I am approaching my second year living in the promised land, and I am thankful to the Creator that He gave me this opportunity!
הודו לה' כי טוב כי לעולם חסדו
For years I said three times a day
המחזיר שכינתו לציון
"Blessed are You, Hashem, Who restores His presence to Zion"
Did I know what I was talking about ?
The Midrash says that when the Jews were exiled to Bavel, the Shecheene was exiled with them.....
When the Jews were exiled to Edom the Shecheene was exiled with them...
Because according to the Midrash the Schcheene goes where the Jewish people go.
Now that I live in Israel and am witnessing the return of the Jewish people to their inheritance I now understand the true meaning of
המחזיר שכינתו לציון
Blessed are You Hashem.... who restores the Shecheene (where it belongs) in Zion!
The Schecheene doesn't come to a deserted land ... the Shecheene returns when the Jewish people return...
I always asked Hashem
ותחזינה עינינו בשובך לציון ברחמים
"May our eyes behold Your return to Zion"
and now I am witnessing it!
I have been approached by many people who still live in Chutz Le'aaretz and who visit Eretz Yisroel from time to time and who ask me
"What was your motivation for making Aliyah?'"
Some of those asking, were huge Talmeidei Chachamim (Torah Scholars), who were seriously asking me to prove to them that
"Yishuv Eretz Yisroel" (settling in Israel) is a Mitzvah......
they explained that they were really seeking the truth..
they explained that they were really seeking the truth..
If it is a Mitzvah .... they questioned..
is it a "Mitzvah Medeoriisah" (Biblical)
or is it a "Mitzvah MeDrabbanan (rabbinical)?"
And if it is either one.... is it applicable now...?
or is it applicable only when there is a Bais Hamikdash?
or is it applicable only when there is a Bais Hamikdash?
Is it even a Mitzvah at all.... maybe it's just a "nice thing."
So I decided, that I will for the next couple of weeks אי''ה, discuss the Mitzvah of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael in depth and bring down all the different "shitos" that either hold that it is a Mitzvah De'Oriisah, or hold that it is a "Mitzvah De'rabbanan."
And, again, if it is either one ...is it applicable in the here and now!
I will do this in a respectful manner and will argue and debate this solely on its merits...
I will bring the view of the Rishonim such as the Rambam, the Ramban, the Megilas Esther (commentary on the Rambam), Meeri, Ritvah, Rosh, Baal Haturim, Ran, and Terumas Hadeshen and others...with its sources...
I will bring the views of the Achronim such as Shiltei H'giborim, Radvaz, Mabit, Alshich, Mahrshal, Hachareidim, Maharal, Ramah, Drisha, Maharsha, Shlah, Yaavitz, Gra, Chidah, Haflah, Chayeh Adam, Yismach Moshe, Chasam Sofer, Aruch Lener, Yetev Lev, Netziv, Bais Haleivi, Reb Zadok HaChen, Aruch Hashilchan, Sdei Chemed, Ben Ish Chai, Chafetz Chayim, Ohr Samach, R Yosef Chaim Zonnenfeld, Rav Kook, Chazon Ish, Avnei Nezer and others .. with its sources ..
I will bring the views of the contemporary rabbanim and poiskim such as the Satmar Rav, and Reb Moshe Feinstein, Rav Henkin. etc..
and I will also discuss the view of the Minchas Eluzer whose views are even more radical than the views of the Satmar Rebbe.
I will discuss the Shalosh Shevuoit... "The Three Oaths!"
and of course I will discuss how Zionism plays into all of this...
Once it is posted ... I will place it on the side of the blog so that everyone can reference it when needed..
Read below for Part 1
and I will also discuss the view of the Minchas Eluzer whose views are even more radical than the views of the Satmar Rebbe.
I will discuss the Shalosh Shevuoit... "The Three Oaths!"
and of course I will discuss how Zionism plays into all of this...
Once it is posted ... I will place it on the side of the blog so that everyone can reference it when needed..
Read below for Part 1