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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Open Letter From a "non-frum" Jew to Frum Leaders!

Jan Van Mil
In the past couple of days the protests by the Haredim against the draft have flared up again and they have learned from the handicapped and are blocking roads, mostly in Jerusalem but also in Bnei Brak and Bet Shemesh.
Legislation regarding the draft of Haredim has changed over the years in line with political powers of the moment but throughout there have been exemptions and postponements for Haredim youngsters that do not exist for anyone else.
This week I heard on the radio the spokesman for the protesters, a Rabbi David Zikerman, defend the protesters and declaring their behavior as part of the effort to save the Tora in Israel. He also made a comparison between the pure souls of the Yeshiva students and the youngsters that waste their time in bars. My son, who is waiting to be drafted in December, indeed enjoys himself in a manner different than a Yeshiva student would but that makes him less pure, less righteous, less important? My son (and his two sisters before him), together with his friends, will be guarding the borders, fighting Israel’s wars with all the possible unthinkable personal consequences and in any case give several years of his life to protect the citizens of Israel, which includes these “pure” Yeshiva students. Who is David Zikerman to make a value judgement on my son and his friends?  

Bobover Rebbe 45 Dances While Kallah Stands like a "Klotz"

Woman Refused To Be Connected To Monitor On Shabbos ....Her Fetus Died

A chareidi woman hospitalized at Tel Hashomer Hospital due to a medical problem related to her pregnancy refused to connect to the monitor on Shabbos for fear of Chilul Shabbos – and after Shabbos it became clear that the fetus had died, Yediot Achronot reports on Wednesday, 5 Cheshvan.
The woman, in her 30s, was hospitalized in the past few days due to a medical problem. When she was required by the medical staff to connect to the monitor, as part of the treatment, she refused to do so.
On motzei Shabbos, the woman was connected to the monitor to check the fetal pulse, but then, unfortunately, the tragedy was realized as the baby was pulseless.
At Tel Hashomer Hospital, they explained that they had responded to the woman’s demand not to connect to the monitor because there were no signs of fetal distress, so the law did not allow her to undergo treatment against her will.
It was also reported that despite her objections, the medical team again recommended that she undergo the examination, but the woman persisted in her refusal.
According to the report in Yediot Achronot, there is no suspicion of negligence on the part of the hospital.

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Clinton’s dirtiest political trick

And so the worm turns. Make that worms.
Just as key congressional panels open new probes into the still-smoking debris of last year’s election, the revelation that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee paid as much as $9 million for the discredited Russian dossier on Donald Trump flips the collusion script on its head.
Now it’s Democrats’ turn in the barrel.
The explosive report in the Washington Post goes a long way to explaining how the dossier was so widely spread among political reporters during the election. The Clinton camp must have passed it out like Halloween candy to its media handmaidens.
News organizations tried for months to confirm the salacious details, but couldn’t. The document became public when BuzzFeed, a loud Clinton booster, published it 10 days before the inauguration, while acknowledging it couldn’t verify the contents.
The Post report provides possible answers to other questions, too. Because Clinton’s team paid for the dossier, it’s likely that she gave it to the FBI, where James Comey planned to hire the former British agent who had compiled it to keep digging dirt on Trump.
The finding also raises the possibility that the dossier is what led the Obama White House to snoop on members of Trump’s team, and leak the “unmasked” names to the anti-Trump media in a bid to help Clinton.
In short, we now have compelling evidence that the dossier was the largest and dirtiest dirty trick of the 2016 campaign. And Clinton, who has played the victim card ever since her loss, was behind it the whole time.
Anybody surprised? Me neither.

"I walked into the circle of hell" says Frum Female IDF Soldier Trapped by Peleg Savages!

The soldier who pepper-sprayed Peleg protesters opened up and told her side of the story on Tuesday. The soldier was caught on video by a passerby and the video was then uploaded to the internet. According to the soldier, the most important part of the incident wasn’t filmed.
The soldier, Amit Nazri wrote t Israeli media her side of the events that transpired: “Yesterday, at approximately 3:00 p.m., I was traveling to the IDF base where I serve via the Jerusalem light-rail. I headed from the Central Bus Station towards Ammunition Hill. When we arrived at the Damascus Gate (three stops before I need to get off) the driver stopped the train and announced that he could not proceed due to a protest which was taking place in front of the train. He asked all passengers to disembark.
I got off the train together with all the other passengers and began to walk towards the station that I needed. On the way, I was trapped by the protesters. I kept walking and minding my own business, and despite the ‘regular’ shouts of “Shiksa” being hurled my way because I was passing by them and in a uniform, I kept going. Truly, that was a terrible thing for me to do.”
According to Nazri she didn’t react to the comments but to a woman who was surrounded by approximately 40 Charedi men who were not letting her leave the ring that they had formed around her. “The woman was being cursed and spit on from all directions. I didn’t think twice, I simply broke into their circle in an effort to extricate the victim from the assailants. That’s when the real drama began. The second I walked in there, I walked into the circle of hell. This was a circle of human animals. The absurd thing is that they still allow themselves to wear kippot and have the audacity to call themselves Charedim.”
Nazri explained a bit about her own religious background. “It is important for me to make clear that I also keep the Mitzvot. I have a strong faith in the complete Torah and all of its commandments and I encourage those who sit and learn, the Lomdei Torah. But these people? These people were Satan incarnate. They were not lomdei Torah, and not even lomdei na’alaim (shoes). They were animals.

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Mahwah Must Return $3.4 Million Grant to State Because of It's anti-Semitism Against Chassidim ..The Eiruv Stays!!

Fearing an influx of Orthodox Jews from New York State, the Township of Mahwah introduced two hateful and discriminatory ordinances that illegally targeted that community, the state Attorney General's office alleged in a stunning complaint filed against the town on Tuesday.
The harsh public rebuke of both the actions of Mahwah's elected officials and the anti-Semitic sentiment of some residents likened the conduct of the town to the actions of "1950s-era white flight suburbanites who sought to keep African-Americans from moving into their neighborhoods."
The nine-count complaint, filed in Bergen County Superior Court, seeks a return of more than $3.4 million in state Green Acres grants received by Mahwah and an injunction blocking the two ordinances.
"This is an extensive complaint ... but the bottom line is very simple -- the township council in Mahwah heard the angry, fear-driven voices of bigotry and acted to appease those voices," Attorney General Christopher S. Porrino said in a statement.
The first ordinance, which went into effect at the end of July, limited the use of Mahwah's recreational facilities to New Jersey residents.
The second, which was introduced but not passed, was the expansion of an existing ordinance that banned signs on utility poles, amended to include any "device or other matter." It effectively would have banned the formation of an Orthodox Jewish religious boundary known as an eruv, which is designated by white piping called "lechis" on utility poles, the state alleged.

Kallah blocked by anti-draft protests walks to her own wedding

Amidst protests by members of the Yerushalmi Faction yesterday at the entrance to Jerusalem which led to massive traffic jams, one bride found herself forced to walk to her own wedding so as not to be further detained in traffic.

“The family was really aggravated,” a member of the family, belonging to the Lithuanian stream of haredim, told Arutz Sheva. “Not only was the bride forced to go by foot for some time, but the parents of the groom had to leave their car at a certain point and go by foot so as not to be late.”

“In the end, the photographer of the event had to wait for the family for over an hour, and the wedding ceremony itself was also delayed,” he added.

Watch Today's Peleg Protests As Their Leader Enjoys Some "Kasha Varnishkas"

Watch What Happens When One Woman Tries To Remove A Protester Blocking A Bus

Monday, October 23, 2017

Anti-Semitic Cartoon of Dershowitz on the Berkeley's Student Paper

This isn't a Nazi Newspaper .... Nope! 
It's the  Berkeley's independent student-run newspaper. ......
Tweet those bastards that "Lo Zu Ha'Derech" 


The Daily Californian, the University of California, Berkeley’s student newspaper, has offered a monstrously anti-Semitic cartoon of famed lawyer Alan Dershowitz that would have fit perfectly in any issue of Nazi Germany’s Der Sturmer.

The drawing showed Dershowitz’s head fitting through a stock emblazoned “The liberal case for Israel” (the title of the speech Dershowitz gave on campus on October 16), while on the other side of the stock the palm of his hand held an IDF soldier standing with his rifle drawn with a bloody, prostrate Palestinian lying in front of him as blood dripped down toward Dershowitz’s shoe, which was crushing another Palestinian.

Shomer Negiyah Cards !

Now I've seen everything!

Marijuana Havdalah ..... New Trend????

Karen Benezra, left, and Catherine Goldberg leading the havdalah blessings at a recent “Chai Havdalah” event in Brooklyn.

Marijuana entrepreneur Catherine Goldberg was working on an event with the Orthodox founders of Mitzva Herbal, a company that makes kosher-certified cannabis-infused edibles, when she shared her dream of uniting marijuana-loving Jews over Friday-night dinners.
“They were, like, ‘Cat, we can’t smoke on Shabbat,” Goldberg, 28, recalled. “So I figured havdalah, instead, was perfect.”
Thus “Chai Havdalah” — in which “chai” is pronounced “high” — was born.
Since July it has become a somewhat regular event, advertised by word of mouth, that marks the end of Shabbat with the traditional havdalah blessing alongside the less traditional acts of smoking marijuana and eating cannabis-infused edibles.
So far there have been five Chai Havdalah events, mostly in the herb-friendly states of California and Colorado. But last weekend, on the second floor of a brownstone in Brooklyn’s Park Slope neighborhood, about three dozen people gathered to smoke pot, listen to the sounds of a local hip-hop duo, bid farewell to Shabbat and usher in a new week.
“I love being Jewish and I love weed, so it made sense to bring my two passions together,” Goldberg said on Saturday night, wearing a shirt with the words “Let’s Get Chai.” “I wanted to show people that Judaism can be really fun and it doesn’t mean you have to go to temple. I wanted to build a community around food and a new way of doing things.”

Monsey Greedy Developers Destroy Thousands of Trees!

Naaaaa! This isn't Berlin after WW2 and no, it isn't the Warsaw Ghetto after the Nazis killed everyone inside and burned the Ghetto down ..... nope!!!
Its in the heart of Monsey, on 306 .... and the town council "Klein" bachie, signed off on it ...
Question: How much money did the greedy developers give Klein?????        HMM??

Rabbi Moshe Zeev Dror Drowns in Mikva Right Before Son's Bar-Mitzvah

A 47-year-old Jerusalem man died Monday morning after he lost consciousness while immersing in a ritual bath (mikvah) on Ibn Hazel Street in the capital.

The man has been identified as Rabbi Moshe Zeev Dror.
Dror was not breathing when he was found in the mivkah and had no vital signs.

MDA and United Hatzalah emergency medical responders were called to the scene and attempted to resuscitate Dror. After repeated attempts to resuscitate him, paramedics were forced to declare Dror dead at the scene.

“When I got there, I saw a number of civilians attempting to perform CPR on a man who had been pulled from a mikvah,” said United Hatzalah volunteer Nahum Yozvitz. “I joined them in their resuscitation attempts, and was later assisted by other volunteers from the United Hatzalah motorcycle response unit that live in the area as we attempted to save [the man’s] life. Unfortunately, we had to declare him dead after the attempts to resuscitate him.”

While paramedics attempted to resuscitate him, Dror’s wife and son waited outside of the entrance to the mikvah, praying on him to be saved.

The tragedy struck the Dror family just days before a planned Bar Mitzvah celebration, and as one of Dror’s daughters prepared for her wedding. Dror’s son was scheduled to celebrate his Bar Mitzvah this Thursday, while his daughter is to be wed in December.

Mordechai Ben David visits Sexual Predator Rabbi Berland

The "Groiseer" Tzaddik MBD took time to visit the admitted sexual predator and fiend R' Berland....
G-D forbid he should visit the victims that are scarred for life!

Two weeks after Rabbi Eliezer Berland's house arrest expired, hasidic singer Mordechai Ben David visited Rabbi Berland's study hall.
Upon his release, Rabbi Berland took part in a Simchat Beit Hashoeva celebration honoring the anniversary of Rabbi Nachman of Breslov's passing.
Rabbi Eliezer Berland, 80, is the founder of the Shuvu Banim Yeshiva in the Old City of Jerusalem and was once a leading figure in the Breslov community. He was accused in 2013 of molesting two female followers and was sentenced last November to 18 months in prison.
However, five months into his sentence he was released to a hospice to receive regular treatment for serious health problems he has suffered in recent years.
Last month, some of the women filed a civil suit for four million shekels ($1.14 million) and requested Rabbi Berland not be allowed to leave Israel.

Moshiach's Coming..... Video

Talmud Predicts that When Young Disrespect Elders Moshiach is Close 

עיקבתא דמשיחא ברחובות ירושלים

Friday, October 20, 2017


 OCTOBER 19, 2017
by Dov LipmanIt was such a beautiful scene on Tuesday: religious IDF soldiers walking the last 4 kilometers of their eight months of training, some with their tzitzit hanging out of their uniform pants, others with their peyot (sidecurls) flying in the wind, and all with kippot worn proudly on their heads.

Singing “We are believers the sons of believers,” “Worship God with happiness,” and other religious songs, they marched and ran in full gear, carrying weighted-down stretchers, in the tradition of IDF soldiers in training.

At the conclusion of this march, in which my son took part, and just before the ceremony where they received their IDF berets, these soldiers prayed the afternoon service, many with their eyes closed, some intensely swaying, others standing completely still. They thanked God for bringing them to this day, and prayed for their safety and the security of their country.

At the exact same time as this ceremony, hundreds of other religious Israelis were blocking intersections throughout the country in the name of religion, in protest over the arrest of two draft dodgers. 

Why were they arrested? Because they broke the law: 
They failed to respond to the letters they received telling them to appear at their local IDF draft board. And for no reason: All these draft dodgers had to do was show up, claim that “Torah is their trade,” and they would have received exemptions from military service.

But they didn’t bother to do that, flouting the law which requires them to do so. So they were arrested and imprisoned for three weeks. 

Did the police enter the yeshiva where these young men were supposedly studying Torah day and night in order to arrest them? 

No. They were caught driving recklessly while on vacation in the Dead Sea region. For that, hundreds of demonstrators blocked tens of thousands of Israelis from going about their lives. This is an embarrassment in a country a state of law.

It is time for authorities to come down hard on the “Jerusalem Faction” of the haredi community which sent these demonstrators to the streets, and which instructs its followers to ignore the law and not show up for their army exemptions.

Every single one of these demonstrators who fights the police when they try to remove them from the roads must be imprisoned – not for a day’s incarceration as is done now, but for a minimum of six months. And their leaders – yes, including rabbis – must be brought in as well. There is a law against inciting to break a law, and those who violate it, especially when it involves educating and even commanding youngsters to violate the law, should be held accountable. We cannot allow anarchy.

Israel has been patient with these “protesters” and has demonstrated remarkable restraint. But there comes a time when a country has to put its foot down and say: We will not tolerate this anymore.

That time has come.

The demonstrators and their leadership know that they won’t be really punished for their actions, so they continue ignoring the law requiring them to appear before the draft board, and continue to disrupt the country. 

During this week’s demonstrations, a policeman in Jerusalem was surrounded by these hooligans who were throwing rocks and other objects at his marked car, and blocking him from driving. He got out of this car with his pistol drawn. The demonstrators fled, he was able to drive on, and traffic on that street resumed. Is it comfortable for us to see a Jewish policeman wave his pistol at Jewish demonstrators? No. But did it work in order to restore law and order? Yes.

Public Security Minister Gilad Erdan and Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked must join forces to strengthen the penalties for these extremist demonstrators, and must punish their leaders as well. Moreover, it is incumbent on Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to support Erdan and Shaked and not worry about the haredim in his coalition revolting over these measures.

It is also time for the mainstream haredi community to take a stronger stance against these extremists. MK Uri Maklev of United Torah Judaism was questioned about these demonstrators on Army Radio, and he said that while this is not his way and he thinks the protesters do damage, he doesn’t want to comment beyond that. No! Mainstream haredim must lead the way in condemning the Jerusalem Faction, and throw it out of the fold. The haredi leadership – if they are indeed the leadership – must support stricter policing and punishment of these religious zealots.

Jewish tradition is clear how the Second Temple was ultimately destroyed because of religious extremism, infighting and zealotry.

We cannot allow the same to happen to the modern Jewish state. We must continue to celebrate and support the thousands of young ultra-religious soldiers who join the ranks of the Israel Defense Forces, and who demonstrate daily that one can be a Talmudic scholar and be fervently religious while also serving in the Israeli army. And we must show zero tolerance, with harsh penalties, for those religious extremists and spiritual leaders who ignore the rule of law.

The author served as a member of the 19th Knesset with the Yesh Atid party.

Auerbach's Animals Cause Massive Chillul Hashem ...See Names of the Terrorists and their Yeshivas!

איזה חילול ה' עושים המחבלים-הליטאים אנשי שמואל אויערבך - מזעזע

Shlomo Kobi Tov - Yeshivat Grodna Ashdod 

Israel Shefter - Yeshivat Grodna Ashdod 

Haim Volozhin - Yeshivat Grodna Ashdod 

Yechezkel Shtamper - Grodna Yeshiva Ashdod 

Arieh Elyashiv - Yeshivah Grodna Ashdod 

Meir Elyashiv - Yeshivat Divrei Emet 

Tanchum Elyashiv - Yeshivat Knesset Yitzhak Hadera 

Gabriel Cabra - Avrech 

Ninth Deserter has not yet been transferred, but is in the process of extradited to the Military Police. 

When these nine deserters joined the two deserters who were arrested at the beginning of the week - Yisrael Meir Kaplinsky and Ben-Zion Weisenstern - whose arrest led to the arrest

Sholom Paz Had Enough With Auerbach's Terrorists and leaves Frumkeit!

Shalom Paz Seen Talking to Auerbach and as he looks now!

The ones mcircled in Red are his brothers that left Frumkeit with him 

Chilonim Had Enough With the Frum Animals and have a fist fight!

SHOCKING FOOTAGE: Peleg Savages Refuse To Allow Ambulance On An Emergency Call To Pass

Watch Chareidie Animals Scream "Shiksah" on a Bas Yisroel!

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Black Guy Speaks "Heimishe" Yiddish

1890's When "Goyim" were "Yeshivish .... They all wore hats!

Auerbach Terrorist Stripped Naked and Thrown Outside

Auerbach, is the founder of the chareidie terror organization called "Peleg".
One of his terrorists barged into the Yeshiva Shaarei Chesed and yelled "Draft Draft" at Rav Yigal Rosen, that was giving a shiur. 

A bunch of R' Rosen's talmidim grabbed him, stripped him of his clothes and threw him outside!

Just Like "Black Life Matters" Haredim Call For A "Day of Rage" to Protest Bochrim that are arrested for Refusing to Register For Draft

Ultra-Orthodox Jewish men sit on a road during a protest against the detention of members of their community who failed to report to a military recruiting office, near Modiin, Israel October 19, 2017. REUTERS/Ammar Awad

There is not one Bochur in an Israeli Jail because he is learning in Yeshiva and refuses to join the army, however, Israeli Law requires all young men and women to REGISTER for the draft! 

The old fanatic, Shmuel Auerbach, that R' Chaim Kanievsky referred to as a "zakein mammre" instructed his parasites to defy the law and not register.... 

The Israeli government arrests those who refuse to register, so the Israeli "leidegeires" like the shvartzes in the US called for a "day of rage." and are blocking traffic, ironically in Chareidei neighborhoods!

Thursday’s protests began at the busy Shilat Junction near Modiin Ilit, which is home to a large Charedi population. Other protests were due to take place in Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Beit Shemesh, El Ad, Ashdod in southern Israel, and Safed in northern Israel.

Charedie Assault on Israeli Female Soldier Goes Viral and Reported by World Media

This massive Chillul Hashem by Bochrim that supposedly learn Torah, spitting on an Israeli Chayelet has gone viral and was the headline of yesterday's Washington Post! And today's New York Post!

Female Israeli soldier uses ninja moves on threatening

 crowd of ultra-Orthodox protesters

Ultra-Orthodox Jews protesting the military draft is nothing new in Israel, 
but a young woman using karate chops and kung-fu kicks to push back a 
crowd of angry young men might just be a first.

Meet Nomi Golan.
On Monday night, Golan, an off-duty soldier, attempted to guide a car through a violent protest that erupted in Jerusalem after two yeshiva students were arrested by the army for not showing up at the military recruitment office.
Ultra-Orthodox students have long been exempt from serving in the military, but they must still present themselves to the army with a letter from their school — something a number refuse to do.
The video of Golan fending off a group of men as they cursed at her, calling her a “shiksa” (a non-Jewish woman) and a whore and spitting at her, has caught the attention of both secular and ultra-Orthodox or Haredi media in Israel.
It was featured by mainstream news outlets and shared widely on social media Tuesday, as the protests by one of the more extreme Haredi sects continued for a second day.

NYPD Quitely Remove "Chesed Bins" At Night!

From a Citizen ....

Many of us have seen the dropoff bins put out at various locations in Flatbush  by the Chesed Center. (They have other bins in other parts of the city as well) 

I’ve observed over the past months many well meaning  people dropping off expensive clothing, shoes, toys etc., apparently in the belief that it will go to a good cause.

To be clear, I do not vouch for the legitimacy of the Chesed Center, and to what extent or what percentage of donations reach the intended recipients. One clearly has reason to question the veracity of a “chesed” organization, that prior to the present time was not known, and has no office address, its only presence being on the www. ; You  can do your own google research .and find that many a donation bin was only a scam, the donated clothing not going to the needy, but  for recycling with  proceeds to the owner

But turning back to the issue at hand, these bins have been here for a while, and (for whatever reason)  no action was taken by law enforcement. That was until tonight.

Last night, under cloak of darkness, NYPD Officers  of the 66th Precinct, had this donation bin (and its contents) towed from Avenue I off of Ocean Parkway. The  obvious concern is one of due process;  notice and an opportunity by the Chesed Center.

Why did the NYPD act in a sneaky way to tow on a late weekend night, hoping no one would notice. But more important is the notion of selective enforcement; this  bin as opposed to others. If  they are all illegal they all should have been towed. 

I tried calling the 66th precinct at (718) 851 5611 and asking for an explanation. I was put on an indefinite hold. Maybe your luck will be better.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017


Zionists say that eating fruits daily reduces the risk of developing blood and lymph cancers, and cuts the risk of contracting a variety of malignancies including lung, bladder, gastric and esophageal cancer; and eating tree nuts (not peanuts) minimizes the danger of recurrence and death from colorectal cancer.

These findings were reported on Tuesday by the Zionist Israel Cancer Association, which held a press conference in advance of its annual Knock on the Door fund-raising campaign next Monday. The campaign will be headed this year by Liora Ofer, chairman of Melisron and Ofer Investments.

Ofer said: “Sometimes it seems that none of us has enough mental resources to cope with pain, helplessness, seemingly endless treatments and loss. This disease does not distinguish between people. Therefore, we need more than ever to mobilize to combat cancer. At the ICA, each patient receives an attentive ear and professional advice for the specific treatment and for the doctor or hospital that specializes in the specific type of illness.”

ICA director-general Miri Ziv added: “Cancer has no territorial boundaries. It hurts people all over the world, so every achievement in cancer research, including here in Israel, means success of the entire world in the fight against cancer. Indeed, new methods developed from studies conducted in Israel are implemented today here and abroad.”

Prof. Lital Keinan Boker, deputy director of the Health Ministry’s Center for Disease Control, reported on findings from the National Cancer Registry that while “the Israeli Arab population has lower incidence rates than the Jewish population for most cancers, the rates in the Arab sector are increasing over time, thus narrowing the gap with the Jewish population.” With high smoking and obesity rates, the consumption of a more Western, urban diet, and reduced fertility, Arab Israelis are putting themselves at higher risk for cancer.

An ICA-funded meta-analysis by several Israeli hospitals found that eating a lot of fresh produce reduces the risk of developing blood and lymph cancers, including Hodgkin’s lymphoma, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, myeloma and acute myeloid leukemia.

The study on tree nuts found that eating almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, macadamia, pecans and more can reduce the risk of obesity, insulin resistance and diabetes and cut the danger of the recurrence of colon cancer by 46% and death from it by 53% compared with patients who did not consume nuts.

A study conducted at Tel Aviv University’s Sackler Faculty of Medicine found that the balance of seven genes in glioblastoma model systems may predict a significant prolongation of patients’ lives. Glioblastoma, a form of brain cancer, is known to be particularly violent. Some 97% of patients die within 14 months of diagnosis, and many die within a few months.

In the future, the studies may serve as a basis for the development of an effective cocktail of drugs for these deadly diseases and other cancers, Based on these results, the researchers developed materials that would identify and fluoresce cancer cells that remained in tissue in real-time, while surgically removing the tumor.

Cancer patients and their families are invited to contact the ICA telemedicine center 24 hours a day to ask questions and receive free newsletters on cancer treatment, treatments, rights and services, clinical studies, support groups, events and seminars for patients. 
Call 1-800-599 or go to the website at http://en.cancer.org.il.