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Showing posts with label Rabbi Elisar Admon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rabbi Elisar Admon. Show all posts

Saturday, February 5, 2022

The "Shvantz" Yitzchok Frankfurter's Interviews Rabbi Elisar Admon and causes a Massive Chillul Hashem


I know this is Chodesh Adar, but this is no joke! 

Last week the Fern Hollow Bridge that is situated neat the Jewish neighborhood of Squirrel Hill in Pittsburgh suddenly collapsed, just hours before a visit to Pittsburgh by President Biden. Thank G-d no one was actually killed.

Rabbi Elisar Admon, who is a Frum US Army Chaplain and a first responder was invited to survey the site and be amongst the welcoming committee to welcome the President!

Everything up to this point is just perfect, until Yitzy "the shvantz" Frankfurter got a hold of this guy and interviewed him.

Look at the crazy question and see Rabbi Admon's stupid response.

The Shvantz:
"Were any of the people who were hurt Jewish?

Now, of course, this is what we are all thinking, and we as Jews are always worried for the welfare of our brothers and sisters no matter where they reside, and that is the first thing we want to know, but do we ask this out loud in a magazine?

Only a Shvantz would dare ask such a question that he actually had the answer to. This interview took place days after the incident and the Shvantz already knew that Jews were not hurt.

Now the incredible dumb answer:

Rabbi Elisar Admon: "No. Baruch Hashem, there were many miracles, and that was one of them."

Do Christians ask these questions after a disaster?

"Were any of the people who were hurt Christian?"

Answer by Christian Chaplain: "No, Thanks to JC, there were many miracles, and that was one of them."

How stupid can one be to publish this question and answer in a Jewish magazine? How do you think that goy reading this article will feel reading this? 

We as Jews are living in a dangerous political climate with unbelievable antisemitic incidents occurring on a daily basis and this "upgerissinar naar" "shoiteh she'beoilim" publishes this question and answer. This shvantz never ceases to amaze me!

Who edits this mashiginar's interviews?