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Sunday, December 5, 2021

American Airlines Kicks Off Couple Because They Wouldn't Put The Talis & Tefilling Bags on the Floor


An elderly Brooklyn couple was booted from an American Airlines flight because they refused to place a bag containing their sacred prayer shawl on the floor, according to a lawsuit.

Roberto and Elana Birman were heading home from Miami on Flight 322 in August when the “humiliating” incident unfolded, they told The Post.

Roberto, 76, and Elana, 71, brought only a briefcase, a purse and his Tallit bag — a small, 8.5 inch-by-8.5-inch, clear plastic carrier for Roberto’s prayer book and shawl — onboard. They sat in aisle seats across from each other.

A flight attendant began checking overhead bins ahead of take off, pulled the Tallit bag from the overhead bin, and asked, “Whose is this?”

When Roberto claimed it, she allegedly threw the bag on his lap and said it had to go under his seat, the couple said.

“It’s a religious item, it cannot go under the seat,” Roberto explained, removing his baseball cap to reveal his kippah covering his head and explaining that as an Orthodox Jew, he is forbidden to place the precious shawl on the floor.

“It doesn’t matter,” the attendant allegedly sniffed.

“She was screaming at me and pointing her finger,” he said.

The couple, who are married 52 years and have four kids, came to the U.S. in 1985 from Argentina, where they encountered frequent anti-Semitism.

“I couldn’t believe this was happening to me in America,” said Roberto, noting, “We use these items every single day to pray.”

Elana Birman said the flight attendant’s request was akin to asking a Christian to “throw a cross on the floor” where it could be stepped on.

“Nobody said a word. Nobody defended us. It was embarrassing,” she said.

There is a strong taboo in Jewish law against putting an item such as a Tallit bag on the floor, two rabbis said.

“It’s considered disgraceful,” said Rabbi Mitchell Rocklin. “It would be like taking a Bible or a Koran and dumping it on the floor.” 

The pilot came over but didn’t speak to them, the Birmans said. Eventually, a ground crew member was called and urged them to follow him off the plane, they said.

As soon as they were ushered out, the crew member allegedly told his coworkers, “Close the gate!”

“What are we, criminals?” Elana recalled thinking. She said her husband “was devastated.”

“It was out of proportion” to what had occurred, Roberto said, adding of the flight attendant who started it all, “She made me so nervous. I was shaking.”

They were left without Roberto’s diabetes medications, which were in the checked luggage, got no help from the airline for securing food or a place to stay that night, and were forced to take a taxi to a friend’s home as a hurricane swept in.

They’re suing American Airlines for unspecified damages.

“My clients were ejected from the flight based on the prejudices and complete lack of sensitivity of American Airlines employees for reasons wholly unrelated to security,” said their lawyer, Brad Gerstman, adding, “The flight attendant and pilot’s conduct was as offensive as it was illogical.”

An American spokesman said the airline is reviewing the lawsuit.

Saturday, December 4, 2021

Rebbes with their Fiddles on Chanukah

 No comment!

I gotto get out of here, I really got to get out of here!

The Strongest Witness for the Police against "Shavu Banim" Murders..Passed Away a Couple of Days ago


The police case against Berland's murderers are collapsing, as their strongest witness isn't alive anymore to testify. He died last week from unkown causes. 

Police had to drop possible murder charges against  Berland himself last week. 

Chassidim Now Declaring that their Rebbis Have G-dly Powers


It's all over, folks!
Chassidim believe and bring sources that Hashem gives "Tzaddikim" powers to "build & Create Worlds and to change nature and gives them the ability to master over the sun and moon, and all creation"

Theses ideas are tenets of Christianity ...
It's all over!

Before the World Media Start Calling the Yerushalyim Terrorist a "victim" See Full Video of a Terrorist Stabbing A Chareidie


Rabbanim Talk To DIN about Chanukah


Thursday, December 2, 2021

George Soros has blood on his hands for the rise in killings nationwide


The crime wave sweeping across the country is the direct result of a years-long campaign by George Soros to bankroll the election of far-left district attorneys committed to undermining law and order.

Over the past six years or so, Soros has poured tens of millions of dollars into the campaigns of DA candidates from coast to coast, achieving a remarkable degree of success by simply overwhelming all the other candidates. Whereas normal DA candidates typically run on five-figure budgets, Soros-backed DA candidates routinely enjoy seven-figure war chests.

Soros is able to do this because federal campaign-finance limitations do not apply to local races. Many states have adopted their own laws capping the amounts that individuals and/or political action committees can contribute to candidates, but those laws are often riddled with loopholes. In some cases, the limits only apply to statewide races. In other cases, Soros can circumvent individual contribution limits by funneling money through the PACs he has set up for this purpose, which generally go by the ironic name of “Safety and Justice.”

When Jews Themselves Discourage Jews to go up to the Temple Mount, Why Are we surprised that 129 Countries Voted for UN Resolution Denying Jewish Ties to Har Habayis, Calling it Exclusively Muslim

 Once again, the UN has exposed itself as a viciously biased group, whose primary mission is to target Israel and the Jews, while propping up Islamic terrorists.

The UN General Assembly passed an egregious resolution Wednesday by an overwhelming majority, completely denying any Jewish connection to the Har Habayis.

The “Jerusalem resolution” is part of a movement by the Palestinians and anti-Israel members of the UN to revise history and brand the Har Habayis exclusively Muslim. The wording references the site only by its Muslim name, al-Haram al-Sharif. It passed 129-11.

Hillel Neuer, executive director of UN Watch, said, “The UN’s assault on Israel with a torrent of one-sided resolutions is surreal. It’s absurd that in the year 2021, out of some 20 UN General Assembly resolutions that criticize countries, 70 percent are focused on one single country— Israel.”

Neuer added that “the UN shows contempt for both Judaism and Christianity by adopting a resolution that makes no mention of the name Temple Mount, which is Judaism’s holiest site, and which is sacred to all who venerate the Bible, in which the ancient Temple was of central importance.”

The US opposed the resolution, in part because of the exclusion of Israel’s right to the site, saying, “It is morally, historically and politically wrong for members of this body to support language that denies” other religions’ connections to the site.

The UK abstained, with a British representative saying, “The resolution adopted today refers to the holy sites in Jerusalem in purely Islamic terms without recognizing the Jewish terminology of Temple Mount. 

“The UK has made clear for many years that we disagree with this approach…The UK has therefore moved our vote today from a ‘yes’ to an ‘abstention.’ If the unbalanced reference had been removed, the UK would have been ready and willing to vote ‘yes’.”

“This should not be misunderstood as a reflection of a change in UK policy toward Jerusalem. Instead, it is an important signal of our commitment to recognizing the history of Jerusalem to the three monotheistic religions,” he said.

In 2018, a similar resolution passed 148-11. This time support decreased, with the number of countries that abstained increasing from 14 to 31, despite the fact that the phrase al-Haram al-Sharif was mentioned only once, whereas last time it was mentioned twice.

Three years ago, all the European countries voted in favor. However this time, Hungary and the Czech Republic opposed, while Albania, Bulgaria, Denmark, Germany, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Romania, Slovakia and Slovenia abstained.

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Some of the crazy "comments" about the "mixed concert""


the gadol hador in general opposes concerts so why are they still happening? If people need an “outlet” they can read a story about an adam godol, plus there is no heter to have concerts or music in general once the Beis Hamikdash was destroyed, 1 know of a family that doesnt allow their children to play or listen to any music for this reason.

Rabbi Michael Says It's Ok to Say Kaddish for a Dog

Those of you who follow or followed Mike Savage on the "Savage Nation" know that he had a dog called "Teddy." Well the dog died and Mike dedicated many pages to the late Teddy.

Mike was wondering if he could say Kaddish for his beloved dog, and the good rabbi responded.



A young trio of blacks attacked Jewish children and teens in a disturbing Brooklyn spree, cops said early Tuesday.

 The three suspects, believed to be teen girls, first approached a 12-year-old boy walking home with his 3-year-old brother on Skillman Street near DeKalb Avenue in Clinton Hill around 6 p.m. Friday, police said. One of the suspects slapped the toddler across the face before taking off, authorities said. His brother was not struck. 

Then around 5:35 p.m. Sunday, the trio approached two female siblings, 18 and 7, walking to a store on DeKalb Avenue near Bedford Avenue in Bedford-Stuyvesant, cops said. The suspects allegedly grabbed the teen victim by the jacket and pulled her to the ground. Her sister was not hurt, cops said. 

About five minutes later, they approached a 9-year-old boy who was walking on Skillman Street near Lafayette Avenue and slapped him on the top of his head multiple times, cops said. The trio then took off. They said nothing during any of the attacks, police said. All of the victims were wearing traditional Jewish attire when they were targeted, police said. 

The NYPD’s Hate Crime Task Force is investigating.

Bnei Brak Cruelly Closes "Club" for Lady Holocaust Survivors ..

 The Bnei Brak Municipality decided to kick the old lady Holocaust Survivors to the curb, and closed without any notice or reason the "club" which provided activities and a hot lunch! The feisty bunch of survivors decided to protest , one of the members of the municipality, Yaakov Vider, joined the protest 

האכזריות של עירית בני ברק לניצולות שואה

Not All Yeshiva Boys go to Mixed Concerts...Some Steal Cars on Friday Nights


One of our DIN followers made the following  comment about concerts" 

"These are not chumros. Not A Frummy thing.
There are clear halachic problems with what happened
The Bach 560:3 holds that all music is forbidden whether it’s sung by people, played on instruments, is at a feast or isn't at a feast as the Sh”t HaRambam (see above) holds. Furthermore, the Bach explains that this is also what the Rambam meant in his Yad Chazakah. This stringent opinion is brought as halacha by some achronim including: Magen Avraham 560:8, Shlah (Tanit pg 60d), Bear Sheva (Sotah 49a), Mishna Brurah 560:13, and Sh”t Az Nidabru 8:58(1). Sh”t Igrot Moshe 1:166 writes that a righteous individual should be strict for the Bach, and Sh”t Az Nidbaru 8:58(1) holds that the minhag to rely on the Rama is a weak minhag

There is a heter from Reb Moishe to listen to RECORDED music.
A heter to make a concert in the first place is pretty weak in the first place."

This chuchem "fin deh ma'Nistana" would rather see Bochrum and Girls steal cars on Friday nights than having them go G-d forbid to a concert , where they would see a girl!

I'm mentioning this because this "commentator" is not alone in his warped sick reasoning, and who support their "fardreiteh" ideas with a Bach a Rambam and a Magen Avraham. I remember well when the IDF wiped out the entire Egyptian and Jordanian airforce during the 6 day war, and a big "Gadol" said this "was not a miracle, but the work of the "samach mem" and supported this bizarre idea with proof from the writings of the Rishonim. 

One big gadol answered in Yiddish: "dee sheishis yemi hamilchama is yah gevehn a nes, un ver ess zugt az iz nisht gevehn a nes, un brengt nuch ztoo a rambam, farshtei ich nisht vee a kup can zein fardreit"

Loose translation: "

The 6 day war was certainly a miracle, and I cannot understand how someone can write and say that this wasn't a miracle and brings proof from a Rambam, I cannot understand how twisted a person's head can be"

It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better, if we don't stop with these restrictions now!

Families should be encouraged to go to concerts with family seating..absolutely! Maybe just maybe a boy will get attracted to a boy and get engaged, G-d forbid.

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Rabbi Efraim Waxman Wants to know "What Netflix is Doing in a Jewish Home"

Rabbi, how are they going to watch "Shtisel?" 

My question to Harav Waxman..... who are you screaming at? Is there one guy in the entire audience who subscribes to Netflix going to close his account because you are barking like that?

Isn't there a nicer way to get to people? 

I wonder how many people changed because some guy in a Shtreimel was yelling at them.

And since when is Rabbi Waxman wearing a Shreimal, no one in his family ever wore a Shtreimal, not his father or his grandfather, all American born?

Tzvi Tzucker Son-In -Law Of Berland Charged with the Kidnapping and Murder of Shitrit

 A gag order has been lifted by the Jerusalem Magistrate’s court, and the identities of two suspects in two decades-old murder cases have been released. The suspects are Tzvi Tzucker, son-in-law of Eliezer Berland, and Baruch Sharvit, a follower of Berland’s extremist Shuvu Bonim cult.

Tzucker, who is denying the allegations, led the cult’s “tzniyus patrol”, but abandoned the group several years ago amid the allegations of abuse against his father-in-law.

According to Kan news, several weeks ago Berland instructed Sharvit in the interrogation room to provide information to the police. Sharvit confessed to being present at the kidnapping of Shitrit and said that he had been beaten to death by others but denied any knowledge of Edri’s murder and any physical involvement in Shitrit’s death.

Shitrit was allegedly beaten by the cult’s “tznius patrol” four months before he disappeared in January 1986.

In a documentary broadcast in 2020, a former student claimed that the cult murdered the boy and buried his body near Beit Shemesh, although his remains were never found.

Last week, police told the court that the current mayor of a Charedi city was involved in the murder of Edri. The mayor’s attorney responded to the allegations, saying the mayor “has nothing to do with the grave affair and has no idea how his name was insinuated into it.”

According to reports, police are also preparing to charge the son of a former senior cabinet minister as well. The suspect was allegedly one of those who beat Shitrit to death.

Berland was convicted of fraud in June and is currently in prison, as part of an 18 month plea deal.

Extremists Now After the Singer Mordechai Shapiro


First they came after their bikes, then they came to prohibit boys playing ball and even swimming, then they came after their phones and then the internet. Now they are against a family sitting together at a kosher concert, and read below how in a world gone absolutely mad they were able to convince  R' Chaim Kanievski to write a letter to "admonish" those organizing these concerts. 

These insane parasites don't care if the boys get bored to tears, they want them sitting home doing nothing. 

There actually wasn't any "mixed dancing" at all ... 

there were some boys dancing in their seats next to some seminary girls also dancing in their seats.. 

Wow... Hey maybe that would solve the Shidduch crises? 

 Mordechai Shapiro knowing whats good for him caved like a cheap cardboard box, whimpering like a sick puppy that he "wasn't aware of the "mixed dancing". 

I think that the IDF should draft the "Extremists" for a couple of months.

Read and cry!

A musical concert which took place at Jerusalem’s Binyanei Haumah conference center Monday night has raised an uproar in the chareidi community after scenes emerged of chareidi men and women dancing adjacent to one another.

In the past, the gedolim have warned that such musical events can lead to a serious spiritual deterioration if they are not conducted in a kosher manner and with proper decorum. Last week, during the course of the Tzam’ah concerts which take place annually to celebrate the 19th of Kislev, the gedolim protested the fact that male singers sing at a concert for women only and the women dance during the course of the concerts.

However the concert on Monday which starred American chareidi singer Mordechai Shapira was a far more serious breach of rules, as the concert featured mixed seating and at various points men and women were dancing adjacent to one another. The concert was touted for the chareidi community and advertising in various chareidi journals and communities but the atmosphere was inappropriate.Various rabbis decried the frivolous atmosphere and one educator remarked that “as a result of the mixed seating things deteriorated to singing and dancing together. Even in the US where they are more open there are no such things. Even those singers who used to appear before mixed audiences don’t so so any more.”

Another educator criticized the “disgraceful scene” in which “yeshiva students were seen dancing next to sem girls as a chareidi singer performs is a terrible breach of rules and weakening of the chareidi fight for purity in our camp. At this rate the youth will soon question why we need to hold weddings and events with separation.”

Last week Rabbi Chaim Kanievski wrote a letter stating that “recently people who violate  rules have begun to entice yeshiva students to all kinds of song evenings under the guise of raising spirits through music and song. When these are conducted without spiritual supervision the atmosphere is far from spiritual strengthening and is more entertainment and lapsing which can cause spiritual damage and wasting time from Torah study.

Rabbi Kanievski compared these evenings to a Moshav Leitzim, a place where mockers of Torah congregate.”

How Chaim Walder's Alleged Sexual Exploits Came to Light


(JTA) — In March 2021, reporting by Haaretz journalists Aaron Rabinowitz and Shira Elk revealed allegations of sexual abuse against Yehudah Meshi-Zahav [https://www.jta.org/2021/03/12/israel/zaka-founder-rabbi-yehuda-meshi-zahav-accused-of-molesting-minors], the founder of Zaka, the Jerusalem-based search-and-rescue unit and an Israel Prize recipient.


The revelations about Meshi-Zahav, who would later attempt suicide, led to shock in the haredi Orthodox world and, this week, the top prize given to Israeli journalists  It also generated a flood of tips that led to a new investigation — and an unprecedented response [https://www.jta.org/2021/11/19/united-states/backlash-mounts-against-orthodox-childrens-book-author-accused-of-abusing-minors-surprising-many].


“After we published the Meshi Zahav story, the names of many senior haredi figures came to us, people about whom there were allegations of abuse of kids, of male students, of girls — everyone with their own story,” Rabinowitz said in a phone interview. “Roshei yeshivot [yeshiva heads], members of the media, educators, businessmen, all kinds of people.


“The name that came up most significantly, from many places and many directions, was [Chaim] Walder.”


Crunchy Munchy


This may save your loved one's life


LOL: Psaki Tries to Explain Why Trump's Travel Bans Were Racist But Biden's Aren't


"We are not democrats and not republicans.. We Are Yidden." Rabbi Schnall at the Aguda Convention


 How many people believe that statement? How many? 

Except for Rabbi Schnall and his rebbetzin, no one believes that lie! 

Not ONE rabbi sitting smugly at that dais believed that for a second. 

The chareidi political -economic system relies 100% on Democrat policies. They make these false claims so that they can promote the idea that politics isn't something they meaningfully engage in, since it's not Torahdik. 

Monday, November 29, 2021

It's my murdered child's birthday


Today, November 27, my precious daughter Malki would have turned 36.

If only she hadn't stopped with a friend at Jerusalem's Sbarro pizzeria on her way to a summer camp counselors' meeting.

If only the evil Ahlam Tamimi had been arrested on her way to that target to satisfy her bloodlust.

If only Tamimi hadn't succeeded by bombing to death 15 innocent Jews.

If only our worst nightmare hadn't eventuated.

If only, if only...

Chanukah in Beit Shemesh


Iranian official calls for Israel's destruction Just Days Before the "Satmar/Nadler Iran Peace Talks"


We will never forget how Fatso Nadler voted for Obama's Iran Deal, We will also never forget when R' Aron Teitelbaum, Satmar Rebbe asked his dumb Hungarian sheep to write to congressmen to endorse the Iran deal... 

Brigadier General Abolfazl Shekarchi, a top-level spokesperson for Iran’s armed forces, called for the destruction of Israel days before the resumption of nuclear talks between Iran and world powers.

“We will not back off from the annihilation of Israel, even one millimeter,” Shekarchi was quoted by i24NEWS as having told the ISNA news agency.

“We want to destroy Zionism in the world,” he added.

Shekarchi also denounced the diplomatic ties established with Israel by Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates, dubbing the moves “intolerable”.

Iranian officials regularly threaten Israel. The most recent threat came from the commander of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard's aerospace forces, Amir Ali Hajizadeh, who said that Israel was "doomed to disappear" and that any action by Israel against the Islamic Republic would hasten that disappearance.

Previously, Iran’s Foreign Minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, spoke at the United Nations Durban IV conference, where he said his nation’s "willpower is dedicated" to the elimination of Zionism.

In September, Iranian Defense Minister Mohammad Reza Ashtiani warned Israel that "any unwise and stupid measure will trigger a crushing response from Iran that would inflict heavy costs on the aggressor."

Shekarchi’s comments come as nuclear talks between Iran and world powers are set to resume in Vienna on Monday.

Iran has gradually scaled back its compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal it signed with world powers in response to former US President Donald Trump’s withdrawal from the agreement in May of 2018.

Iran has repeatedly demanded that the US lift sanctions imposed on Iran as part of the nuclear talks and also reassure Iran it will not abandon the deal again.

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Chanukah & the Zionist Government by DIN


The Rambam writes as follows:

ש'גברו בני חשמונאי הכהנים הגדולים [על היוונים] והרגום והושיעו ישראל מידם והעמידו מלך מן הכהנים וחזרה מלכות לישראל יתר על מאתים שנה עד חרבן השני ,,,ומפני זה התקינו חכמים שבאותו הדור שיהיו שמונת הימים האלו שתחילתן מליל חמשה ועשרים בכסלו ימי שמחה והלל

"The Chashmonaim, the High Priests, defeated the Greeks, and saved the Jews, they then crowned a King from the Priests, and returned Jewish sovereignty to the Jewish people that lasted over 200 years and lasted up to the destruction of the Second Temple, and it was because of this, that the Rabbis decreed in that generation that Jews should celebrate 8 days of Simcha and Hallel and this should begin on the 25th day of Kislev"

Interesting Rambam...

Let's look back in history and see who those Jewish kings were during those 206 years.

In the beginning, for about 40 years, everything was rosy because the rulers were the sons of Mattisyahu Hakohein. But immediately after this very short reign, everything went down to the abys faster than you can pronounce the word "Chanukah"

King Alexander Yannai from the Chashmonaim, instigated the tzedoikim against the rabbanim, and caused a bloody civil war. Yannai, slaughtered without mercy hundreds of the Chazal, and murdered many of those who went up to the Har Habayis.

His children, Hyrcanus  and Aristobulus, fought over who should be king, and they were the ones who brought the Romans to Eretz Yisrael.

In the year 63BC, the Romans appointed Herod as the ruler of Judea, and he tortured and murdered all those who he thought opposed him and he obliterated the entire remnants of the Chashmonaim. 

The Romans strengthened their hold on Eretz Yisrael, and appointed similar despots, until the great  rebellion and the destruction of the Second Bais Hamikdash.

What do we see here? That a great part of those 206 years, the Jewish people, although they were ruled by Jews, were ruled by the most evil and cruel people in Jewish history.

And yet we celebrate Chanuka for thousands of years. We say the entire Hallel on each of those 8 days, something we don't even do on Pesach. 

Chazal had a lot of time, in fact hundreds of years to look back and reflect at those 206 years and see that those years were years of mayhem, torture and death, and yet because Jews were under Jewish rule, they decreed that those 206 years warranted an 8 day holiday. That's what the Rambam says.

To teach us that no matter how cruel and evil a Jewish leader was, he was still better than us have a goy rule over us.

Alexander Yannai the murderer was still better than Nevuchadnezer. Herod, an insane sadistically monarch a bastard,was still better than Titus.

What should we say today?

 Having Jewish sovereignty even if the leader is Ben Gurion or Bennet or even Lapid is still better than  a Czar Nicholas, Hitler or a Stalin.

But there are those who choose to look at the cup half full. And it is precisely about these people that the Gemarrah (Berachos 61:a) compares to a fly..the gemarrah says that the Yetzer Hara is like  a fly. The Gra explains, that a fly will be drawn to a tiny piece of garbage on a plate  even if 98% of the plate is clean, and that is how the yetzer hara works. He is  drawn and attracted to evil. These people seek and are drawn to only fault when there is so much to be thankful for.

There is a Hebrew pamphlet distributed in Israel called "Karov Eilecha." In this weeks edition someone asks Harav Yehoshua Shapira, the Rosh Yeshiva in Ramat Gan the following question:

"The Rambam writes that the miracle of Chanuka includes the fact that the Chamonaim returned Jewish Sovereignty for over 200 years to the Jewish people, but how can that be as they murdered members of Chazal in a civil war?"

Rabbi Shapirah answers:

"A Jew even if he sins is holy and his soul is a part of Hashem. All the sins that he does can contaminate his outside, but his essence cannot be touched. If this is said about a solitary Jew, how much more when we speak about the Jewish nation as a whole, as it's written that "chelek Hashem Amo" Of course this person who sinned should repent.

And so this is what we merited on Chanuka, that the Chashmonaim returned sovereignty to the Jewish people, and even though there was a tremendous downturn in spirituality in their reign, nevertheless it was still a Jewish government."

Watch Chareidie "animals" Dance around Police Officer and Mock him with Singing "Utza Eitza"


Why Yad Vashem Refuses to display the photo of the Grand Mufti and Hitler


I would like to introduce a notorious Nazi SS general, a leading Muslim cleric and the father of a nation - all in one.

This person is Haj Amin al Husseini.

Husseini was the powerful patriarch of the leading Arab clan in Palestine in the first half of the twentieth century. He used his political power and religious influence for his life's motif - the murder of Jews.

In an attempt to "mainstream” the Mufti of Jerusalem '' the British appointed him to an official position of power and responsibility.It did not work. It only gave him the platform and prestige to pursue his passion of killing Jews.

This he accomplished on numerous occasions, most notably by instigating the barbaric Hebron massacre of dozens of Jewish families in 1929. (Note: in 1929, there was no Zionist "apartheid occupation”, no "occupied territories" nor "settlers"; just Jews of all ages living in Hebron and horriblly killed by their neighbors)

A Nazi sympathizer, he fled British controlled Palestine during the war. He led a Nazi coup in Irag where he instigated the bloody "Farhud" pogrom against the Jewish community of Iraq.

He then fled to Germany where he was made an honorary SS general by Himmler and proceeded to do all he could in helping the Hitler regime kill Jews. He addressed the Arab world by radio from Berlin winning huge support for the Nazis. He raised divisions of Muslim that fought in the Nazi army. One of their tasks was to guard so that Jews do not escape the trains to death camps.

Husseini intervened in a deal that would have saved a train load of Jewish children for a bribe. Husseini would not allow one Jewish child to escape the gas chambers.

Together with Himmler he visited the death camps and drew plans to build a "facility" in the Dotan valley in Samaria where the half million Jews of Palestine would be gassed as soon as Rommel defeated the British.

After the war, SS general Husseini found refuge in Syria from war crimes judgment. Wherever he appeared in the Arab world he was received as a hero and mentor. His Nazi credentials together with his clerical position was the calling card that opened every door in the Arab world.

Yasar Arafat called him "the father of the Palestinian people". PA authority president Abbas repeated this accolade.



The State of Israel opened its borders to vaccinated foreign tourists on November 1, after a period of more than one and a half years during which tourists were barred from entering the country. Now, just four weeks after reopening, Israel is once again slamming its borders shut to foreigners.

In response to the new Omicron variant, Israel’s Corona cabinet has decided to, once again, bar all entry by non-citizens. This new edict will be in effect for 14 days, beginning tomorrow night (between Sunday and Monday) at midnight. It is presumed that foreigners who reside in Israel (visa holders) will also be included in the ban. Hence, foreign residents of Israel who find themselves abroad at this time should consider hastening their return to Israel. Similarly, foreign residents who were intending to travel abroad for Chanuka may wish to reconsider their plans.

At this time, it is unknown if those in the air, en route to Israel at the time the ban takes effect will be permitted to enter Israel. Similarly, it is unclear if those holding Entry Permits will be allowed to travel to Israel once the ban takes effect.

In a related development, Israelis returning from abroad, even if vaccinated, will now be required to quarantine for three days upon landing. They will be allowed to exit quarantine after receiving a negative Covid result on the third day.

Saturday, November 27, 2021

I Grew up in the Extremist Jewish Cult of Lev Tahor | The Story of Mendy Levy ... How Satmar Funds This Dangerous Abusive Cult

 Watch at the 8:16 mark, Weingarten the Leader say he just received $60,000.00 from Satmar!

The Newest Star The Chassidishe Cantor Israel Nachman - Sings "The prayer of the IDF"


Av Harachamin

Hikind Goes "Nuts" Defends the Vicious anti-semite Ilhan Omar


 There was once an English teacher in Torah Vodas that would say "shut up when you talk to me" that's what went thru my mind when I heard that Dov defended this vicious anti-semite. Dov is pandering to the muslim who married her brother and thinks that now that a Jew stood up to defend her, she will turn around and love Jews.

Jews marched and died for the "shvarzas" during the protests for the Civil Rights movement. What did we get in return? We were stabbed in the back as the blacks rioted and burned down Jewish Stores in Harlem. 

Dov ...shut up!

In a rare move, former NY Assemblyman Dov Hikind is defending antisemitic Congresswoman Ilhan Omar. In a tweet Thursday, Hikind blasted Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert of Colorado, after she poked fun at Omar’s Muslim faith.

Frum People Desecrate Kever of HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman Day Before Yartzheit


Question: Why are we at all surprised when goyim deface our cemeteries? 

The frummies that did this have friends, wives, brothers, sisters, parents  and some even have children. Don't tell me that we don't know who these guys are. If we don't start publicizing who these mamzeirim are and throw them out of our communities then we ought shut the hell up when goyim do the very same thing! There is no question that the ones who vandalized the grave are "Bnei Torah" no question. I'll bet that not ONE was a "baalabus"

It's interesting to note that there is a Medrish that states that the one who dipped Yosef's tunic in blood was none other than Yissacher. Let that sink in!

The kever of Maran Hagaon HaRav Aharon Leib Steinman zt”l was desecrated overnight by vandals who defaced it with black spray-paint.

The sickening act against one of the late Gadol Hador came just ahead of his fourth yahrtzeit (on Motzei Shabbos), and was reportedly perpetrated by certain extremists who have attacked Rav Aharon Leib in the past.

The act of vandalism was condemned by many, including Religious Affairs Minister Matan Kahana, who called it a “heinous act,” as well as former PM Netanyahu, who called the vandalism “despicable.”

“I was shocked to the depths of my soul by the criminal and inconceivable desecration” of the matzeiva,” Shas leader Aryeh Deri said. “I call on the law enforcement authorities to capture the perpetrators quickly and punish them with the full severity of the law.”

Friday, November 26, 2021

Zera Shimshon Parshas Vayeishiev


Thousands of Satmar Chassidim Celebrate "Chuf Alef Kislev" the Day That Satmar Rebbe was saved from the Holocaust by a Zionist

Satmar Rebbe and his Family were rescued from the hungry chimneys of Auschwitz by securing seats on the Kastner Train, arranged by the a sworn Zionist, the Hungarian Rudolpf Kastner. My grandparents living in the same area were gassed to death, and they would have been grateful to G-d and his "Shaliach," Rudulf Kastner, should they have been on this train. Of course there isn't one guy in the  crowd that knows this little tidbit, because their lying elders keep this little fact from their holy ears.

They built an entire chassidus on an anti-Zionist dogma, and this fact if it should get out would shatter the entire foundation of their chassidus. So they jump up and down oblivious of the fact  that if it wasn't for Kastner, the Zionist" their rebbe, R' Yoel Teitelbaum's life would have had a different ending (chas ve'shalom). 

Next time you are in Israel try to visit Yad Ve'Shem; you will notice a path called "The Path of the Righteous" this is a path that has the name of goyim that saved Jews during the Holocaust.

Recognizing "goyim" ..."poilishe goyim" among others that went out of their way to save a Jew. 

But a "Holy Rabbi" a leader of thousands didn't have the curtesy to even name another Jew that saved his life.

What then should we expect from his followers?

University of Toronto " Kosher Food Must Come From Companies That Are Against Israel"

 They can always get food from Williamsburg and Monroe

Black Racist Mowed Down an Entire Block but Washington Post Says It Was an "SUV"


Thursday, November 25, 2021

Beit Shemesh Extremists Scream "Nazis" on Police that are Monitoring Traffic Where an 8 Year old Got Killed


As I have written many times, there is an neighborhood  in Beit Shemesh called "Beit Shesh Bet" where the extremists live. 
They have a "round-about" in "Yehuda Square" where accidents occur on a daily basis. Two weeks ago an 8 year old girl, an orphan, got killed crossing the street. Some of the "normal" residents saw this as a sign of "mida kneged mida' because an hour before the tragedy, extremists pulled out an 8 year old boy, the great grandchild of R' Sternbuch, out of school because they didn't agree with Rav Sternbuch's psak. Interestingly, Rav Sternbuch himself is an extremists and is actually one of the leaders of this group. As they say "be careful what you pray for, you may get answered" 

The municipality of Beit Shemesh decided to place two police officers at the site to help secure the safety of the pedestrians and manage traffic  in order to prevent further casualties. 
The extremists didn't want any part of that and started screaming "nazis' at the police and a riot occurred between the "normal" residents and the savages! The extremists would rather children get killed  than to have police officers in the neighborhood.