Tov placed on living in the Holy Land?


Most yeshiva students have things somewhat mapped out. Spend a year or two learning in yeshiva in Israel, return to the states, often to a place like Lakewood or Monsey, spend 6 months in the "freezer" focusing on only learning and then start shidduchim, dating for marriage.

However, sometimes these guys end up staying in Israel for another year, and another year etc. And sometimes they settle in Israel and build their lives here in the holy land. Other times they set their sights on returning sometime in the not so distant future…which seems to ebb further and further away with each year that passes. Every so often, there are those who ask the question, "Why aren’t more people staying here after yeshiva?"

Its never easy being an immigrant. Everyone knows Israel has changed over the decades. We hear how difficult it was for the immigrants of political Zionism in the mid 1900’s. We can’t imagine what the Vilna Gaon, the father of the yeshiva movement had to endure in the late 1700’s during his failed attempt at making aliyah to the Holy Land. He made it as far as Odessa and then literally missed the boat. It was the students and children that eventually actualized his vision and moved to Israel to build what became known as the Hayishuv Hayashan, the old settlement. However, this is often forgotten or buried deep within the collective consciousness of today's yeshiva world.

The students of the Vilna Gaon and the students of the Baal Shem Tov should be our role models. They experienced unthinkable hardships and were happy. This is what G-d intended: for the Jewish people - to live here, keep his Torah and flourish.

The idea that before Zionism, Jews had lived in peace in Arab lands is an absolute myth!


One idea that Satmar and other Anti-Zionists push to further their hate of the Zionists is the idea that before Zionism Jews in Arab lands lived peacefully side by side. Its interesting to note that this is what the Arab murderers and Satmar have in common. Both of these groups use this for their propaganda in the exact same way. 

But this has been proven on this blog time and again to be a fabrication and an outright lie! 

Read the facts below! 

What really happened to the million Jews who lived in Arab lands? Unfortunately, so many people spread lies about what happened to those Jews – chiefly as a way of propping up a false Palestinian narrative – that most people have no idea of the truth or the scale of the disaster. They see the lies spreading online, but simply do not have the material they need to counter the disinformation campaign.

The ‘Jewish problem’ in the Arab lands

A simple fact: in the 20th century almost a million Jews resided in ancient Jewish communities spread throughout the Middle East and North Africa.

Another simple fact: at the end of the 20th century, there was almost nothing left.

So what happened?

Rabbanim Get Together to Issue "Kol Korah" Against the Gerer Kidnappings

I know what you are thinking. Why is it necessary to issue a "Kol Korah" against kidnappings when it's explicit in the 10 Commandments "Lo Tignov" You shall not steal another human being?

The reason is that Chassidim by in large have their own interpretation of the entire Torah and therefore need their Rabbis to tell them that here with this particular commandment we all agree!

The Gerer Gestapo Commander Avraham Binyamin Silverberg Who Orders the Kidnappings!

Yiddish Explanation Why We Have Corona


Israeli Truckers Are Next


Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Song of Moed Katan


Ger now kidnapping Children from the Opposition ... as 2 Girls are now missing


 Two sisters, ages 17 and 14, have been missing from their homes for the past week.

According to the girls’ family, the disappearance occurred after the parents, Tzvi Arie and Leah Sandik, decided to move out of the Gerrer community in Ashdod. They say community leaders suspected that they were planning to join the community of Rav Shaul Alter.

The parents say that Gerrer authorities were in close contact with the girls, persuaded them to oppose their parents’ decision and flee from home, and arranged special living accommodations. They say the girls, 17-year-old Esti and 14-year-old Ricky underwent brainwashing for months by mentors with senior positions in Ger, including women from their educational staff at their seminary, who instructed them to flee the home as soon as their parents tried to leave the community.

According to Israeli media reports, the family recently has felt disconnected from Chassidus, and they apparently considered the possibility of joining the “breakaway” community led by Rav Shaul Alter, however they did not take any real steps to join.

The family reportedly decreased contact and involvement with the Gerrer community in general, and decided to move from Ashdod to Bnei Brak and send their children to Chassidishe yeshivos there.

The parents say that community leaders and yeshiva faculty urged the children to defy their parents. The family’s 12-year-old boy said that one of his teachers told him: “You have no father or mother, you have to do what the Vaad says.” In addition, the girls’ older married siblings who remain connected with the Gerrer Chassidus helped persuade them to abscond from home.

According to the report, the parents even assured the 17 year old that she could continue to study in the Gerrer seminary in Ashdod, and offered to arrange transportation.

About two weeks ago, both daughters did not return home one evening. Late that night the younger one called from a blocked number, said “I am fine”, and hung up.

The next day the two girls returned home.

Then to their horror, a week ago the parents woke up and saw that the two girls were gone, and they saw a ladder placed near the girls’ bedroom window.

The parents have gone to court, and the court is involved in the matter, however the details have not been disclosed.

One follower of the Gerrer Chassidus denied any involvement in the disappearance, and claimed that it is an internal family matter.

The police confirmed that an investigation is ongoing, and that the parties accused have denied any involvement.

A GoFundMe campaign has been set up to assist the family.

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Andy Levin the Jewish congressman wants Israel to be narrower than his district


A Michigan congressman is complaining that he is being subjected to “ad hominem attacks” because his pro-Palestinian positions have been criticized. But there’s nothing ad hominem about pointing out that this congressman wants to reduce Israel to a size that will be barely one-third the width of his own congressional district.

The congressman in question is Democrat Andy Levin of Michigan, who is closely associated with J Street and advocates forcing Israel back to the nine-miles-wide pre-1967 armistice lines.

In fact, Levin is so deeply devoted to making Israel just nine miles wide, that he is the lead sponsor on a bill called the “Two-State Solution Act.” The bill demands the creation of a Palestinian Arab state next to Israel, in what he calls “the occupied Palestinian Territories.”

Sec.5 (a) of the Levin bill defines those territories as “the West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and Gaza.”

Those are the areas that Israel captured in the 1967 war. Which means that if the state of “Palestine” is established, Israel will return to being nine miles wide at a point a few miles above Tel Aviv, as it was prior to 1967.

The centrality of marital intimacy In the Jewish home ... Rabbi Eliezer Melamed Answers His Critics.


Before you read the article, I would like to point out that R' Yaakov Yaavetz Me'Emden in his siddur is far more explicit than Rav Melamed. I don't recall anyone criticizing his work.

Q: Rabbi, with your permission and out of great respect for you, I wanted to write about something that perplexed me after studying the book ‘Simḥat Ha-bayit U-virkhato‘. I have found instructions that seem to me to be suitable for chozrim b’teshuva (returnees to Orthodox Judaism), or for specific cases, but not for the vast majority of observant couples who want to build their homes in holiness and purity, and without all the various damaging notions that the corrupt Western culture introduces into other societies. Rabbi, why did you write them as a general guide?

In addition, there is an overemphasis in the book on the importance of the mitzvah of ona (marital intimacy). In contrast, however, I learned from my rabbis that it is better for marital intimacy to be limited (Torah scholars should have marital relations on Shabbat evening, and that Torah scholars should not be intimate with their wives like roosters) and not joyfully, as explained in a number of sections in the book (Chapter 1, Halakhot 1-2, Chapter 2, Halakhot 1 and 3). Perhaps this guidance is suitable for baalei teshuva, but not for yeshiva students, and why is it not explicitly written that these are bedi’avad (ex post facto) instructions for situations where it is necessary to be maykel (rule leniently), and not for a normal situation?

The Background for Writing the Book

You think this beating by a student in Public School was bad? Wait till you read this!


On Auction the 1920 Letter of "Hate and Jealousy" of The Eida Hachreidis Against Harav Kook and R' Chaim Ozer's Response

נצחונו הגדול של הראי"ה קוק על שונאיו - קנאי ירושלים

מכתב שיטנה שנכתב נגדו ב-1920 ונחשף עכשיו, מבטא את עומק התיעוב שרחשו הקנאים לראי"ה

 "The Great Triumph of Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook  Over His Enemies. The Yerushalyim Extremists"

"Hate letter that they sent to Harav Chaim Ozer in 1920 reveals the deep hatred the Extremists had against Harav Kook z"l"

The Mishna in Pirkei Avos states:
רבי אלעזר הקפר אומר הקנאה והתאוה והכבוד מוציאין את האדם מן העולם 
"Rabbi Elazar Ha'Kapar says, Envy, Lust and desire for honor, drive a man out of the world"

Chazal say that the reason Korach rebelled against Moshe Rabeinu was only because of envy, and jealousy!
Korach managed to get support from the greatest tzaddikim of that generation. The Torah describes those tzadikim:
נשיאי עדה קראי מועד אנשי שם
"Princes of the assembly, representatives of the Jewish people, and famous"

In other words Korach was able to convince the Moetzes Hagdolah, the Eida Hachreidis of that generation.

A letter of hate and filth was written and signed by the then "Gedoileo Hador" against the Chief Rabbi of Yerushalyim, Harav Avraham Yitzchok Kook z"l. 
The letter written in 1920 was addressed and delivered to the Leader of European Jewry, Rav Chaim Ozer Grodzinski z"l, who was the pre-eminent Av Bais Din, Posek, and Talmudic scholar in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The purpose of that letter was to get Rav Chaim Ozer on board to condemn Rav Kook z"l. Rav Chaim Ozer as well as other Gedoilim of that generation who read the letter refused to comment and refused to have anything to do with the signatories.
The signatories of that hateful letter were in no particular order: 
R' Yosef Chaim Sonnenfeld  who also stamped it with his official stamp, R' Yitzchak Yeruchim Diskin also with his stamp, The Badatz of Yerushlayim, R' Moshe Nachum Wallenstein, R' Mordchai Leib Rubin, And R' Yitzchok Frenkel with the Badatz stamp.

What makes this news is that the letter is now on auction. The historian Moshe Nachmeinu, who is now in the midst of writing a book after doing extensive research of the extremists sefarim and hateful campaign of a Gadol brought this letter to light, and sets this as an example of how the greatest tzaddikim were consumed by envy, jealousy and pure evilness, rishis!

What prompted this letter? 
Rav Shmuel Salant who served as the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Of Yerushalayim for almost 70 years was niftar, and the extremists were looking to fill that position with either Rav Yosef Chayim Sonnenfeld or with R' yitzchak Yeruchim Diskin. In 1919, Rav Kook was appointed the Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Yerushalyim and soon after appointed the first Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi of Palestine in 1921. It was Rav Kook's appointment in 1919 that drove the extremists crazy and they began a campaign of harassment and hate against the Gadol Hador. Rav Sonnenfeld having lost the coveted position as Chief Rabbi Yerushalyim promptly founded the Eida Ha'chreidis which he headed in the same year that the letter was sent. 
It's important to note that prior to Rav Kook's appointment to Chief Rabbi of Yerushalyim, in 1919, Rav Sonnenfeld said not a bad word about him and there wasn't any tension and in fact in 1913, the two travelled together to the Galilee to try to return secular Jewish pioneers to Torah Judaism.

His crime? Believing and preaching that that the fact that Jews were returning to Eretz Yisrael was the "Aschata DeGeulah" the "beginning of the redemption," Loving every Jew, be he a frum Jew or a secular Jew and advocating working with Zionists to establish the return of all Jews to our homeland. Though Rav Sonnenfeld also believed that all Jews must live in Eretz Yisrael, he hated the Zionists with a passion as did all pre WW2 Hungarian and Roumanian Frum Jews. Rav Sonnenfeld was originally from Hungary!

Rav Kook established the Yeshiva Mercaz Ha'Rav in 1924 and despite Chareidie opposition, parents of the Yishuv ignored the Badatz and sent their precious children to the Yeshiva to get a proper Torah Education. That Yeshiva exists today and many well known Rabbanim graduated that Moisad.

It's interesting to note that today in 2022, every single city in Israel has classes on the works of Harav Kook. His sefarim are learned by Chassidim, Sfradim, Litvaks Dati Leumis'. His Torah is being spread all over Israel, but it's hard to find a Jew who knows or learns the sefarim of the haters. 
Read on next page an article that appeared in Matzav Huruach and my loose translation

Bennett Talks to Biden on the Phone and Halts Jerusalem E1 Corridor Plan


Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on Sunday evening spoke with President Joe Biden for the first time since the PM’s visit to the White House on August 28.

Also on Sunday: Bennett and Defense Minister Benny Gantz ordered the Judea and Samaria Supreme Planning Committee to suspend discussions on approving the E-1 construction plan to connect Ma’ale Adumim and Jerusalem. The plan covers an area of about 3,000 acres, most of it is state land, with the construction of about 3,500 housing units at its center.

E1 is located at the narrowest point of Judea and Samaria, where the illegal Khan al Ahmar squatters’ settlement has been festering since 2018, with both the Netanyahu and Bennett governments preferring to ignore a Supreme Court decision to remove it. That’s because E1 is the key to whether or not there will be a Palestinian State someday in Judea and Samaria. If E1 remains desolate, with only the illegal shantytown dotting the area from Ma’ale Adumim to Jerusalem, there’s a good chance a contiguous Palestinian State will someday stretch through there. On the other hand, should the plan for urban sprawl from Jerusalem to Ma’ale Adumim be carried out, then any future Arab political entity would be forever split in its middle.

The E1 plan had been frozen for years, and the Supreme Committee renewed deliberations on it during PM Netanyahu’s last government. The committee proceeded through the first eight months of the Lapid-Bennett coalition but now put it aside again. According to Israel Hayom, one reason for the halt was an outcry from Meretz who declared that E1 constituted a red line that cannot be crossed. The other objection to the E1 plan has been coming from the Americans, who are well aware of the consequences to the two-state plan should a solid wall of Israeli suburban homes be allowed to stretch across the PA’s narrowest waist.

Agudah Protests Antisemitic Cartoon in Monsey Newspaper

 An antisemitic ad has been published in one of the largest newspapers in Rockland County, the Journal News (aka Lohud).

The Agudath Israel has released a statement against the disgraceful ad, and is demanding an apology. The ad cartoon depicts an image of a puppet-master representing a Rabbi, who is manipulating what appear to be children on top of a pile of cash. The headline next to the ad says: 

Rabbi holds the strings on $76M for East Ramapo School District

Here is the statement in response:

Agudath Israel of America viewed with alarm an incendiary promotional advertisement published today for an upcoming article in Journal News (Lohud), a popular newspaper in Rockland County.

The caption, “Rabbi holds the strings on $76M for East Ramapo School District… Coming Feb. 9,” appears above a puppet master using pencils and string to manipulate what appears to be children atop a pile of cash.

While the article, or even the identity of the “rabbi” (as though his “rabbihood” is somehow germane) are unknown, the caricature evokes the worst antisemitic tropes, and is categorically unacceptable. The concept of the Jew as a conspiratorial puppet master, covertly manipulating the world economy and events, harks back to at least the 1700’s, as further amplified upon in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Its imagery and underlying implications have stoked pogroms for hundreds of years, and was employed as recently as by the Pittsburgh synagogue shooter, who killed 11 worshippers in the largest modern mass shooting against Jews in America, at Tree of Life in 2018. We wonder how any article which emerges from an editorial board that approved such a hateful cartoon can pretend to be free from bias.

Agudath Israel calls for a full apology, and actionable commitment by Lohud to avoid bigoted imagery and coverage of the Jewish community in Rockland County in the future.

Dovi Soiefer Was Attacked By Two Rottweilers -This Was His Unusual Request From Their Jewish Owner


Dovi Soiefer, a Jewish businessman, arrived in Miami for a business conference – “the ECAP Health Conference” this week, looking forward to productive business meetings.

On his way to the conference, Soiefer was attacked by two rottweiler dogs, who knocked him to the ground and scratched and bit him on the arm. After the owner of the dogs succeeded in controlling them, he gave Soiefer his number and told him to be in touch and receive restitution from him.

A woman from the hotel who saw the attack called police, who said that if Soiefer pressed charges, the dogs would be put down.

The embarrassed owner of the dogs pleaded with Soiefer not to press charges and promised him compensation for his injuries. The man said that he had already recently lost a dog to sickness and did not want to lose his other dogs. However after Soiefer heard that the owner of the dogs was Jewish, he had a different request from him. 

Monday, February 7, 2022

In Israel Pizza is now made by Robots

Anthony Blinken stands accused of meddling in Albanian elections on behalf of billionaire financier George Soros and is being sued for defamation in an international court as a result.


As if Secretary of State Antony Blinken weren’t embroiled in enough foreign debacles, he now stands accused of meddling in Albanian elections on behalf of billionaire financier George Soros and is being sued for defamation in an international court as a result. 

One of Blinken’s curious first actions on taking office being sworn in last year was to sanction the former president and prime minister of Albania, Sali Berisha, the anti-communist ally of Presidents H.W. and W. Bush, and who has been in opposition for eight years, and who is a vocal opponent of Soros and his Open Society Foundations, which has been pushing judicial and electoral “reform” in Albania. 

In an official statement and accompanying tweet last April, Blinken alleged that Berisha is “corrupt” and had “undermined democracy in Albania,” and barred him, his wife and two children from entering the US. 

Chassidim Upset Because of Swastikas Spray-Painted on School Buses in ... But Will they burn the Israeli Flag on Purim?


So I see that when their vehicles are defaced with hate slogans, they don't like it one bit, but come Purim they will burn the Jewish flag on the streets of Williamsburg and stand around like drunk baboons mocking a flag that for Goyim around the world represents the Jewish people. 

That flag that they despise represents them as well, as goyim given the opportunity will shove them and the Zionists into the same ovens.

Rabbanim always say "this is because of this, and this is because of that"

So maybe just maybe, this is a wake up call from Above, not to be "metzaar" other Jews that hold that flag sacred!

Frum Jews in Williamsburg were the victim of yet another hate crime on Sunday when a suspect spray-painted swastikas on multiple school buses at Division Avenue and Rodney Street.

The incident comes just a day after multiple chasidim were victimized in unprovoked attacks over Shabbos. The NYPD’s 90th Precinct, Hate Crimes Task Force, and Williamsburg Shomrim are investigating the incident and seeking to identify the suspect in this case.

“I am angry & heartbroken by two more anti-Semitic, violent incidents in our community over Shabbos,” Councilman Lincoln Restler wrote on Twitter. “A man was violently struck upside the head in Bed Stuy by Marcy & Myrtle. Swastikas & other graffiti were spray painted on yeshiva school bus in Williamsburg by Division & Rodney.”

The ADL wrote on Twitter “We are horrified that yeshiva school buses clearly marked in Yiddish could be vandalized in such a way with hateful symbols, especially on the same day that we found two Jewish men to have been assaulted in the area. NY must be a safe heaven for all and this hate must stop!


Sunday, February 6, 2022

GoFundMe backtracks on redistributing money for Canadian truckers, under threat of fraud investigation


Four years for walking into the Capitol. Probation for burning a school.


Kindergarten Forces Toddlers To March and Scream "Black Lives Matter"


Kindergarten has changed. https://t.co/SjP3rwgoT8

— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) February 4, 2022

Chareidim went to bed with the Arabs thinking that they would vote with them and then they Stabbed them in the back

As long as they could get the shekels, Chareidie parties would sit with the devil himself. Over the years, Chareidim always courted the leftist even when they were giving back chunks of Eretz Yisrael, even Rav Shach was all for returning Gush Katif and so were the Chareidiem because they didn't live there. Rav Shach would never have agreed to hand the Ponovitz Yeshiva or his own home to the Arabs, "let the Dati Leumi's guys go homeless."
They also supported the Oslo accords that would have given back most of Eretz Yisrael to the Arab murderers, as long as Bnei-Brak was not part of the deal.

When the Arab Party "Raam" won seats in the Knesset with the help of the Chareidim,  (see article below)the Chareidim naturally thought that Raam would vote with the Chareidim as they had common interests; both were against "gius" the IDF Draft, and both wanted shekels to help their "moisdois. " The fact that Arabs forced the Bennett to give them more Jewish land to build and at the same time denied Jewish settlers the exact same privilege, meant nothing to the Chareidim since they don't mind living under the Palestinian flag. The fact that most Arabs anywhere in the world would sooner live under the Zionist flag  means nothing to them.

When the first round of the voting to draft Yeshiva boys came around, Raam helped the Chareidim defeat the bill. And so Deri and his henchman did a gig in the hallways patting the supporters of terrorists on the back, laughing like a bunch of rabid hyenas .

But when the second round of the voting for the Draft bill came around, the Arabs did what they know best they stabbed the Chareidim in the back and voted with Bennett. 
Normal people know that you can only trust an Arab as far as you can throw him. But the "am hasefer" the people of the book trust Arabs more than they trust other Jews. 

 The Chareidie parties naively thought that if only the Arabs would sit in a coalition they would vote with the Chareidim as they believe that they have common values . 
Quick hand me that bag so I can throw up!

Channel 12 News commentator Muhammad Majadele claims that Shas chairman Aryeh Deri was the one who legitimized Mansour Abbas and his Ra’am party as someone who could take part in any coalition.

"In the honeymoon between Mansour Abbas and Netanyahu, the haredi parties and especially former MK Aryeh Deri were among the people who mediated between the parties," Majadele said in an interview with the Kikar HaShabbat news website.

He added that "one of the main people who mediated between Netanyahu and Mansur Abbas was Aryeh Deri - unequivocally. The problem was not the haredim, but the Religious Zionist party - Smotrich, Ben Gvir and their friends - and that is why Mansour Abbas was sent to Rabbi Druckman. It was done with Netanyahu's knowledge and coordinated with him."

Majadele was asked whether Netanyahu and Deri's talks with Abbas legitimized the current government and replied, "Unequivocally. That is why Deri and his friends understand the magnitude of the mistake they made - they legitimized Mansour Abbas and in the end he went with Bennett and Lapid."

Deri has previously denied acting as a mediator between the parties, but at the same time said in closed-door talks that the conduct vis-à-vis Ra’am during the most recent coalition talks was wrong.

The Atrocities and Abuse at a French Yeshiva


A student from Beth Yossef in France has spoken on Israeli television, describing the horrific conditions and abuse that students endured while attending the yeshiva.

In a telephone interview on i24 News, the young man who remained anonymous, described the “physical abuse” and “horrible” experience of attending the yeshiva.

The bochur said, “I was there for a year and three-quarters, and the experience was horrible.”

He continued, “Most of the guys I know they are interviewing, it’s true. It was a horrible place. The place is rundown, broken, the dorms are in horrible condition, I was on the third floor, and there were holes in the floor so you could see the floor below.

Har Nof Woman in Serious Condition After Clothes Catch Fire From Shabbos Candles


On Friday night, just after Shabbos began, a woman in her early sixties was seriously injured after her clothes caught fire from her own Shabbos candles.

The incident took place on HaAdmor Mi Ruzhin Street in Har Nof.

Volunteers from United Hatzalah and ambulance teams from Magen David Adom responded to the incident and treated the woman who was in serious condition and suffered severe burns to her upper body. She was intubated and sedated when she arrived a the hospital.

Shaare Tzedek Hospital issued a statement on Saturday night stating that the woman is hospitalized in the intensive care unit and “arrived in very serious condition.”

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The "Shvantz" Yitzchok Frankfurter's Interviews Rabbi Elisar Admon and causes a Massive Chillul Hashem


I know this is Chodesh Adar, but this is no joke! 

Last week the Fern Hollow Bridge that is situated neat the Jewish neighborhood of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh suddenly collapsed, just hours before a visit to Pittsburgh by President Biden. Thank G-d no one was actually killed.

Rabbi Elisar Admon, who is a Frum US Army Chaplain and a first responder was invited to survey the site and be amongst the welcoming committee to welcome the President!

Everything up to this point is just perfect, until Yitzy "the shvantz" Frankfurter got a hold of this guy and interviewed him.

Look at the crazy question and see Rabbi Admon's stupid response.

The Shvantz:
"Were any of the people who were hurt Jewish?

Now, of course, this is what we are all thinking, and we as Jews are always worried for the welfare of our brothers and sisters no matter where they reside, and that is the first thing we want to know, but do we ask this out loud in a magazine?

Only a Shvantz would dare ask such a question that he actually had the answer to. This interview took place days after the incident and the Shvantz already knew that Jews were not hurt.

Now the incredible dumb answer:

Rabbi Elisar Admon: "No. Baruch Hashem, there were many miracles, and that was one of them."

Do Christians ask these questions after a disaster?

"Were any of the people who were hurt Christian?"

Answer by Christian Chaplain: "No, Thanks to JC, there were many miracles, and that was one of them."

How stupid can one be to publish this question and answer in a Jewish magazine? How do you think that goy reading this article will feel reading this? 

We as Jews are living in a dangerous political climate with unbelievable antisemitic incidents occurring on a daily basis and this "upgerissinar naar" "shoiteh she'beoilim" publishes this question and answer. This shvantz never ceases to amaze me!

Who edits this mashiginar's interviews? 

Background story of the fraudulant "kosher Phone" Industry Which The Zionist Government Will Finally Solve


I know it's hard to decipher and figure out what is really going on; why would there be protests in front of stores that only sell "kosher phones?" 

That's why DIN is here to help you understand what's really going on behind the scenes.

You have had to have been living in a cave not to have heard the opposition to smartphones from the "gedoilei" Yisrael and it makes perfect sense. They don't want you to surf the internet where one can access porn and depraved ideas. In addition it can also be a massive waste of time for serious people. It can be dangerous for children and teenagers whose minds are just developing. There is also a lot of bullying on social media which can actually cause teenagers to commit suicide .Just last week a shiksa who had won Miss USA, and was an accomplished lawyer jumped out of a window in a high-rise in Manhattan and they say that it was because she was bullied on social media.

So the Rabbanim set up a "Vaad" of "askanim" to set up what we now know as the "kosher phone" industry.

This kosher phone is just a phone, and one cannot access the internet.

The way the industry works, is that you go to an authorized store that carries the hechsher from this "vaad" and they in turn give you a phone with a specific number which they control. So if you decide that you have had it with the "kosher phone" and want to switch to a smartphone because your business requires it than you must leave that number with the "Vaad", you cannot transfer your number to any other phone or carrier! Which is really a pain, because now you will have to notify all your contacts that you have a new number.

But we Yiddelich know that wherever there is  a "Vaad" there is inevitably corruption, and the "Kosher Phone" industry is no exception.

So if the "Vaad" doesn't like your politics, all they have to do is turn off your number, and the next thing you know, you are holding a worthless piece of plastic junk with a charger of course.

In the last couple of months, the "Vaad" cut off the phones of hundreds of thousands of subscribers because the "Vaad" didn't agree with their politics.  I want to repeat what I just said so that it sinks in .... the "Vaad" cut off the phones of hundreds of thousands of subscribers because of politics. I don't want to go in to details for obvious reasons, but just so you know one of the askanim who is sitting on this vaad is a chusid of the Gerer Rebbe. Got it?

They also closed the service to hundreds of institutions, many of these institutions were set up to help people, but because the askanim of those institutions weren't politicly in sync with the vaad they suddenly were left without any service. And like in Communist Russia you could call the "Vaad" and tattletale on someone and the next thing you know, that person is suddenly left with no service.

Some of those institutions who had their service cut off reached out to an MK who is in charge of communication and he stepped in to fix it.

He announced that there is no such thing as an exclusive "Vaad" and that any Joe Shmo who wants to have a business of selling "Kosher Phones" will be permitted to do this, but in addition, he will allow you to keep that number,  once you have a "number" that number now belongs to you, no matter the phone. So now a guy with a "kosher phone" can now transfer his service to the Joe Shmo and keep his number, he can also transfer that number to a smartphone!

Well.... all hell broke loose and the askanim went nuts because now they lost their business and more important, their  control. So they screamed "Foul" and barked that the Zionists don't want the Chareidim to remain "kedoishim" and want to contaminate their very souls.

Now for the shocker; a "kosher phone" cost more than an average smartphone.... yes.. you read that correctly: a "kosher phone" is more expensive than a smartphone!

Does that make any sense? Yes it makes a lot of sense when the "vaad" is in control.

The "Vaad" two weeks ago sent their two gedoilim to speak at a protest that turned violent in front of a store in Geula that sold only Kosher Phones but refused to take their "Hechsher" 

The "gedoilim" witnessed and saw their own followers run into the store and break and loot like the Shvartzas in Portland, and said not a word. 

Last Thursday the "Vaad" sent their Chareidie gangsters into another store on Kikar HaShabbos to break the windows and cause massive damage. You can see the mob doing their avoidas hakoidish  in my previous post.

That store also only sold "Kosher Phones" but refuses to get their hecsher!

These "gedoilim" were no where to be seen at a Seforim store down the block that was selling Walder books!

Chareidim Acting like Arabs Break Window and Vandalize Phone Store That carries Only Kosher Phones Yet Won't Protest Sefarim Stores that Sell Monster Walder Books


Jonathan Pollard: On her deathbed, my wife revealed her mission


In a video from the day of Esther Pollard’s funeral, former Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard shared his wife’s dying words.

Speaking shortly after his wife’s funeral, Pollard revealed his final conversation with his wife, moments before she passed away this Monday.

“She was dying. All of a sudden her eyes woke up…I was holding her hand. I don’t know where she was. But she was just looking up. And she said, in a very small voice: ‘My neshama [soul] volunteered to come back for two missions: one of the missions was to get you home. The other mission was to bring you home as a Jew, and not a goy.’”

Friday, February 4, 2022

Zera Shimshon Parshas Terumah


70 "Fringe Jealous" Rabbis Sign Declaration Against Rabbi Melamed’s Peninei Halacha Series, ‘One may not rely on his rulings’

If anyone out there is throwing out his Halacha Series, please pass them my way. 

I'm wondering, how is it they couldn't get together even 5 rabbanim against Walder? Do you have to be a molester to get off scot free?

Read one of the ridiculous reasons that these "rabbis' give why they they signed the letter against Harav Melamed:

 it is stated that the Peninei Halacha on family purity “publishes things which ought to remain covert and should not be disseminated to the wider  public.” 

Will they now throw out Mesachtas Nidda? How about Shaalas Utshvois of the Noda Be'Yehudah? The Noda Be' Yudah discusses a case in detail about a guy who lived with his mother-in-law and had a child, should we burn his books?

Another reason they give is because he would allow the "Reform Jews to daven by the Kotel." What's wrong with that? Everyone and even goyim daven at the Kotel. They are against him talking with them. Now I don't agree with Rav Melamad on this point, but he has as a respected Poisek an opinion.

I remember when I was growing up, the Chassidishe Oilim and even the Litvisher Oilim would never pasken like Rav Moshe Feinstein z"l. People don't pasken like the Chazon Ish or the Brisker Rav either.

These are just a bunch of jealous frustrated Rabbis who got together not to condemn a molester or a thief, chas ve'sholom" but a Gadol Be'Yisrael! 

Shame on them!

Ami Magazines' Lev Tahor Cult Run To Iraq and other Countries then complain that are not being treated well


The reason I am calling the Lev Tahor cult "The Ami Cult" because Ami's editor and publisher Yitzy Frankfurter sincerely believes that this dangerous cult is just another Chassidise Chassidus! Just 3 years ago, Ami featured this cult and its late leader Helbrans on the cover and dedicated about 10 pages glorifying these crazed animals.

At any rate the Ami Cult keeps running from country to country because as the local authorities find out that they are abusing their children they crack down on them. There are now 3 leaders of these crazed fanatics sitting in US jails facing charges of kidnapping, torture and abuse.

Recently just hours before the Guatemalian government were going in to deport them, they disappeared and fled to Bosnia and Iraq presumingly on the way to Iran. 

This is all being financed by Satmar Chassidim, though Satmar denies it. Why would Satmar finance this? Because just like the Iranian Mullas finance terror all over the world to destroy Israel and it's allies, Satmar that daven three times a day that Israel should G-d forbid eliminated also finance any group that is anti-Israel.

 The Satmar Rebbe of Monroe also encouraged his dopes to write letters to congressmen in support of then President Hussain Obama who fought for the Iran Deal. The Iran Deal was also supported by Fat Nadler and his employee Ezra Friedlander. 

So back to the story:

Now that Bosnia is throwing them the hell out, a group of brain-washed women invited reporters into their home to give their side of the story.